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Chapter 1094 Guard Captain, big trouble with giant tree roots!

In the wasteland, a gathering place of 80,000 people does not sound very large, which is the average level of a shelter in the city.

But managing these people well requires more than just words.

The reason why there are so many gopher guys but only need simple management is because of the continuous spiritual fusion for more than two hundred years.

To put it bluntly, just look at how chaotic the group of homeless people who gathered some time ago was.

Even though Sunny Harbor Shelter has sufficient supplies and force, it can only have a headache when facing these tens of thousands of homeless people.

Edmund was even forced to yell out that as long as these people didn't mess around, the tavern that the residents and guards banned in foggy days could be opened to these people, and they would get a 20% discount!

It is precisely because of this that the 80,000 people now squatting in the Giant Tree Root Sea are like a bomb that is ready to explode at any time.

Not to mention replacing the hunting tiger, just replacing Hades himself.

In this situation without modern weapons, it is difficult to maintain the situation with just a few close associates.

Of course, Mr. Richard, the manager of the Giant Tree Root Sea Area, actually feels the same way.

But the key is that he thinks it’s useless?!

Not to mention the managers of the inn, even the outsiders can find out about his control over the inn and his previous attitude towards pirates if he hangs around for a day. Who will belittle him? This will not bring any benefits.


It is also true that with more and more manpower, Richard is already planning to run away.

And the reason why I haven’t left yet.

On the one hand, it is because the materials looted in the past six months have not been completely removed. A small part is still backlogged in the warehouse of the inn, and most of them are stored in a secret place. Without these materials, even if he goes to the New World, he can only

Just like ordinary people, they are struggling for life.

On the other hand, there are many people watching him outside now, not only those deep-sea travelers with evil intentions, but also many pirates lurking in disguise, all trying to kill him and find the hidden supplies.

The evening sea breeze blew and he felt the biting chill on his body. Richard couldn't help but shiver.

In the distance, he could feel countless pairs of eyes looking at him, like hungry wolves.

But the guards next to him, who smelled strongly of alcohol and rubbed their red noses, did not bring any sense of security at all.

Sometimes he feels that he is quite frustrated as a manager.

Although I no longer have a direct boss, I am still not as comfortable as being a top executive of Fortune 500 companies on earth.

At least on earth, you don't have to worry about being swarmed by these hungry wolves after you fall asleep, eating and discarding your bones.

Shaking his dizzy head from side to side, Richard said a few words to the guard next to him. He moved his stiff neck and prepared to go back to the office to take a nap. But as soon as he closed the door, there was a crackling knock from outside.

Door sound.

The door opened, and the guard captain Bao Lei walked in from the outside in a hurry, followed by a familiar face.

That was the only relative he found in this wasteland, his uncle Xu Leguo.

"Mr. Richard, if your uncle goes out to the casino to cause trouble again, we may not be able to save him next time."

Feng Long said directly with a dark face, turning his head to glance at Xu Leguo.

The middle-aged man smelled of alcohol and was drunk, but when Bao Lei looked over, he showed a flattering smile.

Obviously he also knew the recent situation at the inn, and did not pretend to be powerful because of Richard.

"Captain Bao Lei, you... don't be angry. What happened?"

Richard didn't show the same attitude as he did some time ago. Instead, he felt puzzled and apologized.

Some time ago, he was forcing this group of thugs to fight against pirates, trying to show his attitude as a manager.

But with the advent of disasters and the increasing number of outsiders.

As a manager, Richard can only unite all forces to maintain the order and rules of the station as much as possible.

This small group that may have assassinated the station's intelligence officers was naturally included in his selection.

However, after a period of changes and various emergencies.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the man across the street and his brother, the Giant Tree Root Station would have changed hands long ago.

No one would have thought that these dozen people were so powerful in combat and could suppress a riot of hundreds of people if they were ruthless.

In addition, they trained a group of people privately, and now the security team has barely expanded to 300 people.

One hundred of them were his former cronies, and the other two hundred were from Bao Lei.

If you offend this guy, maybe you won't need the 'hungry wolf' outside to take action. I'm afraid the guard captain will take care of you now.

