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Chapter 1246: Get the Boundary Cauldron, take it away or give it up!

At the top of the foggy mountain, the boundary river surges.

Countless gray fogs like running water are constantly surging and surging, as if they have life, giving people a mysterious and deep feeling.

The sound of rushing water continued to sound like a symphony of destiny, telling the vicissitudes of tens of thousands of years.

And if you ignore the abrupt golden cauldron in the center, the entire boundary river looks like an ink painting.

The vivid ink dragon, the flying ink bird from time to time, and the endless ink mountain.

Countless sceneries appear alternately in this boundless river, like miracles.

Of course, one has to ignore the two people who were looking at each other with big eyes at this moment.

The difference was that Sumo's face was filled with joy at meeting an old acquaintance.

Adam, on the other hand, looked confused and confused. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was blinded.

This is the top of the Giant Mountain Star Territory, where the World Cauldron is stored!


Am I hallucinating? Why did I see this damn bastard?

I remembered that Sumo, who had helped to return to reality, had desperately resisted the game for more than two hours, causing his vitality to be severely damaged. Up to now, he has only recovered less than half of it.

Adam's face turned dark instantly, thinking that he was hallucinating while reciting the Tao.

Just like the previous search for and investment in Soma in Future Ruins, Adam has also invested in some other players over the years, trying to fund these people to come to the boundary river to find its true body and set him free.

But for tens of thousands of years, no creature selected by the game has ever come here.

Even those gods who control many authorities will perish for various reasons.

Do you expect that bastard to board the critical river in such a short period of time?

"It seems like I haven't paid attention to this kid's current situation for a long time. I just took this opportunity to see how he is doing now.

Hey, why are you not in the main world? Did you go to the previous small world to explore?

Huh? There is nothing in the small world!"

Fumbling for the gems on the World Cauldron, Adam, a strong man, narrowed his eyes and felt a little confused.

He never thought that Somo would die during the period when he did not investigate.

It doesn't make sense. Soma has shown power far beyond the pseudo-god in the ruins of the future.

Now this round of the game has just begun, so there is no danger that can overwhelm him.

Could it be possible that he ran outside the Star Territory again?

Didn't I tell this bastard that once he goes out, he will encounter strict scrutiny of the game again next time?

Damn it, I won’t block it for him next time he investigates in the game!

No, if you don't block it for him, wouldn't it mean that your last investment was a loss?

What the hell is going on?!

Adam thought about it with some pain, but he also had to admit that Sumo might be the most out-of-the-box gamer he has encountered in tens of thousands of years.

You don't follow the rules of the game at all, you just go wherever you want, and the progress is scary fast.

According to his previous rough calculation.

If Soma could go through another three to five hundred rounds of disasters, that would be thirty to fifty years in the main world.

It is very possible to surpass the progress of the predecessors and get a chance to come to Jiehe to communicate with him.

At that time, he will give Somo some more help based on the tolerance of the game.

Add the two together, and you can definitely reach new heights!

But it has only been a while now, and this guy wants me to increase my investment to fight against the game.

"Why don't you make a big noise and shut up!"

Seeing Somo dancing and shouting not far away, Adam roared angrily and gave himself a slap in the face.

As the core projection of the world, he is just an ordinary person in this boundary that suppresses all rules.

It hurt a little when I swallowed it, but my mind was much clearer.

Huh? Why hasn’t this hallucination gone away?

Isn't this enough strength?

"Damn it, why are you beating yourself up?"

Seeing that under the big cauldron, Adam gave him a mouthful, which was not enough, and then he opened his bow from left to right several times in a row.

Su Mo was a little confused and took a breath of air.

Could it be that what he just did triggered some rules and caused Adam to be punished.

No, this guy obviously whipped himself, right?

Something's wrong. How come this guy started laughing after being slapped a few times? He's so happy?

Damn, those eyes seem a little hot, is that possible?

Suddenly, Sumo felt a dizzy feeling, which was somewhat similar to when he was forcibly teleported by the game before.

When the dizzy feeling disappeared, all the boundaries in front of him disappeared.

Instead, it was his office in the shelter.

Damn it, did you fail to clear the level and was forced to be sent to the finals by the game?

Su Mo suddenly felt a little numb.

However, the next moment, Adam's figure suddenly appeared in the room, and he rushed forward excitedly.

"You are such a bastard, how did you find Jiehe?!"

Calmly avoiding Adam's flying attack, Somo lay back nimbly and sat on the chair.

"Brother Dangzi, I haven't seen you for a few months, but you still look good!"

