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Chapter 1439 Faulty development, the final tranquility!

Almost a month has passed since that support meeting.

Musk thought about it carefully and felt that he had seen this description before, but it seemed that he had not.

But as the ship boss said, he felt at that time that it was really stupid to build a small territory on a mountain.

If there are not enough resources for development and the ability to resist risks is poor, it is necessary to build a solid foundation for development.

And eating, drinking and having diarrhea happens to be the most important part of the foundation.

Like the Boulder Territory, there is no suitable terrain for planting and development, and food can only be purchased from outside sources.

Once you encounter something like the Tyrell Territory, where goods cannot be traded, the territory will automatically fall into trouble.

When selling something, others know your difficulties and maliciously lower the price.

If you don’t want to lower the price, then unite all surrounding territories to lower the price.

If you lack supplies and are forced to exchange them at a lower price, the other party will take advantage of them, and sooner or later the price will get lower and lower.

There are many ways to break the situation, the simplest way is to punch out.


Does Boulder Territory have this ability?

"Brother Song, please think about it carefully. Next time you come back, it won't be at this price."

The person who spoke earlier shouted again.

Seeing the people in the boulder territory snorting and leaving, the people watching the excitement suddenly laughed.

The medicines in Boulder Territory are indeed good and cheap, but who doesn’t want the price to be even cheaper?


Musk snorted inexplicably, feeling a little disdainful of this behavior on the dock.

But he didn't say much. Small territories naturally had their own rules. Even if both territories were aid targets, he would not intervene to force a deal.

What's more, the Boulder Territory is not included in the support list now, so there is no need to express opinions.

"The ship from Tesla Territory is coming. Hurry up and call the lord over."

After the people from the Boulder Territory left, the onlookers dispersed and immediately spotted several large ships approaching the pier.

For a while, the dock became lively again, and no one cared about the previous episode.

The sky was overcast.

At noon, sporadic rain inevitably fell, bringing a bit of coolness.

Somo stood up and pushed open the glass window of the stone house, feeling the moist smell of earth coming to his face, and took a deep breath.

It's very refreshing and refreshing.

"It's been a long time since we felt safe. No disasters have struck, and no disputes have occurred."

The threat posed by the first stage of the dead tide is not even as great as the first acid rain disaster experienced by mankind.

For those monsters that were terrifying for the first time, after the veil of mystery faded away, some people dared to take the initiative to hunt them.

If this continues, it will be just around the corner for humans to rebuild civilization in the wasteland.

Unfortunately, Sumo knew that such a comfortable life would not last long.

He is the only one in the entire wasteland who can enter the space inside the cauldron and see the detailed change data of the death wave disaster.

Only twenty-five days before the disaster struck, more than half of the five million people had died.

If this trend continues, it will probably take only one or two months to enter the second stage, which is much faster than the six months previously estimated.

Sumo could probably guess the reason.

As soon as the environment stabilizes, human beings' ambitions that have been suppressed will become more and more unscrupulous like wild beasts that have been released from their cages.

It wasn't until one day, at a certain moment, that Pan Ran woke up and realized how stupid his previous behavior was.


A muffled thunder sounded.

The raindrops gradually became heavier and were blown into the window by the wind.

A drop of rain fell on Somo's face, interrupting his thoughts, and he quickly closed the window.

The raindrops fell and hit the glass, leaving traces like tears.

Somo raised his hand and turned on the light. The bright light drove away the darkness of the cloudy sky and brought a touch of warmth.

At this moment, there was suddenly a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

There was a knock on the door.

"Lao Zhang?" Su Mo heard the rhythm of footsteps and asked.

"It's me, Boss Ji. Something happened to the trading team we sent out today." Lao Zhang's voice sounded outside the door.

"Trading team?"

Sumo frowned subconsciously. Although he had already guessed that such a day would come, he still did not expect that it would happen so fast.

Just like the death toll of humans, the deterioration of the environment has caught people off guard.


Sumo opened the door from the inside, and Lao Zhang came out in the rain wearing only a simple raincoat.

He hung his rain hat on the hook at the door, shook the water off his feet, and then walked in.

