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Chapter 1348 Mine Island Alliance, a more real and dark wasteland

The fleet received an unprecedented warm reception.

Although the supply warehouse of Mengyue Territory is on the verge of collapse, it cannot provide much sense of ceremony.

But the cheers for asking for no money never stopped, one after another, deafening.

However, after entering the gathering place, the dilapidation and desolation here still exceeded everyone's imagination.

I originally thought that the dilapidation outside was the limit, but I didn't expect that the situation inside the gathering place was even worse.

With the complete loss of modern technology, the survivors seem to be living in isolation from the world, returning to the most primitive way of mankind.

the buildings here

Forget it, it's not so much a building as a shelter made of various materials and resources that can be found in nature.

The walls are mostly made of a mixture of yellow mud, stones and branches, and the roofs are covered with dry leaves and grass.

Whenever rainy days come, it is normal for the house to leak. Occasionally, during heavy rains, the roof may even collapse. As a result, the survivors can only go to the official evacuation point in groups to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Walking into the territory, you can see ragged residents everywhere.

Due to the extreme shortage of materials, the clothes brought over from the earth have only the final functionality left.

Many people's clothes are so tattered that they can hardly cover their bodies, and some are even nearly naked. This is not because they are dissolute, but because in such a living environment, maintaining basic decency has become a luxury.

Even using discarded fabrics to sew and mend is a considerable burden for the average person.

Of course, food problems are also particularly serious.

Although after Xi Ruyue announced that Tianyuan's support was coming, the defense team became extremely tough. Not only did they recover all the previously looted supplies, but they also found some additional hidden supplies and distributed them per person every day.

The shortage still means that those who work can eat two meals, and those who don’t work only have one!

And this meal was just thin porridge and some unpalatable wild vegetables.

After only half a month, the survivors who could only eat one meal were basically skinny and skinny, and almost no longer had the strength to walk. The half-year-old children also had haggard faces due to lack of nutrition.

In addition, the lack of medical resources has also caused huge troubles to the survivors.

Here, illness often means death.

Because there are not enough medicines and medical equipment, many common diseases cannot be treated in time. The survivors can only rely on some wasteland herbs and earth remedies published on the world chat to relieve symptoms, but the effects are often very limited.

"We need medicine very much, no, it should be said that most human gathering places need medicine very much. In a sense, medicine is even more important than food!" Xi Ruyue smiled bitterly while introducing the truth.

"In fact, the wind chill caused by this cooling caused serious infectious diseases in our Mengyue. I personally led people to isolate the initial infected people, but the effect did not seem to be very good."

"Then what are you waiting for? We just happened to have brought a lot of medicines. Let's distribute them first."

Upon hearing that there was an infectious disease, Captain Yao Dingshan raised his eyebrows and quickly gave instructions to the second officer.

Ordinary antiviral drugs are indeed extremely precious for small gathering places.

But in the Tianyuan territory, it has long been reached the point where a large number of them can be chemically synthesized at will.

As long as residents hold official identity documents, the entire treatment for common diseases can be fully paid for by the territory.

Moreover, in the rescue plan, the possibility of infectious diseases being spread was considered at the earliest stage.

Therefore, the medicines brought on the ship filled half of the cargo hold, and it would not be a problem to treat tens of thousands of people.

"Captain, please get busy first. Let's go take a look around." After following the large group towards Mengyue County for a while, Spicy Iron Hammer stepped forward and said.

Their purpose is not to rescue, and there is no point in staying here to listen to the cheers of the survivors.

"That's fine. I'll send five guards to follow you. Don't think it's redundant. People here are basically on the verge of collapse. There's no chance that someone will be stupid. It's better to be careful."

Yao Dingshan’s worries are not groundless.

The impact of the late spring cold has only just begun, and the closer we get to the autumn harvest, the more chaotic it will be.

If a few people only move within the Mengyue territory, safety can still be guaranteed.

But if we set foot outside or encounter survivors from other places, no one dares to say what will happen.

"Then I'll trouble you, Captain."

