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Chapter 1,457 It all depends on people, the gambling battle is imminent!

Kowtow, nail the head, prick with acupuncture, burn with fire, strike with lightning...

Even the smallest memory crystal still records five different parliamentary scenes.

Cursed Tiger, Thunder Monkey, Crystal Dragon, Chu Dog, Yuan Zhu, and Somo saw many old acquaintances in the front row of Connie's row in the conference hall.

As the first-generation royal family, even if countless new alien races later join the game, their status can still be ranked first.

However, times have changed, and the absolute authority and supreme respect of the past are no longer the same as in the past.

In the council chamber, which was divided into different areas colored in black, white, and red, Sumo was keenly aware that there were at least six alien groups that could communicate with the royal family on an equal footing, and two other alien groups could even suppress the royal family.

And when the scene ended, Connie had indeed recorded simple information about these aliens.

The two alien races that can overwhelm the royal family are: Yin Ape and Evil Dragon.

The six alien races that have basically the same status as the royal family are: Frost Giants, Ghost Beasts, Titan Beasts, Phantom Birds, Blood Worms, and Dark Demons.

"All for the ticket to leave?"

Similar to humans on Earth, these alien races have never participated in previous game processes.

It was after the new continent opened and I was "invited" by the game that I came to the new continent one after another.

Because they are coming one after another.

In the ruins of the future, Sumo has naturally never heard of the names of these alien races.

But it is foreseeable that if these foreign races can have the same status as the royal family, their strength will not be much different.

"It's both unexpected and expected."

Keeping the names of these alien races in his heart, Soma thought and exited the memory crystal.

If there are too many lice, don’t be afraid to bite them.

For humans, the addition of eight new royal families is actually a matter of pros and cons.

Although the addition of new alien races has strengthened the overall strength of the alien race, it has also greatly divided the rights of the five original royal families. As a result, in the past, decisions that the royal family could directly make would often lead to completely different opinions and quarrels.


Take these five curses in the memory crystal as an example. Each time the aliens failed, they would cause violent quarrels.

It can be seen that the relationship between alien races is not like humans, who will compromise for a goal.

When the red and white sides disagree at the beginning, black can still mediate and communicate with each other.

But later on, as the number of failures increased, the powerful white side obviously had opinions.

The prestige of the red side, led by the five royal families, has declined rapidly, so much so that the white side has to compromise on many things.

In order to ensure the right to speak.

At present, the black and red sides obviously intend to form an alliance to fight against these dragons that later cross the river.

If we make good use of this, with human wisdom, we may be able to find opportunities to defeat them separately.

After sinking into a slightly impetuous mood, Sumo picked up the second memory crystal and continued to look through it patiently.

Connie's status in the alien race is not high, and a lot of the information she can find out is known to everyone in the alien race.

But this is very important information for human beings who are blind-eyed.

For example, what is the ability of each alien race, what is its combat effectiveness, and what are its main methods.

Knowing this information in advance will definitely greatly reduce the casualty rate during the test after the front-line battlefield confrontation.

"Useful, so useful!"

One memory crystal after another was carefully read by Sumo, and he was greeted with continuous compliments.

By the time Connie hurried back, only the two largest memory crystals were left unchecked.

"Hey, aren't you asleep?"

"I didn't fall asleep. The information you collected is so useful." Somo withdrew his thoughts and let out a breath.

"As long as it's useful, by the way, something unexpected happened to the city beast."


"They stopped, less than thirty kilometers away from the tribe." Connie said solemnly.

"Although I don't know what happened, the previous conscription was a voluntary system. The royal family would not force the major foreign tribes to send troops into the city beasts, but now it has suddenly become a forced recruitment for each tribe, and the provision is based on the size of the tribe.


"Compulsory conscription..." Sumo frowned.

The strange behavior of the city beast should have nothing to do with what he did last night. The death of a frogman would not make the city beast stop and forcefully recruit troops nearby with great fanfare.

Could it be that the abnormal movement of his presence inside was detected?

Sumo thought for a moment and quickly rejected the idea.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, he was in the dwarf state when teleporting.

If the city beast really noticed that something was wrong, it should have shown its signs when it arrived, instead of waiting for him to leave.

In other words, even if his traces were discovered, they should have conducted a secret investigation instead of making such a sudden move overnight.

"This is a good opportunity. I can send people to sneak into the city beast easily. Even if something unexpected happens, they are the ones who forced the army to recruit troops, so they won't be able to suspect us."