"Don't you know what happened? This is not the first time!"

If he didn't have to fight with Li Chaxu now, Bao Lei would have wanted to beat them both up.

"He, Xu Leguo, owed someone a full two thousand seashells at the casino last time and refused to pay back. You settled the debt."

"It's only been so long, but it's gotten worse. This time I owe someone a total of five thousand!"

"How much?" Richard's eyes widened.

"Five thousand!"

"Then you send him back. I can't afford to pay him back five thousand."

Richard's nose was so angry that he shook his head like a rattle.

Seashells are the common currency of the station and the currency of value used by humans in the deep sea.

According to the current market situation, a normal person's monthly ration consumption is only about fifty seashells.

Xu Leguo is absolutely crazy. He dares to go to the casino and lose a hundred people's monthly rations.

The most important thing is that he has no money, and the casino owner must have given Xu Leguo the quota because of his "face" as the manager.

In other words, some hungry wolves were unable to get supplies from him, so they had no choice but to save the country and start from Xu Leguo.

"No, nephew, your uncle is your only relative. If you send me back to the casino, they will definitely beat me to death!"

As soon as he heard that Richard was planning to send him back, Xu Leguo was so frightened that he sobered up.

Of course, he was just pretending to be drunk, just to see if he could get away with Richard.

"They set a trap for me, yes, that's what they did!"

"They told me that the station is short of weapons. As long as I can win, they will go to the sea next door to find a batch of weapons for us. I, I just blocked them."

Xu Leguo said bitterly.

In exchange, it is.

"You idiot!"

Richard cursed angrily, saying that there was no need for Bao Lei to sell her, and he almost couldn't help but want to kill the bride directly.

The giant tree root station is short of weapons? Is this an excuse that carbon-based creatures can come up with?

Now the Metal Sigh disaster is not over yet, and the only weapons that can be used are wooden crossbows and wooden knives.

It is true that the inn is short of these things, but even if there are really a hundred or even five hundred more.

Can it change the situation?

This Xu Leguo's brain was really filled with horse urine, and the ridiculous excuses he came up with smelled bad.

"You owe so much money, you should find a way to pay it back by yourself. I have already paid you almost 10,000 yuan, and this time it is 5,000 yuan. If I help you pay it back, maybe you won't even pay me as a post next time.

All should be exported.”

"Don't, if they know that I can't afford to pay back, they will definitely arrest me and beat me to death. Richard, Richard, my good nephew, you know that my uncle is not so strict. If I accidentally put those things

The location is revealed, what should I do?"


Richard's expression changed slightly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go southeast to the fourth..."


Surrounded by the stench in the air and looking at the anxiety on Xu Leguo's face, Richard suddenly stood up from his seat.

His expression changed again and again, and finally he gradually cooled down: "I will help you pay it back this time, but if there is a next time, you know the consequences."

"I know, I definitely know, I will never gamble again!"

The casino was dark and airtight, and the smelly person inside frowned. He would never go back!

Moreover, Xu Leguo also knew in his heart that threatening Richard like this would make his life difficult in the future.

But there is no way, who let him be deceived into the casino again?

"Captain Bao Lei, I will take care of the money. Please send my uncle to the water prison and lock him up alone."

"No one can see him without my order!"


After solving the source of the conflict, Bao Lei didn't bother to care about these nonsense, and immediately turned Xu Leguo away.

Through the window, he watched the two figures go away until they disappeared from sight.

Only then did Richard frown, rub his temples with his fingers and sit down.

All the relatives in this wasteland are indeed troublesome, and they will cause a lot of mess if they are not careful.

Although in the early stages of the construction of the post station, Xu Leguo led the people to work diligently and made great contributions.

But Richard doesn't feel that these achievements are capital for his current evil deeds.

Especially when he dared to threaten him with the place where supplies were stored.

By the way, how did he know there?

When he thought of the consequences if his supply warehouse was excavated, Richard's eyes became more serious.

A bold idea emerged from his heart and grew stronger in just a few minutes.

At this time, the door happened to be opened again.

The person who walked in was one of his cronies, Marcus, the deputy captain of the guard.

