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Chapter 120 The 16th day! The final obstacle! (Third update)

 The moon sets and the sun rises.

Little bits of sunlight came from the breeding room, and combined with the treasure chest wall, illuminated most of the shelter.

Sitting on the bedside, Sumo quietly waited for eight o'clock to arrive.

【January 16th on the last calendar day】

[You lie in front of the treasure chest wall that you harvested, sleeping very soundly, and you feel your whole body becomes relaxed (survival point +10)]

[Your shelter has received the magical blessing of the lion man and the power of the wind (survival point +50)]

[You have the first piece of sophisticated armor. In the cold winter, the chance of survival increases (survival point +60)]

[Your pet Oreo spied on potential threats, and you avoided a wave of danger (survival points +10)]

[You have continuously detected traces of four waves of enemies and formulated a careful defense plan (survival points +30)]

[You have killed an enemy, completed your declaration in the apocalyptic wasteland, and at the same time you feel that your thoughts are clear (survival points +500)]

[You harvested a batch of supplies, but not completely (survival points +30)]

[Scanning the host’s living environment, survival points are being evaluated, and 232 survival points were obtained today.]


Final settlement: Survival points +922

Survival points remaining: 1982

"The harvest is not bad. I thought I would just spend the whole day yesterday, but I didn't expect that there were so many survival points gained!"

After looking at the huge sum of 500 points given after killing Kento Maeda and the daily fixed survival points restored to 232 points, Somo nodded with satisfaction.

There is no rule in obtaining survival points, and sometimes hundreds of points will suddenly increase due to a small incident.

Sometimes, even if it is an event that Somo thought would add a few hundred points, the system would instead give it dozens of points, which is confusing.

"Based on the current bonus, it feels like the more you give me, the more comfortable I will be and the more relaxed my mind will be. It's really idealistic!"

After looking at the system panel again, Sumo turned off the electric blanket, got dressed and got out of bed.

Compared with the sudden drop in temperature in the shelter when the snow first fell yesterday, it has risen a lot today, and the body temperature has returned to above 5 degrees.

After arriving at the command room, turning on the TV, Somo began his usual routine of investigating the situation near the shelter.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be snowing anymore?"

The picture on the TV was extremely calm. When I opened the camera, the snowflakes stopped falling, the breeze also stopped, and the earth became quiet.

After checking around and finding no problems, Sumo simply put on his combat uniform, opened the door and walked out.

Compared with yesterday's strong wind and snowfall, today's weather is finally much better.

On the horizon, the sun even appeared on the horizon, releasing its own light.

Although the temperature brought by the sunlight was like the light in the refrigerator, Sumo still felt a touch of warmth from the bottom of his heart.

"That's right. If it snows every day for seven days before the disaster, who can withstand it?"

Pulling off the mask, cold wind blew in.

Although it is still a little bit irritating, it is much better than yesterday's bone-chilling condition.

After walking to the hill, he looked around the area around the shelter, moved his body, and then returned to the shelter.

This kind of weather is suitable for traveling, and it is also suitable for...


The saltpeter camp is the lifeblood of the kobolds. If you want to expand the power of your fireball technique, this is an indispensable resource point.

One day passed, no matter how slow it was, the kobolds should have regained the camp according to the time, and even resumed production.

"The previous bombs completely destroyed the defense layout of the Saltpeter Camp. In one day, without the help of bastards like Maeda Kento, even if the kobolds had accumulated resources, it would be impossible to restore the defense in such a short time."

"At this time, it is the time when the saltpeter camp's defenses are empty."

While getting flour and noodles to make breakfast, Sumo looked at the description of the camp that he had saved in the private message panel.

Although there are currently reserves of sulfur and toluene, all saltpeter, an important item for preparing picric acid bombs, has been used up.

Somo was first excluded from considering storming the camp with bombs.

Set fire? Dig tunnels? Attack in the east and attack in the west?

After much deliberation, without seeing the current defense layout of the saltpeter camp, Somo couldn't come up with a reason, so he simply forgot about it.

When he came to the breeding room, he saw that the Chinese cabbage beside the culture medium was almost bald, so Sumo had no choice but to hold back his tongue and walked back to the ground pot.

"After eating noodles for so many days, I might as well eat some noodles pancakes today. This stuff is so filling that I can take it with me when I go out to work."

Noodle cake is also one of Lao Shaan’s favorite delicacies.

I was hungry late at night and didn't want to eat rice or pasta, so I went straight out and went to the barbecue stall next to the ancient city wall.

If you want to have a handful of grilled beef and mutton skewers that are crispy and tender, then skewers of tendons and kidneys, the most important dough pancakes cannot be missing.

Spread the pancake, put the meat skewers in, pinch it tightly, watch the oil on the skewers seep into the dough pancake, and smell the spicy meat flavor that bites your tongue.

After one bite, your mouth is filled with pancakes and meat. The more you chew, the more the aroma explodes. Finally, when you take a sip of beer, the taste... is simply beautiful.