"It is indeed a good opportunity, but we still have to beware of this being a trap set for us."

Sumo's eyes narrowed.

"Find a way to get a mark for me, and I will go with you to see the situation."

"This is easy to handle!" Connie responded quickly, with a confident smile on her face, "There are also many prisoners from hostile tribes imprisoned in the dungeon, which can be used by us."

The Austrian tribe is a strange tribe that gathers lions from all walks of life. This tolerance and uniqueness are greatly despised and rejected by surrounding lion tribes that claim to be orthodox.

Because of this, the Austrian tribe once became the target of public criticism, and even attracted a coalition attack from two powerful lion tribes.

However, in that life-and-death battle, Connie relied on superior means to turn the tide and finally won the victory. Therefore, she was able to gain a foothold in the Baiduan Mountains and have a certain status among the foreign races.

To this day, dozens of prisoners from that battle are still imprisoned deep in the dungeon.

Somo randomly selected a strong lion man.

Connie didn't hesitate and quickly cast a spell to beat it to the point where it could make a mark.

After the demon soul tribe's mark took it in, a strange light shimmered around Somo's body.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately transformed into an appearance indistinguishable from a strong lion man.

"How's it going? Not bad, right?"

"You can't tell at all, even the breath can be simulated!" Connie couldn't help but nod.

The abilities of the Demon Soul Clan and the Shadow Beast Clan are very similar.

The former relies on the mark to accommodate other creatures, and then changes shape to obtain part of the other party's abilities.

The latter directly possesses other creatures and controls them to use some of their abilities.

The difference is that the upper limit of the Demon Soul Clan is too low.

Even the highest level mark is still unable to contain a demigod-level being.

However, the Shadow Beast Clan can invade and control demigod-level creatures at will when they reach adulthood.

It was not that Sumo had never thought about upgrading the mark before, but the survival point was not rich at that time, and there were not many places where the mark transformation was needed.

Now that I hear Connie say this, it seems that this mark also has the value of upgrading?

If you can disguise yourself as a foreigner in your first gambling fight, maybe it will work wonders at a critical moment.

"Let's go and see the city beast first."

Now was not the time to think about upgrading the mark, so Sumo retracted his thoughts and followed Connie out of the valley.

After the rain, the sky clears up.

The climate in the east is quite pleasant, with the temperature only around 20 degrees in the morning.

It was only when we got all the way out of Soma Valley that we suddenly discovered that the Austrian tribe was actually inside a huge mountain range.

Half of the entire mountain is above the earth, but the lower half is surrounded by water, which is extremely rare.

"Almost all the mountains in the Baiduan Mountains are like this, broken but connected. However, the one under our feet made a mistake when opening up the water in the game, which resulted in a special situation where the lower half was covered by the water."

The Austrian tribe is inside the mountains, but they have a "path" that can quickly go to other places from underwater.

This means that if the enemy chooses to attack by force, they can only come over mountains and ridges.

The Austrians wanted to evacuate, but they were able to leave quickly through the underwater passage.

And there were too many places to ambush along the way. The two lion-man tribes were ambushed repeatedly on their way into the mountains. This resulted in the number of soldiers being several times that of the Austrian tribe, and they ended up being defeated miserably.

Along the crooked mountain road, Connie released the acceleration spell, and the two of them ran very fast with the wind at their feet.

It only took about 40 minutes to reach the distance of thirty kilometers.

"This city beast...it doesn't look as oppressive during the day as it does at night."

After climbing over a big mountain again, Somo stopped.

At the end of the field of vision, there is clearly an earthy yellow mountain that is different in color from the surrounding mountains.

It looks a bit like the stone mountains where the megalithic tribes are based. There is no grass growing on them, only some colorful moss clinging to the surface.

But last night when the moonlight shone in, the oppressive feeling was indeed a bit depressing.

Especially when the huge white tentacles on the soles of the city beasts squirm, even the bravest person will feel terrified.

"Still can't identify..."

Sumo tried to use the system identification again, and the prompt he got was exactly the same as last night.

The permission is not enough, you need to obtain it before you can know the attributes.

In the past, this kind of prompt would only appear on dead objects, but the city beast was obviously not dead yet it got such a prompt.

"It seems that in the eyes of aliens, the city beast is not really a living thing, but a powerful system tool."

Sumo's eyes were still fixed on the city beast, but his mind was thinking about how to obtain permission.

