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Chapter 282 Cursed Tiger, Ocean Hunting Plan

 In the alien world channel, just like humans, there are also messy nonsense and incomprehensible messages for help.

But three to five seconds later, when the game panel received the message that it was not the lioness who was looking at it, but Somo looking at it, all the information began to be filtered slowly.

Those idiots who were mumbling and begging for alms from other alien races...are gone!

Some of those idiots who yelled at Su Laomo that you are nothing... gone!

In addition, the number of aliens who can control the game panel is not like humans, so this filtering, the news suddenly slowed down.

After watching carefully, Sumo could clearly see the message conveyed by each message.

"Let me see, there are a total of 340,000 aliens who have the right to speak on the World Channel."

"In other words, before the arrival of the ocean aliens, the total number of aliens in the wasteland is now 340,000."

"Of course, this also includes the lionesses, a foreign race that is almost left alone. Calculated in proportion, the truly powerful ones are..."

"Twenty thousand to fifty thousand!"

This number was a little dazzling, but at the same time, after seeing the speech on the World Channel, Sumo couldn't help but chuckle.

[Bone Erosion Day Mang: Is there any brother who is located near Black Mountain? I caught a group of about 500 humans here. I have observed that there are not a few "fat people" among them, and they are all fat.

Oil, it must taste very delicious when eaten. Our clan currently has 80 combat power, and we are urgently seeking those who are destined to come and help us]

[Gudeng Magic Rain Crocodile: These fat guys are not easy to mess with. A few days ago, I saw Lao Lang and the others going to mess with someone. As a result, they shouted "Long live the Two-thorned Ape" and rushed forward without fear. Before we could support the wolf,

That’s all gone. I suspect that there are either powerful people behind them, showing off their weakness to seduce us, or they have amazing fighting capabilities. If you want to die, don’t get involved with us]

[Yuanyang Red Slender Jackal: Are you afraid? Are you afraid? Are you afraid? According to me, you are all scared to death by that old demon Su from the human race. Whoever is bolder these days has not eaten one

Hey, you guys are just cowards, and you are always advocating that everyone should go to the New World to develop, and develop a hammer. When the sea of ​​​​people comes, how much can we get?]

[Jiuxiao Electric Bone Bird: Haha, what does it have to do with me in the ocean? We have already thought about it anyway. When the human race builds the ship, we will take their ship to the New World. Before that, don’t mess with it.

Come to Su Lao Mo, otherwise he will even destroy the gods behind you!】

[Yuan Mie Xifengxi: I don’t know whether you will do it or not. Anyway, we have already done it three times. Everyone in this human race is a treasure. If you kill them, you will not only get meat to eat, but you can also open the summoning channel and strengthen your strength.

Learn new skills at the same time and achieve multiple goals with one stone! If you miss this good opportunity, if you want to be full, you have to eat in your dreams~]


Different from the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the human race, the chats among the alien races are all in several sentences, which makes people's eyes hurt.

However, after seeing these names, Sumo touched his head and felt like he had entered a fantasy world.

"Good guy, why do these races have such awesome names?"

"Could it be that the lioness is the bottom of the bottom among alien races?"

Sumo tilted his head with doubts, and after looking at the nickname of the lioness, he burst out laughing.

Purple Jade Steel Eyed Lion is the nickname of the lioness in world chat, and it sounds equally domineering and unusual.

Behind this nickname, Connie is her real name, which makes her look like a gentle Western woman.

"So that's the idea, I just said..."

Following the habits of the animal world, all races put a lot of effort into their names.

These races who are speaking have tried their best to make their names look more powerful and domineering so that they can have more say.

Of course, this trick will definitely not work in human society, but it is still quite popular among these alien races with "weird" brain circuits.

And unlike the imaginary aliens, in the World Channel, Sumo not only saw people who were looking for groups, researching solutions, and joking like humans, but he even saw his own title appear frequently.

"Laomo Su?"

"So am I also so famous among foreign races?"

After touching his nose and looking at the still lost lioness, Sumo became interested. When he was about to stand up and go outside the cave to observe other functions, the chat channel suddenly became quiet.

Different from chatting in the human world, there is a limit on the number of comments per day.

Because there are few people in the alien race, one message can be sent every 30 seconds, and a maximum of five messages can be accumulated.

This mechanism not only ensures that no one is surfing the screen in the World Channel, but also ensures that it will not be too deserted when there are few people.

But at this time, when he saw that the chat channel had gone quiet and he was staring at the last few messages, Sumo froze, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

[Curse Tiger]: Don’t talk about nothing. There are only eighteen days left before the human transfer. During these eighteen days, any race that does not have a population of more than 500 is prohibited from participating in ocean hunting operations.

[Curse Tiger]: All races that are not good at water must pay a sufficient price within eighteen days to learn water proficiency.

[Curse Tiger]: I repeat the coordinates of Su Laomo: Liupan Depression (11021, 32331)

[Curse Tiger]: All races that want to pass through this coordinate must report in advance. The five major races will plan the attack time in a unified manner. Please do not act without authorization.

[Curse Tiger]: I hope all races can pass on the above messages to each other. Anyone who disobeys the order will be shot to death in the New World.

