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Chapter 1183 Contract release, the city of Blue Star people!

It was April 12, Year 2 of Wasteland, and it was cloudy.

Five o'clock in the morning.

There is still more than a month until the end of winter, and the air is filled with a chill.

The moon hanging in the sky is still bright, and the moonlight falls on the ground and condenses into wisps of white frost.

Thin mist lingers.

The intense labor day after day almost cured every survivor of insomnia and dreaminess.

In the Taihu territory, this spot is naturally as quiet as death.

Apart from the rustling footsteps of the occasional guard patrolling the streets, not even a single sound of insects or birds could be heard.

Hearing footsteps passing by the door again, Fan Fu opened his eyes, or he didn't sleep at all last night.

All night long, his mind was filled with all kinds of unrealistic fantasies.

For a moment, I thought of all the wonderful benefits Sumo had promised in the Wanjing Arena.

How happy it would be for a family to live a safe life, without having to worry about threats that may come at any time, or what will happen next.

But then I thought about what to do if the competition was too fierce and I was left behind and became a backward force.

I am afraid that the treatment I finally got will be taken back immediately, and my living standards will return to the same or even worse than now.

To sum up, I was mostly excited in the first half of the night, and sad in the second half of the night.

The brain cannot rest at all and is always in a state of tension.


It’s not just Fan Fuzheng.

In fact, the whole family didn't sleep much, they all closed their eyes and waited for dawn.


"Get up and get ready."

Seeing Fan Fu getting up from the bed, the three of them quickly got up and washed up, checking back and forth to see if there was anything else missing in the room.

During this period, just after six o'clock, the lord Lao Zhan came with his people.

The polite words spoken yesterday were not repeated today, but Fan Fuzheng was dragged into the yard on the pretext of touching her quietly.

After groping for a while, Lao Zhan took out a handful of dark, cold objects from his arms and handed them over.

"Hold it, just in case on the road."

"Ah this."

When he touched the shape of the object in his arms, Fan Fuzheng was slightly stunned for a moment.

At a time when 90% of survivors are still using cold weapons, cold pistols are undoubtedly one of the most powerful weapons.

Even when faced with powerful aliens, they can still fight.

"Lao Wang and I exchanged iron spears yesterday. There are not many pistols in the territory, so you should keep them."

Fan Fuzheng was a little moved, but ultimately rejected Lao Zhan's kindness.

no way.

Even if the Taihu Territory now has a certain scale, it still does not have the ability to manufacture pistols on its own.

These few dozen guns were bought at a great cost from the inn after arriving in the New World.

Taking one away will undoubtedly significantly weaken the territory’s armed forces.

"It's okay, there's no need to be mentally burdened. This is also an investment. Otherwise, if you, an old boy, had an accident with your family outside."

"Wouldn't our territory be cut off if we catch Su Shen's path?"

Lao Zhan smiled and forcibly put the handed pistol back into Fan Fuzheng's arms.

Then, he took out two small paper bags from his pocket.

Inside were fifteen rounds of yellow-orange bullets, with obvious signs of manual beating on them.

"Be careful and aim well before shooting."


Fan Fuzheng's emotional intelligence is not low, but he doesn't understand Lao Zhan's thoughts at this time.

Although in the past it was Lao Zhan who stood in front with his people and protected the Fan family, he also made great contributions to the planning of the Taihu territory.

It can be said that it was these buildings and the location of the territory that allowed the entire Taihu Territory to gain a firm foothold in the New World.

If we really count the two, we actually don't owe anything.

But now, Lao Zhan clearly wants to deepen the friendship between the two and make him owe some money.

It's a win-win.

After taking it gently, Fan Fuzheng nodded heavily: "Thanks to you for taking care of our family in all aspects this year, don't worry, after I go to the Sushen territory, I will never forget our Taihu territory!"

"Okay, with your words, I feel completely relieved."

Hearing this solemn promise, Lao Zhan nodded, his eyes softening a lot.

Although he didn't expect Fan Fuzheng to bring anything back in the end.

But in the wasteland.

Sometimes it is just such a vague thought that can support a person to fall down again and again, and get up and go on again and again.

"Let's go. I won't watch you leave, otherwise I'm afraid of being jealous."

Waving his hands, Lao Zhan took the people away on his own.

Watching a few departing figures disappear into the morning mist, Fan Fuzheng squeezed the pistol in his arms and couldn't help but feel reassured.

With only two iron spears, the whole family is not good at fighting.

Even with the attribute point bonus given by the route, you may still encounter dangers that you cannot handle.

But with this pistol, everything is different!

"As long as I have this pistol."

"Even if a foreign race comes, I still have the ability to make them afraid."

Fan Fuzheng was murmuring, but he couldn't help but feel calm in his heart, and his slight fear also disappeared.

After returning home and showing off to my wife and children like this, the whole family also settled down.

It's nearly eight o'clock.

As more and more people got up, the streets in Fan's courtyard soon became crowded with people.

