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Chapter 1397 Looking to the future and living for the answer!

"The company has indeed taken some action, and these announcements are indeed in line with their rules."

It was almost early morning, and only the moonlight shone on the river.

Half-reclining on the deck chair on the bow deck, Somo pulled the tablet in his hand and read the translated messages one by one.

As a small transparent company that was able to start from scratch and was on the verge of disappearing, it has gradually developed into one of the three giants across Blue Star. The core of the company's survival is strict and almost perverted regulations.

But this is not surprising. Any company that can become big and strong and has been around for hundreds of years, a time-honored brand, or even a humble family store, has some rules that may seem strange to outsiders.

Rules are rules of conduct.

With a code of conduct, uncontrollable risks can be suppressed to an acceptable level.

And a giant like a company that has been standing for hundreds of years must have various rules that are daunting.

The current temptation seems to be child's play, even copying the operating rules of the Gopher Man's Sanctuary.

However, Sumo is very clear that once the company realizes the true shape of the wasteland, what everyone will see then is the real company.

A super technological force that can conquer the lower third of the vast planet!

Of course, having said that, there is no need to be too unreasonable. Sumo is not too worried about the future.

Compared with alien enemies, the threat from human companies is obviously smaller.

And although Hu Lai City is a city under the rule of enterprises, enterprises are far from being summarized by Hu Lai City.

Now as long as Adam is restrained from continuing to use "well-intentioned help", there is no need to worry about more Blue Star natives being sent to the wasteland by the game.

Just for the current situation, Sumo asked himself whether he was confident enough to handle it.

The premise is.

"Yi Yu, please don't come out and cause trouble for me this time."

Sumo was thinking as he heard the sound of footsteps beside him. He gently pressed the side button of the tablet to put the screen into the screen-free state.

The left foot and right foot landed on the ground at different times and with different intensity.

Somo turned his head, and it turned out to be Luo You.

Two days have passed since the discovery of the Faith Stone, and Luo You has completely emerged from the previous shadow.

He held two cups of hot tea in his hands. Steam was steaming from the rim of the cup, and fine water droplets hung on the edge of the cup.

"It's windy tonight, let's have a drink."

Sumo nodded and took the tea cup. The water inside was still a little hot.

Although this temperature is not suitable for brewing Yunwu tea, as it will destroy the precipitation of theophylline, it is quite suitable for dispelling cold.

"Are you busy? Do you mind if I sit here for a while and chat?"

Luo You said with a smile, his face glowing under the light of the light yellow fish lantern.

Perhaps it was because he had never encountered a survivor who was living outside the basics, nor had he been exposed to the upper world of the wasteland. In the past two days, he always took the opportunity to communicate with Soma, eagerly absorbing some new knowledge.

"You're done, sit down."

Somo blew on the rim of the cup and took a sip.

Except for Luo You who always likes to answer some questions about the 'territory' in a roundabout way, and then shows disbelief and annoyance after getting the answer, Somo is still happy to answer the rest of the questions.

No, this process should not be regarded as a one-way answer, but more like a profound and enlightening exchange.

Just like the subtle and complex electrochemical reactions between cells, it seems to be the most exquisite poem in nature. Every pulse of electric current contains the mystery of life and the true meaning of aesthetics.

In this strange land that spans the world and the stars, the correct answers to countless questions are not concentrated on a single independent 'individual'.

There is a thread that affects everything.

One side of the line is the human individual, and the other side of the line is the answer.

It may be that scientists like Lu Kuan, Ai Jianfeng, and Ji Yang found their own research direction and finally successfully developed a cross-era product that changed everything.

This product is the answer on the other side of the line.

It may also be that Su Deben, Feng Long, Qiao Yuansheng, and Chen Shen found their own direction of struggle, struggled until death, and left behind great achievements.

This great achievement worthy of being written into the history books is also the answer.

Of course, the answer may also be Nobita Nobita's twisting rope, or the dark forest theory that Luo Ji shouted loudly.

But in short, no one can solve all the answers by himself.