"Isn't it because people from outside are joining forces to lower the price?"

"Hey, you guessed it right, that's really what happened." Lao Zhang had already organized his words before coming in, but he still didn't expect that Su Mo had already guessed it in advance.

"That group of people just realized that we have no farmland. After the population expands, the demand for food is increasing, so they united to try our bottom line."

In the past, when the population was small and the environment was still unstable, everyone knew very little about the situation in the Boulder Territory. When they saw that the price of medicines was not high, they would naturally be surprised to pay for it.

But as the environment gradually stabilizes and more and more information is shared, it is naturally difficult to keep the situation inside the Boulder Territory secret from the outside world.

There is no arable land, no food, and backward productivity. Only first-hand medicine can be produced.

No matter how you look at it, Boulder Territory looks like a soft persimmon that is easy to handle.

"It's not just this reason, it may be caused by the increasing volume of our shipments recently."

Somo pondered for a moment, then returned to the stone bench and sat down.

From a few dozen kilograms at the beginning, to now, the daily transaction volume is hundreds of kilograms, supplying several territories.

Anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be eaten as food, so the supply has long exceeded the market’s digestion speed.

Especially now that major territories have regulations on how to deal with the death wave monsters. Even if someone is injured, it is only a soldier participating in the war who is injured, and not much medicine is needed.

When ordinary people see this situation, they won't secretly hoard medicines just in case like they did before.

Even if the major territories are not aware of the problems in the Boulder Territory, it will be inevitable that the drug trade will be cold and sales will be greatly reduced before long.

"Then what should we do now? Should we start selling construction bubbles?" Lao Zhang almost blurted out.

"It's not the right time yet." Sumo thought for a moment and simply consoled him.

Whether it's medicine or construction foam, to be honest, they are not what survivors need urgently now.

Especially now that we have entered the end of summer and before autumn, it is the rainy season with continuous rain.

Even if the construction bubble is brought to the market at this time, it will not have much repercussions. Instead, it will attract those territories that are participating in the "encirclement and suppression of the boulder" to shift their focus from drugs to construction bubbles.

It can suppress the price of medicines, but can’t it suppress the construction bubble?

"The supplies we have traded during this period should be able to last for a while, right?"

"For a while, if the population does not expand, we will have no problem holding on until the end of the year."

Mentioning this, Lao Zhang finally managed a smile on his droopy face.

Drugs are a hugely profitable business, and the initial price difference between the cost and selling price can be nearly dozens of times.

In fact, even if we sell these territories at the reduced prices now, we can still make four or five times the profit.

Therefore, by only selling a few tons of medicines, Jushi Territory was able to accumulate enough supplies for three thousand people for more than half a year. It was an astonishing speed.

"Then there's no rush. We're not short of food and drink. We'll wait for the opportunity."

After seeing off Lao Zhang, Sumo watched as the rain and fog swallowed Lao Zhang's back and disappeared into the gloomy sky.

Compared with half a month ago, the first floor platform seems to have changed its appearance now.

The hardened platform road surface looks particularly clean and tidy under the wash of rain.

The rainwater that dripped down did not have time to stop, because of the terrain, it was directed into the drainage channels on both sides of the road, and poured all the way down the mountain road to the foot of the mountain.

On both sides of the road, stone houses stand in an orderly manner. They are high or low, square or round, each with its own characteristics, but they blend harmoniously into one, as if they were buildings shaped by nature itself.

Amidst the mist and rain, several dim lights have been turned on, casting a warm and peaceful light.

It's a pity that the storm is about to come, and who knows when this last peace and warmth will be shattered.

A wasteland that eats people. It doesn’t fight, rob or fight. It just strives for stability and will never find a place to stand.

This is true for the Tianyuan Territory, and it is also true for the Boulder Territory.

"Let's end it quickly. Maybe sometimes disasters are more powerful, which is actually a good thing."

Sumo shook his head, returned to the room, closed the door, and continued to sort out the technical information brought back from the special space to form a complete theoretical guidance.

This information may be harmful rather than helpful to the current Boulder Territory, and it may be counterproductive, but it will be of great help to the subsequent development of the Tianyuan Territory and can save a lot of time in replicating existing technologies.