Although most people say they don't envy such a magical teleportation, they still long for it in their hearts.

Many people even tried their best to get closer to the front row with the idea of ​​being able to teleport themselves away.

I have no choice but to reach out and not hit the smiling person.

It was almost time to leave, and Fan Fuzheng was too embarrassed to turn everyone away.

I could only explain over and over again that the teleportation quota in the game had been selected long ago, and there was no way to bring anyone with me.

"Don't worry, when I settle down there, I will definitely tell Lord Su about our Taihu territory. Maybe Lord Su will send troops to capture you by then."

"Army, yes, that's what Lord Su told me. His territory has an established army!"

"The specific location? This is really unclear. Lord Su didn't tell me. I don't even know the name of the territory."

"My yard, the supplies I left behind. Lao Zhan will arrange for these to be distributed and will not be taken away."

In a territory of more than 3,000 people, there are familiar faces and some new faces.

After answering a few high-frequency questions, the noisy crowd finally calmed down.

At this time, there were only the last few minutes left before the transmission.

"Sister Hong, let's go, take care of yourself."

"Brother Liu, thanks to you for taking care of me in the past, our family will remember you forever!"

"Pauline, it's not cold if you wear something like this. You can go get the floral cloth from my room later and pull it up for you."

"Live well and live well!"

Zheng Yali smiled and said goodbye to her familiar neighbor again.

At this moment, not only Fan Fuzheng, but also Zheng Yali and the two children were no longer as reluctant to leave as they were yesterday.

Compared to staying in this familiar land and continuing to live, it is obviously more exciting to go to another strange but longing place.

There is only the last minute left.

After carrying the package on their backs, Fan Fuzheng and Zheng Yali stood beside them, with Fan Han and Fan Jing standing in the middle.

Just like when entering the Ten Thousand Paths Arena.

The four people held hands, and their figures gradually faded away under the gaze of thousands of people, until

Disappear completely!


Some people were surprised, some were disappointed, and some sighed.

Entering the New World from the deep sea, most of them are looking for opportunities and want to change their destiny.

However, how many people like Fan Fuzheng are not only taking action, but also taking advantage of almost everything?

I can't understand this problem, and I don't want to think about it.

The crowded crowd gradually dispersed, and the streets soon returned to their usual deserted appearance.

Central New World.

Qinggang City.

Unlike the southern part, where there are only clouds gathering, the central part begins to rain drizzles and cold rain at night due to the lower terrain.

Compared with the past, since Qinggang Shelter has collected most of the homeless people in the city, some of the remaining homeless people have been abducted by Tianyuan Territory and major shelters.

Without these people, problems of all sizes will naturally arise in the city's various underground infrastructures left over from the past.

Like now.

Sewers, large and small, have not been cleaned for a long time, and most of them have been blocked by the feces of radioactive beasts or the ruins of collapsed buildings.

As countless raindrops fell wantonly on the ground, they washed away the dilapidated and uninhabited buildings in the city, bringing out streams of mud and water that could only accumulate on the ground.

If this water accumulates too much, it will cause waterlogging that cannot be drained out for several days.

Waterlogging will continue to breed bacteria, and over time, it will form a highly threatening plague.

With such a chain reaction, it is no exaggeration to say.

Today's Qinggang City has become increasingly dilapidated, like a ghost town that no one has set foot in for decades.

Even the small radioactive beasts that appear sporadically will be worried about the existing living environment.

And just then.

In an area of ​​the city near the southern suburbs, a faint sound suddenly appeared on the empty, water-filled streets.

Several radiation lizards that were still nesting in the corner of the ruins of the building were suddenly attracted to their attention.

Wherever the noise came from, there was just a faint spatial distortion at first.

But as the distortion suddenly swayed to the surrounding ground, four figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the street.


The sound of stagnant water being trampled was heard.

Realizing that the transmission was over, Fan Fuzheng subconsciously raised his head and suddenly froze.

"This is."

As far as the eye can see, there are several high-rise buildings with at least 40 floors around the street.

Most of the windows in the high-rise buildings were shattered, and the interior was dark, like an open devil's mouth.

On the surface of the building, some algae organisms that dried up due to cooling lost their original color and turned mainly pale yellow and black.

At first glance, it looks like it has been bombarded by artillery shells, which makes people feel sad and inexplicably afraid.

"This is Su Shen's territory?"

Fan Jing was in his early twenties when he was the most courageous. When he saw the scene in front of him, although he was also frightened, he was more curious.

I have to say that the dilapidated city in front of me does look like an earthly city after a disaster.

Almost everything you see is abandoned high-rise buildings, and even the shops on both sides of the street seem to have been looted.


I noticed that inside the open shop, there seemed to be a lot of words carved on the pillars.

Although it looks very different from Chinese characters, the structure of the font is similar.

Fan Jing was stunned and quickly patted Fan Fuzheng.

"Dad, there seems to be something engraved on the pillar?"