"A few months, you kid still know it's only a few months!"

Without catching anyone, Adam took a step back and sat on the chair directly opposite Somo.

There was a table between the two of them, but Adam waved his hand and disappeared in the next second.

A tea table appeared, steam rising from the teapot first, and then there was the sound of boiling water boiling.

"I haven't exited from the boundary river yet?"

Seeing this scene, Sumo reacted immediately.

"Of course, you finally came to Jiehe, how could I let you back out so easily?"

Adam poured it on himself and drank three large pots of it with shame.

He conjured up some steaming hot instant food, biting it left and right without stopping.

Looking at it, he looked like a traveler who had been trapped in the desert for several days without a drop of water. He was extremely hungry and thirsty!

"I'm so miserable. I paid too high a price last time to help you block Yugi's detection."

"You have to make up for me well this time."


Sumo was stunned and didn't understand.

"What are you doing? After I helped you last time, I was sent back to the Boundary River by the game. I will be suppressed by the rules of the Boundary River until my origin is fully restored. Do you think how miserable it is?"

"You can't eat or drink. Apart from absorbing the power of the world to restore your origin, you can only be in a daze the rest of the time."

"This is much worse than the agonizing waiting of the past tens of thousands of years."

He kept saying bad words one after another, but the smile on Adam's face couldn't be stopped.

After talking for a while, Sumo finally figured out what had happened to Adam from the time when the ruins of the future came to now.

He forcibly resisted the game's exploration for nearly two hours, which greatly damaged Adam's original power.

I have to make a comparison.

If the original power spent to repair the sun and moon is 1, then the cost to block it for two hours is 200.

The gap of hundreds of times meant that Adam could no longer maintain his form and was forcibly twisted back to the World Cauldron to recover.

"So, you are not the World Cauldron, but the golden gem inlaid on it?"

"Gem? That's called a boundary stone. You know a hammer."

After not seeing each other for a long time, Adam has become more refined and easy-going after absorbing a lot of earth culture, and has perfectly integrated into the Lezi family.

"The World Cauldron is the foundation of the entire Giant Mountain Star Territory, and the boundary stones embedded on it are the projection of each world. I am the only one who is still intact. The consciousness of the other boundary stones has been shattered!"

"Absorbing the power of the World Cauldron is also absorbing the power of the Star Territory. According to the current progress, it will take at least several hundred years for me to recover."

Adam laughed angrily as he spoke. When he thought that Sumo had seen him slapping his mouth just now, he wanted to rush up and give Sumo a few slaps as well.

"Then now"

Sumo looked confused and looked around at the room that was no different from the real wasteland.

"This is the power mark I left on you last time. It also stores some original power, which is enough for us to communicate across the boundary river."

Adam twitched his lips.

Without this source of power, the two of them could only shout across the boundary river now.

"So that's it."

Su Mo nodded in surprise, thinking that in the past it was really dark under the lamp, and he had never noticed the mark left by Adam on his body.

"Tell me how you came to Jiehe."

"Jiehe." Sumo pondered for a moment, and then briefly explained the situation of the Ten Thousand Trails Competition and the finals.

Of course, there are also some details about how to clear various terrains in the main game.

All of this was concealed by Soma, and he did not tell Adam everything.

"The Battle of Ten Thousand Paths. This route does look a bit like a weakened version of the power of authority. If someone can advance this weakened authority to the extreme, it will not be much different from a god."

Adam pondered, somewhat uncertain about the idea of ​​​​the game.

This method of creating gods has not happened before, and Butterfly Universe is the best example.

But after so many generations of players, no player in any round got this kind of power again.

Now I didn’t expect that the game would be launched again, and the degree of god creation would be so much relaxed compared to before.

"It seems that you are also lucky. The so-called eight major terrains in the main competition actually correspond to the eight Jedi in the Giant Mountain Star Territory, Doomsday Volcano, Netherworld Rift, Void Abyss, Time and Space Fault, Soul Return Lake, Split Star Forest, and Shadow

Labyrinth, Shattered Fantasy Sea. But it should be because the players you participated in this time are too low in strength and have been simplified to a certain extent by the game, so you can get through it so easily."

"As for Kirishima, it is actually the last well-preserved original place in the Giant Mountain Star Territory."

"The so-called Wushan Mountain is the connection between the origin place and the Boundary River. If you can cross the Boundary River, you can completely leave the Giant Mountain Star Territory, which means you are completely free from the constraints of the rules of the game."

I found that Sumo's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that he was freed from the constraints of the rules of the game.