The opportunity for transmission once a month cannot be wasted.

The cooldown time for the next transmission is about to end, and Sumo plans to take these information back then.

Although he, the lord, is no longer in the territory and no longer uses survival points to accelerate development, with this information, the development of Tianyuan territory will not be much slower.

Unknowingly, seven days flew by.

During this period, it rained continuously and never stopped, almost causing a flood.

The Boulder Territory has only a few acres of cultivated land forcibly opened up in the mountains, and the seeds have just been sown not long ago, so there is no need to worry about the impact of the rain.

But the group of people at the foot of the mountain who were secretly poking at each other and planning to target the boulder territory were so busy right now that they had no time to care about this or that.

Floodways were opened one after another to direct the flow of rainwater as much as possible.

Including the Golden Eagle, the major federal territories have temporarily put aside their disputes and focused on ensuring harvests and food.


An illusory figure slowly solidified in the lord's room on the second floor of Tianyuan Dungeon.

Sumo shook off a few strands of water dripping from his hair, put his backpack on the stool, picked up the towel hanging on the stool and wiped it.

There is no dust and there is a light fragrance.

"It's better to be at home." Su Mo took a long breath and sat in a familiar position, feeling only a little at ease.

Over the past month, he has been copying the information he brought from memory almost non-stop.

Currently, there are as many as 64 large-scale branch technologies recorded.

Focusing on people's livelihood, it covers almost all technical problems that may be encountered during the development of a territory.

In addition, there are 270 small branch technologies, such as those related to stress fields.

No matter how fast Tianyuan Research Institute reproduces these technologies, it will still take at least one year or even two years.

At that time, the first gambling fight should have come to an end, and it was time for Tianyuan to step forward.

"The technology we have brought out is almost complete. Next, we will see how the alien race responds."

With a hint of expectation, Sumo secretly summoned the people who attended the last meeting one by one.

But this time, he kept an eye out and guessed that after so long, the alien race might have placed spies around.

Therefore, the meeting place changed, from reality to virtual reality.

The method of meeting has also become one-on-one to prevent everyone from disappearing together and attracting outside attention.

The first is Qiao Yuansheng.

Two figures appeared in the conference room simulated in the virtual world.

Knowing that Su Mo would come back a month later, Mr. Qiao was not surprised and immediately reported:

"According to the development plan previously formulated by the territory, we have successively recruited nearly 400,000 people during this period. The current population of the territory is approaching the 600,000 mark, and the size has almost doubled."

"Six hundred thousand?" Sumo raised his eyebrows, feeling extremely satisfied with this number.

"We have arranged most of the newly added people to the new area expanded in Qinggang City. The buildings there are dilapidated and dilapidated, but after renovation, they are quite comfortable to live in and easy to manage."

Qiao Yuansheng reported enthusiastically that although these were all part of the plan, it was not an easy task to fully implement the plan.

Sumo listened carefully for a while and felt relieved.

There is already a gap in development between Tianyuan and other human territories.

Moreover, Future Ruins has proven that even if he is gone, Tianyuan Territory can still develop steadily based on the foundation accumulated previously.

The foundation of Tianyuan Territory is much stronger now than it was a year ago, so there will naturally be no problems.

"Where are the foreign races? Are there any moves by the dwarves?"

"We made a fuss several times, but it was us who drove the dwarves into panic." Qiao Yuansheng explained with a smile: "That boy Feng Long almost regards the dwarves as experience babies. Now as long as new recruits are trained, they will be led by him.

Going to the Honghua Gang to train troops will not only help you get familiar with fighting with foreign races in advance, but also improve the level of your route."

"It's good that our development is on the right track now. As long as everything goes according to plan, it will be considered a great success. The only thing we need to worry about is the alien race. The alien gods have known about the last gambling fight for a long time, but until now they still have no idea.

I suspect that these people have been holding back their actions, and they cannot take it lightly no matter what."

Sumo nodded slightly, feeling a little funny in his heart.

Whether now or in the ruins, dwarves are the best training targets in Tianyuan Territory.

However, the gambling battle is imminent, and no one can say what will happen, so it is better to be cautious.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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