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Chapter 1144: Disaster is imminent, radiation beasts gather!

Compared to men who are strong and strong, women do have a natural disadvantage in the wasteland.

In addition, most women from the civilized era simply cannot adapt to the rhythm of the early wasteland, so in terms of ratio, the number of male and female sacrifices in the wasteland in a year should be 3 to 7.

However, with the passage of time, women who have survived to this day are actually not much different from men in terms of survival ability.

After adapting to the cruel rhythm of the wasteland, and getting used to the separation of life and death, I gave up the impossible fantasy.

In addition to being somewhat disadvantaged in activities that require direct physical participation, such as hunting, women actually perform better than men most of the time.

Careful, efficient, careful and considerate.

Various advantages are added together, coupled with the ultimate advantage of eating less, most survivor teams heading to the New World actually like to recruit women to join.

In the migration team where Cheng Fei is currently staying, there are also a lot of women, accounting for almost half.

"Brother Cheng, why are you here? Where is my brother?"

Lin Yin woke up from her sleep, raised her sallow face that lacked nutrition and looked over.

After realizing that Cheng Fei was alone, he couldn't help but ask quickly.

The Cheng family and the Lin family are old friends who have known each other in the deep sea, but along the way, both Lin's father and Cheng's father died in the wasteland to protect their families.

Only Ma Lin and Ma Cheng were left with their three children, migrating to the New World.

The hardships along the way are difficult to describe in words.

However, the relationship between the two families is still certain, Cheng Fei can completely treat him as half a brother.

"Something is not good. Lin Cheng went out today without saying hello to me in advance. Now everyone else has come back, and he is still hunting outside."

Pulling Lin Yin to the corner, Cheng Fei cautiously lowered his voice and said.

"Ah? My brother doesn't know how." Lin Yin's complexion changed drastically, and her sallow face suddenly turned white.

"No, don't think about it." Cheng Fei shook his head calmly: "We are all aware of your brother's caution. It is impossible to go out and take risks under such circumstances."

"I guess he must have discovered something. In this way, you can help your mother get up first, and then go to my mother's cave and stay there. If anything happens, I can take care of it together."


A sixteen-year-old girl may still be a child worrying about the college entrance examination on earth.

But in the wasteland, the cruel reality forced her to stand upright and face it.

There is not so much time to grow up, so surviving is the best training.

Watching Lin Yin helping Lin Ma disappear into the passage, Cheng Fei tightened his tight straps, raised his hands and patted his face, and forced himself to cheer up and walk back and forth.

It's still snowing heavily outside, so going out to look for someone rashly is not the best option.

But he had to at least go out and take a look now and wander along the road Lin Cheng took.

If something unexpected happens, you can prepare early.

"Boy, are you going out to find someone?"

The uncle who was lying down and resting at the door bared his yellow teeth and smiled disdainfully.

"I really envy you for your deep brotherhood and your ability to die together."

"Huangya, shut up your stupid mouth, you and he will die together." Cheng Fei snorted and retorted.

However, Huang Ya didn't care. Instead, he lazily turned around and continued to sleep on his own.

However, his words reminded several people around him.

Suddenly, he glanced over with malicious eyes, and he didn't know what bad intentions he had.

"Hehe, if you are jealous, you can try it."

If all the fighting men of the Lin family and Cheng family die outside, the remaining orphans and widows will inevitably become 'prey' in the eyes of these people.

Although under the supervision of the migration team's rules, they did not dare to cross the border to grab supplies.

But it is inevitable that you still have to shed some blood in exchange for peace.

Walking out of this wilderness survival base alone, Cheng Fei couldn't help but shiver as he pushed open the big stone at the door. The snowflakes outside were blown by the cold wind.

The earth seems to be even more deserted.

The wasteland shrouded in heavy snow seemed to have pressed the pause button, with basically no life left in sight.

Several thin small trees have been bent by the weight of snow on their branches and are hanging on the ground.

Most of the footprints left by the exploration team's previous departure were also hidden.

Fortunately, those who came back cleaned up their tracks, which made Lin Cheng's path that had not been cleaned up look extremely conspicuous, making it easier to trace the past.

Following the traces all the way, Cheng Fei did not give up his vigilance even if he was following the footprints left behind.

After walking about four or five kilometers, the footprints on the ground began to become more dense.


