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Chapter 1211 Reward beating, the third stage!



A bundle of bundled reeds was moved into the corner of the studio by several people and stored and stacked together.

Fortunately, the weight of the storage module is only one-tenth. Otherwise, even if the weight of white rice is only half, two hundred kilograms is still a very troublesome number.

After greeting the three of them to rest first, Qi Jie turned his head and obviously found that Su Mo was also in a good mood.

By the way, I also saw a few sand boards piled in the corner.

"Lord, what is this?"

"I can't stay idle while you are busy. I will use it on my way tomorrow. You will know better by then."

After receiving an unexpected one thousand two hundred points from a foreign race, Sumo was certainly in a good mood.

Even though I spent fifty survival points on preparation, it seemed a bit luxurious.

But he knew very well that there might be a market for food resources until the end of the race, but the business of selling water would definitely not last long, and it was very likely that it would stop after a large number of competitors found the oasis.

It is more important to gain more points early and form a lead.


"We cooked the white rice for them and sent it over, otherwise it would look like I was stingy."

Realizing that Qi Jie was about to use dry rice as a reward, Somo waved his hand to interrupt.

Four hundred kilograms of reeds can be used to make over three hundred kilograms of white rice, which is a lot of money.

We have to cook anyway, so we might as well cook them together.

"In addition, these plant meats are also added to cook, and the energy bars produced are also crushed and put in."

A lot of points have been added to your account, and supplies are no longer tight.

Sumo made generous arrangements, and his arrogance made Qi Jie, who was used to a hard life, speechless for a moment.

But soon, he also understood the reason for Somo's arrangement.

Although fighting between players is prohibited in the main game, some other aspects of competition are not prohibited.

For example, collecting supplies, or moving forward as a group.

There is no definite interest to unite scattered individuals, just relying on some fictitious names.

As soon as you encounter difficulties, they will fall apart immediately.

And the three people who want to be called "Brother Qi" will always be united around them.

There should be necessary beatings, but the rewards should not be stingy.

"Brother Qi, I have seen the efforts of the three of you today. You have spent a lot of money this time."

"I won't use your water to cook the rice later, and the condiments added to it will be for free."

Qi Jie set up the iron pot and pretended to be heroic.

It immediately attracted a burst of praise, and the three of them were so happy that they ran back and forth, eager to go out and collect reeds again.

As the rice cooking water boils, the sweet aroma of the energy bar comes out.

Take advantage of the night.

The five people who ate the same meal were all full-bellied and felt an unprecedented sense of happiness.

But for the four aliens guarding the sand dunes not far away, it was a great torture.

"It smells so good, it smells so good, I want to eat it too."

"You can eat whatever you want. It's not enough to have water. I'll at least wait until all the water is sold before I give it to you."

"No, we only sold two bottles today. I won't starve to death after selling them all."

"Hehe, even Catwoman is not hungry. Why are you hungry alone?"

"No! I'm hungry too!"

The biggest characteristic of humanoid aliens is that they have habits that resemble humans.

Including food, it is also very different from human preferences.

Therefore, it is necessary to grab land to grow crops and expand the size of the race and the material library.

"We made sixty points today, which is a good start."

"When the scale expands, we can have enough to eat!"

Abe said with confidence.

One afternoon, an alien passed by nearby, and the two men found an alien.

According to the purchase price of one bottle of 120 points, two bottles of water are sold for 150 points, and the net profit of a single bottle is 30 points.

By the way, we have also agreed on the possible supply locations in the future, focusing on sustainable development.

Of course, it would be fine even if the other party found out that the water was bought from human Soma.

A foreigner who is alone does not have one thousand or two hundred points to buy ten bottles at a time.

If you buy it alone, if you have 150 points, you won't lose money if you buy it from them.

"Haha, what a bunch of ignorant guys who only know how to meet basic needs."

"This kind of trash, even if he followed the human Soma to Kirishima, he would still be cannon fodder."

The three of them were planning a bright future, but the iron tower beside them was disdainful.

If he hadn't wanted to follow the favorites to win the championship, he would have chosen to leave the three of them behind.

As a qualified dwarf ironsmith, it doesn't matter even ten days, let alone three days without food or water.

And he had eaten and drank enough before setting off, so he had no problem persisting until the end of the desert.

Smelled the fragrance in the air.

