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Chapter 150 I said, no one will die!

 The sound of dogs barking echoed throughout the castle. It was obvious that they had also discovered the dead kobolds in the two floors below!

"Damn it, damn lions, I really can't believe them, they are just a bunch of beasts!" Hearing the woman in black curse secretly, Sumo also realized the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, the lion man suddenly retreated for some unknown reason, and all the kobolds returned to the castle.

It has become a luxury to want to return the same way through the dug hole.

Turning sideways, Sumo pointed his gun at the woman in black and adjusted his sight to look outside.

After crossing the stairs, a kobold warrior could be seen rushing into the fourth floor. He looked at the kobold corpse on the ground and barked.

At the same time, its barking also triggered a response from the kobolds below.

For a moment, the castle seemed to be shaking. Even without judging by the sound, Somo could guess that thousands of kobolds had returned to the castle.

Do you think I'm a turtle in a urn?

Seeing that the stupid dog at the top of the stairs was still barking, Sumo felt cruel, turned his gun and shot the kobold warrior.

Thirty meters away, the kobold was headshot with precise shooting, and the annoying sound stopped!

Feeling that the situation was not right, the woman in black quickly took back her explosion-proof shield and said anxiously:

"How about it, can we still go back along the road?"

After being surrounded, the two people have become grasshoppers on the same rope, so naturally there is no need to confront each other tit for tat.

"Go! Go up!"

Sumo looked calm and didn't even look at the remaining food and supplies inside. He quickly thought about how to deal with it.

It is simply impossible for a single person to drive through the thousands of kobolds below with his unparalleled weapon. Even without a warlock, the kobold warriors alone can drag him to exhaustion by fighting on wheels.

The current plan is to go up and reach the city wall, where there is still a glimmer of hope.

Looking at the woman in black who had put up the explosion-proof shield and looked outside, Sumo gritted his teeth and took out the 80,000-volt electric rod from the storage space!

When the switch was pressed, Sumo showed no mercy at all and hit the woman in black on the back!


This time, he struck hard on the back of the man in black, knocking him to the ground immediately.

Eighty thousand volts looks scary, but a very small current cannot cause much harm to the human body and can only temporarily make it faint!

But the woman in black seemed to have strengthened her body. After being slapped by Somo, although she fell to the ground, her consciousness was very clear!

"Hey, did the electric prod fail?"

Seeing the angry look in the black-clothed woman's eyes on the ground, Sumo reached out and turned her over, then shocked her legs that were still twitching again.

After this, the woman in black suddenly became much more honest, and her whole body fell into a long-term paralysis.

Taking out the hemp rope from the storage space, Sumo quickly tied a knot on his body while seeing the horrified look in his eyes, and at the same time turned the woman in black over and tied her to her body.

"Remember, from now on, you owe me your life!"

The woman in black is not heavy, weighing less than a hundred kilograms, and Sumo's strengthened body makes it effortless to carry her on her back.

He pulled the end of the rope and tied a knot again. After confirming that it would not fall, he loaded the crossbow into the storage space. With a gun in one hand and a spear in the other, Somo rushed out quickly!

The thick hemp rope brings a great sense of restraint, but at the same time, because it is carrying people, the center of gravity is extremely stable.

Being carried on his back, "Corolla" was numb all over from the electric shock, with drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was carried by Somo and rushed out in a hurry.

With no outsiders to stop him, and looking at the kobolds below who were still charging upwards, Somo covered his head, chose the right direction, and went straight to the fifth floor.

The castle has five floors in total, but if you include the watchtower floor, it has six floors.

The stair entrance to the fifth floor is in the upper right corner of the fourth floor, diagonal from the treasure room.

Turning on the electric assist, Somo ran very fast, and finally managed to reach the fifth floor before the kobold rushed to the fourth floor.

But on the fifth floor, there are also kobolds rushing down!

And there are a lot of them, about thirty people!

Turning around, the woman in black behind her took a surprised look. Although she couldn't move, she could clearly see so many kobolds.

At this moment, she couldn't move, she could only watch, and a huge feeling of despair came to her heart!

There are so many kobolds, let alone one person, even if two people fight together, they may not be able to solve them in a short time.

"Am I going to die?"

The moment this idea came to her mind, before she could continue to think about her last words, bursts of roaring suddenly exploded in her ears.

Holding two guns and facing the kobold team rushing forward, Somo showed no mercy, shooting eight times in a row to directly kill the six warlock kobolds behind him.

The K-1 pistol is not very powerful, but when faced with an anti-explosion shield, it is a nightmare for a kobold without any protective gear!

He left four bullets in each of the two guns as backup, inserted them into his waist, and holding the fine iron spear, Somo remained silent and rushed forward.

The warrior kobolds on the opposite side were still stunned as the warlocks were harvested by Somo. As soon as the two sides came into contact, they looked like they were defeated.