Adam curled his lips, and it was not difficult to guess what he was thinking, so he continued:

"But I advise you not to think about crossing the boundary river. The simplification of the game for those Jedi is very simple, but the boundary river has not been weakened at all with the blessing of the game. Any creature or even god comes here, as long as the power level does not exceed the game

At this level, all power will be forcibly suppressed."

The Boundary River is actually the link that connects all the worlds in the Giant Mountain Star Territory.

If you find the direction through this river, you can leave the main world and go to other small worlds.

For example, in the previous future ruins, the actual teleportation was to throw the player into the boundary river and transfer it.

However, if you want to cross the boundary river to the outside world, it is equivalent to tearing a hole in this bond.

"If any god dared to have such an idea in the past, he would be the enemy of all living things in our Giant Mountain Star Region."

"Now, you, an ordinary person, want to break through the boundless river of boundaries?"

"You can't even find the exit, let alone face the turbulence of time and space that may appear at any time."

"Don't I plan to go out?"

Sumo's mouth went dry after hearing this, and he found that Adam seemed to talk more than before.

And when communicating, I no longer hold on to my super world core airs.

"Where's the cauldron? Can I take it?"

"Well" Adam thought for a few seconds and shook his head uncertainly: "I don't know about this. I can guide you to avoid the turbulence in the boundary river and come to the World Cauldron. But whether you can take it away depends on the game.


"And I am bound to the World Cauldron. If you can take it away, it will be equivalent to me regaining a certain degree of freedom."

Even if you leave the place of origin, you can no longer restore the previously damaged parts.

But between strength and freedom, Adam would rather choose freedom and leave the bounded river.

He has had enough, having been bound to this world for tens of thousands of years.

Watching players challenge round after round, and watching players fail round after round.

And it wasn't long before the universe was destroyed. He didn't dare to bet on whether the game would choose to take him away. It might be a good choice to bet in advance on these players who might be sucked into the next universe.

"Then try it."


A thought flashed by, and the spinning feeling appeared again and disappeared.

When Somo looked around him again, he seemed to have returned to the boundary river before.

"Take off your armor and move quickly. The turbulence of time and space is changing every moment. If you are involved in it, don't even think about taking the World Cauldron!"

Adam shouted in the air, but his voice was as thin as a gossamer.

Somo immediately did not dare to neglect, quickly took off his gravity armor to catch the sound, and carefully followed Adam's instructions to move forward.

Sometimes he goes left, sometimes he goes right, and sometimes he takes a few steps back.

As the golden cauldron came closer and closer to his field of vision, Somo's heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit.

There are people in the court who are easy to do, and with Adam, a local, to guide the way, the danger of crossing the boundary river is not as dangerous as imagined.

But this is a mythical level.

Is it so easy to get it?

After a few more steps, he was only one step away from the World Cauldron.

At Adam's nervous reminder, Soma reached out and touched the glowing golden gem on one side of the cauldron.

A feeling like an electric shock came instantly, causing Somo to stagger.

The manual in his arms also sensed that the World Cauldron flew out automatically and fell into the cauldron.

There is no magical scene as imagined, nor is there any precious light that the artifact should emit.

The game panel popped up, and dozens of pieces of information flashed before Somo's eyes.

[Record]: It was detected that the contestant ‘Suma’ successfully climbed to the top and won the title of Wushan.

[Record]: Please choose whether you want to take away the only mythical item ‘World Cauldron’?

[Record]: If you choose to take it away, you will gain ownership of the 'World Cauldron' and will gain a certain degree of permission to participate in game decision-making, including but not limited to: choosing disaster to strike, participating in version changes, determining the game rhythm, confirming the placement of creatures, permissions

Use of force, etc.

[Record]: If you choose to take away, you will be regarded as the bound owner of the Jushan Star Territory. Once the game detects that you have left the Star Territory for a long time, the creatures of your group will be directly wiped out, and the Star Territory bounty will be released indefinitely.

Seek strength.

[Record]: Choose to take it away, and your strength will be bound to the ethnic group to promote the development of the ethnic group. You will receive a large number of rewards from the game and be qualified to participate in the next round of the Universe game.

【Record】:Choose to take away

[Record]: If you choose to give up, you will be qualified to exit this round of the game, and you can choose at least ten group creatures to exit together.

[Record]: If you choose to give up, you will be qualified to leave the Jushan Star Territory and can choose to return to the original star territory or planet.

[Record]: If you choose to give up, you will be qualified to participate in the next round of game dominance, and will receive a large number of rewards from the game based on the results of the dominant game.

【Record】:Choose to give up

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