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Chapter 1170 The war is over, unimaginable huge gains!


Standing in the fourth passage from the gate, the simulators look at me and I look at you.

Something's wrong, why did you vote now?

"It may be a scam. Our current location is clearly on the periphery. How could they surrender?"

"Yes, we just suffered losses, and they surrendered. How come it's the other way around?"

"Don't be anxious, lay the signal first and explore step by step."

"For this batch of breeders, I even said they wanted to try what it feels like to be cut into eight pieces. Why did I choose to do it?"

"Go away, you have to pay for it yourself, I don't want to do it again."

"Uh haha, Captain, look what you said, I was just joking."


Everyone did not dare to let down their guard and continued to move forward slowly and cautiously.

After all, the link between the real world relies entirely on signal transmission.

Once the opponent first lures the enemy deep, and then suddenly uses means to interfere with the signal, the entering simulator will immediately shut down.

However, not long after, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the passage.

Feng Long breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that a group of people were escorting a man with a Western face out in a hurry.

"Bird's Nest, Bird's Nest, please answer when you hear it."

"Got it, please speak."

"The other party has surrendered. Please send someone to hand over. We will retreat immediately."

"I understand, you are allowed to retreat."

After confirming that the enemy has given up resistance, it would be inappropriate to let the simulator make contact.

Especially after seeing the power of the true world, Feng Long still wanted to hide this secret as much as possible.

The later people know the truth, or in other words, the later people discover the shortcomings of the real world.

It will be more beneficial for the battles that will continue to occur in the future.

"Report to the territory."

"It's now 10:15 in the morning, and we have successfully captured the institute."

With excitement, Su Deben organized some words and clicked send.

He did not deliberately express his merits, because it was a huge achievement to achieve zero casualties in this expedition.

At the same time, the real world also played an unimaginable role in being able to capture the research institute in the end.

The combination of the two into one caused the people in the institute to lose their mentality and directly choose to surrender.

Not long after, the two parties made a handover at the gate.

There are indeed a lot of Blue Star people in the Kyushu Great Rift Valley Research Institute. After excluding the guards who died in the first wave, there are still more than 300 people left.

Judging from the clothes on their bodies, more than 40 of them should be researchers, and most of the remaining 200 or so people are guards responsible for security. Others are responsible for taking care of the researchers' daily life, cleaning the base, and doing some chores.

of ordinary people.

"We have taken control of Braun, the person in charge of the base, as per your request."

"Please also abide by the agreement."

Guard captain Paslon stood up anxiously and looked at the leader Sudben.

Although compared with the previous enemies who were not afraid of death, the man in front of him looked very ordinary.

But at this moment, no one dared to look down upon him in the slightest.

After all, how could someone who could lead and suppress those monsters be as ordinary as they appear?

"Promise? I don't have any agreement with you, right?"

Sudeben frowned slightly, "Are you referring to sending you to the academy?"

"Yes, you can rest assured that it was Braun who first violated the regulations of the academy and started human experiments on a large scale. Even if the academy knew what had just happened, it would not blame you. Even, I can ask you

The person in charge of the Audit Office will help you apply for the reward, it will definitely be a very considerable reward!"

"In addition, if you want the things in the institute, you can move them all away now. We will treat it as if it never happened. Even if Professor Ernest comes to pursue it, we will definitely keep this secret!"

Paslon explained as much as possible, trying to dispel the other party's concerns.

However, what is surprising is that Su Deben shook his head directly and chuckled:

"I'm sorry, maybe my men bluffed you."

"Give up, you don't know the location of the academy, how can we possibly know it?"


These people don’t know where the college is?

For a moment, the surrendering crowd suddenly became confused, and many people had anger on their faces.

But unfortunately, this anger goes away just as quickly as it comes.

Especially when being pointed at by volunteers with dark guns, almost no one dared to act strangely.


After waiting for the surrender team to quiet down, Su Deben changed his tone: "We do have a full-time researcher of the college in our territory, and we are already searching for news about the college. I believe there will be more detailed information in the near future.


"According to common sense, your behavior of arresting similar people for human experimentation has crossed the bottom line, and everyone should be punished with the most severe punishment."

"But the land under my feet is no longer Blue Star, and because of your sincere surrender, I am now willing to give you some new choices."

"Please speak."

I have never heard such fluent and standard Blue Star language spoken by the natives of this land.

Pasron bent down and assumed the posture of a subordinate.

