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Chapter 243 Choice, big boat or small boat

 Take out a basin of snow slag that is still cold, cover your face and rub it for a few times, then add the precipitated snow water.

After washing his face and hair, Sumo felt that his whole body felt much more relaxed.

The greasy fatigue caused by staying up late also dissipates instantly.

The oil noodles that I made yesterday were placed in the storage space. It was a little cold when I took them out, but fortunately the noodles were not piled together yet.

After waking up Moore, the first and fourth children began to hastily prepare breakfast.

In the wasteland, there is no sense of time, and it is all driven by "dreams" and "self-control" to drive one's progress.

After finishing the meal, he saw that Moore had begun to wash the pots and dishes as usual. He patted Moore's broad back with pleasure and walked slowly to the first floor.

At present, the oil reserves in the shelter are running low, and they are only just enough.

If you have extra expenses, you will have to spend points to buy in the market, which is extremely uneconomical.

Therefore, adhering to the principle of saving when you can, you must drive two rotary tillers together at one time to save maximum fuel.

There was no wasteland traffic police, so after studying the structure of the rotary tiller, Sumo began bold "illegal" modifications.

First, directly remove the front iron plate of the rotary cultivator and weld a hook on it.

Then Somo returned to the workbench, and according to the idea in his mind, it took about 20 minutes to knead out an iron chain as thick as an arm.

Try hanging one end of the chain on the hook, and tie the other end directly to the tailgate of the front car, and the two rotary tillers are simply connected together.

Putting down the rear handbrake, stepping on the accelerator of the front car, and driving back and forth for three or four times. After confirming that the chain of the rear car was connected to the front car stably, Sumo finally felt relieved.

"The knowledge on earth is the wealth in the wasteland. Relying on the path taken by our predecessors, I can restore the heyday of civilization and technology faster!"

Think about a month ago, the bare depression and the underground shelter with only one layer of wood.

Take a look at the "new" shelter that is now lush and green, with a thick boulder base and three steel behemoths parked there.

If there are any achievements in construction, the honors engraved in Somo's achievement book will surely shine brightly!

"After today and tomorrow, the shelter will no longer have to worry about food and drink. While waiting for me to pick up my sister, I can study how to break the cage set by this world!"

In history, be it Ming Taizu who rose from beggar to emperor, or Han Gaozu who rose from a gangster to emperor.

Like these great men recorded in Chinese history, Sumo also evolved from a small clerk who just wanted to live a stable life to his current mentality of wanting to find out what is going on in this world.

And, this is only a short month!

"Only under high pressure can we grow. In the wasteland, the more ferocious and fierce I am, the better I can protect my family and the better I can find the truth!"

Seeing Oreo rushing into his back seat, and Moore closing the door behind him and sitting on the rotary tiller, Sumo's eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and there was no longer any desire for a stable life.

"Moore, two cars, please drive slowly and don't hit each other!"

After saying hello and watching Moore nod his bear head smartly and tug on the chain behind him with a curious look on his face, Somo turned his head, released the brake of Dihu, and slowly paddled forward.

It can be seen from the size of the sparks that if you drink psionic water for a long time, the IQ of wasteland creatures will become higher and higher.

This point has also been fully verified by Moore.

Under Sumo's conscious or unintentional guidance, the Thunder Bear Warrior not only learned to farm, but also learned to drive various vehicles.

Up to now, Moore is even more stable when driving than Sumo, an experienced driver on earth.

A familiar road.

Along the way, he looked at the marks on the ground that were about to be crushed. When Soma came back to his senses, the fields opened by the Candlelight Shelter had already appeared at the end of the horizon.

Compared with the gray and black fields before, the fields are now orange and yellow, which looks very pleasant.

Rolling down the car window, the scent of wheat drifted into the car along with the wind, bringing with it a smell that could only belong to a "harvest".

It was already ten o'clock in the morning in the wasteland. All the refugees in the Candlelight Shelter had successfully completed the first harvest and returned to the shelter to catch up on their sleep.

Human physical strength is limited. If you rely solely on manpower to cultivate the land, even if you rely on the terrifying growth rate of high-quality seeds, you can barely sow three rounds in three days.

But now, looking at the two rotary tillers in the rearview mirror and looking at the shouting of several alert refugees below, Somo's mouth curved slightly.

The emergence of rotary tillers has undoubtedly greatly liberated labor.

Several veteran drivers who knew how to drive had staggered shifts as requested by Sumo.

After the hurried handover and watching the two rotary cultivators begin plowing the ground along the planned route, not only the people in the Candlelight Shelter breathed a sigh of relief, but even Somo felt relieved from the sense of urgency along the way.

The bodies of the refugees in the Candlelight Shelter have not yet been strengthened, and their rest time must be at least four to six hours.

After walking around the quiet candlelight shelter and looking at Zhong Qingshu huddled up and sleeping in the corner of the room, Sumo felt more than just a hint of warmth in his heart.

"The people in the Candlelight Sanctuary are all pitiful people, or... most of the people who come to the end of the world are good people!"

"Evil people like Huang Biao and Maeda Kento are still in the minority after all!"

