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Chapter 293 Dimensional restrictions, cosmic human beings!

 As if he had already expected Su Mo to have such an expression, Chen Shen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Brother Su, it's so pathetic, when I first seized this thing, everyone had this look on their face."

"But look at its attributes. If we have enough points in the future, this will be an invincible artifact."

"I don't know how these people in Zeus Sanctuary are so lucky to get this thing!"


Seeing Chen Shen praising the black pot in front of him and giving such a high evaluation, Sumo stepped forward with doubts, grabbed the handle of the iron pot, and took it down.

The pot is not heavy. Based on Somo's hand strength, which he has strengthened several times, it is estimated to be between five and eight pounds.

But if you consider that this pot is only 38 meters in diameter, it is still much heavier than the equivalent pot on Earth that only weighs three or four kilograms.

Putting aside the orange-yellow light emitted by the entire pot, the color of the pot body is extremely high-end.

The overall appearance is an extremely pure black, and it is difficult to distinguish any impurities in this black with the naked eye.

"Even if this pot is not epic, it is an ordinary iron pot, and the quality is still good."

"Especially this wooden handle. It feels like holding on to jade, and it's not slippery. It's good for cooking."

After shaking the pot decently and stroking the complex lines inside the pot for a while, Sumo gave a very high evaluation.

As a chef, his lifelong dream is to own a handy iron pot.

As a foodie, I also like this pot soma.

After playing with it for a while, as Sumo concentrated his thoughts and someone had already used some point identification, the attribute panel of the black pot gradually appeared.

"Hey, you'll get bonuses when you use it for cooking. That's pretty good. You can even make epic dishes."

Browsing through the attributes of the iron pot one by one, Sumo was slightly pleased when he saw that as long as he spent different points, he could cook dishes of different grades, up to the epic level.

No wonder Chen Shen said this is a good thing. If you really have points and make epic dishes, it won’t take off!

However, when he looked excitedly at the next attribute with the word "lock", a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly came from Somo's heart.

"No, what is this?"

The expression style of this lock word is not like the one on the Oreo attribute panel where the evolution has not been completed and is in a sealed state.

Instead, there was a black mist floating on it, which seemed to be forcibly blocking it, and there was a vaguely familiar feeling hovering in Somo's mind.

"Black mist?"

"The two design drawings brought out from the inexplicable time and space last time seemed to have black mist!"

Suddenly, before Sumo could continue to think about it, the system that was silent in his body suddenly began to become uncontrollably restless!

Along with the restlessness, a series of harsh buzzing sounds suddenly exploded near Somo's eardrums.

This voice was familiar to Sumo.

The first time I heard it, it was the warning sound issued by the system when two design drawings were transmitted in the mysterious SYQ space.

In the end, magical energy was used to clear the black fog before it could be used normally.

The second time was when the welfare disaster was over and the golden light came over to scan, the system issued such a warning sound again.

Although these two sounds were rapid, they were not harsh. They only told Somo that this thing was dangerous and needed to be avoided or eliminated.

but now

Feeling the rumbling sound in his ears like drums on the eve of a war, Sumo stood on the ground and his whole body began to tremble almost uncontrollably, as if he was being electrified and it was difficult to control himself.

There is a problem with the scapegoat!

And it’s a big problem!

The system wants to fight!

"No, there are still outsiders!"

He screamed silently in his heart, suppressed the trembling from the root of his body, gritted his teeth, and once burst out, Somo shouted out every word!

"Chen Shen, go out, close the lid, and wait for me!"

"Guard the gate above. No one can come in here without my instructions!"

Two loud shouts were like an enlightenment, and the bell rang loudly, instantly making Chen Shen, who was still standing aside and frightened by the Somo-like posture, come back to his senses.

Without any hesitation or nonsense, Chen Shen realized the seriousness of the matter when he saw a large amount of sweat pouring down from Sumo's head. He rolled up the stairs and climbed up quickly.

Boom, boom, boom

The heavy sound of the three iron doors began to echo in the storage room as they were lowered.

Hearing this voice, Sumo couldn't bear it anymore and directly released his jurisdiction over the system.

The next moment, the originally dark storage room was filled with only black and red light.


From head to toe, Soma's entire body was filled with indescribable black-red light, reaching up to his hair and down to his toes.

Anywhere where light could seep out, it emerged and bombarded the iron pot.

And this iron pot, after feeling the threat of the black-red light, was no longer as elegant, easy-going and ordinary as before.

A strange black energy emerged from its surface, and it fled with the pot shaking left and right in the air.

But the system is the system. Once it is taken action, there is no chance for the iron pot to escape.

When the first black-red light hit the iron pot, the pot stopped still!

Moreover, the black ash covering the pot began to change slightly.

The black skin that was originally fixed on it began to peel off and fell to the ground.

However, before the black substance fell to the ground, it was melted and disappeared by the light, ensuring that no fish would slip through the net.

It seems to be limited by "the output power, every square centimeter of the surface area of ​​the iron pot, the light bombardment is extremely useless."

It will take three to five seconds for a spot of black ash to peel off, revealing the original color of the iron pot underneath.

During the bombardment, Sumo, who was standing there and leaning against the storage wall, felt like a soldering iron, and his whole body's temperature rose crazily.

Feeling the threat of life, the mountain and sea scroll card exuding silver-gray star power had emerged from the storage space, spinning continuously in the air, emitting a clear light covering the lower part.

Bottle after bottle of nether energy water seemed to be free of charge. Somo unscrewed it vigorously and poured it directly on his head.



The contact between high temperature and water caused bursts of evaporation, and the small storage room was already filled with white mist.

One minute

two minutes

The black ash on the iron pot still stubbornly fell off slowly, but Somo, who was leaning against the wall, was already on the verge of running out of oil.



