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Chapter 264 Building a nest, a new beginning

The lioness's reaction was extremely violent. After calling out the three words "Su Lao Mo", she began to struggle fiercely even though the ropes on her body were tied tightly.

Twisting and twisting, the look in her eyes was not resentment or wanting to pounce on her, but...


The lioness was afraid, she wanted to escape, she wanted to escape from Somo's "magic clutches".

Oreo, who was looking around, seemed to understand after seeing the appearance of the lioness and hearing the unconscious whine from the lioness' mouth.

However, Oreo did not come forward to communicate. He lay quietly behind Somo and watched the lioness warily.

The scene fell silent for a moment, except for the sound of the rope rubbing against the lioness's body as she struggled. Somo was like a ghost, staring into the lioness's eyes expressionlessly.

Momentum is very important.

Sumo has verified this in many battles.

At this time, after looking at each other for more than a minute, even if the lioness was brave, Sumo was so frightened by the sight that she stopped moving.

"Three days apart, you should treat each other with admiration. In such a short time, you have learned our human language!"

After tugging on the tight rope to loosen it, Soma did not mean to treat the prisoners in his words.

As a former partner, although I hated what the lioness did at that time, now, I have dissipated a bit.

The Lion Tribe will definitely die.

But before that, while there is still some time, the most important thing is to try to find out the true purpose of all the aliens coming to this world, as well as the secrets related to the survival of the aliens such as sacrifice and teleportation.

"Su Laomo, don't pretend to be a good person, your heart is darker than the most vicious wizard in our lion tribe!"

"You don't want to seduce a loyal lion priest, and you don't want to know any news!"

I don't know where I received the latest human cultural influence. The lioness speaks in a refined manner, and she has a feeling of looking forward to death.

However, from her evasive eyes, Sumo could see that she did not want to die.

"Okay, okay, if you don't say yes, I won't force you, but... I don't have much time left for you."

"If I still don't get any news I want from you after the next disaster strikes, then I think"

"There is no need for the lion-man clan to exist any longer!"

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the lioness' head. There was a "kind" smile on Somo's face, but there was nothing like the devilish feeling that the lioness said.

However, just this kind of behavior made the lioness tremble all over, and she was so frightened that she became speechless.

Killing a false god may be a feat in the eyes of Soma and other humans.

But in the eyes of these aliens who witnessed it with their own eyes...

That is nothing less than God’s method.

In the eyes of the lioness, Soma's status at this time is even equal to that of the lion god. How can such a character not be scary?

"Take good care of her, and provide her with normal amounts of food, without any special deductions."

"I want to ensure that she can live intact until twenty days later!"


When the two militiamen guarding the lioness heard Somo speak, they immediately stood up straight and saluted.

Waving his hand, signaling for the lioness to move to a cooler place, Somo continued walking towards the center of the platform.

In terms of area, this platform should be about five hundred square meters in size. It's not big, but it's not small either.

At this time, except for a circle of walking space at the edge, the three hundred square meters in the middle have been neatly removed.

All in all, all the refugees from Candlelight Village only worked for half a day, and the depth of digging was as much as half a meter. The efficiency was astonishing.

In just three to five days, a shelter hidden under the platform can be built at the speed of light.

Seeing Somo walking along the road for inspection, the villagers working below were even more excited. Suddenly, the sound of the hoe became more rapid, as if forging iron, crisp and sweet.

Ordinary people are doing it, and so are the management.

From Wu Feiguang, the former director of the Candlelight Shelter, to Qi Qin, the security captain, Chen Shen was also sweating profusely in the pit.

This look made Sumo quite satisfied.

In the apocalypse, there are no rules, and the most feared thing is the formation of different classes.

Once the class is solidified, the intuitive result is that the progress of the group declines rapidly, and everyone is working as a foreigner and fishing in various ways.

Now that management is taking the lead, such efficiency makes perfect sense.

However, there is another problem with such construction.

Reality is not a game. If you want to dig out a suitable mountain valley to live in, you must not only consider the stability of the structure, but also consider a series of issues such as drainage, lighting, and distribution.

After looking at it for a while, as an insider in architecture, after pointing out several obvious problems and giving some guidance to correct them, Chen Shen, who was directing from below, also walked up the path and came up happily:

"Brother Su, is that lioness so stubborn? I heard from my brothers that she cursed her all the way back!"

Unlike others, Chen Shen was the first person to come into contact with Somo, and Somo intentionally or unintentionally reduced his aura.

The relationship between the two is not tense, but rather has the feeling of superior and subordinate in the army on earth.

Speaking of the lioness, Chen Shen's eyes were filled with blazing fire of gossip. It was obvious that he was also very curious about this world.

"The person is right there. If you want to know, just go over and ask!"

