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Chapter 1251 Reconstruction of the western suburbs, the great wisdom of Hunter Tiger!

Aldrich has seen too many times pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, waiting to slap others in the face.

But this was the first time I saw someone who took the initiative to put his face in front of him and waited for others to slap him in the face.

"Xiehu, it's really time for you to go out and see more of the world."

Wait until Aldrich finishes describing the recent changes in Tianyuan territory.

Yehu's already red face turned even redder, as if he wanted to crawl into a crack in the ground in shame.

Compared with the rapidly developing Tianyuan Territory, the current western suburbs can only be regarded as a small undertaking.

Fortunately, he paid the latter the shameless compliment. Wasn't this just shooting himself in the foot?

However, is this really the case?

Sumo smiled and said nothing, and tacitly agreed not to interrupt the performance of Liehu.

In the huge Qingang City.

Almost all managers have a stereotype of a bald man as a ‘god of war’.

In their eyes, Hunting Tiger put almost all of its attribute points into offense and command.

Others are like intelligence, strategy, and development.

Not to mention the attitude of the managers of several large shelters, even the managers of some micro shelters can only smile and shake their heads.

It's hard for everyone to agree on whether or not it's true.

However, as an outsider, a manager who joined Qinggang last.

Sumo held a different opinion on this.

Is tiger hunting really that stupid?

Able to single-handedly build a shelter from a weak stage and bring it to the forefront of Harumo City.

This cannot be achieved by simple force.

Just like now, the reason why Yehu shows his achievements so deliberately is to seek praise.

The real purpose is actually not that difficult to figure out.

It's just that the previous image of the fearless God of Death, fearless of heaven and earth, is no longer suitable for the current version.

During the period when the city was at its most chaotic, Hunter Tiger, who had no allies, had to show his incomparable strength if he wanted to drag the weak Pingtan Sanctuary to develop in the city.

He had to let all the managers in the city, as well as the "wild wolves" in the surrounding cities, know that if they dared to take advantage of Pingtan Sanctuary, they would definitely pay a bloody price.

Fight until death!

In this way, you can repeatedly intervene in large and small battles, and finally escape smoothly.

But now, the version has changed.

First, all the wild wolves around Qinggang City disappeared, and then the situation in the city changed drastically. A monster like Tianyuan Territory appeared to disrupt the situation.

Nowadays, in Qinggang City and even the surrounding areas, the Tianyuan Alliance has become a dominant entity that can compete with Qinggang Sanctuary.

In the past, it was necessary to fight, kill, and fight to get the benefits.

Now, as long as Yehu is willing to let the word out, countless people are willing to visit him and take the initiative to deliver it.

If that's the case, then why do you still maintain your previous strength?

Waiting to be jealous of Sumo, the leader of the alliance, and secretly ostracized by allies in the alliance?

Yes, after a series of changes, Liehu has completely recognized Sumo's identity in his heart.

To be able to follow such a powerful and capable leader who treats his own people well.

It is definitely his great luck and the blessing of the entire Pingtan Refuge!

Wandering around the western suburbs of the city, the group did not finally go to the shelter to talk as usual.

Instead, he stayed next to the restored Fifth Ring Bridge, simply spread out the table and stools and sat down.

The three of them sat down, and Yehu naturally sat at the bottom. The small details shocked Aldrich and he was speechless for a moment.

Is it possible that this guy is really one of the recent rumors in the city that everything is falling?

Only when he met Somo did Yehu look like a normal person who could communicate.

Other times, the IQ is simply not too impressive.

So much so that many managers are secretly speculating and complaining in private.

Do they both have some kind of Longyang habit, and Somo's ability in that area?


Stop it!

Besides, there are some violations.

Unaware of the constant changes in Aldrich's eyes, Somo naturally sat at the top and scanned the bustling scene around him with deep eyes, his attention completely attracted.

When the idea of ​​developing the western suburbs came up, the village had secretly moved the Adventurers Association there first and built the branch next to the bridge and under the high ring.

At that time, when Fan Fu was passing by, the scale was not too big. Apart from the nearby Pingtan and Giant City, there were only four or five scattered shelters that came to trade.