"I can't hold it anymore!"

Every second, the black-red light's tearing of muscles and tissues throughout the body will counteract the repair function of the mountain and sea scroll cards.

This feeling of tearing that is ten times more painful than torture, if it weren't for Somo's experience in the wasteland during this period, and experienced several horrors between life and death, as well as the effects of the mountain and sea scroll cards and psionic water on the body.


I'm afraid Sumo will faint in the first second!

Fortunately, the system seems to have sensed Somo's current state and is on the verge of collapse.

Under a violent burst of light, the last piece of coating on the iron pot peeled off, fell into the air, was vaporized by the light, and began to slowly disappear and be recycled.


Without the light to hold it up, the pot hit the ground, making a buzzing sound.

But at this time, Sumo, who was lying on the ground with his whole body twitching violently, had no intention of observing anything unusual about this iron pot.




Very tired!

The kind that makes you want to die from exhaustion!

The bombardment of the system's light was not long, only about two and a half minutes, but these two and a half minutes gave Somo the feeling of repeatedly jumping through the gates of hell.

If there hadn't been a scroll of mountains and seas to restore the physical condition today, there wouldn't have been an upgraded psionic water that could repair the mental state.

Without either of these two things, there will be only one outcome.


"Fuck, the people in Zeus Sanctuary won't take the blame, and the people in Hope Village won't take the blame. In the end, I, Soma, will take the blame."

"Sure enough, empiricism kills people. In the future, you must be careful when encountering high-level things. This situation must not happen again."

"Otherwise, next time, if the system comes out to fight, I have to say whether I can survive it."

Panting heavily, he looked at the ceiling, even though there were still crazy protests from everywhere in his body.

After the pain was gone, Sumo felt from the bottom of his heart how "happy" it was to be free from illness.

The mountain and sea scroll card is still rotating in the air dutifully, slowly repairing the damage in various parts of the body.

He remained paralyzed on the ground. After more than ten minutes, he felt a lightness all over his body and the mountain and sea scroll cards stopped outputting energy. Somo's breathing slowly calmed down.

"Hiss, it hurts so much. It seems that the injury this time is really serious. I need to take a good rest for a while!"

Although the Mountain and Sea Scroll Card can repair skin injuries, there is no way to overdraw the potential of cells.

It takes time to wait until the overdrawn cells are slowly metabolized by the new cells that divide, and then the body's vitality will be restored.

Of course, after such a period of suffering, the benefits gained are not without.

At the very least, in the process of muscle fibers being torn apart and forcibly repaired, the endurance and strength of the muscle fibers have increased a lot.

As long as the injury is repaired, his physical fitness will definitely improve, and he may be able to meet the physical fitness requirements for upgrading the shelter to level five.

After continuing to relax for a while, he opened the game panel and replied to Chen Shen that it was okay. Then he pulled the armrest on the upper edge of the storage compartment and sat up slowly.

As soon as I sat down, the iron pot that fell on the ground immediately appeared in my field of vision.


"Damn it, this thing isn't epic, it's???"

"The only item???"

The black pot that was completely black before and exuded an orange-yellow epic light is gone!

What replaced it was a jade pot with the same handle as before, emitting light green emerald light.

Even the color of the jade pot has turned into a unique red.

Red and green, the two colors are mixed together. There is nothing abrupt about it. Instead, they blend together to create a high-end beauty.

Without any hesitation, Sumo started the system appraisal for this jade pot, which cost no money but only life. From a long distance away.

This time, the light emitted by the system was no longer red and black, but turned green, symbolizing hope and peace.

The green beam of light hit the jade pot, overlapped with the original green color of the pot for a few seconds, and then slowly retracted.

Then, the panel that usually appears immediately after inspecting the properties of the item did not appear in time.

In Sumo's sight, greenery began to steam above the jade pot, gradually reflecting a picture.

As the picture played, the poor system female voice, which appeared rarely, also sounded.

"In the ??? century with rapid development of science and technology, the footprints of human beings in the universe have already spread to all corners of the entire three-dimensional universe. During the research process, they discovered that if they want to break through the three-dimensional world, break the limitations of the three-dimensional universe, and enter a four-dimensional civilization

In this world, the only step that must be taken is to find that "road"!"

"What is the road?"

"The humans in the universe don't know that the suppression of dimensions makes it difficult for humans to use their thoughts to overcome this limitation. However, in the process of gradual research and deciphering, the humans in the universe have discovered another wonderful thing."

"Rule authority!"

"To put it simply, virtual characters in the two-dimensional world, their lives, what they do, and even their appearance will be controlled by humans in the three-dimensional world."

"Two-dimensional creatures have no authority to determine the development of the world, nor are they aware that their lives are being controlled, nor are they aware of what is wrong with this world."

"Similarly, energy, gravity, molecular collisions, dark energy tides and other phenomena in the three-dimensional world are not accidental. They have their own rules and are controlled by a pair of big hands that humans cannot understand."

"Unable to break through the limitations of four-dimensional thinking, the thinking of humans in the universe has changed. They have chosen to start from the authority of the three-dimensional world. They want to control gravity, control energy, control the form of individual life, and control the evolutionary chain in organisms."

"They want to restore the power of the gods in ancient mythology."

"In other words, if you want to become a dragon, you must first defeat the dragon!"

The foggy picture was showing something, and even with good eyesight, Sumo couldn't see clearly what happened after the picture ended.

However, the system sound clearly conveyed the message behind the picture.

The second the voice fell, the familiar panel finally popped up, but after just glancing at Jade Guo's name, Sumo's heart instantly surged with huge waves!

[What a big black pot (1% wasteland operation authority)]

This chapter has been completed!
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