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Chapter 25 The Beginning of Conflict: Cultural Ideas

 Click to enter the first live broadcast room of Zeus Sanctuary.

The picture changes suddenly, as if it were a real simulation, and you are immersed in the scene.

The sky was gray and the rain formed into one sheet, falling to the ground with a gurgling sound.

Looking down through the lens, you can see an endless stretch of mines.

It stretches from this end of the sky to the other side of the sky, which is extremely shocking.

As the camera zoomed in, at the foot of a mountain, Somo saw a wooden house called Zeus Sanctuary.

Built against the mountain, the overall trend of wooden houses is from north to south, with about twenty or thirty rooms.

Except for the three main houses in the middle, which look beautifully constructed, the other rooms look like they were put together temporarily and are crooked.

Being close to the mountain topography, the acid rain automatically followed the terrain after falling, and did not pose a threat to Zeus's sanctuary.

"The person who chose this terrain is a bit awesome."

Seeing such a huge building complex, Sumo was shocked.

This terrain relies on the mines behind it. Not to mention major disasters, some minor disasters can be overcome without any damage.

After adding in the dozens of people who have now gathered together to form a fighting force, the efficiency of exploring the ruins is definitely much higher than that of one person.

It seems that the owner of Zeus Sanctuary does not care about the structure of his sanctuary being made public and has opened up all viewing rights.

Trying to control the camera himself, Sumo pulled the camera closer.

In the center of the main room sat a man with blond hair and a beard, talking nonstop.

After switching the perspective, the picture in front of Sumo was fixed and turned into a fixed lens like an anchor.

“Everyone is welcome to our Zeus Sanctuary, the safest refuge in the world”

"Currently, there are more than 80 people in our shelter, more than 12 wilderness survival experts, and 30 people who have served in super combat capabilities. We can absolutely guarantee the personal safety of the members who join Zeus Sanctuary."

"Of course, shelters do not support idlers. To sign up to join a shelter, you need to meet the following conditions."

"The height of men must not be less than 175cm, and the height of women must not be less than 168cm. Their weight must be kept within a healthy range and they must have skills. As long as you can help build a large shelter, we welcome you."

"Of course, for technicians, there is no need to participate in the hunting team's outings, they just need to stay in the shelter."

Although the bearded man seemed to be inarticulate, he actually spoke in a certain way. With the help of the translation on the game panel, Soma naturally sounded stress-free.

While talking, Big Beard also deliberately showed off the current configuration of the base.

Following his lens, after arriving at the supplies room, what came into view was a mountain of mutated beast meat.

About one or two tons of animal meat were processed and piled together, which looked quite shocking in the last days when food and water were scarce.

That's not all yet. In the three large tanks with a height of half a person next to them, as the bearded man opened the lid, there was slightly turbid yellow water inside.

Looking at the water, the bearded man was obviously a little greedy, but he still chose to lick his peeling lips and close the lid.

Went to the weapons room next to it again. Inside was a row of wooden spears, as well as three bows and arrows that looked like they were made by hand.

Finally, the bearded man came to the largest room.

Although the rooms here have windows on all sides, the fire in the middle of the house dissipates all the cold.

Forty or fifty members of the shelter, both men and women, sat in the middle of the house and sang loudly. From time to time, some people would get up to dance.

Seeing this scene, no one will think that they are in the end of the world.

The bearded man puffed out his chest and was extremely proud.

"This is the power of our Zeus Sanctuary in the Republic of America. If you join us, you will have enough food and water, and you will have the safety of your dreams!"

"I saw someone in the barrage talking about China?"

"Ah? Ah? No way. Are you willing to go to a shelter where you have to work more than fifteen hours a day? Do you want to go to a Chinese shelter where you have to support other people after you work hard to get supplies back?"

The bearded man's words fell, causing the men and women sitting by the fire to burst into laughter.

"Don't say I'm harsh. When you come to this wasteland, everyone should have their own consciousness!"

"Look at your Chinese shelters. Haha, they are just a bunch of rabble. You still want to save so many oil bottles. They will all be destroyed in the next disaster!"

Hearing the bearded man's arrogant words, Sumo turned his stiff neck and exited the live broadcast room.

"It seems that these people's ideas of refuge are in conflict."

Skipping the second live broadcast room, Sumo directly clicked into the third-ranked Chinese Shelter live broadcast room.

