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Chapter 1315 Fantasy and reality, Singer gives in!

It has been so long since he traveled to the wasteland that Yehu took people out of Pingtan Sanctuary for the first time, left Qinggang City, and set foot in a place thousands of kilometers away from the refuge.

Everything around is novel, and even the air seems to be full of the flavor of freedom.

But soon, this novelty was suddenly washed away when they stepped into the second gathering place.

"Oh my god, why does it smell so bad here?"

Before approaching the gathering place, Yehu sniffed out of thin air and couldn't help but sneeze, showing a bit of surprise.

Look around.

This stench almost solidified into substance in the air where warm and cold convection stagnated. Like a huge black umbrella, it shrouded down from the No. 2 gathering area, shrouding the entire area in a haze.

Liehu claims that the sewers in Qinggang City are the most stinky places he has ever seen.

But compared to here, it seems to pale into insignificance.

The substantial odor is like a biological weapon, making people shed tears.

In addition, the construction here is also shockingly dilapidated.

As the group of people gradually approached, the scenes inside and outside the gathering place were shocking.

The first thing that catches the eye are rows of low-slung houses. The walls are full of cracks, and some of the walls have even semi-collapsed, exposing the internal mud-concrete structure.

The tiles on the roof are incomplete, and weak light shines through the gaps, and the mottled light and shadow reflect the desolation here.

There is no glass on the windows. Where can such high-end glass be produced here?

The windows of most houses are made of straw, and when the wind blows, they all make a whimpering sound.

Walking along the narrow and winding streets, you can see the garbage everywhere not only piling up like mountains, but also blocking some streets, making the already narrow road even more difficult to navigate.

When Xiehu and his party passed through the residential area, many residents who had just returned from the fields poked their heads out to look curiously.

As the area of ​​the New World has expanded five times again, outsiders have rarely been seen in the territory of the Honghua Gang in recent times, let alone a group of well-equipped and extraordinary people like the Pingtan Army.

The half-grown children opened their eyes wide and looked curiously at the hill-like hunting tiger, while the adults showed more fear and alertness.

Everyone knows clearly that in this poor and backward gathering place, outsiders often mean unknowns and dangers.

The latter is usually more likely than not!

"This place is so shabby. Their life is no different from the homeless people in Qinggang City!"

Liehu pouted, his previous curiosity gone.

Having been exposed to the Tianyuan Territory a lot before, he was instinctively filled with all kinds of fantasies about the outside world, but the reality in front of him was like a heavy punch, waking him up severely.

The dilapidation, poverty and backwardness here were completely different from the civilized and developed gathering place he imagined.

To a certain extent, the homeless people in Qinggang City may have lived a more comfortable life than these people before.

Continuing walking along the street, the group finally saw the only factory here.

The tall chimney is slightly tilted, and the top part has even broken, leaving a jagged fracture.

The machinery and equipment in the factory were rumbling, and shirtless workers were struggling to operate the machines.

"What kind of factory is this?" Liehu turned to look at Xiao Yang, his face full of doubts.

The latter recognized the written sign on the factory building: "This is an arsenal!"


Xiehu was stunned and speechless.

Peep into the factory through the gap in the door.

He saw some simple machine tools and cutting tools, as well as some equipment that looked like it was used to make ordinary mechanical parts.

But compared with the impression of the arsenal in the Tianyuan territory, these "ancient" equipment have nothing to do with the arsenal.

Are the weapons produced here really usable?

There was a drop like falling from the clouds, and the hunting tiger couldn't care less about wandering around the gathering place.

After urging the person leading the way twice, the group finally arrived at the temporary camp.

Located about one kilometer north of the arsenal, there is a row of temporarily cleared abandoned warehouses.

The iron doors of the warehouse were rusty and some of the door panels were even bent and deformed.

Looking inside, you can still see the debris that has not been completely cleaned up. It is really a mess.

Seeing Yehu coming over, Liu Zhi, who was still taking care of things inside, wiped the sweat from his head and trotted over quickly.

