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Chapter 1320 Good evening, Lord Ji!

Time goes back half an hour.

"Qiulai, take five people to stand guard outside. Be sure to keep an eye on me. If anyone comes around, remind us to retreat in time."

"Those who follow me in, please remember that our goal is only to find supplies, not to confront others. If there is any problem, evacuate to me in time and think about how to save your own life, do you understand?"

In front of the abandoned warehouse at Gathering No. 3, team leader Tuoba Chi gave instructions repeatedly.

Just listening to Liu Zhi's information, everyone would think that this was a warehouse similar to where they were struggling.

But in fact, the gap between the two is huge.

The abandoned warehouse here at Gathering Area No. 3 deserves the name of a warehouse.

Its overall shape is simple and rough, resembling an ancient city, much like a huge square box.

The nearly ten-meter-high wall is made of stacked rocks, with patrolling guards vaguely visible on it.

In addition, the length and width of this abandoned warehouse are also amazing, with an exaggerated length of nearly a hundred meters.

It can be said that it is not surprising that there are two to three thousand people hiding in such a warehouse.

"Brother Chi, it looks like there is no way to enter this place, and it doesn't look like it's abandoned, right?" Qiu Lai, who was ordered to look around, said a little suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter if it's abandoned or not, we just need to go in and take a look around to see what's hidden inside. If it's supplies, we'll inform Mr. Hunter Tiger."

As Tuoba Chi was speaking, the communicator on his waist suddenly vibrated, and instructions were transmitted from it.

It was Yehu who finally arrived at the mine and was ready to launch an attack.

"The boss is here with news. Get ready. Touch them first and kill those guards!"

It is very convenient to shoot directly, but it will alert the enemy.

Fortunately, the equipment brought by the group was complete enough, including equipment for climbing.

A few deft beach soldiers put it on and climbed up along the shadow of the crenel in a few moments.

Hearing several consecutive pops, the guards, who had not expected the attack at all, did not react at all, and fell asleep peacefully on the ground one by one.

After a while, the door of the warehouse was opened from the inside out.

"As expected of a young man, he fell asleep!"

There was a row of guards lying on the ground, their hands and feet bound with ropes, and their mouths stuffed with stinky socks they had pulled out.

Tuoba Chi clicked his tongue twice, waved his hand back, and everyone filed in.

However, after walking a few steps inside and looking back and forth, Tuoba Chi's face darkened suddenly.

"Who designed this?" He couldn't help but curse in a low voice, "Why is there a maze inside?"

The design of this abandoned warehouse is much more complex than it appears on the outside. It adopts an internal and external nesting model. The external city wall is tall and strong. It seems to be the main structure of the warehouse, but in fact it is only used as a barrier for defense and patrol.

After passing through this city wall and actually entering the warehouse, there is a square box leaning here.

The height of this square box is obviously lower than the external city wall, only about three meters, which is almost the same height as an ordinary house.

But walking inside, the passage is only wide enough for three people to walk side by side.

After walking a few steps, two entrances were opened, going in different directions to the left and right.

Tuoba Chi smashed the wall of the passage with his fist, and his first reaction was to see if he could break it violently.

But soon, the sound coming back from the wall was dull and solid.

It should be made of concrete. If you want to break the wall violently, you must use explosives!

However, in doing so, there is a risk of alerting the enemy.

Tuobachi stopped and thought.

The maze does not occupy a large area, and it would not take too long to test each path one by one manually.

The only thing you need to worry about is the opponent's support. Once you are surrounded inside, you will be in trouble.

"You all go out. Only five of you will go in with me to explore. You will return along the same path every twenty minutes."

"The remaining people are on guard outside. If the enemy has support, try to shoot them away."

In this small maze, having more people is not an advantage.

Tuoba Chi quickly made a decision, and after giving his instructions, he took the initiative to rush inside with a few of his close associates.

At the first entrance, there are two roads, six people are divided into half, and three people go to each two roads.

The second entrance has three roads. The three of them are divided again, and each person goes in one way.

If you encounter a dead end, go back the way you came.

If you encounter other companions, wait where you are until the ten minutes are up and return.

Soon, the first exploration came to fruition. Before the twenty-minute gathering time was up, all six of them came to a dead end and had no way forward and retreated.

