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Chapter 1152 The cruelty of development, pyramid structure!

After taking a shower, put on new clothes.

After venting their anger, the survivors seemed to be completely different people, and they walked with ease.

In the cafeteria, everyone's eyes were opened again.

The ten windows neatly arranged cover almost most of the Chinese cuisines.

There are even meat dishes!

I saw boiled pork slices in the stall under the signboard with the words "Sichuan Food Restaurant".

Cheng Fei's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that the fantasy he had just had about the canteen on the road was a little too down-to-earth.

In his opinion, in such a cold and lonely winter, it is very good to have enough brown rice to satisfy him.

At most, I can have some wild vegetables mixed with rice, or the same dehydrated vegetables as in the instant bread.

This is even the limit that the currently luxurious Tianyuan Territory can achieve.

"You, we, I mean, have this to eat every day?"

The chef apprentice player behind the window saw the experience baby coming to the door, and stood up warmly and hospitably.

"Of course, as long as you pay, you can eat it every day."

"What about no money?"

"How can you have no money? As long as you go to work, won't you have money?"

The chef answered honestly, but it sounded like he was answering the wrong question.

Cheng Fei had no choice but to shut his mouth, honestly stretched out his magnetic card and swiped it, then ordered two bowls of meat and vegetables.

What a pity.

He wanted to use the bowl that was bigger than his head to cook, but this guy agreed without hesitation.

And before leaving, he said with a smile, "Please come back with more if it's not enough."

"It's weird here too!"

Sitting on the table in a daze, looking at the sumptuous meal in front of him, Cheng Fei's mind was filled with questions.

If vegetarian vegetables can be grown from the ground, then it’s impossible for meat to be grown from the ground, right?

Furthermore, it seems that with just one swipe of this small magnetic card, everything can be free.

What do they earn?

Cheng Fei asked himself, as long as he could eat such meals every day, he could maintain his current salary.

Even if you work for twelve, no, fifteen hours, you will still make a lot of money!

But the reality is cruel. The survivors' labor force cannot be exchanged for such generous treatment.

According to the pyramid-shaped structure, the laborers who do hard work undoubtedly form the bottom of the pyramid.

Let alone eating well, these people find it difficult to eat even if they are full.

Naturally, compared to the sweet and delicious instant noodles last night, it made people think about the instant noodles all night long.

Although this meal should be more sumptuous and more suitable for human life on earth.

But most people don't know what they eat, and they stop using their chopsticks just because they're full.

Walking out of the cafeteria, the outpost has been under construction for most of the autumn and now has some scale.

Unlike Chen Shen's strict management when he was in office, Qiao Yuansheng's attitude towards the shelters in the southern suburbs of Qinggang City is relatively soft.

As long as you enter the security wall without carrying weapons, you must pay a sum of supplies or equivalent Tianyuan currency.

Gopher guys can purchase a shop in the outpost camp and have a temporary resting place.

Speaking of which, the gophers in the southern suburbs were not used to this at first, but after a while, it took a while.

These people were surprised to find that compared to the intrigues of transactions in the city.

It would be a better choice to transport materials to this outpost camp for trading.

There are security guards with live ammunition here to ensure that no one will bring a gun to interfere with the transaction.

At the same time, the rules of the outpost have made it clear that any behavior that disrupts the market will be prohibited.

If you do it more than three times, you will be permanently blacklisted and will not be allowed to enter behind the security wall again.

Under severe punishment, everyone involuntarily put away those little tricks.

This winter, I actually had a more comfortable time.

Of course, compared to trading, purchasing goods or cooperation from Tianyuan territory is still the main purpose.

From the opening of the market to now, the quantity of export goods from the territory has been growing almost every day.

Different from the squabbles between the major shelters, the machinery factory in Longteng Village can accept almost any order that is not difficult, especially those machinery orders that seem to have very thin profits.

Such as various small parts used to repair underground shelter pipes, or accessories used to replace wearing parts somewhere.

In the past, major shelters would support these things as long as they could, focusing on keeping out of sight and out of mind.

After all, when the machine tool is started for manufacturing once, the material consumption is secondary, and the loss of the machine tool is the largest factor.

And anyway, it only affects the lives of ordinary residents and will not affect the operation of the shelter.

Just hold on and that's it.

But now the situation has undergone some subtle changes.