Spicy Iron Hammer nodded, and a few people paused for a moment before falling behind the large team.

For a moment, hundreds of eyes focused on him.

However, this situation did not last long, because the team was still moving forward, and the eyes that were originally focused on them quickly receded like the tide.

“The people here are quite diverse, with all kinds of skin colors.”

"The strong ones are all Nile and white people. The Chinese people all look malnourished. It's all because we are too honest!"

After leaving the crowd, the group of people walked and looked around, and soon discovered some phenomena that could not be seen from the center.

At the same time, after giving a few pieces of bread as reward, I also learned a lot about the Mengyue Territory and its surroundings from several Chinese people.

At present, more than 70% of the cultivated land in Mengyue territory has been developed by hard-working Chinese people, especially the area near the river. Basically, the Chinese people walk forty miles every day with tools and cultivate it with their own hands.

came out.

The remaining 30% and 10% were developed by survivors hired by the territorial officials, and only 20% were cultivated land by Niloticians and whites.

"What the hell, we Chinese people put grain into the ground as seeds, but these guys eat it all. No wonder the physical difference is so big now."

The doomsday madman cursed and was dissatisfied with the situation he learned at the moment.

But in a blink of an eye, I thought that the world is always fair. The first batch of survivors taken away by rescue will be mainly Chinese. No matter how strong the remaining Nile and white people are, they will probably be starving in a month.

"As for the minerals you are asking about," the Chinese man holding the bread thought for a while and said tentatively: "There are indeed no minerals in the Mengyue territory. There is only a small iron mine with thin reserves. It is very difficult to mine. But I once heard that

Survivors in the past have said that there is a group of fragmented islands a few hundred kilometers north, where a territory called the Mine Island Alliance is stationed. They seem to have found many mines on the islands that are convenient for mining, and they are also recruiting miners!


"Mining Island Alliance, is it still recruiting miners?"

Spicy Iron Hammer's eyes lit up and he caught the key point.

The terrain of the central Holy Land is mainly composed of vast plains and low hills, forming a relatively gentle but rolling geographical landscape, and the overall terrain is considered to be connected together.

Even if the game comes to the Dragon Immortal River, it only meanders in the central part of the land and does not completely divide the land independent of other places.

But the situation here in the Southern Fire Territory is completely different.

The emergence of rivers caused the plates to split. The terrain here is as varied as the tropical regions on the earth, including not only island terrain, but also volcanoes.

Having a territory and being able to control a group of islands is not big news.

As we all know, the land on islands is far less fertile than in plains, and crop yields will drop significantly due to soil erosion.

Moreover, the development of buildings will be severely restricted by the terrain. Once a powerful enemy invades, it is basically the same as being caught in a trap, with nowhere to run.

This is also the fundamental reason why many survivors basically walk around the island when they encounter it.

However, if there is a large amount of ore on these island groups, the value will be difficult to say.

Spicy Iron Hammer discussed with the doomsday madman and found a few people to inquire about the situation of the Mine Island Alliance.

Unfortunately, basically everyone knows that there is such a thing, but there is no specific information.

After all, being a miner is not a good job.

Even in modern times, you can occasionally see news of large-scale mine collapses and deaths on the news.

In the wasteland, the death rate would be even more horribly high. You would simply trade your life for money.

No one wants to be a miner unless they are determined to die or are cornered.

"Why don't you go and have a look? If you borrow a boat and go there, one day is enough." Spicy Iron Hammer couldn't help but suggest. If you say you're not interested, you'd be lying.

According to the information collected, if there are many mines on these islands, the reserves would be simply terrifying.

Perhaps with one transaction, you can get enough for the territory for several months.

And the current unequal trading model, in the eyes of Spicy Iron Hammer, is naked plunder!

Maybe one cold medicine can be exchanged for a lot of ores.

It is also possible that some ordinary daily necessities can be exchanged for minerals worth a hundred times the former.

It also transports some supplies that are already overflowing in Tianyuan territory but are still in short supply outside.

