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Chapter 13 Preliminary Exploration of the Ruins

 After checking the armor and weapons on his body again, Somo greeted Oreo to open the wooden door of the shelter and walked out.

There are still some survival points left, which is enough to upgrade weapons and armor for one round.

However, the purpose of Somo's trip was not to fight.

From yesterday to today, no one in the ruins information collected has talked about the appearance of the monsters in the ruins.

The unknown is always the scariest thing.

"If it was because there was no danger in the ruins, someone would have explored it long ago..."

"No one has mentioned the situation inside now. The biggest reason is that everyone who explored it is already dead... Even if I upgrade the equipment, it is completely unnecessary based on my current combat power!"

It is important for people to know themselves.

Although he exercises regularly, Sumo does not think that his current combat effectiveness can be compared with that of special forces.

After all, he is just an ordinary person with a little strength.

"Be extremely careful and don't get hurt. Oreo, come here."

The fog in the ruins is like a mosaic, and even if it is as close as a hundred meters, it still has the effect of blocking the line of sight.

Sumo knelt down, waved to Oreo who was snooping around, and said with a smile.

"Woof, woof"

Seeing Somo's actions, Oreo ran over affectionately, got into Somo's arms, and rubbed his head hard.

The expression management that was originally serious and strong suddenly collapsed, and with a hint of naughtiness, he licked Somo's chin.

"Okay, okay, after we enter the ruins, I have to give you a task."

With all conscience, Sumo definitely does not believe that Oreo's clingy behavior is due to his personality.


no way!

After hearing Somo's words, Oreo pricked up his ears and looked like he was listening attentively.

"When you get in later, don't leave me too far. Just stay within five meters of me. Once you feel danger, give the warning immediately. Then we will retreat along the way in, do you understand me?"

Oreo tilted his head, and after two seconds, nodded, indicating that he understood.

"How good! You may encounter other creatures when you go in. Then you have to remember that they are enemies. Don't stupidly run over and kill them."

After saying that, Soma stood up, took out the eucalyptus spear from the inventory, held it in his hand, and walked firmly towards the ruins.

Go until about ten meters.

Sumo finally saw clearly the internal structure of the ruins.

The low earthen wall was about two or three meters tall, and the gray-black scorch marks on it looked like they had experienced war.

Such a strange situation not only failed to dispel Sumo's inner doubts, but made Sumo even more curious.

Judgment based on currently available information.

The level of civilization in the ruins would not be very high, at least there would be nothing beyond his understanding.

After tightening the spear in his hand and calling Oreo to his side, Soma mustered up his courage and plunged into the mist.

“Tastes...a little weird”

As soon as he entered the scope of the fog, Somo became more vigilant and began to observe the surrounding situation with all his concentration.

[Record]: You have entered the ruins.

[Record]: The game panel identification function is sealed, please exit the ruins before using it.

The sudden system sound startled Somo. At the same time, the fog seemed to have received the signal and began to dissipate within a radius of five meters.

Not daring to go deep, Somo started to circle around the periphery of the ruins. After walking for about twenty minutes, he still couldn't reach the starting point.

"This ruins is actually so big?"

Secretly recording in his mind, Soma started to return along the way.

Survival in the apocalypse is not a novel. Entering into it recklessly is the treatment of the protagonist of the novel. He wonders if he does not have the courage to rush into the unknown.

After walking back to the starting point, Soma began to move forward.

The yellow soil under your feet is like a country road, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Walking along the earth wall until you reach the corner at the end, your eyes suddenly open up.

Something like an archway stood on the ground not far away.

Looking from bottom to top, Sumo's good eyesight allowed him to immediately see clearly the words in the middle of the archway that were looming in the fog:

"Liangfang... town?"


Seeing the familiar Chinese characters, Sumo didn't feel a sense of familiarity as if he were meeting a fellow countryman. Instead, he felt a chill running down his back.

Oreo next to him also seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. He was still sniffing around nearby, but the moment he saw the archway, he suddenly lay on the ground and glared ahead!

Somo had goosebumps all over his body and was so excited by the sight before him that he stood up!

Looking into the depths of the mist behind the archway of Liangfang Town, Sumo instinctively sensed something was wrong and decisively retreated quickly along the path.

In the apocalypse, I saw a scene like a ghost town surrounded by fog.

A few people dare to go in and explore!

He didn't know if there was such a Shura scene in other people's ruins, but he was sure that going in to search for it would definitely be extremely dangerous with the current combat capabilities of the equipment.

As Somo left the corner, the fog behind him began to slowly close again, gradually burying the archway.

As he walked along the earth wall, Somo began to make up his mind.

Since the town looks so dangerous and you can't get in, you might as well find a way to cut through the earthen walls and see what's in the farmhouses on the roadside.

"Oreo helps me be on guard"

After saying hello, Somo cautiously walked to the place where he came from and began to look at the structure of the earthen wall.

Just like the ordinary walls made of mud in the countryside, Somo poked it with a eucalyptus spear, and a small piece immediately came out.

There's drama!

Seeing that it was not as strong as he thought, Somo became excited and began to take out his iron ax and hit the earth wall one by one.

Every time he hit the earth wall hard, listening to the sonorous and powerful contact sound, and watching the falling earth clods, Somo was full of energy.

The wall, which was about half a meter thick, collapsed in less than five minutes with a loud bang.

There was a gap that could allow three people to pass through at the same time.

Looking inside through the gap, you can vaguely see brick houses in the old rural style.

There are three tile-roofed houses in total, symmetrical on the left, middle and right.

"Smell the Oreo to see if there is any danger nearby."

Squatting on the earthen wall, Somo looked curiously at the scene inside the house.

Each room was padlocked, and it looked like the owner had gone out, without any signs of life.

After Sumo studied the perimeter of the room, his eyes fell on Oreo.

Oreo listened for a while with his ears raised, then lay on the ground and sniffed for a while, and finally shook the dog's head to indicate that there was no smelly creature inside.

Putting away the eucalyptus spear, Soma held the iron ax and stepped into the courtyard, feeling alert.

Just now it seemed to be looking around randomly, but in fact it had already measured the escape route.

From the courtyard to the outside of the ruins, it should be about thirty meters based on foot strength.

The running speed of an adult in this kind of terrain is about five meters per second. Even if you are exploring the house, if something goes wrong, you can leave the ruins for no more than ten seconds.

Step by step, Somo moved towards the center of the courtyard with extreme caution, his eyes scanning the three rooms nearby.


A black shadow flashed past and hit Somo's pottery plate armor, knocking Somo to the ground.

As a low roar sounded, Sumo raised his head and was horrified to find an extremely terrifying... wolfdog in front of him!

This chapter has been completed!
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