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Chapter 108 Continuously increasing the amount of money, the secret of disaster! (Second update)

 At the end of the horizon, in the wind and snow, a team of six people moved forward step by step with firm steps.

It's very cold.

literal meaning.

Trying to pull down his mask, Sumo felt the temperature outside, and the cold wind that came in made him shiver instantly, and goosebumps broke out.

Without thick clothes, when walking in the wild in such weather, the blowing wind will quickly take away the heat in the human body, and the body temperature will only get lower and lower.

Without supplies, in this kind of wilderness, it's hard to think of these people walking hundreds of miles to get here.

Instantly, Sumo felt a sense of admiration!

"Hey, it's such a cold day and you have to deliver a package of express delivery. How dedicated!"

Somo put down his mask and licked the snowflakes stuck to his lips, feeling murderous.

Now, whether it is base development or sacrificing a layer of the deep sea shelter to go to the underground shelter, there is an urgent need for safe house cores.

But if you want to get this thing, you can only kill the humans who have also traveled from the earth!

Somo couldn't bear to kill civilians or helpless humans, and at the same time, he didn't bother to do it!

But towards these "traitors" and "bastards", Somo doesn't have such a kind heart!

"Olio, is this group of people the source of danger?"

Holding Oreo's dog's head down, one person and one dog lay on the high slope, looking at the group of six people walking slowly from a distance.

Hearing Somo's words, Oreo's eyes were filled with doubts, and then he slowly shook his head.

Obviously, this group of people coming from afar are not the threatening enemies perceived by the sixth sense.


Seeing Oreo's movements, Sumo was thoughtful.

"It seems that in this big drama, these six people are just a side dish, and there should be a big dish that has not been served yet!"

Originally, this team posed no threat in Sumo's eyes. After receiving Oreo's affirmation, Sumo nodded and his heart sank.

Waiting for prey is a hunter's instinct.

The six people on the snow moved very slowly, but as time passed and they took heavy steps, their goal became obvious:

It’s an underground shelter!

Lying on the high slope, Sumo watched coldly as the group of people walked slowly less than 300 meters away from the high slope.

As the distance gets closer, the picture in the telescope becomes clearer and clearer.

The two leaders were wearing small cotton-padded jackets that they got from who knows where, and several pairs of trousers underneath.

Such ill-fitting clothes naturally look a bit bloated.

However, compared to the four people behind them, the equipment of these two people is much better.

Even the short man behind the yellow cotton-padded jacket on the left is still wearing a thin autumn coat, covered with rough plant fibers.

Every time the cold wind blew, the short man couldn't help shivering and sneezing repeatedly.

Slowly, as the group crossed the deep sea shelter, Sumo could clearly see the joy on the faces of the two leaders.

At the same time, I don’t know what the two people said, but the entire team suddenly moved faster.

In the hands of Huang Mian jacket, all kinds of guys began to appear.

Taking a closer look, Sumo was immediately happy.

The weapon he took out was not unfamiliar to Somo. It was the same wooden spear that Somo used to kill a chameleon more than ten days ago.

Armed with four wooden spears, a shovel, and a steel knife, the six of them looked menacing, and with their clothes, they looked a bit like young and Dangerous guys.

With such crudely made equipment and a scattered formation, Sumo almost couldn't help but want to catch up and annihilate them all.

"Let alone six of these couriers, there will be no problem even if there are ten or twenty of them!"

Currently, there are seven explosive crossbows filled with picric acid in the storage space. Just aim at where these people are standing and slightly pull the trigger...

The huge impact brought by the detonation wave can turn these people into ashes in an instant.

"But... let's continue to wait and see what the big meal is next..."

Watching the group of six people gradually quicken their pace and disappear from the end of the field of vision, Somo changed into a comfortable position and continued to lie down and wait.

Sumo was very worried about whether these people could break into the underground shelter.

First of all, compared to when Huang Biao and his team attacked, the underground shelter is now five meters deep underground.

Second, due to the penetration of the thick stone wall, the weakest part is now as much as five or six meters thick, not to mention the stone wall near the corridor that is eight or nine meters thick. One can imagine how strong it is.

Third, with the mobility brought by the earth tiger and the durability prompt brought by the system, Soma can return immediately if there is a change.

Taking the above three considerations into account, Su Mo felt very relieved about Goujizi and his party.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the mobile phone that was still charging when I came out, otherwise I could have used my phone to check for human traces nearby!"

Sumo just came to park the car, and he didn't expect to meet the courier. At this time, he could only continue to lie down and wait.

While waiting, Sumo opened the attribute panel of the shelter and stared at the durability on it while warily looking at the place where the gangsters and his group were walking.