Marcus is a furry bear, but because he lives on the border all year round, there is no obstacle to communication.

And stimulated by the harsh environment, he became extremely tall, standing over two meters tall.

Although it looks very bulky and can easily become a target when modern weapons can still be used, in the recent cold weapon stage, it is one of the facades of the giant tree root sea area.

When there is a dispute among travelers passing by, as long as they see Markas approaching, they will take the initiative to leave.

It can be said that Richard is still sitting in the position of manager now, and Marcus also deserves some credit.

"What's wrong? It's not my uncle who is causing other troubles again, is it?"

Richard put down his hands that were rubbing his temples and felt a headache.

"Yes, Mr. Richard, you guessed it."

"Stop talking nonsense and just tell me what happened."

"Now the whole inn is spreading rumors that your uncle has an affair with pirates and secretly gave them the defense plan."

Marcus told the rumors angrily.

Roughly speaking, several groups of travelers passing through have been attacked by pirates recently.

These cunning pirates didn't know what means they used to bypass the hidden spots on the sea and found an open space to launch an attack.

The damage was heavy for a while, and these people began to wonder if uncle Richard was selling information.

After all, his lavish gambling during this period was obvious to all, as well as the awesome things he boasted about.

It is not difficult to make people wonder where all this money comes from.

"It's really troublesome. How can we have the defense plans of these idiots, let alone my uncle?"

"You just want to frame it so that I, the manager, can wipe your ass, right?"

There were many voices in the inn about people going out to fight against pirates, but no one actually took action.

No one is stupid, but no one will take action for the benefit of others.

The reason why I stayed here was because I was afraid that the New World would be more dangerous, so I wanted to collect information for a period of time.

After confirming that there is no problem, a large number of people will immediately pat their butts and leave.

"I think so too, but now they want you to give an explanation."

"Give me a stupid explanation." Richard glanced at him: "You don't care what they do, just say what you like. We won't pay attention to them anyway."

"But. They have evidence of contact between your uncle and the pirates. I've seen it, and it doesn't look like the evidence was fabricated. So, tens of thousands of people are now denouncing it!"

Tens of thousands of people are protesting?

Richard was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized the seriousness of this matter and became cautious.

Speaking of which, why hadn't he heard this news before?

As a manager, Richard admitted that his control over the current station is less than 1% of the previous one.

But there’s no reason why he only found out about this kind of news that tens of thousands of people know through Marcus now?

"It suddenly broke out today." Marcus replied patiently and took out a few pieces of paper from his arms.

"I asked them to copy the evidence. You can take a look."

"Is this happening?"

Richard frowned and took the white paper and began to read the information on it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

He originally thought that people outside were framing Xu Leguo and trying to use false information to extort supplies from him, the manager.

But after actually looking through it, it not only gave the time and method of contact between Xu Leguo and the pirates, but even the information during the contact was revealed!

Is it possible that the reason why the inn was frequently attacked before was because of Xu Leguo?

Richard himself was shocked when he came up with this idea.

Before there were not so many foreign travelers, Giant Tree Root Station had a headache from the pirates who came and went like the wind.

The opponent can always catch their defense gaps and then launch a sudden attack.

He had speculated whether there was a pirate traitor in the inn, but he never thought that this person could be his uncle.

"What do they want?"

"Hand over Xu Leguo to their disposal, and then you, the manager, will compensate everyone for their losses."

"Fart." Richard shook his head without hesitation and said directly: "Why should I compensate for the pirate's behavior?"

"But he is your uncle."

Marcus replied without knowing why.

"What's wrong, uncle? You came just in time. I need you to help me find someone to enter the water prison."

If everything hadn't happened now, although Five Thousand Seashells would be considered a massive hemorrhage, considering that they were his only relatives.

Richard might bite the bullet and act as a last act of mercy.

However, Xu Leguo threatened with material points and was now suspected of colluding with pirates.

Can't stay anymore.

He must be killed as soon as possible.

This will not only save 5,000 seashells, but also avoid future troubles.

Simply kill two birds with one stone!

This chapter has been completed!
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