Tie Ta swallowed, and finally closed his eyes and buried his face directly in the sand.

"Oh, even if I die, I won't take a bite of him!"

A night of silence.

The raging storm gradually subsided in the early morning, heralding the end of the minor natural disaster.

Tired after a long day, full of food and drink.

Not only did the four of them sleep soundly this time, but even Somo also rarely slept soundly, feeling as if his whole body was a little more relaxed.

"In this race, I don't have to worry about external pressure. It's really easy."

Covered by a glimmer of sunlight that had just risen on the horizon, Soma stood up.

There is no absolute pressure to survive anymore.

To others, the desert of earth and fire was like a nightmare, but to him, it was like coming to compete in a competition.



As he moved his body, crackling sounds came from the stiff joints.

Taking out the manual, the eye-catching race points at the top have reached 1850 points.

In addition to the original two hundred points, another thirty points were given to the fire source task last night, and twenty points were given to the drinking water task.

One thousand two hundred points are earned from Catwoman Abe, and four hundred points are earned from surviving the sandstorm.

As long as you meet a merchant, you can immediately purchase two modular items worth one thousand points.

"It's not unclear, but I'm shocked. Based on the current objects, if you calculate the value of Magu's oil well, I'm afraid it would have to be at least 8,000 points, or even 10,000 points to buy it, right?"

Sumo clicked his tongue inwardly.

What is recorded in Magu's notes is that he also entered an arena similar to the current mode.

Finally, with the competition of tens of thousands of people, the oil well was successfully brought out.

At the time, I didn’t think it was very difficult, but now when you compare it with the number of points, it makes people a little scared.

In addition, the module box that can create an adventurer terminal is also extremely valuable.

You need at least 10,000 points, or even more points to buy it.

"I earned a thousand points yesterday and I thought I could live comfortably, but I didn't expect that I'm still a pauper after all.

There are only twenty-six days left, I have to speed up the point collection."

Sumo thought to himself.

It would be a waste to spend the 400 points earned after surviving the minor natural disaster on merchants.

Without upgrading, even a thousand point modular items won't provide much help.

But on the contrary, four hundred points is enough to buy eight kilograms of white rice from him.

Save your food, you don't have to worry about food at all during this race.

"Get up, we have to set off quickly before it gets too hot."

After Qi Jie called out, the three people "next door" who heard the noise also woke up quickly and ran to the place where the collector was buried last night to take a look.

There are no surprises, or the stability is terrible.

The amount of fresh water collected after one night is still the same, and there is no deviation due to temperature.

The additional income of another 400 points finally made the three of them less nervous and felt a little more confident.

While Qi Jie came out to cook, Guan Mao came up to him.

"Brother Qi, did Lord Su say how far we have to go today?"

"Yes, if we are not in a hurry, we can collect some reeds this morning."

Zhang Jun and Xi Ruyue also looked eager, obviously they were a little addicted to "earning points" yesterday.

"I'm afraid this won't work. We already had a day off yesterday, which delayed the progress."

Qi Jie stirred the white rice in the pot with his hands behind his back, a look of embarrassment on his face.

"The lord said last night that our goal today is 120 kilometers. We must make up for the progress we lost during yesterday's rest and rush to the third stage."

"In addition, in the next few days, the distance cannot be lower than 100 kilometers every day. We must reach the entrance of the next terrain before the arrival of a major natural disaster."

A major natural disaster will arrive on the ninth day, and we are still 450 kilometers away from the exit.

"If we continue to delay, there are eight terrains behind us, and there is no time to go to Kirishima!"

The voice fell.

The three of them looked startled, and then they remembered the time limit and the goal of the main competition.

"But it's one hundred and twenty kilometers," Xi Ruyue was the first to look confused.

Yesterday, her route ability was of little use in collecting earthfire reeds, but at dawn she turned back to her most disadvantaged route.

If the goal of 120 kilometers is really achieved, I'm afraid she will be the first to fall behind.

"Don't worry, whoever the lord is, he has naturally considered the difficulties.

And it’s one hundred and twenty kilometers, do you still want to walk there with your feet?

Don't worry, yesterday the lord made a few temporary sailboards for traveling.

If you want to move forward together, just buy it when the time comes."

Qi Jie spoke earnestly and looked at the white rice churning in the pot without looking back.

