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Chapter 111 The curtain rises! All parties take the stage! (Second update)

"Captain Harper, our target is the humans in front of us, why didn't we catch up and deal with them earlier!"

A large group of kobolds walked in the snow.

Compared to the fourteen people who were exhausted from the long journey ahead, the eighteen kobolds were in good physical condition.

"Our order is to monitor their behavior and find their purpose, not to kill them!"

"Cullen, I'm warning you not to question the captain's orders, otherwise I have the right to hand you over to the priest!"

Hearing Harper's words, Cullen shrank his dog head and looked obedient.

In the kobold tribe, there are distinct classes.

Kobold warriors are the lowest-level wage earners. They can only work silently and are not allowed to engage in any "interruption", "hands-on" and other rude and disobedient behaviors.

This kind of strict hierarchy is very useful for people like kobolds who have intelligence but do not reach the level of human intelligence.

With a kobold warlock as the leader, basically a small team can attack wherever they want.

Of course, kobold warlocks are also divided into three, six or nine levels. Every time they go out to fight, they will act according to the division of labor among the captains.

When away from home, the captain has 100% right to convict the people below, but when it comes to punishment, it can only be carried out through sacrifice.

"Human meat is not delicious, but their blood is quite delicious. Once we catch their females, we will let them lay cubs every day for us to suck our blood!"

The kobold next to Harper bared his teeth, and the words that came out of his mouth would make any human shudder when he heard them.

However, none of the kobolds spoke out about cruelty. Instead, they all nodded in agreement.

The cold does not affect their bloodthirsty.

Likewise, the wind will not take away the messy footprints left on the ground.

Following Harper's order, all the kobolds split into two groups, forming a larger pocket again, surrounding everyone before.


"Strange, why does it feel like Maeda Kento is not in a hurry at all and walks so leisurely?"

With footprints leading the way and being familiar with the nearby terrain, Somo walked on the snow with light steps and flexibly crossed one small hole after another.

Because of the telescope, Somo could adjust his position at any time according to the picture in the telescope, even if he was hanging far behind Takeru Maeda and the tall man.

As for the Oreos...

Sumo lowered his head and laughed immediately.

Originally, Oreo was a mix of black and white, but now his hair was covered with a whole layer of snowflake "armor", and he directly transformed into the Samoyed, the good brother in the Three Idiots.

If it weren't for Oreo's still delicate dog face, in this weather, with Somo's eyesight, it would be difficult to spot where Oreo is as long as it is twenty or thirty meters away.

Seeing that Taketo Maeda was not in a hurry and was walking forward, as if he was waiting for something, Somo was not in a hurry at all and walked slowly behind.

The distance between the deep sea shelter and the underground shelter is three and a half kilometers, which is seven miles.

Following the two of them, Somo walked for a full hour before reaching a location less than one kilometer away from the shelter.

Seeing Maeda Taketo and the tall man sitting down, Somo did not hesitate and followed suit.

Without strong sunlight, Somo has an absolute home field advantage in the long windy and snowy days.

After concentrating his mind and looking at the ample food in the storage space, Somo not only was not in a hurry, but even looked at the size of the footprints on the ground leisurely.

The kobold's footprints were very obvious in the snow. Somo tried to trace them, and they were about the size of his palm.

As for the human footprints, they look much larger, with the smallest being over 40 yards long.

"It's a pity that with the fighting power of humans, if we were careful in encounters and kept the distance within ten steps, these kobolds would have no way of threatening humans."

"Let's not talk about the power of the kobold warlocks. Let's just talk about these warriors. It's not a problem for an adult human to fight two of them!"

The kobold's skinny legs and petite feet, according to the characteristics of the creature, are far less explosive than humans.

The wide soles of human feet provide grip, thick thigh muscles, extremely explosive calf muscles, plus the rotation of bones to transmit power.

If we really want to fight, without using weapons, the kobold warriors will be beaten to pieces as soon as they come face to face with them.

As for the strength of the upper body, it goes without saying that a kobold weighs at most fifty kilograms. Anyone with a little courage will not be afraid of such a weight.

"It's a pity that for such a garbage creature, there are still people who continue to work as lackeys and rapists, for who knows what purpose..."

Sumo shook his head regretfully, his eyes filled with emotion.

In any era, there will never be a shortage of magical creatures like the "Leading Party".

Including now, Marshall, supervisors, and even the kobolds, these three groups are still kept in the dark by Taketo Maeda, and they play the role of beating the workers.