With the huge power and the electric cutting power of the electric spear, with just one touch, the six warriors in front were like fallen leaves, and were knocked away by Somo for several meters!

The remaining warrior kobolds did not expect that creatures similar to them could actually explode with such huge power, and they retreated in fear for a moment.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

With the base weapon at his disposal, Sumo found himself completely different from before in group battles as soon as he got started.

Compared with random swings, this one-stop move can not only save physical energy, but also allow each blow to be hit at the right position, causing maximum damage.

A total of twenty kobolds were harvested by Soma in just four breaths.

Putting away all the fallen treasure boxes, seeing no obstacles ahead, Soma continued to run forward without stopping.

Corolla, who was hung behind her, had a face numbed by the electric shock. Although she couldn't show a shocked expression, her pounding heart still expressed the shock in her heart!

On the ground behind, the warlock kobolds had small chrysanthemum-shaped holes on their heads, and several kobolds on the ground were directly cut in two by the huge impact.

Of course, most of the kobolds were not completely dead, but had their spines broken and lay on the ground wailing.

Even so, the terrifying combat power also made her feel numb inside!

The whistling wind passed by her ears. Compared with the uneasiness of the wasteland for more than ten days, at this time in the kobold's lair, a feeling of peace of mind magically came over her.

Unfortunately, her numb lips did not allow her to speak. In her field of vision, the fourth floor of the stairs quickly disappeared, and the fifth floor arrived!

"Damn it, let me tell you why the lion men retreated. It turns out that the northeast wind has changed to the southwest wind, and the fire can no longer burn the kobold castle!"

Standing on the city wall, looking at the lion-men troop retreating in the distance, Somo looked extremely ugly.

Such a change in wind direction is just like playing, how can it be changed so quickly in such a short time!

"Get down..., if we can't get down, we... will die. Let me... go!"

"Shut up!" interrupted "Corolla" rudely.

Standing on the city wall, feeling the cold wind on his face, and looking at the burning bushes in front of him, Somo's heart began to beat loudly.

The roars in the castle were getting closer and closer. Although the battle did not waste time, they still caught up after all!

With heavy steps, Sumo continued to move forward firmly.

Step by step...

It wasn't until I stood on the kobold's sentry tower that I stopped walking!

Here, it is at least 30 meters above the ground!

Thirty meters high, even with a strengthened body, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

Unless the style of today's game changes to Assassin's Creed, and there is a place with wheat straw below, otherwise jump down from here...

Ten deaths and no life!

The icy snowflakes raged even more high in the sky, scraping against Somo's mask like a knife, making a rustling sound.

From behind, there are kobolds rushing up!

After seeing the tragic situation of the same kind before, looking at Somo standing on the sentry tower, the kobold team did not dare to approach for a while. They just barked and waited for the large team to attack!

"Suma...put...put me down. We can run away from both sides. It's possible to escape. There is a hemp rope in my space. Put me down..."

80,000 people lay on the humans who had been strengthened once in the wasteland, and gradually lost their effectiveness.

Hearing the woman in black calling his name from behind, Sumo's face was not shocked at all, but became more peaceful.

"Who said I'm going to die? Are these kobolds the only ones who can keep me here?"

Holding two guns and looking at the kobold in the distance, Somo took his time and fired two shots.

The most ferocious kobold barking at the head was instantly shot open, and blood burst out from the big hole in his skull, scaring the other kobolds back again and again.

"Hahahahaha! Just you guys, you want to catch me?"

Standing on the high platform, feeling that the wind speed was getting faster and faster, and the fire was blowing completely, Sumo stood on the edge of the watchtower with a smile.

"You are crazy! If we go down and fight, there is still a chance of survival."

Hanging behind her, looking down at the snow-covered ground in the distance, feeling the high temperature that had not completely disappeared after the fire faded, the woman in black panicked.

Unfortunately, Sumo would not respond to her.

At this moment, there was only the sound of dogs barking between heaven and earth...

More and more kobolds were standing on the city wall. At the same time, the large number of people and Soma's inaction had made some bold kobolds dare to approach slowly.

The process of waiting for death is not wonderful, especially when she is unable to move and is tied behind her back. Before she can continue to speak, a voice exuding endless confidence blasts in her ears:

"I told you, no one will die!"

Turning around and taking a look at the kobold that was about to rush up, Somo took off his mask, with a faint smile on his face, and fired the remaining two bullets without hesitation, hitting the head of the kobold warlock who was about to catch up.

The next moment, under the gaze of the woman in black, a huge yellow canvas triangle appeared in Somo's hand.

Facing the fire scene in the distance, facing the earth more than thirty meters away below, in the frightened eyes of all the kobolds...

Somo smiled freely and jumped out!

This chapter has been completed!
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