The five murderous messages, just like the imperial edict, once posted on the world chat channel, completely silenced the channel.

Even the races that had been joking before were silent now, as if they had been silenced.

Moreover, unlike other races, they add all kinds of weird prefixes to their names to enhance their prestige.

The name of Cursed Tiger is extremely simple, but under such a major premise, Somo couldn't help but pay attention.

"Five major clans? What?"

"Are there classes among alien races?"

Seeing that his coordinates had been exposed, Sumo was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't make a fuss.

The underground shelter is so obvious, and the lion men were not cleaned out before adding it. It is not surprising that the aliens have information.

Sumo didn't even feel any fear about the alien race's insistence on unified planning of attack time.

On the contrary, it was what they called "ocean hunting operations" that made Somo feel like a thorn in his back.

In chatting in the human world, in addition to the name, you can also see the height and weight of the other person.

There is very little information that can be viewed in the alien world chat. In addition to the basic name, you can only see the speaker's racial strength rating.

"The strength rating of the cursed tiger race is 9.2, which doesn't seem to be very high."

"Let me see what the Lion Clan's rating is!"

While saying this, Sumo clicked on the lioness' profile picture.

The numerical value is very real. The strength rating of the purple jade steel-eyed lion race is only 0.003. Calculating, the cursed tiger race is three thousand times that of the lion-human race!

Return to the world chat panel, this time, Sumo directly pulls the panel to the top.

Start clicking on all the previously spoken races one by one to check their strength.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. After taking a look, Sumo suddenly felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"Curse Tiger, in comparison, it seems a bit strong!"

The more he looked at it, the clearer Somo had a clear understanding of the Cursed Tiger Clan's rating of 9.2.

The strength ratings of other races, such as the Bone-Crossing Sun Mang, which has 80 tribesmen, have a rating of only 0.8.

Yuan Mie Xifengxi, who has already done three votes, has a rating of only 1.9.

In comparison, the Cursed Tiger clan with a score of 9.2 is just like the dimensionality reduction strike, and there is a clear strength gap between it and other races.

There was very little information. After scanning the world channels and regional channels, Sumo was not so stupid as to ask directly about the origins of the Cursed Tiger Clan. Instead, he turned his head and focused his attention on the lioness in the corner.

"Curse tiger..."

"Connie, do you know the origin of the cursed tiger in your alien tribe? He seems to be very... powerful?" Now that the lioness has been subdued, she must be a little sensitive in her mentality.

Therefore, when asking questions, Somo paid great attention to wording and tried not to use words with a lot of emotions to express the meaning of the sentences.

Fortunately, after hearing Somo's words, the lioness Connie showed a hint of fear at first, and then in an instant, it turned into confusion.

This change of attitude is very similar to the traitor in Hong Kong movies. After betraying his boss, he is confused about the future when being questioned.

Connie has witnessed the death of the dog god with her own eyes, but she is still scared at this time, which shows that the cursed tiger has a lot of background.

"Don't be afraid. I know Cursed Tiger may have something, but don't worry, he and I are still close."

"My rating is 29!"

Connie made up a number casually, relying on the aliens not understanding the rules of the human panel. After hearing Somo say 29, Connie's eyes immediately lit up.

The whole person seemed to have been injected with courage by Somo, and his body straightened a bit.

"The Cursed Tiger Clan, he is one of the five royal families among our alien races on land."

"When they first came here, they brought a thousand tribesmen with them, and now, there are already..."

"Eight thousand six hundred tribesmen!"

Connie seems to have had a lot of interactions with the Cursed Tiger clan, and she knows the origins of the Cursed Tiger very well.

"Eight thousand six? That many?"

This number is far beyond Somo's imagination.

On Earth, as of the last statistics before the time travel, the number of wild tigers in the world is only about 4,000. The Siberian tiger, the largest among all tigers, has a total of only more than 600!

But now, when he heard that there were more than 8,000 cursed tigers, Sumo suddenly felt troubled.

If these tigers were as ferocious as those on Earth, thinking about more than 8,000 of them charging at the same time, even Somo, as the strongest human being in the wasteland, would have no intention of fighting with them.

If you encounter one, other than hiding, you can only run!

In a head-on battle, it would be absolutely difficult to resist without a hundred machine guns, hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition, and a suitable line of defense.

"Yes, as far as I know, the number of humans who died in their hands is only five thousand, which does not allow them to have such a huge number."

"What they rely on is ethnic warfare, what they rely on is...killing us!"

"Their power, their status, and their titles were all established by killing us, who are also from a different race!"

The heavy tone was matched with Connie's complicated expression.

Somo could understand that when she said this, she, a member of a foreign race, was not like the human race, who would feel proud, boost morale, and be full of hope when mentioning Somo.

When the cursed tiger was mentioned, Connie was very disgusted, the kind of disgust that could not be concealed in her eyes.

Sumo had no doubt that if the cursed tiger wasn't too strong, Connie would immediately pounce on it and bite it to death.

But at the same time, after being disgusted, Connie shook her head again, as if to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in her mind.

Prestige comes from killing.

In the animal world, this is even more true.

"All alien races must fear them, including the upcoming ocean hunting plan, which was planned by their five royal families."

"Ocean Hunting Plan...?"

"what exactly is it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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