"How is this possible? Who would be bored enough to build a maze with no exit?"

The so-called supplies were not found in the warehouse. It stands to reason that the team led by Tuoba Chi had completed their mission.

But now, the special nature of the maze has caused a new problem.

Tuoba Chi looked at the guard who was sleeping at the door, feeling regretful that he couldn't interrogate him due to the language barrier.

However, under normal circumstances, these people most likely do not know the function of the maze in the warehouse.

"Brother Chi, do you think there is a possibility that the thing is not hidden in the maze?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Underground, is it possible that the maze is just a cover and the real thing is underground?"

The confidant who spoke continued: "When I passed a place just now, I felt a slight vibration in the soles of my feet."

"I suspect this maze has an entrance to the underground!"

"Where is it, lead me there quickly."

Tuoba Chi raised his eyebrows and immediately became interested.

Use an above-ground maze to slow down the enemy's search time, and the real supplies are hidden in the underground warehouse.

This is indeed consistent with the habit of hiding things.

Following the route taken by his confidants, Tuoba Chi soon came to the place where there was so-called vibration.

Sure enough, lying on the ground and listening quietly, I could vaguely hear faint vibrations coming from the ground.

"Pingchen, you have made a great contribution this time!"

As Tuoba Chi listened again and again, the joy on his face became more intense.

No supplies were found, but deeper secrets were discovered in this warehouse.

Even if the entrance to the underground is not found, reporting it to Hunting Tiger will inevitably be a great achievement.

"Brother Chi, if this is the case, my meritorious service was not directed by you, okay?"

"Hey, you kid can talk!" Tuoba Chi groped around on the ground but couldn't find the so-called entrance.

But now that he discovered the secret here, he wasn't in a hurry.

He led the people back out first, then picked up the communicator and contacted the hunting tiger to report.

"Are you sure? There is something underground?"

"Master Yehu, I can be 100% sure that there is something moving underground, but what it is is still unclear."

Tuobachi reported truthfully and briefly described the noise he heard.

The first feeling is that it is a bit like an earthquake, the rumble goes from weak to strong, and then from strong to weak.

But the vibration amplitude was not large, as if someone was hitting the ground with a sledgehammer.

"Don't move around yet, and don't alert the snake. I'll take someone there right now." Liehu's voice came from the communicator.

"Ah? It's so fast. Is everything going well at the gold mine?"

"It went very smoothly. We captured this place half an hour ago."

Half an hour ago

Tuoba Chi calculated in his mind, which means that it only took less than ten minutes to attack the mountain?

As expected of Mr. Tiger Hunter, his sword is still young.

"Okay, I'll take the people away right now." Tuobachi responded briefly to the communicator and cut off the call without hesitation.

Following his order, the entire team began to evacuate quickly and orderly. However, before leaving, Tuoba Chi specifically ordered his men to break the thumbs of all the guards.

This is a necessary measure.

In the past, when two shelters were fighting, they would do this when they couldn't kill the prisoners.

In this way, even if the other party uses a large amount of materials to trade the hostages back, it will not be able to organize an effective counterattack in a short period of time and restart the second war.

Then, leaving the painfully awakened guard where he was, the team quickly and quietly passed through the area near the abandoned warehouse and arrived at a high ground five hundred meters away from the warehouse.

The red moon shrouded the place, and blood spread all over the place.

The warehouses here only have a shallow outline, and even if someone comes over, it will be difficult to spot them.

Of course, it is also difficult for them to observe the movement in front of the warehouse.

"Oh, how could I forget this!" Tuoba Chi slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, "Quickly, release our miniature pathfinder and let it go over there for monitoring!"

Upon hearing this, the team members immediately took action. One person quickly and carefully took out a device about the size of a baby's fist from the ammunition box.

Before this operation, in order to ensure nothing went wrong, the Hunting Tigers decided to bring some of their "bottom of the box" treasures.

This miniature pathfinder, which can fly to track and detect intelligence, is one of them.

Although this Pathfinder aircraft is small in size, its price is thirty times that of a starch making machine!

Its built-in energy battery is enough to support the aircraft's flight life for more than two hours.