After a round of investigation, Oreo came back vigilantly and lay down next to Somo.

Seeing Oreo's cute look, Sumo subconsciously raised his hand, and when he was about to touch it, there was a sudden explosion in the distance:



One after another, two muffled sounds appeared.

Although the sound was not as terrifying as when the 30 kilograms of reinforced picric acid bombs were detonated before, it was still terrifying enough in the quiet plains now.

Inspired by the loud noise, even the wind and snow seemed to have stopped for a few seconds.

Looking from a distance, one can see that the wind has picked up thick smoke after another in the sky above the underground shelter, moving towards the distance.

Before Somo could make any move, there seemed to be faint sounds of killing and explosions coming from near the shelter!

Subconsciously, Sumo nervously opened the properties panel of the shelter and looked at it intently.

On the durability panel...

The values ​​of the underground shelter did not disappoint, and remained strong....


"Damn it, you scared me. I really thought these people blew up the underground shelter!"

Ninety-five percent green, it was so pleasant at this time. Somo, who had been nervous, let out a long breath and relaxed.

Since these people cannot open the underground shelter, there is only one ending for them...

After picking up the telescope and seeing the tall man Maeda Taketo standing up quickly and rushing out, Somo immediately patted the snow on his butt and followed.

The rumbling sound was like a signal bomb, exploding in the sky above the underground shelter!

Group after group of people took action upon hearing the news, and before anyone in Marshall could check whether the explosion had blown away any weak points, they suddenly discovered it!

On the snowy ground, eight people suddenly appeared.

These eight people were no strangers to him. They were the overseers who worked together in the saltpeter camp before.

"How brave, Chao Gai, do you want to die? You dare to even challenge me, Marshall!"

The gunpowder was filled with smoke, and gunpowder was not the same as dynamite. There was no detonation wave, only deflagration, and no one could see clearly what the crater looked like.

Marshall thought he had opened a gap, and Chao Gai also thought that Marshall had opened a gap.

Without saying too much, the two groups just fought together without saying a word!

Following the snow, Marshall, holding a steel knife in his hand, rolled nimbly on the ground and dodged the crossbow shot from the side.

This roll not only made Marshall safe, but also quickly approached the man holding the crossbow.

With a fierce flash in his eyes, Marshall pointed the steel knife at the crossbow-wielding man without hesitation, thrusting it forward and drawing it out.

In an instant, the sharp steel knife caused blood to fall all over the sky, and by the way, the self-made crossbow, the only deterrent, fell to the ground.

On the other side, Chao Gai and others are not idlers.

When Marshall looked around, except for the big head who was still holding on, the other four members of the group of five he led had been chopped into pieces and were lying on the ground thrashing.

The choking smoke continued, and as more incompletely burned gunpowder burned for a second time, more smoke was released, completely covering the entire area.

The large hole dug in the ground by Marshall's men was smoking. At first glance, it looked like a hole had been blown open in the shelter.

"Butou, I'm here to save you, hold on!"

Marshall let out a strange shout, and his words were extremely loyal, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

Picking up the crossbow, Marshall continued to shout, but ran away without looking back.

He didn't miss the "brother" behind him who was still being surrounded by several people.

"Marshall! You can't be nice..."

Datou's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene.

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he saw Marshall running happily, and was blown up by a fireball that flew from an unknown direction, and half of his body was blown away.

The pungent smell of blood spreads, combined with the burnt smell, making people feel sick after smelling it!

Even the seven people from Chao Gai who were leading the attack quickly looked around on guard.

In their sight, eight warlock kobolds and ten warrior kobolds walked out majesticly.

All the warlock kobolds raised their staffs, their eyes full of disdain and contempt.

Even the warrior kobold has a touch of frivolity in his eyes at this time!

Counting the big ones among the seven who were not completely dead, the ratio was 18 to 8. This numerical difference was enough to make the kobolds rampage.

The encirclement was getting tighter and tighter, and an invisible pressure was pressing on the heads of the seven people in the center.

The seven people kept shrinking in, until their backs were touching the backs of others, they hurriedly discovered that there was no way to go!

"What should I do, Brother Chao, fight or not, or do you want to do anything to these beasts!"

We have reached the point where we are at the end of our rope, and we are at the end of our rope.

The seven of them are not fools, so they naturally know that the kobolds are also covetous of the "Soma" treasure in the pit!

In this battle, only one of the two sides can survive!

This chapter has been completed!
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