When everyone discovered that Tianyuan Territory was selling these small parts and components at a very low price, even lower than their manufacturing cost price.

Small problems that I could tolerate before suddenly turned into big problems that needed to be solved urgently.

What on earth are they making?

More than one gopher guy from the southern suburbs had similar questions.

However, what they don't know is that what seems to be a low price in their eyes is actually a lot of profit for the Tianyuan Territory.

After all, the energy used for production is provided by energy stones, which is free and endless.

The materials used for production come from iron ore mines that could not be dug out in several years, and are completely cost-free transactions.

And after the factory started operating.

The provision of a large number of jobs has also led to the continued healthy and rapid development of the industry.

It is very similar to the development rhythm of China at the beginning of the century.

The current Tianyuan Territory is also following the path of using manpower to dilute costs and thereby make money and develop.

"What happened recently? Why are so many new faces here?"

As they watched the survivors follow the signs to the dormitory isolation area, the Blue Star Gopher guy in the shop stuck his head out and looked at them curiously.

"Are they refugees from outside? Or nomads who migrated here?"

"I don't know, but... the managers here like to recruit refugees, and you are not the first to know this."

"Yes, they are not only recruiting the indigenous people, they are also recruiting us Blue Star people."


Perhaps it has been sealed underground for too long, and the gopher guys haven't seen many new faces.

His perception of trade is also very slow, and he cannot smell business opportunities.

But those players who set up shop in outposts are very knowledgeable about this.

"Brother, do you want to eat candied haws on a stick? Come and buy two bunches for your little sister."

Noticing Cheng Fei looking at his cupboard, the shopkeeper sitting behind him quickly stood up with a smile and introduced.

"Sorry. We don't have the money yet."

"No money?" The shop owner was stunned for a moment: "Of course you have no money, don't you still have a job?"

"Come on, come on, I'll give you a bunch. It's delicious if you try it. It won't be too late to buy some next time."

"Why is this so embarrassing?"

Forgetting the candied haws, you actually get a bunch of them as a gift?

Having been numbed too many times, Cheng Fei became thick-skinned now and accepted a bunch handed over by the shop owner.

"Haha, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. We will be our own people from now on. By the way, where did you come from in the New World?"

Cheng Fei replied honestly.

"We're coming from the north."


The shop owner was surprised: "It would take a long time to walk, at least five thousand kilometers?"

Five thousand kilometers?

Cheng Fei smiled bitterly: "It's not just five thousand, it's at least seven thousand, or even eight thousand kilometers."

"That's really amazing."

The shop owner took a deep breath and couldn't help but admire the perseverance of his compatriots.

It has been more than four months since the migration started.

Even if these people set out from the beginning, based on one hundred and twenty days, they would still have to walk 60 kilometers a day.

According to a normal person walking four kilometers per hour, it usually takes at least fifteen hours.

This is not something that ordinary people can persevere in. It has almost caught up with the numbers of the Long March!

"Brother, what do you call me? I will definitely come to you and buy more strings when I have money in the future."

"Just call me Tang Shui Shop. Don't be surprised. In our territory, most people use their nicknames on the World Channel. You will know later."

"Okay, my name is Cheng Fei!"

Compared with names on Earth, nicknames obtained in the wasteland can better reflect the personality and purpose of the name giver.

They left the shop step by step and waited until the two of them arrived at the dormitory area.

I already had a lot of snacks or small items given by the shopkeepers with me.

“The people here are so hospitable!”

I have seen a lot of intrigues between people outside, and when I suddenly came here, I obviously felt out of place.

"Well, they should be doing route missions?"

Lin Cheng knew a little more about the Hell Flower Virus because he frequently browsed the World Channel to learn about it.

But even if it is for the mission, they still cannot hide the true intentions of these people.

From the brief exchange, they can truly feel the kindness released by every shop owner.

"Hey, brother, why did you come here just after you finished eating?"

In front of the gate of the isolation accommodation area, Lin Yin, Cheng Ma and Liu Na had already been waiting in front of the fence gate.

Compared with other unfinished buildings in the outpost, the isolation accommodation area was probably the first to be built.

The neat two-story buildings are connected in several rows. According to the scale, it can easily accommodate at least several thousand people.

The group of people walked inside and quickly found accommodation under the arrangements of the staff.

