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Chapter 290 Two kinds of drawings, radar ideas!

"With a difference of 1,000 points, my survival points will return to the 20,000 mark!"

"Sure enough, only by doing more things and revealing more secrets can we have more survival points!"

The dry survival point pond seemed to be injected with a living spring. Seeing the number return to five digits, Somo couldn't help but clench his fists and get excited.

Although the daily environmental assessment survival points have increased significantly, you can only get 600 points every day.

On the contrary, every time I do something, I can gain a whole month's worth of gains, which is simply exaggerated.

After suddenly getting rich, Sumo's mind was very clear.

Before the ocean comes, I'm afraid this big harvest will be the last.

In the next ten days, if there is no accident, the maximum I can save is 10,000 points. It is impossible to be the same as now.

Therefore, all survival points must be spent on the right places to ensure that nothing is wasted.

After making some choices and not rushing to upgrade the remaining robots, Sumo slowly came to the storage room on the third floor after recharging the four mechanics who were about to run out of power.

Currently, the manufacturing of the destroyer is officially on the right track, as long as the materials are transported step by step every day and installed by bionic machinists.

As for what is left for Somo to complete, it is the operating system and automatic driving system of the entire destroyer.

In addition to this, if there are conditions and time, more small branches similar to detailed manipulation can even be derived.

Only with more comprehensive considerations and a more complete auxiliary driving system can the performance of this 80-meter-long destroyer be maximized!

Sitting on the stool next to the storage room, after checking the properties of other small objects brought out from the ruins of Liangfang Town one by one, Sumo returned to the first floor and focused his attention on the square that occupied most of the space in the garage.

Most of the other objects brought out from the ruins are of excellent grade, and there are even a few fine grade objects with some magical little functions.

But for Sumo, who is about to go to sea to participate in a war that may involve billions of creatures, there is no help that can "turn the tide".

If he wants to live, if he wants to return triumphantly with enough loot, among all the things he brought back, the only one that can give Somo the confidence to go out to sea and participate in this struggle between the three clans is the one in the garage...

Vertical missile launch module!

Sumo had seen this thing several times in his dreams, and had experienced it no less than five times.

As for how buggy this thing is, Sumo also knew very well during the teaching in his sleep.

Once the big box in front of us can be completely matched, the firepower of the destroyer will directly surpass the average level of World War I and World War II, and enter the modern era, resulting in a leap-forward and violent increase.

With a sacred mood, after feeling out the structure of the package outside, Somo walked to the tool box, took out the scissors, and gently cut off several ropes fixed to the missile launch module.

As the rope broke, the moisture-proof cloth covering it also lost its restraints and began to loosen.

Put your hand on the corner of the moisture-proof cloth, and follow Somo's gentle pressure...


For the first time, the true appearance of the vertical launch module appeared in the real world!

The silver-white shell has no gaps and is just like a large cube. Matched with the R33 painting, it looks extremely domineering!

Without being anxious and excited, based on his familiarity with this device in his dream, Somo walked clockwise around his back, put his hand on the small corner below the third number 3 painted on R33, and clicked lightly.

The next second, a small shell popped out.

Under the shell, there is a red button, and complete expansion requirements are painted next to the button.

The vertical missile launch module has an expanded volume of 12 meters long, 8 meters wide and 7.5 meters high.

"Sure enough, it's this guy. It's exactly the same as what I saw in my dream!"

"If this thing can be matched, it means that Ma Fei did not make it himself, but got it from other places!"

"He didn't open it, so all the matching items should be there!"

The garage was too small and there was no room to expand. After looking down and seeing that there was indeed a small square on the right side of the button, Sumo could no longer hold back the commotion in his heart and carefully closed the lid.

"Game, I choose appraisal!"

After brewing for so long, with Sumo's thoughts and a point deduction, the attributes of the module began to slowly emerge.

[R33-Vertical ship-based missile launch module (rare)]

[Description]: Developed by ??? Company, and contracted and produced by ?? Company, this classic vertical cold projectile externally powered launch abandoned the huge volume of the original launch system and switched to structural folding module technology.

The structure uses high-strength materials and has been tested for millions of launches without any failure.

[Carry drawings]: R-1 rocket** drawings, R-3 short-range ballistic missile drawings

[Launching principle]: Pushing external power

[Compatible missile body]: Compatible with all missiles with their own engines, compatible with all types of rocket launchers

【special power】:

Powerful Brick Flying (all shells entering the launch system, the default power is increased by 5%-35% according to the properties of the shells)

Artillery fire coverage (the firing system will enter a hot state within 60 seconds, and the default firing rate will be increased by 500%. After 60 seconds, it will be disabled for 1 hour)

Accuracy (when calculated by the guidance or fire control program, the accuracy of the projectile will be increased by 100%)

[Restriction ①]: Missile launch must be coordinated with corresponding radar guidance, otherwise it will not be launched.

[Restriction ②]: Rocket launch needs to be calculated in conjunction with the corresponding fire control program, otherwise it will not be launched.

[Restriction ③]: Module loading must match the corresponding ship or shelter (ship: level 5 or above, shelter: lv10 or above)

[Recycling price]: Main body (5000 disaster points) + R-1 rocket ** paper (1000 points) + R-3 short-range ballistic missile blueprint (3000 points)

"Good guy, this thing was offered to me directly for a sky-high price of 9,000 points."