Surrenders are not qualified to make any conditions, especially in this completely unfamiliar land.

Even if they did get in touch with the company some time ago, they are unlikely to become a threat now.

After all, compared to the Great Rift Valley Research Institute, after experiencing the Metal Sigh disaster, Hu Lai City, which has a large family and business, is obviously more distressed in this land.

So much so that now they have to send out an adventure team to cooperate with their research institute, which is as small as it can be.

"First, since you have become prisoners, you must have the awareness of being a prisoner. Next, we will rest in the research institute for three days, and return to the territory after three days. Everyone present must return with us."

"Second, the territory does not support idlers. You need to pay for the mistakes you have made, and you must also work for your own life. After all researchers enter our territory, they need and must complete the research tasks assigned by the territory's research institute on time. Once they grow up,

Anyone who wastes time or deliberately interferes with the progress of research will be shot without mercy. The reward is: food, accommodation, and sending you home as soon as the academy information is found."

"Second, after all guards enter our territory, they will continue to serve under my command. No one is allowed to have the idea of ​​​​escape, otherwise they will be treated as deserters and killed on the spot. The remuneration is the same as that of researchers, but we will not be responsible for sending them

You go home and decide whether to stay or not."

"Third, after ordinary people enter the territory, we will send you to live in a gathering place composed of Blue Star people. Of course, you can try to escape, as long as you can escape. After finding out the news about the academy, you only need to pay one

For a ransom, you can leave on your own."

Su Deben bared his teeth and made the request with a smile.

The guards and ordinary people may not care, but those researchers cannot let it go so easily.

If the experimental equipment in this research institute can be evacuated, they can continue their research in the territory.

Isn’t this the same as having a large biological laboratory directly added to the Tianyuan territory?

"So simple?"

Paslon seemed to have heard something incredible, and there was surprise on his face.

Other researchers, guards, and ordinary people who were still panicking were also overjoyed.

That's how human nature is.

If they were truly promised to go to the academy from the beginning, and then made these requests, many people might still feel lucky and dissatisfied.

But all their expectations were dashed from the very beginning, knocking them to the bottom.

At this time, giving another upward rope becomes extremely precious.

And can the current punishment be called punishment?

If the academy catches them for human experiments, their skin will be peeled off even if they die.

But when you go to this territory, isn't it just like changing a place and continuing to work?

Maybe it's safer than it is now?

"What about me?" Braun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly laughed, as if he had figured something out in his mind.

He had previously thought that this group of people came with great force to help those experimental subjects take revenge.

Whether it was him, the person in charge, or others present, they had to pay a heavy price for this.

But the fact is that the other party doesn't seem to be very angry, but is more concerned about the benefits after the battle.

"Looking at you, you don't seem to be afraid of death?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Su Deben's tone.

But it was beyond his expectation.

This guy was really dumbfounded and nodded.

"Well, I'm not going to die, so why am I afraid of death?"

"You think I don't dare to kill you?" Su Deben's expression changed, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his words.

At this moment, Braun was already 90% sure that his next judgment would not be wrong.

But being enveloped by this momentum, his face still inevitably twitched a few times, and his smile immediately disappeared.

He didn't dare to bet on whether the chips in his hand could be exchanged for the same treatment as those researchers.

Especially when I think of the devil-like assault team under the opponent's command.

"Of course, I have no doubt that you will have the courage."

Looking calmly at Sudben, Braun said softly: "I am the person in charge of the base and have the same authority as Professor Ernest. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will give everything!"

When saying this, Braun emphasized the word "everything" very strongly.

"What exactly?"

"I have the key to the energy warehouse, the key to the material warehouse, and the key to the second spare parts warehouse."

"Even." After looking around at the other people around him, Braun said calmly:

"I can help you open Professor Ernest's room, where there are two million academic coins!"

Two million?!


Braun's words instantly ignited the emotions of all the surrounding prisoners.

A guard's annual salary is three hundred academic coins, and a researcher's salary is only three thousand to five thousand.

These two million are enough for a guard to work for 6,000 years, and for a researcher to work for 400 years to earn!

"Two million academic coins?"

Su Deben narrowed his eyes and suddenly became a little interested.

When he deceived the guards in the Pumpkin Bunker before, Sumo had offered a reward of five thousand academic coins in Catalina's name.

Just look at the guard captain's reckless and irrational reaction. You can tell that five thousand academic coins is definitely a big sum.