Even though there was no meat or skewers on hand today, Somo swallowed hard as he smelled the brown pancakes gradually turning brown in the pot.

The novel flavor also attracted Oreos and sparks.

With the help of its wings, the small and large sparks can flutter up and look at the good things in the pot.

Oreo on the side was spinning anxiously, and without Somo's permission, he didn't dare to climb onto the stove to check the good things in the pot.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say before eating, don't worry!"

Seeing the aroma of the pancakes in the pot, Su Mo paused and then brushed on a layer of vegetable oil to make the aroma even richer.

Such heavy-tasting pancakes naturally cannot meet the healthy living standards of low sugar, salt and oil in the civilized era.

But in the last days, it is a first-class "excellent" food.

After baking two pots of pancakes and putting them in the storage space for three or four days, Somo stopped the fire.

At this time, the first pot of pancakes had just cooled down.

After dividing some into three small food bowls, Somo returned to the supply room and took out the bag of drunken peanuts that he had treasured for a long time.

The peanuts are salty and spicy, very soft and glutinous, and paired with a soft yet chewy pancake.

During this meal, Somo ate half a catty and finally coaxed the glutton in his stomach to sleep.

"Good guy, my appetite is really getting bigger and bigger. If this continues, these foods won't be enough for me at all!"

After cleaning the stove and three small food bowls, Somo sat on the stool and sighed a little.

On earth, who would have thought that such a simple and plain food could be eaten half a kilogram at a time without getting tired of it.

When the food in his stomach was slightly digested and his belly was no longer so bloated, Somo started to get up and prepare what he wanted to take out this time.

First of all, the road to the saltpeter camp must not be walked on foot like Taketo Maeda did.

"Should I make my own anti-skid chains, or should I directly upgrade the system to have snow driving properties?"

After looking at the few remaining infrastructure materials in the base and the survival points restored to nearly 2,000 points, Sumo decided to activate the system upgrade.

As for what you need to take with you on the road, you don’t need to prepare much.

Two pistols, a crossbow, a spear, armor, combat uniforms, weapons and equipment are ready.

Dead-faced pancakes, a few large bottles of nether energy water, and food for the trip.

Finally, bring a few units of common infrastructure materials in case of emergency.

"Olio, let's go, go out to work!"

After putting the armor on the combat uniform and pressing all the electric buttons to confirm that there were no problems, Sumo opened the entrance door and got out.

The sense of security brought by the full body equipment, even if he opens the door of the shelter and steps out, Somo still feels confident.

On the pure white snow, hot air gushes out from the door of the underground shelter, surging with the air-conditioning at the door, creating a white mist.

While Soma was closing the door, the spirited Oreo wandered around the underground shelter.

After confirming that there was no problem, one person and one dog headed towards the deep sea shelter with firm steps.

Somo has walked back and forth on this stretch of road several times, and he can find the spot even with his eyes closed.

In less than half an hour, the deep sea shelter is in sight.

The footprints made by these people yesterday were vaguely visible. Standing around the footprints, Somo looked at the top of the deep sea shelter, and then sighed a little.

"Although this old dog Kento Maeda is a beast, he is right. Information is indeed the most important in the apocalypse."

"Because I took the initiative and filled up the information gap between the two. If I had been cautious and stayed in the base, they might have succeeded in stealing the chicken this time!"

After walking back to the deep-sea shelter, Sumo successfully ignited the fire with a pull on the hinge and drove the Dihu out.

I closed the basement door and the door on the second floor, got on the Land Tiger, and tried to accelerate to 20 yards. Sure enough, as long as I twisted the steering wheel a little, I felt like the car was about to roll over in the next second.

As a standard rear-wheel drive car, the Tigress is prone to skidding in the snow. It would be better if there was a trip computer ESP to control and reduce the engine's output torque and brake the wheels to prevent the car from slipping and drifting.

However, with the current purely mechanical structure, which relies entirely on human control, if you drive a little faster and change the direction to avoid obstacles, the car will turn over immediately.

"Without a trip computer, many intelligent controls cannot be realized. It seems that the only way to prevent slipping is to use the stupidest method!"

Summoning the system, as the Dihu attribute column appeared, Sumo looked for it, and sure enough he found the anti-skid chain at the back.

With this thing, although the tire is damaged, it will be repaired systematically and it will not be a problem.

After spending 45 points for installation, a green light flashed, and the four wheels of the Dihu were covered with rubber anti-skid chains.

This time Somo got on the car again and tried it out. As long as he kept it below 40 yards, the car was indeed much more stable!

"Everything is ready! After today, if the camp is burned down, no one can stop my growth!"

Looking at the direction of the underground shelter from a distance, Sumo felt proud. After correcting the direction of the saltpeter camp, he stepped on the accelerator and the earth tiger rushed out vigorously.

Little bits of snowflakes were raised in the air, seeming to tell the story of "hero (gua) hero (bi)".

This chapter has been completed!
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