Looking at the sudden appearance of footprints in four directions in front of him, Cheng Fei stopped.

He has come here to explore in the past, but now he has never been to these four directions.

What on earth is this guy Lin Cheng doing?

Cheng Fei gritted his teeth and could only follow the most obvious footprints on the ground.

However, a few minutes later, his expression suddenly changed.

Where the footprints stopped, a cliff-like terrain suddenly appeared.

Just like most slopes formed by heat siphoning from the mountainside, the angle of this slope now exceeds 60 degrees, and there are still traces of Lin Cheng sliding down on it.

"Crazy, he is really crazy!"

If it was to track prey, rushing down from here could still be explained.

But there were no traces of radiation beasts near the footprints. Could it be that Lin Cheng drank too much?

Or did he find something more worthy of tracking?

Cheng Fei gritted his teeth. After hesitating for four or five seconds, he could only lean down and sit on the ground and follow the traces.

Fortunately, the snowflakes didn't fall for long, so it wasn't as slippery as expected.

Under the action of friction, the speed of decline is not fast and is still within the control range.

After sliding down the trail for about three or four minutes, the terrain gradually turned into a gentle slope.

His legs tightened, and he rolled on the ground to release his momentum. Cheng Fei stood up from a half-crouch.

Below, it seems to be a valley?

The terrain is like steps, with each slope connected to a breakthrough.

Cheng Fei cautiously walked to the edge of the slope and looked down.

Heavy snow obscured the view, and with a bit of fog it was difficult to see clearly.

Something seems to be moving?

The ground at the bottom of the valley seemed to be moving slowly, making it difficult to see what it was.

However, just when Cheng Fei wanted to slide down another slope and get closer to take a closer look.

A cold wind blew, blowing away the snow and mist.

In that startling glance, he finally saw clearly what was still moving in the valley.

Oh My God.

A numbing feeling of fear rushed out from the bottom of his heart, and Cheng Fei was so shocked that he wanted to scream.

Fortunately, at this moment, a pair of warm hands stretched out from behind and covered his mouth.

"Shh, don't make a sound"

It's Lin Cheng!

Recognizing the familiar voice, Cheng Fei quickly turned his head.

What came into view was a slightly thin and youthful young man. Although his facial features were not handsome, but paired with the gray curly hair, the whole person exuded a unique elegance.

"As you can see, the radiation beasts have not disappeared, they have gathered together"

The two were silent for a few seconds before Lin Cheng spoke first.

"How did you find out?" Cheng Fei's face turned ugly, and the fear that just arose in his heart still hadn't gone away.

"Do you still remember my habit of spreading food near hunting grounds every day? When I checked the food today, some were eaten by radioactive beasts. I tried to follow the route they left." Lin Cheng's eyes flickered, still tight.

Keep an eye on the valley.

There are at least thousands of radiation beasts gathering in this valley now.

All kinds of strange creatures are crowded together, quietly, as if waiting for something.

Have their IQs reached this level?

Lin Cheng didn't know clearly, but he always felt that this was not a good sign.

Cheng Fei said nothing.

During the silent time, the atmosphere was a bit solemn and solemn, both of them were thinking quietly.

After a while, Cheng Fei said:

"What are you going to do?"

"Tell them? Or leave?"

Thousands of radiation beasts gathered together, and it was obviously impossible to avoid a smaller migration team.

This makes no sense and is impossible.

"It must be that we have been stationed for too long and attracted the attention of these radioactive beasts. Also, our hunting exposes our targets almost every day."

"No wonder, no wonder the radioactive beasts have been seen less and less in the past two days!"

As there are fewer and fewer radioactive beasts, everyone's guess is that the heavy snow is the cause.

No wonder, the snowfall and the radiation beast gathering almost overlapped, causing the migration team to lower their vigilance.

Should have thought of it earlier!

"I don't know how many they have gathered before launching an attack, or what they are waiting for. But if we tell everyone to leave now, these radiation beasts probably won't sit back and watch us leave in a big way."

“The best way is still”

Lin Cheng stopped talking, but Cheng Fei knew what he meant at this moment.

If you want to survive, the best thing to do now is to leave quietly.

If the rest of the migration team were notified and everyone fled together, it would probably cause an immediate disaster.