In the apocalyptic world of the wasteland, everyone is a lonely individual longing to be embraced.

Including Zhong Qingshu, whether in the real world or in the ruins of time, this person is extremely stubborn.

No matter how Somo asked, Zhong Qingshu chose to remain silent about her family.

In desperation, Sumo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​questioning further.

After watching the shaking all the way to the kitchen of the Candlelight Shelter at the end of the village, Somo thought for a while, took out the upgraded psionic water again, and added a full liter according to the proportion.

These Candlelight Refugees who have experienced hardships and yet still maintain a kind heart are treasures.

If these people can survive the flood in the future, persist in picking up their sister from Somo, and return to the place where the "dream began", these people will become the first aboriginal people in the depression.

In the future, whether it is taking care of the farm, tinkering with the environment of the depression, or starting from scratch, gradually building the first city in the wasteland, and slowly restoring productivity, population will be the best force.

“The more people there are, the more resistant my shelter is to risks.”

"If I can restore technology to the heyday of the earth, there will be no need to be afraid of floods like this."

Sitting on the ridge of the field and looking at the two rotary cultivators working hurriedly below, Sumo was deeply moved.

Continuously, as the time passed eleven o'clock, the refugees in the Candlelight Shelter also began to wake up in batches.

After a simple lunch, there was no one to supervise or yell.

All the refugees spontaneously picked up their farm tools and rushed towards the farmland excitedly.

Of course, every refugee passing by will cast their eyes in reverence when they see Somo.

Especially after receiving Sumo's friendly smile, these people became even more energetic. They found their own land and swung their hoes hard.

Facts have proved that Sumo has a very good vision when it comes to selecting people.

Under Chen Shen's arrangement, all the refugees in the Candlelight Shelter are scheduled in a very scientific and rigorous manner.

People who are at the forefront of cultivating the fields can go to bed early during the harvest last night. Correspondingly, after sleeping for five to six hours, they need to get up early to go to work.

Coincidentally, when these people were at work, the rotary tiller also happened to open up the land in front, which could be used by these people for simple trimming and continued planting.

When those who slept late last night get up, the rotary tiller can also plow the remaining land according to efficiency, ensuring that no opportunity is wasted in the middle.

Scientific and efficient management, coupled with the enthusiasm of the refugees, and the assistance of automated tools.

Sitting on the ridge of the field, Somo just stared blankly, not going anywhere, standing like a statue at the end of the field.


Not only did the efficiency in the fields below not slow down due to longer working hours, but the refugees became more and more motivated.

With Soma here, it's absolutely safe.

When farming, there will be no danger touching you, and all potential threats will be reduced to "zero"!

It's like returning to Earth. As long as everyone does their job well, they will be rewarded as needed.

Even some "young women" who are tired from working can feel the power emerging from all over their bodies as long as they take a look at Somo's handsome yet heroic face.

In this case, even the scorching sun above our heads seems to be a little less powerful.

Of course, what these people don't know is that the motivation in their bodies is not entirely due to psychological factors. The psionic water added to the drinking water allocated every hour is also one of the main reasons why they can persevere.

In the afternoon, Moore, who was standing aside as a security guard, couldn't hold back the impulse called "farming" that kept pouring out of his body. He roared and rushed into the fields to help the refugees share the farm work.

At first, the ferocious thunder bear warrior naturally frightened everyone, but after accepting the setting of being a Soma pet, everyone suddenly became enthusiastic.

Soma is the patron saint of everyone, how could his pet go crazy and hurt people?

After seeing the Thunder Bear warrior relying on his "IQ" to quickly lower the IQ level of others and conquering all the refugees with his own craftsmanship, Somo sitting above couldn't help but laugh.

"Not bad, Su Shen, after all this time, this is the first time I've seen you smile!"

"No, I'm an ordinary person too, I'm just a myth by them."

Waving his hands, Su Mo felt a little emotional when he saw Zhong Qingshu walking over with a spear in her hand, patrolling around with sweat on her forehead.

In the entire Candlelight Shelter, only Zhong Qingshu dared to come up and make fun of her.

Others were either in awe like Chen Shen, or they were staring at him like ordinary refugees.

Only when he was next to Zhong Qingshu could Sumo take off his disguise and behave like an ordinary person.

Standing up and looking at the hurried scene below, Sumo simply followed Zhong Qingshu and took up the patrol work around the fields.

The two of them talked about astronomy and geography for a while, and then talked about sailing.

From how to develop a large gathering place, whether to use above-ground construction or underground construction, and all the way to what is the first thing that should be built if there is really a gathering place.

The collision of ideas between liberal arts students and science students sparked a lot of sparks of thinking.

At the same time, during the conversation, Sumo also found many points that he had ignored before.

"You are right. If I want to build a small boat, I may only need to go to sea by myself. With Moore's help, it will be enough."

"But as a result, the ship's ability to resist risks in floods is too poor, and it is very likely that it will be capsized by a peak."

"But if we were to build a big ship, without computer assistance, we would definitely not be able to maneuver it just by ourselves. It would be very difficult!"

A point that had been ignored before was accidentally pointed out by Zhong Qingshu, and even Sumo felt embarrassed for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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