It should be a no-brainer to gain ownership, which is equivalent to surrendering the Shadow Beast Clan, a foreign tribe.

But it shouldn't be difficult to obtain the right to use it...just need to get the Shadow Beast Tribe to recognize its identity.

Going down from the mountain range near the city beast is the alien camp responsible for recruiting troops.

The scale of the camp is not large, there are about 500 aliens inside, and it looks messy.

"You're here again, have you made arrangements?"

The fox alien guarding the camp saw Connie and asked in a slightly stiff common language.

"The war on the frontline is tense. Our alien race is both prosperous and devastated. Although it is said to be compulsory recruitment now, you can still receive rewards by sending tribesmen into the city beasts. Maybe after a while... there will be no rewards at all!"

"We, the Austrian tribe, can't bear the trouble. We have to see what other tribes want." Connie shook her head repeatedly.

The fox alien was not surprised either. He snorted coldly and pointed to the side.

"Okay, don't block the road."

In a foreign world where the weak eat the strong, strength is the most important thing.

Even though Connie is the king of a clan, in the eyes of these royal family guards, she is still no different from an ordinary alien.

"Go over there and put up the recruitment notice."

Pulling Somo to the other side of the camp, there were quite a few aliens gathered here.

Connie introduced in a low voice that most of them were the chiefs of the surrounding small tribes, similar in size to the Austrian tribe.

"What should we do? We, a small tribe, actually have to send 300 troops, but we only have less than 1,000 people in total..."

"Are the royal family crazy? The war on the front line is tense. Why don't they go to those alien races with a large population to help us? Why do they come to us for forced recruitment?"

"We are facing off against humans before the gambling battle has even begun. If the entire army is annihilated, how can we complete what God has commanded us to do?"

"I refuse. No fool will agree to such an unreasonable requirement!"


Fortunately, the chiefs of these tribes all speak the common language.

Although most people spoke in an extremely stiff manner and with a special accent, Sumo could still barely understand them.

After the clan leaders left angrily, Sumo took the opportunity to squeeze forward and quickly read the notice.

The content is very simple.

The first half focuses on the urgency of the frontline war, which requires urgent support from all major alien tribes.

The following is the number of troops that need to be forced to send out based on the size of each tribe.

Small tribe, three hundred people.

Medium-sized tribe, one thousand people.

Large tribe, two thousand people.

There are many foreign tribes stationed in the Baiduan Mountains. According to this standard of recruitment, at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers can be recruited.

However, these were not the things Sumo paid attention to. What he focused on was the part at the bottom of the notice regarding conscripts.

The notice explains that if you choose to enter the city beast, your freedom will not be completely restricted.

When there is no war, soldiers can enter and leave the city at will and only need to return within seven days.

If you do not return within seven days, or leave during wartime, you will be regarded as a deserter and will be directly killed by special means.

In addition, the city beast also has its own set of rules.

The internal space is divided into seven floors, from low to high, and the space on each floor decreases gradually.

The first floor can accommodate 200,000 soldiers, and almost every soldier who enters can have an independent room.

The seventh floor can only accommodate a thousand soldiers, and only the strong can climb to the top.

The higher the level, the more growth energy you get, and you can also get more permission to use city beasts.

Every seven days, the soldiers on the next level can challenge the soldiers on the previous level. After success, they can switch places.

Of course, you can also choose to stay on the first floor where there is ample space, but this is not mandatory.

"It seems that the internal supervision of city beasts is not as strict as imagined..."

Since battles are allowed to occur, deaths are also allowed to occur.

Sumo felt certain in his heart, and he probably understood why the aliens let their guard down so much.

As long as you enter the city beast, you will be contaminated by special energy and you are destined to die.

It is really a waste of time and energy to supervise these alien races who are already destined to die.

Unless the alien is sure that he will enter the city beast, the cost and gain are completely out of proportion.

It is easier to understand if fighting is allowed. This kind of disguised cultivation of poison will indeed catalyze the emergence of powerful soldiers.

"I'll apply to enter the city beast later to see what's going on."

Somo made a decision.

Since the beast can leave at will after entering the city and the supervision is lax, it should not arouse suspicion if he disappears after entering.

As long as you can obtain the permission to use it, use the system to identify what accident happened to the city beast.

It all depends on people, maybe you can find an opportunity to break the situation!

"Would it be too risky to enter now?"

"It's okay, I have a way to leave the city beast, but I need you to help me with one thing..."


This chapter has been completed!
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