This has been tested by Sumo through actions a long time ago.

So far, his various knowledge theories have been basically learned to the end of the extension of human beings on earth with the help of psionic water and attributes.

It can be said that if he returns to Earth now, even if he goes to any university, any academic institution, or any country, he can immediately become a top expert in a certain industry.

And he's not just a showman, he's a real academic master who can stand the test!

It sounds awesome, and Sumo once thought that he could go a long way in his research, or at least break through the many barriers that plague humans on earth.

However, he soon discovered that he was quite wrong.

His "awesomeness" is something that any junior artificial intelligence can perfectly replicate.

In some aspects, he is even better than him. He can answer complex chain questions in just a few seconds, and even answer different questions from one hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand people at the same time.

This is not an innovation at all, but a mechanical summary.

It's like finding countless correct answers on the other end of the line, and finally memorizing all of them.

To do innovative biological research, Sumo found that his mind was in chaos.

Although there are various ideas, these ideas are ultimately not enough to support him in completing his research. Instead, they will greatly affect the development of the current territorial technology tree.

About to conduct a rigorous physics experiment, Sumo found himself very anxious.

He simply couldn't bear to lock himself in the laboratory for a week, a month, or half a year, repeatedly performing various simple but tedious actions to find the final correct answer.

And so on, even though Somo has realized that he has now found one end of the line, and has the ability to go to the other end of the line to find the final answer.

But he also knows that it will be difficult for him to reach the end, and he may not succeed even if he has to exert ten times a hundred times more perseverance.

In fantasy novels, there is a very appropriate word to describe this state.

Going against the grain.

What exactly is heaven?

Sumo believed that if he could know the answer to this question, then he would be confident in explaining why the system would eventually choose him to be the host among trillions and trillions of humans.

Just like he now knows that the end point of Luo You's line segment is the alien language master, the system also absolutely knows where the end point of his line segment is!

"It's not a big deal, I just want to talk to you about the problem from the day."

Luo You sat down and drank a sip of tea to feel warm: "To be honest, you guessed it right. I have asked many people this question. I asked them how they can't see the future in such a difficult and unfamiliar world. What is the point of continuing to live in the wasteland of hell? Indeed, many people think that I am mentally ill as soon as they hear this question, and some even want to beat me, and there are quite a few of them."

After hearing this, Su Mo chuckled lightly.

This guy really deserves a beating, running around in the wasteland asking philosophical questions to the survivors.

Even if this kind of problem is placed in modern times on earth, there are only a few people who can clearly explain the meaning of life.

What can I do if I don’t live? Isn’t it possible to die now?

So Sumo didn't bother to answer his question at that time, and only asked how many people he had been beaten by when he asked this question.

But at noon Luo You was still insisting that he had never been beaten before, and after half a day he finally couldn't help it anymore.

"During that time, I was really a little confused. I didn't know what the meaning of living was. I felt that everything I did was meaningful, but it was meaningless. I even thought about it, what if we built a new home in the wasteland? , So what if we return to the earth? After experiencing the supernatural power of the route, can most people return to the ordinary life before?"

"To be honest, these questions are not philosophical questions, at least I don't think he should be included in them."

"This is a very real social problem. Even if we only live for power, we still need a goal."

After Luo You finished speaking, he took a sip of tea:

"Of course, it's okay if you don't plan to answer my question. I don't even know what the answer is, so I'm just asking here. I also understand that asking you to think about this question may cause some unnecessary trouble, but People are always tormenting themselves in life, right?"

"I like the language of aliens. The symbols they shout are as beautiful as the formulas written by mathematicians, as charming as the theorems we have discovered in the universe. Can you understand my feelings? When I hear those unknown When the characters of meaning are shouted out of their mouths, I feel like something in my genes has been touched, and I always can’t wait to study it, analyze it, and understand it.”

"But the more I learn about it, the more confused I feel."

"I understand what the meaning of these things is, and what kind of changes will it make if I study it? Looking up at the starry sky in this world, I only feel my own insignificance. I am not the human Su Shen, and my behavior will not If it has any impact on this land, I am not even sure whether I will die unexpectedly in the next disaster."