"Mr. Yehu, Brother Yang, I'm really sorry that I have to make do with you here for the time being." Liu Zhi said apologetically, "This was originally our material warehouse, but due to the recent shortage of resources in the territory, it has been temporarily empty.

It is planned to be converted into other uses.”

"But don't worry, I will find a way to coordinate enough accommodation as soon as possible, and I will never let everyone be wronged here in a few days."

Liu Zhi's attitude was very sincere. He not only expressed his apology, but also provided a solution.

But in fact, this is actually the best place he can find.

If the self-built houses built by the residents in the gathering area were built with soil, they would either leak air or rain, and there would be a risk of collapse at any time.

The warehouse was at least made of masonry, and key areas were even covered with iron sheets.

And wait until Xiao Yang finishes translating.

Liehu saw the sincerity and sweat on Liu Zhi's face, and the dissatisfaction in his heart calmed down a little.

"Forget it, at least it looks better here than over there. No one will bother us when the door is closed."

Although the low walls surrounding the warehouse cannot be used as defense, they can at least block the sight of passers-by.

Moreover, it is nearly three kilometers away from the main activities of residents.

Even if someone takes a walk normally, they would not go to such a remote place.

"I have too many people. It's a little irritating to come in now. Let's wait until evening and let them come in batches."

In Gathering Hall No. 4, under dim lights, Singer was sitting in a dilapidated tent, sipping the low-quality fruit wine in his hand.

Although this kind of fruit wine is made from rotten fruits, it has a turbid color and a pungent smell.

When I drank it into my mouth, the taste was even more disappointing. It was neither sweet nor sour, more like swill diluted with water. The taste was thin and lacking in layers.

But for a bad drinker, this is the best drink he can find in the Honghua Gang where resources are scarce and living conditions are difficult.

After drinking two small glasses, Singer reluctantly licked his mouth, shook the remaining liquid in the bottle, and closed the stopper.

At this moment, Langley hurriedly walked in, breaking the tranquility in the tent.

As Singer's "virtuous wife", Langley was not only responsible for the assassination mission, but also took on the responsibility of gathering information and training spies.

Outsiders often speculate that she is Singer's woman, but only a few people know that the two are actually father-daughter.

"Father, there is news from Gathering No. 2." Langley said with a hint of nervousness in his tone, "As soon as Tianyuan's fleet left, Liu Zhi brought back a group of weirdos from outside."

"A bunch of weirdos?"

Singer frowned, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. He stood up and put the wine bottle in his hand in the corner of the tent. Then he poked his head out of the tent door and took a look. After confirming that no one was there, he said in a deep voice: "Elaborate.


Langley swallowed, obviously shocked by the image of those "weirdos", and said: "The leader is a red-skinned weirdo, well, red-skinned! I can be sure that he is not Asian, nor is he one of us.

Nile people, not white people! It was a color that had been burned by fire, like a demon coming out of hell.”

"To put it bluntly, I don't care what race he is, even if he is a Blue Star person!"

"Well, okay, the red-skinned weirdo should be over two meters tall, and his body is extremely strong, like a wild bull. Even if I look at it from a distance, I can see that his hands are covered with thick calluses.

Obviously, this guy is definitely not a kind person. Especially his exposed skin, which is full of scars of different sizes, and his legs, which are like pillars. I doubt he can kick me to death!"

Langley's words were a little incoherent, and he described them while recalling.

Singer looked at her, with a disdainful smile on his lips: "What's going on? Are you afraid of being like this before we even meet? Remember, as long as you are a human being, you have weaknesses. Give him a shot in the head, who can survive?


"This is what I want to say."

Mentioning the shot to the head, Langrei quickly added: "The distance I observed him was about two hundred meters, but when I got close to almost a hundred meters, I had a strong feeling that if I got closer, it would be the worst."

Ten meters away, he will find you!"

"And this is without me showing any murderous intent!"

Langley's route is a trainee scout, which naturally has a special concealment bonus.

Being discovered by a hunting tiger was what frightened her the most.

"so serious?"

Singer did not continue to be harsh and thought for a moment: "What else, just one person?"