Now, this number has increased hundreds of times to two million.

"Oh, this is not Blue Star. What's the use of that thing? Are we going to take it to the college's holy city for consumption?"

"To tell you the truth, we have met people from the foundation before, and the purchasing power of academic coins has already dropped to the point where we can no longer stand it."

"No, you can take it to the enterprise for consumption. The enterprise will definitely accept hard currency such as academic coins!"

"Enterprise? You mean Hu Lai City? Will Hu Lai City want a pile of waste paper?"

"Study coins are not waste paper. You don't understand. Its function is far more than just currency!"

Once he heard that the other party didn't care about the two million academic coins, Braun became completely anxious.

In his opinion, this should be the biggest trump card.

As a result, they forgot that although these natives knew about the academy, they did not know the full function of the academic coins.

Waste paper?

How can the college issue waste paper!

"Any machine purchased from the college must be regularly invested with academic coins to work properly. Yes, the college is gone now, but as long as there are machines from our company and instruments produced by us in Hu Lai City, they will need

Continuous investment of academic coins!”

"Also. Every machine produced and sold by the academy comes with its manufacturing specifications and related technical instructions. As long as you pay the academic currency, the machine will display these mass-market technologies."

“As long as we have technology and factories, we can continue to manufacture and sell them!”

"Also, you want to study the instruments in the base, right? They also need to invest in academic coins before they can be used. Otherwise, even if you take them back, they will be just a pile of scrap metal!"

“Not only that, but also”

Standing up straight, Braun excitedly talked about the benefits of more than ten academic coins.

Trying to explain that academic coins play a valuable role both in Blue Star and in this chaotic world.

After listening for a while, I determined from the expressions of the people around me that this was not made up.

Su Deben's tense expression relaxed slightly.

It sounds like this academic coin is not as useless as imagined?

And what's a bit tricky is that using the captured instruments requires a steady stream of academic coins.

"Just wait, I'll confirm it."

Leaving the soldiers to keep order, Sudben returned to the liaison office and delivered a brief message, trying to verify the accuracy of the information with Catalina.

About twenty minutes later, Catalina's reply came through.

"Two million? Old guy Ernest is indeed a greedy vampire. The academic coins he put in the institute can actually buy a hundred of my bunkers!"

"No, every professor is a vampire, these damn worms!"

"Promise him that you will not miss this huge sum of money. We will get rich, get rich!"

"Oh my God, I can only earn up to 10,000 academic coins a year. It will take me hundreds of years to earn this kind of money."

Compared to Braun, whose ancestors were born into nobles in the academy, Katarina, who was born as a commoner, naturally knew the preciousness of academic coins.

"Is this school coin so valuable?"

Sudben muttered and walked back, still maintaining the disdainful expression on his face.

Although the money this guy gave to buy his life was indeed enough, his attitude just now was so arrogant.

No, we have to keep banging and banging.

"Ahem, what our lord means is that you don't have enough money. Two million is not enough to buy your life."

"not enough?"

Braun frowned, but felt relieved.

It’s not that it’s not possible, but it’s not enough, so there’s still something to talk about.

The reason why Ernest was willing to let him run the institute and gave him the authority to manage money was because the Braun family was not short of money at all and would not covet this small amount of money like other ordinary people.

That being the case

"I still have 1.5 million private money, which adds up to 3.5 million. Is this enough?"

"Huh?" Su Deben was stunned, and couldn't help but curse the quintessence of Chinese culture in his heart.

This guy is so rich. No, is it because Catalina is too poor?

Why do people make millions as soon as they sell it?

"Isn't it enough?" Seeing Su Deben's hesitation, Braun had to grit his teeth: "I'll give it all to you, all my savings! Two million and four hundred thousand, a total of four million and four hundred thousand, this total

Is that enough?"

"Are you sure it's all your savings?"

"I'm sure, if you can still find a school coin, you can kill or hack him as you please!"

"Okay, I'm glad we reached an agreement."

After a huge sum of money came into his account, Su Deben stopped pretending and finally had a smile on his face.

Regardless of whether Braun still has money in his hand, four million and four million should not be a small number, it can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

After all, the main purpose of this trip is the instruments and the energy that Sumo values ​​​​incomparably.

"Where's the energy bank? How many fuel rods do you have?"

"Fuel rods?"

Braun tilted his head and thought for a moment, then spit out a number: "There are about one thousand, two hundred more?"


This chapter has been completed!
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