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Chapter 171: The blessing of ice and snow, the evolution is complete

"The snow is still accumulating. I'm afraid that if we get through this time, the next time it comes will most likely be a flood!"

The base of humanity is here, and there is no shortage of far-sighted experts. At the same time, many people have found a partial description of the future in the ruins.

The last snowfall disaster in Magu lasted only 48 hours and caused a flood disaster that could destroy mankind.

Not to mention this time, there was terrifying snowfall for 72 hours!

"Flood... depression, I must quickly transform the terrain around the shelter, otherwise the depression will definitely become a big lake next time!"

At this moment, Somo once again felt the limitations of the terrain.

In the early stage, without large-scale mechanical operations, it was very difficult to completely transform such a large depression by relying on manpower.

Even with the help of an excavator, Sumo has no confidence in changing the depression into high ground before the next disaster strikes.


"Either choose to relocate temporarily and wait for the flood to pass, or start building dikes!"

Picking up the pen, Somo carefully drew a large circle on the topographic map near the shelter.

This circle covers four kilometers near the underground shelter. To build a dam based on this location, the amount of work would be extremely terrifying.

If it is operated around the clock, it will take at least twenty days.

And during these twenty days, we must keep thinking of ways to repair the dam every day without stopping for a moment.

Only by building it into a stepped shape can it be possible to withstand the horrific flood disaster.

"Abandon the underground shelter and build your own shelter like everyone else. It's too difficult. Just give up on this one!"

"Although I will survive the temporary transfer, it will definitely slow down my growth rate completely before the flood subsides. I will be unable to do anything for dozens of days."

"Direct resistance..."

Sitting at the table, Sumo looked dimly and began to consider the pros and cons of several strategies.

After the flood, landforms such as depressions will form the prototype of the ocean, especially places with low altitude and low terrain, which will become the destination of all floods and evolve into deep seas.

Therefore, the transfer of all mankind will definitely begin after this disaster.

Everyone must move to a higher place, or go to a place with a high altitude, or even directly build a boat and become a drifting tribe, in order to survive.

"I need to quickly measure the altitude of the terrain near me, otherwise when the floodwaters from high altitudes come pouring down, even if I have a dam, I won't be able to withstand it!"

After putting together the design drawings and putting on his cotton jacket and pants again, Sumo walked to the basement door on the first floor and looked at the evolution of Oreo.

Breathing is steady, body is soft, and there is no extreme cold or heat.

Except that it couldn't wake up no matter how hard it was shaken, Oreo behaved as if it were asleep.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, Sumo returned to the third floor with confidence and raised the temperature to 18 degrees, a temperature suitable for sleeping.

When the air conditioner is turned on, and other miscellaneous electrical facilities are used, the battery will definitely not be able to meet the needs, so the generator has to run continuously.

Fortunately, it is a large 300-kilowatt generator set that can maintain stable output conversion when power consumption is low.

After checking around to confirm that there was no problem with the circuit, Sumo finally calmed down a lot as he sat on the cot.

The more you know, the more you fear about the future.

This worry is even greater when we know that it is only a matter of time before the next disaster strikes.

"You must make two preparations. If nothing happens, my sister will come next time. If you just rely on gambling, the risk will be too high."

The people who came this time are between 17 and 51, and my sister is 16 years old. According to the current casualty rate, there is a high probability that they will come next time to replenish the number of humans.

Taking out the blueprint of a rare-level destroyer that he had previously acquired, Sumo reluctantly took it back after looking at it several times.

If floods come and you want to go out for activities, you must have a boat.

But the destroyer design is too high-end. Although the Soma points currently used are enough, even the design cannot be used until the shelter is upgraded to level 4, which can only make people anxious.

"We have to think of something. We must find a way to solve the next disaster as soon as possible!"

With a plan for the future ahead of him, he lay down and put on his clothes. After drinking a large glass of psionic water to help him sleep, Soma fell into a deep sleep.

It was snowy and windy, and apart from the howling wind and snowfall at night, there was no trace of biological activity.

Even the bear people who are physically strong and not afraid of the severe cold can only cower and hide in their own territory under such weather.

Time passes minute by minute...

The strong winds at night became more and more terrifying. As the time approached 12 o'clock in the morning, the strong winds reached their peak and continued to decline until 3 o'clock in the night.

Under the storm, there is no egg left intact.

Millions of people were once again frozen to death in the middle of the night. Faced with such a natural disaster, even Somo had no way to change the course.

It seems that enough people have died, or it's time to release it.

At 3:10, water-like bubbles suddenly appeared above the clouds.

The bubbles not only contain some animals, but also strange aliens and humans.