It started to fall from the gray sky again.

Unlike the mine next to Big Beard, the terrain of the Huaxia shelter this time is the same as Somo's own shelter, which is an endless plain.

“United as one, fight against disasters and provide rescue operations!”

As he looked down, Sumo noticed the banners hanging in this huge group of buildings that looked similar to those with beards.

The banner was made of white cloth that I didn't know where to get. It was hung in the middle of the low wooden house, and a line of fonts was written on it with charcoal.


After counting them one by one, Sumo was surprised to find that there were actually forty-three houses in the Chinese Refuge.

And more than ten of these houses are wooden houses generated by the shelters that come with the survival game.

Unlike Big Beard who relied on the terrain to resist disasters, Huaxia Shelter chose to build dikes to resist rainwater damage.

On the ground of the shelter, there are many winding water channels. They are densely packed with hundreds of people wearing extremely bulky straw raincoats and holding straw umbrellas, trying their best to clear the drainage channels.

From the faces of these people standing on the land and working hard, Soma did not see the same joy as the previous members of the Zeus Sanctuary.

But Somo saw another kind of emotion -


There is hope on the face of every working person.

It is hope for life!

Only the Chinese people can feel this shock, and only the Chinese people can understand the sense of responsibility that this hope requires.

Cut to the anchor's perspective.

The camera suddenly deflected and came to a room with a torch next to the outermost house.

"Hello to all Chinese people watching this live broadcast room, this is the frontline headquarters for earthquake relief. We are the disaster relief point of the 79th Regiment under the 13th Chinese Army."

"The limit distance of the live broadcast is fifty kilometers. Every Chinese citizen who is within fifty kilometers of this rescue point can contact the shelter center after the disaster. The shelter will come to your point for rescue soon. Please wait patiently and don't give up.


"Repeat it again...."

"China has not given up its rescue work for everyone. Please stick to your shelters and survive the disaster. A better tomorrow will be waiting for us!"

"People who are not near the Huaxia shelter, please do not worry. There are currently 42 known shelters established by the military. Please do not rush out to search, protect yourself, wait for the military to expand the search scope for rescue, and do not go to the wilderness without authorization.


"Repeat it again...."

The black-haired woman in charge of explaining was young, and she kept repeating these four sentences back and forth.

Even if her lips were dry and cracked with blood from talking, she didn't notice it at all.

"Shen Ke..."

With a heavy heart, Sumo remembered the woman's name and exited the Chinese Refuge live broadcast room.

Compared with Zeus Sanctuary, which only recruits talented people, the way China Sanctuary handles things is indeed difficult for people from other countries to understand.

They certainly won't understand...

In the apocalypse, why should we protect these ordinary people who have no strength, no ability to work, and no talent?

But at this moment, Sumo believes that every Chinese who watches the live broadcast can feel a sense of hope in the apocalypse.

Natural disasters are merciless!

People have feelings!

One day China will rebuild its homeland in this wasteland!

After looking through all the live broadcast rooms one by one, Sumo gave up the idea of ​​climbing to the top of the disaster resistance ranking list.

Although there will be unknown airdrops of supplies when the live broadcast is started, which looks tempting, the shelters ranked in the top ten are undoubtedly not a small group.

A common man is not guilty of carrying a jade!

He was able to build a shelter by himself that surpassed those established by other groups, and he knew there was something wrong at a glance.

In the absence of modern firepower, Sumo decided to remain patient.

Always keep in mind the strategic policy of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty: build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly.

Don't follow the example of Yuan Shu, the great warlord in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. After getting a jade seal, he dreamed of being emperor every day, and finally couldn't help but proclaimed himself emperor. As a result, he immediately became the target of almost all warlords, and eventually failed and died, becoming a laughing stock.

"It's okay if no one exposes my coordinates within fifty kilometers now, but it's too risky if there is someone. It's inappropriate."

After thinking about it again and again, out of sight and out of mind, I simply turned off the live broadcast interface.

Just watching the construction of the top ten shelters, Sumo felt deeply.

The so-called common people's thoughts, after coming to this unknown world, all they think about is how to save their lives, how to upgrade their shelters, and how to survive natural disasters.

As a result, the most important improvement of combat effectiveness and exploration of the outside world are ignored.

This chapter has been completed!
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