However, how long has it been? Only about ten days, right?

At present, the large and small flea markets near the association have undergone earth-shaking changes!

With the effect of the power of the world's origin, the bridge and the roads in the city have been simply repaired. Not only the southern suburbs, but also the nearly ten shelters in the eastern suburbs have joined the small market these days.

The current flea market has expanded at least five times in size, occupying two city blocks.

The market is crowded with stalls and a wide variety of products.

Even though everyone is still some distance away from the market, they can still vaguely hear the sounds of selling and bargaining.

It was really lively and full of people!

"Not bad, not bad. The secondary market can develop so smoothly, both of you are indispensable!"

"Leader Su is joking. The city is so big. Everyone knows that the reason for coming here to trade is to get close to Tianyuan. What we do is just the icing on the cake."

Noticing the recent changes in Yehu, Aldrich changed his words and glanced sideways.

As expected, Liehu's expression remained unchanged and he didn't show any surprise. He nodded as he finished.


I was almost fooled by this big bald head.

Outsiders thought that Pingtan and Tianyuan were on separate sides, competing overtly and covertly for the position of alliance leader.

But who would have thought that Yehu, who was least likely to surrender, would behave so well?

Is there really a ghost?

"The one-on-one market in the primary market will only be carried out within the alliance in the future, targeting allies. The secondary market is the most important means for us to control commodity prices. Otherwise, if someone resells outside of us in the future, it will be difficult to control the market.

and price.”

"I have already informed Qiao Yuansheng that he will issue a detailed manual to you when the time comes. You just need to make arrangements according to the above details."

Sumo nodded gently, picked up the cloud tea that was filled by someone on the table, and took a sip.

As a product of Huaguoshan, which grows rice leaves in the territory, it is also stained with a hint of aura.

Well, it tastes really good.

No wonder the secondary market has recently driven prices to extremely exaggerated levels.

One tael of tea is enough to buy ten rifles.

"The Soviet leader has always made thoughtful arrangements, so we can rest assured."

Aldrich nodded vigorously, indicating that there would be no problems on his side.

In fact, when he first established the secondary market, he was quite critical, thinking that Tianyuan wanted to expand its influence.

But they don’t want to bring their allies in the alliance with them.

However, now that the effects are beginning to show, he is so shocked that he can no longer express any opinions.

no way.

There are only so many goods flowing out of the alliance, and all kinds of materials are in short supply.

If you are only doing the primary market, it is a simple one-to-one transaction.

Then there is no way to effectively control the private speculation and selling in various shelters.

You can't just issue a notice to block someone's business just because they resell supplies.

Is it possible that the shelters are not allowed to have a good relationship with each other and exchange resources?

Not realistic.

And every time a company is blocked, it means that there is one less company for the alliance to develop.

Therefore, in order to prevent this phenomenon from occurring, the alliance has established its own secondary market.

Now, a small part of the goods coming out of Tianyuan territory will be resold by shelters of various sizes.

But most of it comes from within the alliance.

It's a bit like the modern method of selling concert tickets or selling sneakers.

Although the tickets released through several normal channels are at the original price, the location is rubbish and the quantity is not large.

For some good positions, all the front rows are given to scalpers, who then sell them at high prices to make huge profits.

It is difficult to sell ordinary sneakers at high prices, so they are sold in limited quantities for a limited time.

Only 10,000 pairs are on sale, but only 500 pairs are sold in offline stores.

Where did the remaining 9,500 pairs go?

Sorry, all of them were sent to scalpers.

This shouldn't increase prices severely and kill pigs?!

Of course, Tianyuan Alliance's current approach is not this extreme, and it does not intend to really rely on the current secondary market to make money.

The most important purpose is to control price stability and ensure that the city as a whole shows an upward trend.

Some things have been selling very well recently and the price has been high, so the alliance will ship large quantities of them in the secondary market to drive down the price.

The price of some things has dropped recently and cannot be sold, so they can be sold and purchased in the secondary market to raise the price.

After several operations, the market has always been stable.

The giant city that controls this market, Pingtan, is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Sixty percent of the proceeds from reselling things are included in the alliance's working capital, which is responsible for building public facilities in the area, as well as some unexpected expenses.