After patting Chen Shen on the shoulder, Sumo didn't look sideways and continued to guide the refugees below to carve out drainage grooves with a smile.

But the way he got close to Chen Shen made the villagers below him a little jealous.

After receiving the order, Chen Shen said no, but his body was very honest, and he hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the lioness, obviously going to study.

Seeing this look, Sumo's heart moved slightly and he felt a little hopeful.

Interrogation is a technical job, and it is also a job that tests your patience.

Facing Somo, the lioness is extremely resistant.

Maybe if Chen Shen is replaced, the effect will be better.

After this small episode, the project is still moving forward anxiously. The wasteland is very hot during the day, and the temperature can reach around 30 degrees.

But at night, the temperature will drop sharply again, until it drops to 89 degrees Celsius, and then it will stop until it rises again at dawn.

Therefore, a prototype must be built tonight to ensure that everyone at least has a place to sleep. The details can be left to continue carving tomorrow.

After commanding for a while, he realized that there were too many loopholes. After patching up the east wall and knocking down the west wall, Sumo simply sat aside while the refugees were resting.

After calling Oreo to alert him and opening the system's training ground, Somo instantly immersed himself in it.

In the training ground, there will not be any intellectual teaching involved, but in terms of technology, you can learn a lot.

After spending a hundred points to find a basic hole-digging tutorial, Sumo devoted himself to learning.

From foundation digging, to foundation excavation, from drainage line construction, to structural stability maintenance.

After spending only 400 survival points and getting the ordinary tools as rewards for clearing the four basic trainings, Sumo withdrew from the training ground with a thought in his mind.

In the training ground, Sumo spent four hours studying, but his performance in the outside world only lasted a moment.

"It is indeed a function that can only be activated with 10,000 points. Unfortunately, I have too few survival points now. The second level requires 1,000 points, which is completely unaffordable."

"But this warship pilot is worth 1,500 points. It's time to go back and give it a try!"

Somo rarely uses the training ground function, or in other words, so far, he has only used it for the first few times.

Among them, the high price is the main reason.

Time currency can offset a certain amount of survival points spent.

But after taking a look and seeing that one day's currency could only offset the consumption of one hundred points, Sumo decisively chose to deduct the survival points.

Now the survival points can be kept between 600-1000 per day, but if you want to get the time currency, you have to wait until the next time relic is opened.

After continuing to sit for a while, after the refugees finished their rest, Sumo also carefully recalled and sorted out what he had just mastered in the training ground.

Putting away the whiteboard tool rewarded by the system, this time, when he stood up again and looked at the cave structure built by the refugees below, Sumo suddenly discovered...

How many unreasonable places are there in this constructed mountain depression, and how many are potentially dangerous?

Moreover, on top of these unreasonable flaws, Sumo's mind would automatically generate ideas on how to improve it.

"Not bad, the 400 points spent is worth it!"

It is said that knowledge is priceless wealth. He stood up and after re-instructing all the refugees to start new revisions, Soma became more understanding of what he had just learned.

At the same time, the mountain valley below has become more pleasing to the eye after renovation.

Looking from above to below, you can feel a different kind of architectural beauty.

With dedicated personnel guiding the construction, the duration of the sunset has become shorter. When night falls and the torches rise, everyone who has been involved in it can finally come back to their senses.

Moore, who had been transporting goods for a day, also walked up the hillside with a kind of refugee, rubbing his stomach and crying out that he was hungry.

Wash your face, wipe the dust off your body, and the full-time cook in your own shelter will serve you a simple but "luxurious" dinner.

Seeing that Moore was sitting among the refugees and eating without hesitation, Sumo simply sat down and sat at the same table with a kind of manager of Candlelight Village.

The steamed buns are pink and soft, yet chewy.

It's salty and refreshing, with crunchy dried radish.

Spicy cabbage that has a strong taste but does not lose its fragrance.

And the final soup...cabbage and tofu soup!

A simple meal of two dishes and one soup is just a meal for many people on earth who are too lazy to go out to restaurants to make ends meet.

But in this wasteland apocalypse, it is a rare delicacy.

Su Mo did not move his chopsticks, and others did not dare to move. From ordinary refugees to Wu Feiguang and other management, everyone turned their eyes expectantly and looked over.

"Hey, where's Director Chen? Go and call Director Chen. It's time to eat!"

Realizing that Su Mo was looking around, Qi Qin quickly patted his head, stood up and gave instructions to the militiamen behind him.

However, before the militiamen could take action, Chen Shen's flying figure appeared on the trail in the distance.

From a distance, others could not clearly see Chen Shen's expression, but Su Mo could see the excitement on Chen Shen's face at a glance.

Good guy!

Is this really asking for orders?

This chapter has been completed!
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