It's a win-win.

"Okay, maybe they also need weapons. Islands are the terrain where they are most afraid of being surrounded by enemies." The doomsday madman agreed, and he also felt that there was a market for the Mineral Island Alliance.

And within the next week, the fleet will anchor in the waters of Mengyue Territory to select the first batch of survivors to be brought back to the territory.

It's only a few hundred kilometers to the Mine Island Alliance. Even if you go there by land, the time is enough.

"Then let's leave tomorrow morning. It's early rather than late."

The two of them put their minds together and quickly finalized the plan, deciding to have a good night's rest first to recharge their batteries.

Wait until early tomorrow morning to set off and find the Mineral Island Alliance before night.

Early the next morning.

After explaining the situation of the Mine Island Alliance and the goals of the two of them, Yao Dingshan did not refuse risky exploration because of the risks.

In fact, before this trip, the territory emphasized that in addition to the rescue mission, exploring the situation in the southern fire zone as much as possible is also one of the mission goals.

Unfortunately, based on what we learned yesterday, the current situation in the Mengyue Territory is indeed a bit complicated, and the fleet cannot find time to travel around it for the time being.

Now that two people can lead the team to explore, it can be regarded as completing the task on the side.

"It's possible, but one frigate is still too risky, so I'll give you another one to take care of you and follow you." As one of the capable generals of the Tianyuan Territory in the future ruins, Yao Dingshan is famous.


And this is the main reason why he was assigned as the captain on this trip.

"In terms of manpower, it is also better to have less than more. If there are too many, it will easily cause trouble. You only bring ten people, but I will arrange for twenty people to be on another ship."

"Thank you Captain Yao for taking care of you. We will be careful." Spicy Iron Hammer nodded immediately.

"Well, remember to contact us as soon as possible if anything happens. When you are away from home, if anyone is dissatisfied and wants to make trouble, we don't need to be cowardly. We can just fuck him and that's it!"

In terms of status, the identities of Spicy Iron Hammer and Doomsday Madman are not ordinary.

One is the director of the steel factory, and the other is the director of the weapons factory. They are both considered the upstream of the military industry and the core industry of the territory.

If something happens to the two of them, it directly means that the other party is provoking Tianyuan's territory.

Shaking the communicator at his waist, Yao Dingshan smiled and did not leave until they were sent to the frigate.

Soon, the two frigates separated from the large force and headed north.

It only took half an hour, and no trace of the rear fleet could be seen from the field of vision.

"Phew, it's finally out." The doomsday madman breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the rays of the scorching sun can only drive away the darkness half of the day.

Naturally, the "light" brought by Tianyuan Territory cannot drive away all the darkness in Mengyue Territory.

It can be said that the atmosphere in Mengyue territory yesterday when welcoming the arrival of the fleet was so warm and crazy.

So the atmosphere inside now is so depressing and uncomfortable.

After the news that only some of them could be selected to be taken away was released, many survivors were already on the verge of collapse, secretly or covertly, especially those who had relied on their faith to persevere before. If they were told now that they would have to wait until the second batch or...

The third batch can only board the ship, and they will probably go crazy on the spot, or shift the target of hatred to those who are lucky enough to be selected.

And the Nile people, who were almost impossible to be taken away for the first time, were restless and started a riot last night.

Although they were quickly dealt with by Xi Ruyue and the defense team, there were still sporadic survivors affected by the riot, and the relief supplies they had just received yesterday were taken away in the chaos.

In this regard, Xi Ruyue, who was forcibly elected as the lord but actually had little experience at all, did not come up with a suitable solution and could only repeatedly use force to suppress it.

Although Yao Dingshan has rich experience, he did not express any opinions or even change the plan set yesterday.

But both of them knew that this was not the captain's intention to remain indifferent to last night's commotion.

Now, like the last calm before the storm, Yao Dingshan is actually waiting for the opportunity to turn the situation around in one fell swoop.

Until then, the atmosphere will only become more and more depressing and tense.

Until you break that critical point!

(End of chapter)

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