Fan Fu turned his head and followed the direction of his finger and found traces of writing on the pillar.

It's a bit familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere?

"No, this is Blue Star text!"

Suddenly, Fan Fuzheng tensed up, remembering where he had seen such strange glyphs.

At the inn, when I went to buy a gun with Lao Zhan.

When businessmen in the black market offer rewards for information about Blue Star people, they use this kind of strange text.

Although the style of the characters on the pillars is different from the current ones, the general structure is exactly the same.

"No, I'm afraid we made a transmission error. This is the city of Blue Star people!"

Fan Fuzheng shouted loudly and quickly clenched the pistol in his arms.

The family was still shocked by the surrounding environment just now, but now after reacting, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

After the game was transferred, they were not dropped directly into Soma's territory, but into a strange Blue Star city.

These ruins, this water, this.

Looking around, I suddenly saw four radioactive lizards slowly lurking in the corner.

Fan Fuzheng suddenly tensed up and pulled his wife Zheng Yali and daughter Fan Han behind him.

"Fan Jing, take the iron spear, there is a radioactive beast!"

If there is a possibility that the Blue Star text is a misjudgment, then the radiation lizard appearing in the Radiation Beast Illustrated Book is irrefutable proof.

In the past, I always heard players discussing this kind of creature on the World Channel. Now after seeing it with my own eyes, Fan Fuzheng understood just how bad the living environment of humans in the New World is.

These four lizards are comparable in size to crocodiles. Each one is more than one meter long. The raised sarcomas on their bodies are like spikes, leaving no one in doubt about what will happen if they are stabbed.

It's hard to imagine if I hadn't noticed these beasts being attacked by surprise just now.

I'm afraid that before there is time to celebrate the new life, the family will have to prepare for a funeral, or even die in a foreign country.

"Ah, it's the Radiant Beast."

"There's one from behind, there's one from behind too!"

In the past, it was okay when I had no brains and no ability to think. I was so hungry that the radioactive beasts dared to swarm up and attack the homeless people passing by, even in the face of the shelter guards who were armed with live ammunition.

But now I have some thinking ability and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Facing humans with thermal weapons, how dare the radiation beasts dare to challenge them?

It's been a long time since meat was eaten in this neighborhood, and even if a few people appeared a bit strange, the hungry radioactive beasts couldn't care less.

On the streets filled with water, more and more radiation beasts, large and small, began to emerge.

In the blink of an eye, an internal and external siege was formed, leaving no way to escape.

"These beasts, these beasts are intelligent, they are surrounding us!"

"Quick, you guys get your spears too, we're going to rush out!"

I have never experienced such a scene surrounded by hundreds of radioactive beasts.

The four members of the Fan family, including Fan Fu, were immediately frightened and their brains almost shut down on the spot.

Fortunately, the bonus brought by the attribute points at this moment is not fake, and it gives people enough reaction ability in dangerous situations.

Subconsciously, Fan Fuzheng pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger on several lizards that were about to charge forward.


There are only a few meters left, where is the need to aim.

As a violent roar sounded, the fastest lizard was shot in the head, and the blood and flesh spurted out splashed all over the ground.


Radiant Beast just looks scary!

The sense of security that a pistol brings to people is undoubtedly enough, even if there are only fifteen. No, there are only fourteen bullets left.

Fan Fu was looking around at the suddenly stopped offensive, and continued to calmly pull the trigger.

A radioactive spider was hit by a bullet, and a large stream of black-green blood spattered from its abdomen.

Although it was not fatal, it frightened the radiation beasts around who were still trying to charge forward and immediately stepped back.

Damn it, these people have weapons after all.

The radiation beast's small head couldn't figure out much, and could only vaguely connect Fan Fuzheng with those southern suburbs shelter guards who cleaned up the neighborhood from time to time.

Experience tells them that as long as those terrifying weapons are there, no matter how many there are, they will only die.


The siege was dispersed as quickly as it came.

Watching the radiation beasts coming in like a tide, they disappeared completely in just a few minutes.

If it weren't for the lizard corpse on the ground still twitching slightly, several people would have thought they were hallucinating.

"Quick, retreat into that shop."

A strong sense of uneasiness brewed in Fan Fuzheng's heart.

Although he didn't know why this teleportation brought them here, all he could do at this moment was to place his hope on the available contact frequency band reported by Soma.

Otherwise, living in such a chaotic and dangerous Blue Star city, at night, I'm afraid.

My mind is confused and my eyes are also confused.

Keenly aware that there seemed to be another figure flickering at the end of the street, Fan Fuzheng subconsciously picked up his pistol and took aim.

However, as the figure became clearer, I noticed the opponent's iconic Blue Star facial features, as well as the sophisticated standard equipment he was wearing and the cold black rifle in his hand.

Fan Fuzheng could only smile bitterly, and his whole body was leaning on the spot like a sculpture.

Maybe you don’t have to wait until night anymore!

This chapter has been completed!
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