It wasn't until all the reed stalks on the top were removed that he turned his head expressionlessly.

"If you don't want to follow and want to save points to buy a few things to take back to the territory, you can go slowly."

"Now that you have a device to collect water, if you buy some white rice, you might be able to support a few more terrains."

Yesterday's favor is a reward.

The advice now is of course to beat.

The three of them suddenly looked at each other, and for a moment they were confused and began to think about the pros and cons.

Speaking of the goals of this trip, with their strength, they definitely don’t have to think about the rewards in the finals.

If you can cover a few more terrains and find more opportunities to bring them back to your territory, you will be considered successful.

But Sumo is definitely different from them, his goal is definitely the ultimate prize.

Following means taking on the pressure.

but don't follow

Thinking about the experiences of the past three days, and then thinking about the consequences if I didn't choose to follow.

"Don't worry, wait until you are full before making a decision. This breakfast is given to you by the lord."

"Quan should be the reward for your hard work in collecting earth fire reeds yesterday."

After covering the pot, Qi Jie stood up.

The aroma of boiling rice came from the pot, and the three of them swallowed their saliva again and again.

"Have you decided?"

They said they would wait until the meal was finished, but in fact the decision was made before the rice was even cooked.

After knocking on the small door of the studio, the three of them stood neatly, nodding their heads up and down.

Unlike the arena in Magu, even ordinary people can enter and participate.

At present, contestants who can make it all the way to the main competition will basically start with hundreds of thousands, millions, or even millions or nearly ten million people in their territory.

Like individual people, the route level is low and the information is blocked.

It is very difficult to get through one knockout round, let alone several consecutive knockout rounds on the following day.

As for the Blazing Fire Territory with more than 800,000 people and the Mengyue Territory with 600,000 people.

If they stay, they may be able to collect one or two thousand points and buy a modular device back home.

But for the territory, this device is unlikely to be of much help.

It's not of much help to them.

But if you follow Soma, even if you don't bring anything back in the end, the experience is definitely worth recalling.

And the growth gained through experience cannot be measured with specific points.

"Okay, this is a sail board. Originally, I was going to sell it for 500 points."

"But since you are willing to follow me, I will give you four hundred points."

Pointing to the five pairs of sand boards facing each other in the corner.

Sumo was not afraid that the three of them thought that this sandboard was made just to gain points for them.

"Qi Jie, take out a pair and try them out."


Qi Jie, who had been curious about the sand board for a long time, immediately became energetic.

About twenty minutes passed, and the four of them came back, suppressing the ecstasy in their hearts.

"It's so useful. Lord, you are simply a god!"

There was a sandstorm yesterday and even when the wind direction was turbulent, the sailboard and sandboard could save 30% of the effort.

Not to mention the help it can bring when things return to normal and the wind direction stabilizes.

After some testing, at least half the effort will be saved.

And the most important thing is that it improves efficiency, making it easier for the wearer to travel long distances.

In the past, walking sixty or seventy kilometers would tire a person to death.

Now that we have this sand board, let alone 120 kilometers, even a few more people will have confidence.

"As long as it works, just finish your meal and get ready to go."

It's getting brighter now, and the temperature in the desert has begun to rise.

Sumo smiled and nodded. Although his tone was calm, it revealed a convincing calmness.

According to the price of 400 points per person, the three boards sold for a high price of 1,200 points.

Including Qi Jie's four hundred, this is another sixteen hundred points in the account.

There is only the last 1,500 points left before I can save 5,000 and bring things in from the outside world.

"If you get the energy stone engine, you will be able to create a vehicle that can move quickly in the next terrain."

"The faster you move, the more contestants you can find!"

After a simple breakfast, Sumo sent Qi Jie to explain the next route to Catwoman Abe.

According to the alien race's foot strength and magical abilities, it is not difficult to keep up with the progress of ordinary contestants.

But now that we have a sailboard, it is difficult to keep up easily.

However, as long as the direction is correct, there will definitely be no problem for the two men.

Sumo was not worried that the newly opened trade route would have to be re-opened due to falling behind.

"Okay, they can definitely keep up."

After receiving the exact news, Somo put away the mini-workshop and the group began to put on the sailboards.

With the blessing of the wind, an unprecedented sense of lightness suddenly came.


This chapter has been completed!
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