For humans who have no terrain to engage in offensive and defensive warfare, encountering such a large-scale radiation beast in the wilderness is no less than delivering food directly.

Lin Cheng continued: "If you want to leave, go back and take your mother with you. If you take two-thirds of our supplies, we will definitely not be able to leave."

Mother Lin has been infected with the Hell Flower Virus. Even on a sunny day, it is difficult to escape from the radiation beast.

Not to mention the current situation where the mountains are blocked by heavy snow and the mountain roads are even more difficult to walk.

If you follow the team and escape, you will die.


"There's nothing wrong with that. That's my mother, not an outsider!" Lin Cheng's eyes turned red, and his whole mood started to feel wrong.

"As long as she can hold on until the heavy snow ends, I can take her to that Tianyuan territory, where the Hell Flower can be cured!"

People are still willing to fight to the death when there is no hope, let alone the fact that there is an unfounded ‘Tian Yuan Territory’.

When passing by the sea station, Cheng Fei did hear someone discussing this strange gathering place of humans and whether it could really cure the horrible hell flower.

As for the authenticity, Cheng Fei knew very well that even if he told Lin Cheng now that it was probably just a fabricated place based on rumors, Lin Cheng would never believe it.

After all, if you believe it, you are subconsciously giving up on your mother.

"Forget it. How can I escape by myself in such heavy snow?"

Cheng Fei smiled bitterly and rationally rejected the proposal.

To be honest, he was tempted for a few seconds just now, but finally gave up on the idea.

The reason is simple. It's snowing so heavily outside. Going deeper into the New World alone in unfamiliar terrain is no different from seeking death.

Perhaps the only difference is that one died in the wilderness and the other died under the attack of the radiation beast.

"Since we don't plan to escape, what about this news?"

Cheng Fei calmed down and expressed another thought that came to his mind: "If we tell them, maybe these people's escape will attract the attention of the radiation beast."

"But if the radiation beasts don't take care of them, it will be even harder for us to resist the attack."

This is a gambling choice.

Since neither of them intends to escape with their families, in theory, the stronger the resistance of the migration team, the greater the chance of surviving successfully.

But the reality is very confusing.

If the migration team is not informed of this situation, it will be impossible to organize a defense in advance. After all, the two of them are just unknown people in the team.

What's more, even the captain of the migration team couldn't organize such a baffling defense.

No one is a fool. When they see the situation suddenly become serious, they will definitely try to figure out the reason.

But if you tell the migration team that it is absolutely impossible for hundreds of people to risk their lives and death to fight against the radiation beasts, it is a certainty that some people will leave.

"Cheng Fei, you have to think carefully. There is a high possibility of you staying and dying." Lin Cheng stared at the canyon below without looking back.

"Your dad and my dad died together, and I don't want us to die together again."

A few seconds of silence.

Cheng Fei withdrew his gaze and looked at the boy beside him again.

He had already heard the underlying meaning.

Since the probability of death is very high if you secretly leave alone, it is better to cause panic and invite a large number of people to leave together to share the risk.

Lin Cheng didn't want him to stay and wait for death in the cave, leaving was the best choice.

"Go back, it will take some time to bring them here."

A man's growth always happens in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, in Cheng Fei's eyes, Lin Cheng's back looked extremely strange, losing much of his previous youthfulness.

The two of them returned the same way in silence, and soon arrived at the entrance of the migration team.

The few members of the exploration team who were still hiding and chatting near the exit were startled, and the wild expressions on their faces suddenly softened a bit.

No one wants to provoke an enemy for no reason in a wasteland without rules, even if the opponent is just two and a half boys.

You must know that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. If such a little guy becomes cruel, something will really happen.

However, after seeing that Lin Cheng and Cheng Fei had no prey in their hands, a disdainful smile appeared on these people's faces again, as if they were looking for excuses for their incompetence in the morning.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to come back alive." Huang Ya, who was sitting not far away, muttered.

Unexpectedly, Lin Cheng, who had sharp ears, walked over directly and slapped him in the face.


The crisp sound immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Seeing Huang Ya's stunned look, Lin Cheng bared his white teeth and smiled.

"Sorry, I'm going to lend you your face."

"Everyone can come over here. I have some important news to tell everyone in the migration team."

"I think this should be a matter of life and death for our migration team!"

This chapter has been completed!
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