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Chapter 181: A mere false god deserves to bark!

Human beings have never been fooled, and in public perception, the details of official shelters are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After twenty days of brewing and development, I entered the ruins twice and found various strange technologies and attribute items.

If human beings are given a little more time in a hundred days, perhaps human beings will not be like ants under this starry sky and can only look up.

The dusty underground safe house was opened, and one strange item after another with strange shapes was taken out.

There are ordinary-looking toothbrushes and small radars that look like satellite receivers.

There were even many strange technological items that Somo had never seen before. They were arranged and frantically detected against the giant in the sky.

"Chief, what weapons do we have to resist such a monster?"

"Fight for me, even if you can't stop me, I will stop you. Who can stand up after Sumo dies? Who still has the courage to stand up!"

"Analyst, have you judged the energy level of the monster in the sky? What energy level weapons are needed to resist?"

"Analyze! Go and fucking analyze it for me. Humans may only have this opportunity once. This time we can't figure it out. Next time we may have to face it!"

"Go quickly, go quickly and get my friend Somo and ask him what he needs. We will provide it unconditionally!!"

"Unite all official shelters, gather all weapons together, and try to attack the giant in the sky!!"

It is undeniable that the ability to build an official shelter with complete disaster avoidance measures within twenty days is terrifying.

In just five minutes, with a lot of communication, several shelters had already brought out their weapons, and there were weapons familiar from the civilized era...

Guns, cannons, and even small anti-aircraft missiles!

Population is strength. Compared with Somo who can only take out a few items when entering the ruins at one time, large-scale shelters can handle more than a hundred people entering the ruins at one time, so they can naturally bring back more things.

However, none of these shelters have posted any news on the chat channel, leading most people to believe that the so-called authorities are only precarious in this situation.

At this time, after uniting all the official shelters that had been established across time, at the same moment, everyone launched an attack on the sky!

"Launch, launch for me, all weapons at all costs, attack the giant in the sky!"

"open fire!!"

Ammunition spitting, heavy artillery bombardment, anti-aircraft missile launch...

For a moment, all the people in these shelters raised their heads with hope and looked at this final "struggle" of mankind.

It's a pity that when the first anti-aircraft missile capable of hitting a thousand meters in the air suddenly disappeared...

Everyone was shocked to discover that the night sky was no longer the night sky, and the blank space was no longer blank.

After the so-called human weapons entered the sky, they fell into the deep sea with the stones, without making a single wave.

Without building a complete technological chain, it would be difficult for a single-launch weapon to break through more than five thousand meters above the ground.

"Our weapons have entered an unobservable dimension. As long as we can figure out this dimension, maybe we can find it..."

"Way home!"

Countless mad scientists looked at the cracks in the sky devoutly, and countless equations seemed to float in their eyes.

Various conjectures in the physics community seemed to have been verified at this time.

Ordinary people don’t understand the madness of scientists. They only understand that their weapons have failed!

Completely failed!

Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at the giant god in the sky in astonishment. Feeling the cold air constantly coming around them, they only felt that the weather seemed to be countless times colder!

When the last anti-aircraft missile followed the same pattern and disappeared into the air again, even the soldier who launched it sat slumped on the ground, despairing as he looked at the giant god that was getting bigger and bigger in the sky.

The way home?

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, how can humans return home, and how long will it take to get home...

This word is too extravagant!

On the other side, with the end of the first wave of resistance, the audience in the live broadcast room is still gathering, from 3 billion, to 3.5 billion, to...

Four billion!

All the surviving humans, except for those who were still struggling in the snowstorm, almost all the remaining humans entered the live broadcast room.

They braved the cold and the threat of death, lying next to the window of the shelter that could see the outside world.

While looking at the sky, I looked at the live broadcast page.

In everyone's eyes, the disaster caused by this giant god has far exceeded the so-called "blizzard".

Whether the blizzard can survive, and the giant's attack falls, there is no question whether the planet is there or not.


[Record]: The cumulative number of people who watched your live broadcast has exceeded 400 million people who watched it continuously for more than 15 minutes. Your airdrop reward has reached the gold level. Please continue to work hard.

When he heard the game prompt sound, he sat on the city wall with a solemn expression on his face, without any joyful emotions.

Within Soma's sight, the giant god had condensed into shape. As the diamond-shaped gems shattered, visible to the naked eye, the eyes of the dog-headed giant moved, as if it had gained consciousness.

At the same time, invisible to everyone, Sumo's eyes also glowed with an imperceptible green light.

This green light was extremely fast, covering the giant god with every breath, and then quietly returned to Soma's body.

The white-robed kobold who was knocked unconscious by Somo also woke up at this time. Looking at the transformed giant god in the sky, he crazily fell on the ground and knelt down in worship.

"The Ancestral God...the Ancestral God is here!"

"I, Boswell, am a warrior of the Tengu clan!"

The white-robed kobold is very fanatical, so fanatical that he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own life!