In the bubbles, all creatures have their eyes closed tightly, as if they have entered a deep sleep. Even the storm cannot affect these bubbles at all.

As it gets closer to the ground, the bubble turns into a light film, with a 30-minute countdown clearly marked on it.

Thirty minutes passed quickly. When the time was up, these released creatures gradually woke up and began to look at the nearby terrain in horror.

Compared with these people, the humans who have been released so far are happy, with at least twenty days of development time!

But these people have to find a way to survive in such a "cold hell"!


"Su Chan, hold my hand and don't give up!"

Ding ding ding ding~

Drowsily, Sumo was woken up by the slightly harsh sound of the old machine in his nightmare, and he broke out in a cold sweat.


Sitting up on the bedside, looking at the wet sheets, Sumo drank the psionic water on the bedside with lingering fear, and his mood began to calm down.

In his sleep, for some reason, Somo suddenly dreamed that his sister suddenly appeared in a great flood. When Somo drove the boat to find his sister, he watched helplessly as the whirlpool swept away the person.

This feeling of parting from life and death is really uncomfortable. Even after sitting for a long time, the feeling of heart palpitations is still coming in waves.

"Strange, this feeling comes out of nowhere. Is it really a premonition?"

After opening the game panel and checking without any prompts, Sumo worriedly took out the pointer and searched for the location of his family members.

After three failed searches, Somo wiped the sweat from his head, put on his clothes, and got out of bed.

With air-conditioning heating, the temperature in the shelter is still between 16-18 degrees, a very comfortable temperature when wearing clothes.

On the ranking list, apart from Somo's 17 degrees, the second place's temperature also returned to 12 degrees. However, the point gap between the two made the second place unable to have any confidence to catch up.

Putting on combat uniforms one by one, he opened the heavy stone door and followed the passage to the first floor.

"Hey, Oreo, are you awake?!"

Lying in the doghouse, although Oreo was weak, he managed to open his eyes after seeing Somo.


A low cry accompanied Oreo's movement. When he got closer, Sumo was shocked to find that Oreo's body was already covered in blood.

Even part of the hair has been dyed blood red, and the strong smell of blood rushes straight into the nose.

Without thinking, Sumo immediately took out all the psionic water in the storage space, and took out the big cake. First, he fed Oreo the psionic water, and then began to break open the soft flatbread and feed it.

"Fortunately, it's just a crack in the skin, not a trauma!"

While feeding him, he stroked the bleeding area on Oreo's body. When he realized that the skin was only cracked due to squeezing, Somo felt relieved.

With a thought, Oreo's panel automatically popped up and appeared in front of Sumo.

[Pet name]: Oreo

[Status]: Growth stage (character has been fixed)

[Creature Description]: A gentle wasteland creature, as a mutant husky that inherits multiple bloodlines, it will become more and more powerful as it grows.

[Ability 1]: Move at high speed. Its muscle structure ensures a certain explosive power. After activating the ability, the speed doubles within 30 seconds and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

[Ability 2]: Sixth sense. The biological structure makes its perception extremely powerful. After stimulating the ability, it can briefly predict the next danger. The cooling time is 1 day.

[Ability 3]: Blessing of ice and snow (unknown attribute)

[Current status]: Awakening of ice and snow bloodline successful (bloodline awakening progress: 9%)

"Awakening successful!"

Looking at the data given on the panel, Sumo stroked Oreo's dog head in great surprise, feeling even more happy.

Although he doesn’t know what Oreo’s awakened skill 3 is, as long as he can survive safely, Soma will be satisfied!

Licking the dripping psionic water, Oreo's condition recovered visibly with the naked eye. After drinking a bottle, he was able to lie down and bite the pie by himself.

"Okay, eat more, there's not enough!"

Seeing Oreo regaining his appetite, Sumo smiled even more and began to slowly turn the winch and open the garage door.

After a night of heavy snowstorms, the snow on the ground became even more terrifying, blocking the car door like a high wall.

The thickness of the snow was at least about 1.3 meters at this time, and due to the thaw of the snow and ice in the past few days, there was a layer of solid ice below, and the floating snow on top was as hard as a stone.

He took out his pickaxe and hit it with a critical strike. The snow cracked open and poured into the basement crazily.

Unable to dodge, Somo was directly pinned down. Fortunately, with the lion's wind, he finally managed to climb out without much effort.

After inviting the wind to blow away all the snow, Somo went to the high slope again and cleared the snow from the ventilation window again.

"In the next two days, the snow accumulation is expected to exceed two meters, and may even reach about three meters. Once the snow melts,"

"I'm afraid the sea will be generated directly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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