"No, there's more than one, there are about sixty people, and he brought a lot of people!"

"Are they all the same weirdos?"

"That's not true. The others are ordinary people, although they seem to have been trained."

"So many people?"

Singer's eyes flashed for a moment, and he made a decision instantly.

It was Ji Wuming's decision to go harass gathering place No. 2 and embarrass Liu Zhi and lose his face.

Usually when it is confirmed that Liu Zhi is a loner, there is no problem for him to harass him without hesitation.

"It seems we have to stop for a while. Well, you can go to the warehouse later to get some supplies and ask someone to deliver them to Jin Wenqiang. Forget it, just apologize to Liu Zhi and tell him that I have been drinking low-quality wine recently.

, please forgive him and don’t share my understanding.” Singer smiled and said to Langley.

A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and he did not get to where he is today just by relying on some small means.

As early as when he agreed to Ji Wuming, Singer had already thought of a way out.

Now I don’t know the details of those weirdos, nor do I know who they are going to deal with.

Singer decided to take the initiative, reach out and not hit the smiling man, and hide for a while before talking.

As for Ji Wuming, he has done enough recently, so he probably doesn't have any objections.

"I'll go right away." Langley nodded, turned around and left.

"You can call Tal again later, and use the opportunity of delivering supplies to let him see if he can work with that weirdo to find out what's going on. Be careful not to provoke him."

"Okay, he should be sleeping. I'll call him first."

Langley nodded, murmuring in his heart.

Tal is the only Level 10 Router at Gathering 4, and he is also a combat-oriented reserve soldier.

Most people wouldn't be able to handle sparring with him even if they held back their strength.

But can he really compete with that weirdo?

The burly red figure flashed through his mind. Langre shuddered and decided not to think about it any more.

At least for her, she definitely didn't want to fight this monster that seemed to have walked out of hell.

Just by looking into each other's eyes from a few hundred meters apart, she felt like her blood had stagnated.

"Tal, Tal!"

Langley walked for a while and stood in front of a dilapidated tent and called a few times.

Due to cultural differences, the Nile people do not like to live in mud houses made of yellow mud, but prefer tents made of shabby cloth and flimsy supports.

Looking at it, the entire gathering place No. 4 seems to be a sea of ​​tents. Tents of different sizes and sizes are densely arranged, like relics forgotten by time.

Whenever the wind blows, there will be a roaring sound throughout the gathering place, and the tent fabrics are blown by the wind, which seems to tell the story of poverty and backwardness here.

Of course, it will also be mixed with a stench that is even more eye-catching than Gathering No. 2.

Due to the lack of necessary sanitation facilities and basically no planning, the entire gathering area is filthy, with garbage everywhere and sewage flowing across the street.

Many olilies were pulled directly behind the tent. When there were a large number, they were simply buried with soil.

No, as soon as Tal leaned out of the tent, he almost stepped on an Ollie.

"Damn it, if I knew which beast did it here, I would definitely pop his anus!"

Tal, who has a strong build and a noodle head, has a displeased face, and his whole person exudes a dangerous aura.

Langley subconsciously compared it with the red-skinned weirdo.

Well, there's still no comparison at all.

Perhaps because of familiarity, he didn't feel the fatal threat from Tal at all.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"We have to go to gathering place No. 2 to deliver supplies, Liu Zhi is coming from outside."

Langley briefly repeated what happened at gathering place No. 2.

During this period, Tal curled his lips when he heard that Singer gave in so simply, but did not express any objection.

Singer is definitely an old fox, and his judgment has been proven countless times in the past.

"So I'm going to fight that weirdo?"

"It's a discussion," Langley corrected: "Although I think you are no match for him, it's best to give him a try."

"Go away, I won't fall for such a cheap provocation."

Tal said he didn't care, but his body was very honest. He turned back to the tent and took out the chain and hung it around his waist.

Cold weapons are not easy to use in a chaotic wasteland, but they are very intimidating in a slightly orderly gathering place.

Under the unspoken rule that no one could shoot, he did not believe that the other party would be his opponent.

This chapter has been completed!
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