Looking at the white-robed kobold on the ground, who looked like a kowtowing insect, and at the "pretending" kobold ancestor god in the sky, Somo showed a trace of sarcasm on his lips.

"So...is this the so-called God?"

"According to the game's determination, this dog god does not pose a threat to all mankind, so there is no bug fix."

"But...since you are unwilling to repair it, then let me do it!"

Coldly exhaling the dull turbidity in his heart, before Somo's eyes, a bright panel lit up.

The panel displays information that no one, including the so-called Tengu Ancestor God, can observe.

The Tengu Ancestor God, who thought he was mysterious, suddenly lost the mystery of his status as a "god" under the power of the system.

【Tengu Ancestor God (Incarnation of False God)】

Description: At the time of the disaster, the pressure of the space barrier weakened. With the help of the loopholes in the world, in the ???? area, after choosing to actively activate the sacrificial array, the priest Boswell sacrificed 2,000 kobolds to destroy the wasteland world.

The coordinates were sent through the barrier, and a false god with "terrible" strength was summoned.

God’s real name: Gray Caesar

Power of God: Demigod (nuclear bomb level)

Current status: The true body has arrived (the world barrier has not yet been eliminated, the current limited strength is fixed at 25%, and has many restrictions and weaknesses)

Restriction 1: The Tengu Ancestor God cannot come without limit, and the maximum time is 60 minutes.

Restriction 2: The Tengu Ancestor God is not a spiritual body. It has an entity after coming. When the attack intensity reaches a certain level, it can cause damage.

Restriction 3: The Tengu Ancestor God can only attack a single target, and it can only attack once. The attack method is physical attack.

Weakness 1: The central forehead of the Tengu Ancestor God is a weak point. If it is broken, it will cause irreversible damage.

Weakness 2: The attack of the Tengu Ancestor God takes time to brew, which takes about 3 minutes.

Evaluation: With such a weak enemy, you need to initially establish the prestige of mankind in front of him. Believe me, at this moment, you are the "god" of mankind!

The unknown is fear.

After knowing what the so-called God was, Soma's heart palpitations and fear were instantly swept away.

Faintly, it seemed to be scattered from the sky, and it seemed to be spreading from the earth. An illusory sound resounded throughout the earth...

"The familiar smell...ah!"

"Human, do you know what blasphemy is?"

A thunderous sound rang in Somo's ears, and the white-robed kobold turned around, eager to see the fear, panic, and even surrender on Somo's face.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. In his sight, Somo not only showed no fear, but instead raised his hand and pointed the electric spear at the sky with a relaxed expression:

"What bullshit, ghosts and snakes dare to bark in panic in front of me"

"It's just... so noisy!"

"Bold!" Before Somo could finish speaking, the white-robed kobold could no longer hold back his anger and tried to rush forward to interrupt Somo.

Unfortunately, after the weak kobold lost the ability to release fireballs, its melee combat ability was extremely weak. Before he could get close, he was swept away by Somo's spear and sent flying into the distance. Life or death was unknown.

When the giant god in the sky saw Somo's appearance, his expression also showed a trace of anger.

"The natives of the wilderness are so arrogant!"

"Human, you deserve to die!!!"

In the horrified eyes of everyone around the world, the giant god slowly raised his hand and slowly lowered it across the distant starry sky.

Although this palm is not big, it is compared with the sky.

If we use the ground as a reference, I'm afraid this palm is the size of a depression.

Seeing the giant god becoming angry, Somo chuckled, concentrated his consciousness, and the illusory system panel opened by itself, jumping to the creation page.

A small car card painted in colorful camouflage lay quietly in the card column. With the click of Somo's thoughts, it shattered into pieces.

"It's just a false god. In the history of China, there is no god who is not stronger than you. At this level, he should come out to show off and deceive."

"Today is the time for me to kill the gods!"

"Today is your memorial day!"

Soma's voice was full of calm.

He is also full of "arrogance" and "confidence" that others cannot understand.

Including the four billion humans hanging in the sky watching the whole process, they had no idea at this time why Somo could remain so calm under such a terrifying attack.

"Su Shen, run quickly. As long as you escape from his grasp, you will still be alive. Don't just stand there!"

"His palm is more than ten kilometers long. How can he run and what can he rely on to run!"

"Humanity is going to perish. Where are our strong men? Where are our immortal cultivators? Why, why can aliens have such power!"

"How can humans resist such an enemy? How... Holy shit, look, what is that!!!"

"Damn it, this isn't..."

The palms were still falling, even though the speed was not fast, but at this time, everyone's attention was attracted by the comments on the barrage.

At an altitude of fifty kilometers, you can clearly see...

At the end of the earth, a car painted in camouflage, which looked inconspicuous compared to the huge giant in the sky, slowly drove out.

On the small car, there is a combination of letters and numbers that is very familiar to Chinese people and even people all over the world...


This chapter has been completed!
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