The remaining 40% was divided equally between the two families, with each person receiving 20%, making them full of fat.

Didn’t you see that most of the giant city shelter has been renovated recently?

The best materials are used, and there is no fussing at all.

This money is naturally the result of the wool coming from the sheep and almost all the shelters in the southern suburbs supporting it!

"Now we finally have to wait until the beginning of spring in the western suburbs. I will arrange a large number of people to move in in the next two days."

After chatting for a while, Sumo changed the subject and finally got to the point.

The repair of the world's origin power is a good thing in a sense, and it explains a lot of troubles that will follow.

For example, using survival points and upgrading and changing territorial locations does not require any unnecessary explanation.

It can be completely attributed to the magic of this world to cover up the past, and no one in the city will doubt it.

"The first is building repairs. All high-rise buildings cannot be demolished in such a wasteful manner. Otherwise, if we want to build the same one again, the loss of manpower and material resources will be too great. Our alliance does not have the spare money now, and we cannot waste it so extravagantly.

As for how to repair it, we don’t have to rush to repair it immediately to the point where it can be used by people. After all, no one knows whether the magic that night will happen again. We can start repairing it from the foundation first to ensure the stability of the building before considering it.

The exterior is aging. Once these two are resolved, the interior can be completely left to the people who want to move in!"

The interior decoration.

If the alliance takes over everything, wouldn’t the people staying there have no sense of participation?

Yehu and Aldrich nodded happily and agreed to the arrangement without much hesitation.

Although they don't see any use in high-rise buildings, the Gophers definitely prefer living underground where it's safer.

However, there are not many high-rise buildings in the western suburbs, and they can only be counted on two hands.

And in this regard, Tianyuan provides the main manpower and material resources, and they can just assist from the side.

“Second, the city’s livelihood facilities!”

Sumo's tone was calm, but Yehu and Aldrich immediately became nervous.

In the former, building repairs are optional, but in the latter, people's livelihood facilities are the highlight.

In the past, shelters would make necessary repairs themselves and recruit a group of homeless people for daily maintenance.

Qinggang City can barely function without causing widespread paralysis.

However, now there are no new homeless people joining the city, and the old ones have been absorbed by the shelters.

Right now, we can only rely on the major shelters to send people out and go to underground maintenance facilities.

This is no simple job.

Pingtan Shelter has dispatched thousands of people recently, but the underground has still not been sorted out.

There are too many damaged areas in that huge sewer pipe that require professional engineering equipment to repair.

Rely on people?

A wrench cannot remove a screw larger than a human head.

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to send people to help us transport materials. We will naturally have engineers with equipment to repair everything."


After the words fell, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning his head to look at the other person, he could indeed see obvious relief and relief in his eyes.

According to their understanding of Soma, since he said so, they must be fully confident.

As for how to achieve it, the two of them actually don't care.

There are specialties in the arts, and there are priorities in learning the Tao.

Hunting Tiger defines Pingtan as the spear weapon within the alliance, which is mainly responsible for handling external conflicts.

Aldrich's definition of Giant City is the peacemaker within the alliance, responsible for diplomatic communication.

As for technological innovation, construction and development.

This is not within the scope of their interest. After all, they are too professional to get involved and it will be difficult to achieve results.

"Third, ground facilities repair"

“Fourth, all major functional departments should be improved”

"Fifth, construction of defense facilities"

“Sixth, construction of disaster response facilities”


Listening to Somo's orderly arrangements, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little thirsty.

The Yunwu tea on the table has been brewed for dozens of pots.

The drink was almost tasteless, but Xiehu still drank one pot after another as if he didn't notice.

There is no way, this alliance leader is too powerful!

If these plans can be successfully implemented, the western suburbs will be able to regain their former prosperity within a short time.

In the past, they could only rely on videos and pictures to reminisce.

Now, you have to take the initiative to become one of the participants.

It is hard not to imagine that hundreds of years from now, if these two major refuges still exist, their names and contributions will surely rank above all others.

This is naked temptation!

This chapter has been completed!
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