Sure enough, within half an hour, another group of people appeared at the same place!

Sumo, who felt a little numb from waiting, quickly patted the accumulated snow on his body and turned on the heating switch on his waist to warm up his body quickly.

The warm air brought by the heating rod and fan is very effective.

In less than ten seconds, the already stiff legs quickly softened and were ready to unleash all their strength at any time.

Taking out the telescope, Somo quickly turned the focus and looked at the hurried figure.

"good, very good!"

Unable to see the figure's face clearly, Sumo roughly counted the number of this team and felt very happy.

The distance between the two teams is about five kilometers, and compared to the previous team of ragged men, this team is obviously much better equipped.

"There are eight people in total. They seem to be well-equipped. Everyone has a big cotton-padded jacket. I don't know if they brought it here or robbed it from someone else!"

The previous six-person group stumbled, but this group is different.

They very cleverly followed the footsteps of the six-person group and hurried forward quickly, easily avoiding all the bumps and bumps along the way.

At this speed, this group of people will be able to catch up with the group just now in less than ten minutes.

"Hey, we are acquaintances with this team. Isn't this...the group of overseers?"

Compared with the previous "rag picking" team, this team happened to be the supervisors that Sumo had paid special attention to when he was looking at the camp.

It's a familiar place again.

It's a familiar expression again.

The two people in the front row looked at the hills of the deep-sea shelter, their expressions suddenly brightened, and they began to take out weapons in this place.

"There are spears, knives, and even a homemade crossbow... Fortunately, I used the strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves to interrupt the development of these people. Otherwise, in a few days, I would have to face a group of people who are more developed than me.

All bad guys are good..."

In the cold weather, Su Mohan's head was sweating while lying on the snow.

Looking at the crossbow in the telescope, although it was clumsy, it was obviously capable of firing crossbows. Somo was extremely glad that he had not gone too far in the ruins before.

Otherwise, by the time they come out, the people in the kobold camp may have developed organic long-range weapons.

"Oreo, are they this group?" Somo asked in a low voice, touching Oreo's two cute little ears.

However... Oreo thought for a moment and still shook his head.

"Not yet??? Damn it...is there anyone else behind you?"

Seeing Oreo's performance, Sumo was shocked.

Counting the previous six people and the current eight people, there are already fourteen people who have appeared now. If there are still people behind, it really doesn't make sense, right?

"Is Taketo Maeda behind?"

Seeing that the durability on the game panel was still 100%, Sumo suppressed his uneasiness and continued to lie down and wait.

The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind.

It's cool to follow up and kill this group of people now, but you may also miss the big fish that come later.

The best way is to wait!

Somo's choice is naturally "wait"!

Time passed quickly, and in the sky, thick dark clouds blocked the scorching sun from shining its light.

The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, and the gentle breeze is gradually becoming more and more manic.

There were no buildings or any tall trees to protect against the raging storm.

Even before the snowstorm came, Sumo's heart gradually became cold.

This weather will continue for another seven days before the final feast arrives.

If the wind and snow in other places are as big as the shelter, I'm afraid... the living environment of mankind will be in danger.

"No, before this group of people came, the wind and snow here were not so heavy. It seems that as more people come, the wind and snow get bigger."

Somo, who was lying on the ground in bored contemplation, suddenly caught a blind spot that he had ignored before.

He took out the drawn map from the storage space and spread it out on the snow. Sumo looked at it intently.

Draw a circle using the distance between the underground shelter and the deep sea shelter as the radius.

In a circle with a diameter of seven kilometers, when Soma was the only one...

Although there is wind, it is a gentle breeze.

Although there is snow, it is light snow.

As a result, as soon as the fourteen people entered the seven-kilometer circle, the wind and snow suddenly became stronger.

Although this change didn't seem very noticeable, Sumo, who had been lying on the mountain top and looking at it, was keenly aware of the difference!

There are indeed changes! And they are not small!

"No, if the number of people in the shelter increases and the disaster becomes greater, I'm afraid..."

"I got it, so I asked why Magu didn't join the group. It's very likely that they also discovered this problem that time, so..."

As soon as he patted his head, Somo's goosebumps suddenly came up.

Finding Magu's notebook from before, Sumo flipped through it quickly. In the 142-day diary, he found a soliloquy that seemed to be nonsense, which caught Sumo's attention:

"Manman, Brother Ma, I am very powerful, but it's a pity that there are too few monsters spawning near my shelter!"

"It's not fun! It's not fun!"

Before recording this day, Somo flipped the pages forward, and the details of this disaster were clearly written in the diary:

Alien beasts riot!

This chapter has been completed!
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