Okay, it's numb again.

A dormitory is fifteen square meters in size and accommodates eight people.

Although the bed is made up of iron frames, it looks like the configuration on a construction site.

But the neat white bedding feels soft to the touch, making people moan in comfort as soon as they lie down.

At the same time, each person is also equipped with a small square table that can be placed on the bed.

There is a bound book with at least 300 pages lying on the square table. When you open it, you will see that it is full of various topics.

"In the next three days, apart from eating, sleeping and washing, your most important task is to answer questions."

Said the staff who led everyone to the beds.

"This collection of questions covers a wide range of topics, including survival issues in wilderness exploration and fighting with people, as well as traditional basic issues on the earth such as astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., as well as mechanical manufacturing.

Professional issues such as electrical engineering, engineering mechanics, electronic information, biotechnology, etc.”

"The final score will not affect your subsequent treatment, so we do not restrict you from discussing the answers to the questions in private."

“But if you want to find the most suitable position and route within the territory, we recommend that you think about the answers to these questions yourself, and you won’t just leave it blank or just leave it blank.”

"Okay, you can have a rest tonight. The toilets are in the last two rooms of each row of dormitories."

Sitting on the bed and answering questions?

You still have to answer this set of at least seven or eight thousand questions within three days.

If they were survivors who had just traveled through time, they might still have some complaints about this.

But for some refugees who have walked more than 7,000 or 8,000 kilometers, this is simply a joy!

After the staff left, the eight people in the dormitory breathed a sigh of relief.

They are so scared.

I was worried that after three days, the territory would screen them out again and continue wandering.

Now looking at the attitude of the staff, I finally put my mind down and at least have something to do in the past three days.

"Lord, is the treatment we give them a little too good?"

Tianyuan Underground City, manager’s office on the second floor.

There were six figures sitting on the sofa in the small living room, looking at the picture projected on the wall.

These probes set up in outpost camps completely recorded the changes in the mentality of the survivors.

From the excitement of receiving the inspection at the beginning, to the confusion and panic after receiving the supplies.

From the hysterical venting in the bathroom, to the incomparable joy after coming out.

From the food in the cafeteria not knowing how to taste it, I ended up feeling uneasy in the dormitory area.

The mentality of the survivors is constantly being provoked by the treatment, arousing emotions and leading to thinking.

The treatment is too good?

When Li Hu, the captain of the guard, asked this question, Marshal Wang, the head of Longteng Village, was the first to shake his head.

"Compared with their current treatment, the difficulties encountered along the way are probably several times greater."

From the mountains of thousands of miles to the Tianyuan territory, there is only two thousand kilometers in between.

Even if you count the journey over mountains and ridges, it is still incomparable to the hardships these survivors endured on their journey of thousands of miles.

"It's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's difficult to provide help when it's time."

"Once we let them know the situation in our territory, giving them these benefits will not be as effective as attacking them all at once." Village Chief Qiao Yuansheng also said.

"That's right." Materials Minister Shen Ke agreed, and then added a little worriedly:

"If we let them owe money from the beginning and limit their income, will it affect their mood at work in the future?"

From rescue services to returning to the territory, to receiving these examinations, treatment, food, accommodation and other items.

All the survivors basically owed hundreds of copper coins, and some even owed as much as two hundred copper coins.

Calculated based on the median salary of a newcomer of 17 copper coins, excluding daily meals and accommodation, there should be about one copper coin left in the end.

Based on this calculation, it will take at least half a year, or even longer, to pay off the debt.

“It’s unclear whether it will have any impact.”

He looked at Somo, who had been silent in the field and only looked at the screen with interest.

Dean Qiao opened his mouth and said softly: "Don't worry, this is an attempt. We can't let every new person who enters the territory involve the old man indefinitely. Of course, maybe this is a good thing in the short term. It can greatly improve our productivity, but when there are 100,000 or 200,000 people, do we want to see 200,000 people rush into the industry that makes money?"

"Use debt to build a pyramid, and use salary levels to determine how the pyramid climbs, to ensure that residents in the territory can unite to form a solid structure."

"Such a chaotic wasteland."

"We have to make sure that there are people who are willing to go to the factory to accept low wages, that there are people who are willing to work hard in the fields to stabilize production, and that there are people who go out to fight, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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