"If it weren't for your appearance that gave me the meaning of studying these things, I would almost collapse. I feel like I have entered a dead end and will soon reach the end of my death."

Luo You's explanations are getting faster and faster, and his words are very dense.

Sumo listened silently. He actually understood as early as noon that Luo You needed a meaning of struggle.

What are you living for? What is the future of mankind on earth?

The answers to these two questions may be the key to recruiting talented people.

After all, ordinary people may not be able to reach the answer corresponding to their own line segment throughout their lives. Some people even cannot find their own line segment and cannot start the direction they are good at.

Naturally, they will not pursue the answers to these questions.

Only these geniuses who have opened up their own lines and are pursuing answers will need meaning.

“What to live for?”

Sumo smiled without thinking and replied: "Live for the answers you seek."

"What do you mean?" Luo You frowned, holding the teacup in his hand tightly.

Based on his close understanding in the past two days, he knew that Somo was not that disgusting Riddler who kept answering old questions with new questions, always creating suspense and mystery.

One is one, two is two.

Writing a suspense novel may involve using the Riddler technique, but answering the questions needs to be as simple and understandable as possible.

Whenever he gives an answer, he will inevitably explain it to the point where even a fool can understand it.

Well, it's a bit exaggerated, but overall it shouldn't be too different.

"What does Lao Zhang live for?"

"He?" Luo You thought for a moment: "Live for all kinds of desires that cannot be fulfilled in modern times."

Lao Zhang is a common man.

In the past two days of contact, he often bluntly stated that he wanted several beautiful wives, a large manor, and a life like a master.

He wanted to eat and pour a bowl in the wasteland without having to worry about various practical problems.

He also wanted to be a philanthropic person and make refugees a few kilometers away grateful for his kindness.

For this reason, Lao Zhang chose to board the Somo boat without hesitation.

In his opinion, the destination of this boat may not be his goal, but it can always bring him a little closer.

He never worried about what he was living for. Even if Luo You mentioned it, Lao Zhang would happily reply: "I just live to live, to live better."

It makes no sense, has no level, and makes no sense.

"Then you don't have any desires that cannot be fulfilled in modern times?"

"Yes." Luo You admitted without hesitation: "I do want our family to live a good life, but I will not admit that the meaning of my life is just for these, and it is not important enough."


"Continue with what?"

"Desire, is this all you have?"

"Of course." Luo You replied without thinking.

"There's nothing bad to say about this. Although I don't want to marry more than one wife, I do want to find my lover. She lost contact when the wasteland first came a year ago. So far, I don't know whether she is alive or dead.


"I want to see my two children get married and start a family. It would be best if I could have grandchildren. The family can sit together happily and spend the New Year in the wasteland."

"I want a big villa, a big laboratory, and a dozen assistants. After all, my work and research projects are quite troublesome. It's always inconvenient to be alone. It's best to have a chef. I can eat whatever I want right away."

You can do something for me."

"I want to acquire the abilities of the aliens. Speaking of which, when I studied their language, I thought about how great it would be if one day I could use those strange magics like the aliens."


As he spoke, Luo You suddenly stopped.

He still has many desires, so many that he can talk about them from now to tomorrow morning without repeating them. For example, when he goes back to a certain class in elementary school and tells him as a child in advance that he must pee during this period, otherwise he will wet his pants.

It's so embarrassing that the whole school knows about it.

"But again, I don't think these are the meaning of supporting my life, they are just regrets. How can life be without some regrets? There are in the past, there are now, and there will be still in the future."

"Look, isn't this the answer?"


"You said it yourself. How can life be without some regrets? In my opinion, isn't the purpose of your life just to have no regrets?"


Luo You was stunned and couldn't get around this corner for the first time.

But soon, he reacted suddenly, and there was an almost imperceptible strange color in his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at Somo, only to see that the latter had stood up from the recliner and was still murmuring.

"Everyone's answer is different, and we are all living for the answer!"

(End of chapter)

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