"Other people might have sold it on impulse, but if Ma Fei can give it to me...it's considered to be the right person!"

After repeatedly confirming that the two drawings on the property panel were indeed included in the device, Sumo finally felt relieved.

After using the design drawings of the destroyer, the game has completely taught Sumo how to use it in his dream, and allowed Sumo to experience it himself.

Looking at all the weapons and equipment on the first-class destroyer, although this vertical launcher is not the first, it can definitely be ranked in the top three. It can be called a walking "bomber"!

On weekdays, paired with a suitable phased radar, it can continuously launch short-range ballistics in a short period of time to accurately strike targets locked in the radar.

But after the enemy approaches, you can operate the device to raise and change the angle, turning it into a strafing weapon that can fire 12 rocket launchers at the same time, achieving super fire coverage in an instant.

It is precisely because of this bug attribute that after seeing it in Ma Fei's shelter, Sumo was willing to give up safety and rush in to explore.

"Having the module is just the beginning. I need to completely make a matching radar and fire control system within these ten days."

"At the same time, as long as the next disaster strikes, if you go out to sea and kill 500 aliens, you can upgrade the fifth-level shelter and make an advanced version of the machine tool."

"With small and medium-sized machine tools, although missiles cannot be made for the time being, rocket launchers can be made."

"At that time, I will use RPG fixed-point strikes at close range, directly turn on the launch module at medium and long distances, and use rocket launchers to clear the ground!"

"Under this kind of firepower, I want to see who can plot against me!"

After taking a long breath to relieve the suffocation caused by excitement, he covered the launch module with a moisture-proof cloth again. After returning to the third floor, Sumo's mind was completely spinning.

Before, I was worried about how to find a reason to sell the weapons to the Tundra Sanctuary, so as to ensure the absolute safety of the Tundra Sanctuary before the transfer.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

There are still many technical chains required for a shelter. In the field that humans have researched, any system upgrade is too wasteful.

On the contrary, it is more cost-effective to trade with official organizations like Tundra Refuge.

After pondering for a while, Sumo took out a notebook and began to plan everything he wanted to trade this time.

First things first...radar technology!

Radar is the transliteration of English Radar. The overall translation means radio detection and ranging, so it is also called radio positioning.

In use, the radar emits electromagnetic waves to illuminate the target and receives its echo, thereby obtaining information such as the distance from the target to the electromagnetic wave emission point, distance change rate, orientation, altitude and other information.

The earliest appearance of radar can be traced back to the First World War on Earth. For modern people who have accepted the explosion of knowledge and the rapid development of technology, it can be regarded as a product of the "ancient" era.

Therefore, in terms of principle and manufacturing difficulty, if ordinary people want to make a simple radar, as long as they have drawings and guidance, it is not a problem at all.

As for the radar mounted on the destroyer, Sumo actually didn't have much choice.

On modern ships, generally higher-level ships are equipped with six types of radars, namely warning radar, guidance radar, phased array radar, over-the-horizon radar, fire control radar, and navigation and collision avoidance radar.

Among these six types of radars, for an 80-meter-long third-class destroyer, except for the navigation and collision avoidance radar, which must carry 3-5 to ensure navigation safety, the other five types can be carried on demand.

"The warning radar used to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy is not needed. Even if we are human beings on the sea, they may be enemies. I will not let any strangers board the ship, so this item can be eliminated directly to save the budget."

"There is no need for the guidance radar used to guide the start and stop of carrier-based aircraft, as well as the over-the-horizon radar. Even if there are planes now, I will not fly them!"

"So among the remaining options, we must choose between fire control and phased array!"

Focusing on circling the names of the two types of radars in his notebook, Sumo began to slowly recall the information he had heard on a certain War Ignorance Bureau program.

Shipborne phased array radar requires a computer to control the feed phase of each radiation unit on the array antenna.

Scanning is achieved by changing the shape and direction of the radar antenna beam.

This kind of radar is currently the mainstream shipborne radar in modern times, but the history of its origin is not long.

It was only after the economic recovery in the 1990s that the number of people gradually increased.

Of course, as a mainstream radar, the technical level and manufacturing level must be much higher than other radars.

In comparison, fire control radars that have been installed on ships since the 1950s must have lower requirements.

"There are many technical requirements for phased arrays. Even if I get the drawings and want to manufacture them, I will probably have to spend a huge amount of survival points."

"If we really want to do it, we might as well use fire control radar and long-distance positioning radar to implement it crudely. Even if the accuracy is a little low, I will admit it!"

After slapping the table, Sumo directly smeared the phased array radar with a pen a few times and chose to give up.

If you are poor, you will strike with precision, if you are rich, you will be covered with firepower.

The accuracy was within one meter, and the accuracy was within one hundred meters. Sumo did not hesitate and made the decision on the spot.

"As long as I can build short-range ballistic missiles, there will be no gap between the enemy in the center and within a hundred meters."

"It's better to use all the saved materials and survival points to make ammunition. If you can't hit even one shot, I'll just give you a hundred rounds to cover everything!"

This chapter has been completed!
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