And through a special signal transmission method, as long as there is no strong shielding, the monitoring screen can be transmitted to the terminal in real time within five kilometers.


With a subtle start-up sound, the Pathfinder quickly left the ground.

After about five seconds, all sounds disappeared and the propulsion mode was switched to anti-gravity mode.

In this state, even in a very quiet space, the sound from the Pathfinder cannot be heard.

And another advantage is that even if the infrared detector is pointed at it, there will be no abnormalities in the pathfinder.

"Give me the lever and I'll operate it!"

Tuobachi felt a little happy when he snatched the joystick from the team members.

In the refuge, they rarely have access to such high-tech equipment, and they always secretly use it alone for hunting tigers.

If he doesn't seize the time to practice when he is brought out this time, he will wait until the next time.

Facing the fifteen-inch screen, the aircraft flew toward the warehouse crookedly, but it stabilized after a while, and its flight became smoother.

Facts have proved that the people who made the Pathfinder have already considered the level of the operator, and also considered that most of the people who use this thing are gophers from small places.

Therefore, this aircraft has a built-in basic AI system that can quickly learn and understand the operator's intentions, thereby self-correcting the instructions internally to achieve a more stable state.

"Damn it, where did these monsters come from? They took advantage of the disaster to attack an abandoned warehouse."

"I'm so unlucky. I thought I could rest here today when I was assigned to the abandoned warehouse, but I didn't expect that I would be so unlucky for ten lifetimes!"

"Damn it, it really hurts. What the hell are you doing to these beasts? If you want to enter the warehouse, why don't you just say no? There are so many good things in a shabby warehouse. Breaking my thumb for this is really not a human being."

"Stop talking nonsense. The lord has already brought people over to support you. Everyone, please cheer up."

"If you support me, they have already left. This is clearly revenge on us."

"Retaliation? I wonder if I have offended anyone?"


The Pathfinder entered the warehouse, and clear voices suddenly came from the terminal.

It's a pity that no one can understand Chinese when Xiao Yang is gone, and the terminal doesn't have a built-in translator.

Tuoba Chi could only vaguely judge from the tone and demeanor of these people's words that they probably did not know the secret of this warehouse.

This situation is actually reasonable.

After all, it is a place where things are hidden. If everyone knows about it, then why is it necessary to hide it so deeply?

As long as he is caught and interrogated, he will be found no matter where he hides.

The waiting time passed quickly. After about half an hour, the support person finally arrived belatedly.

Wow, there are quite a lot of people.

Seeing from the screen that there were two to three hundred people coming to support, Tuoba Chi took a deep breath and secretly felt happy in his heart.

If they had not withdrawn in time and were surrounded by so many people, there would have been a fierce battle.

"Brother Chi, that leader seems to be the Ji Ji we are going to deal with?" Pingchen, who had noticed the noise underground before, pointed at Ji Wuming on the screen who was giving orders to others.

"Ji Wuming is the lord of this gathering place."

I had memorized this face in the intelligence a long time ago, and Tuoba Chi was certainly no stranger to it now.

He quickly set the Pathfinder to lock-and-follow mode and selected Ji Wuming as the target.

Tuoba Chi picked up the communicator and called over: "Master Yehu, the target has appeared, and I have brought nearly three hundred people with me!"

"Is it really the abandoned warehouse at gathering place No. 3?" Liehu's majestic voice came from it.

"Release Pathfinder and follow him to see what he plans to do."

"Okay, we have been released and are following the target."

While he was talking, Ji Wuming had already walked into the maze alone, and the Pathfinder aircraft also flew in following the shadow.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Wuming was very vigilant. Once he entered the maze, he did not rush forward. Instead, he clung to the wall of the corridor and looked back and forth.

But unfortunately, the aircraft is at the top and is similar in color to black, making it difficult to detect with the naked eye.

After waiting for about five minutes, Ji Wuming continued to walk inside.

"Second entrance, first road, go left, go right"

"Wait, when will there be a road here?"

Tuoba Chi was a little unable to react when he saw that the wall suddenly cracked and a staircase descended from it.

But what shocked him even more was that an identical "Ji Wuming" came up from the stairs and said hello with a kind smile.

"Good evening, Lord Ji!"

This chapter has been completed!
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