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Chapter 308 Everything is ready, let’s start the test!

 Somo needs the Hope so much!

The villagers also need the Hope very much!

This ship carries the expectations of hundreds of people and all Sumo's fantasies about the future!

Climbing up the stairs, he stepped up quickly. Different from the anxiety when he went down, this time when he went up, Somo was completely relaxed.

At this point, countless obstacles have been overcome by myself, and the most difficult and darkest days are about to come to an end.

As long as you persist, you will usher in the day of "harvest".

"The autonomous driving system only has the final logical judgment left. If the ethical and moral judgment module is not considered, I can finish it before 6 p.m."

"At that time, you only need to place the weapon in the prepared slot to start the first round of testing."

"By the way, we should start loading supplies onto the ship. Otherwise, the Hope is likely to be an empty ship in the world of talisman paper."

Modifying the autonomous driving system is not difficult!

A large part of the code for this part of the system comes from already established ship operating systems on Earth.

It only requires slight adaptation and modification to the Hope number, and it can be installed.

And only 10% of these parts that need to be modified are left.

According to the efficiency these days, it only takes half a day at most to complete the modification.

When the time comes, debug it on the simulator. If it works, you can directly install it on the ship, and then completely complete the second stage of the ship.

Refinement and revision!

As for the firepower systems currently installed on ships.

Because there are no matching rockets and ballistics, the vertical launch module can only be a decoration.

The eighteen ports used to fix the machine gun have all been completed. You only need to put the machine gun on it and connect it to the main fire control system to use it.

In the first test, the firepower was not completely blank.

While thinking about it, he patiently locked all the equipment and closed some of the hatches above the cab, leaving only a passage to the warehouse.

After sending a message to Chen Shen that the first part of the supplies could be boarded, Sumo quickly ran down the wooden stairs and returned to the shelter.

On the third floor of the underground shelter, the computer table that Sumo rubbed out with his own hands and worked for more than ten days already had some oil residue from food.

But for a workaholic, this is not a problem. After sweeping away all the clutter, Sumo turned on the computer.

The compilation software written by top students from Yanguo is extremely easy to use, with a simple and clear interface, and it also comes with simulation tests.

After drinking a glass of psionic water to quickly adjust his state, the code blocks on the computer monitor began to move.

The main part of the remaining modifications at present is none other than the operational logic judgment system.

More than 90% of the data of the automatic driving system of large ships comes from various radar detections.

Relying on the data returned by the radar, the logic processing system makes judgments and then performs a series of acceleration, deceleration, steering and other movements.

In addition, except for human intervention, the data fed back by other designs is basically not used.

Such a design can ensure 100% validity of the data.

The possibility of accidents is extremely low, and it is infinitely more reliable than human control.

But it's a pity... the Hope cannot do it!

After careful calculation, the Hope is currently equipped with only five radars.

Although the central fire control scanning radar can usually work part-time to scan nearby environmental data, it can be transmitted back to the main system for analysis in real time.

But this thing is okay when there is no fight. When there is a fight, the data inside will be divided into primary and secondary and begin to be transmitted and screened.

The data belonging to the environment will weaken rapidly, and the radar will automatically allocate computing power to detect the enemy's movements.

At this time, if the control is purely based on the environmental data returned by the radar, the autonomous driving system is likely to make misjudgments due to insufficient data, resulting in a series of unimaginable consequences.

As for the obstacle avoidance radars on the bow, stern and sides of the ship, they are even less reliable.

This thing is just like the reversing radar. It can only play an auxiliary role at most. If you expect to rely on the reversing radar to drive, you are going to die!

Therefore, in terms of logical judgment, Sumo could only find another way and boldly adopted something that no warship dared to use.

Real-time screen analysis!

After the hull was manufactured, two of the three ultra-high-definition surveillance cameras on the shipyard were dismantled by Sumo and installed on the bow and stern of the Hope respectively.

In addition, through the Procurement Department of Hope Village, four more lower-quality surveillance probes were received.

Although the resolution of these probes is not good, they can be installed on both sides of the hull.

Relying on these cameras, after constructing six images covering all sides of the hull, the analysis of the entire image accounts for 75% of the entire driving system.

The remaining radar data accounts for 20%.

As for the last 5% of Soma, I didn't keep it, and boldly gave it to the all-round mechanic who had been upgraded twice.

This is a bold attempt, so bold that even if the modern earth's technology develops for another ten to twenty years, no one will be crazy enough to hand over the control of the battleship to an intelligent pilot without reservation.

But Sumo still did it!

Moreover, during the transformation process, Sumo also found that not only did this idea cause no problems, but it went surprisingly smoothly.

Whether it is transmitting simulation pictures for logic testing, or directly inputting results to see the operation process.

With the addition of mechanics to the system, in 179 simulation tests, the threat to the Hope turned out to be "0"!

The combination of the machinist's driving logic judgment and the data analysis collected by the system actually produced an unimaginable "chemical reaction".

At this stage, Sumo doesn't know whether such a change is good or bad.

But in general, if it can still perform like this after being installed on the Hope, it will definitely be a big step on the long road of human autonomous driving!

"Ethical and moral obstacle avoidance is completely unnecessary in the ocean of the apocalypse."

"The Hope cannot be in any danger, even if it produces other unimaginable consequences!"

After deciding to discard this part, Sumo's revision speed became faster again.

His hands, like arranging flowers, fell on the keyboard, making bursts of clicking sounds that echoed on the keyboard.

Coupled with the clock placed in the gym living room, it gives you a tense feeling of racing against time.

On the second floor, the fourth child was not idle either.

For this trip, the four children need to go on board the ship as the first wave of "crew".

And because this time he went to the sea not only to pick up his sister, but also to find the Poseidon in front of everyone, so Sumo had decided ten days ago to go to sea this time:

Don’t take any villagers with you!

Including Zhong Qingshu, all the villagers of Hope Village stayed on Tieshi Mountain, waiting for Somo's triumphant return.

Among these, the lioness Connie cannot be assigned any permissions or tasks because she is not sure of her loyalty, and can only be used as a mobile alien game board.

The other four children all need to play their roles on the ship.

His eyes jumped to the breeding room on the second floor.

Sitting under the sunlight by the window, flipping through the "First Mate's Manual" written by Somo, Moore frowned and purred happily.

For a Thunder Bear warrior, controlling such a large ship is definitely beyond his ability.

But fortunately, the improvement in IQ brought about by long-term consumption of psionic water and the special tasks arranged by Somo just happened to suit Moore's taste.

As the first mate, he does not need to be responsible for driving the ship. He only needs to be responsible for the second part of the ship after the driving.


Once on board, Moore will be solely responsible for the firepower until Somo takes control.

Whether it is the delineation of agent tasks, the replacement of agent batteries, or even the selection of attack targets, Moore makes the judgment.

At the same time, due to insufficient manpower, Moore also needs to serve as the chief engineer of the entire ship, leading mechanics to conduct regular inspections of the ship's machinery, power, and electrical equipment.

This book covers all relevant knowledge. After being translated into Sumo's vernacular, although Moore is difficult to understand, he can barely understand it as long as he pays attention.

As for Oreo, he is the second officer on the ship.

In front of him, there was also a "Second Deputy Investigation Manual".

Considering Oreo's innate skills and the reason that he cannot speak, Oreo usually only needs to be responsible for reconnaissance missions and inspection of detailed parts of the ship's hull.

Of course, these two parts usually require 20-50 people to work on modern ships, but now, with machinists, a lot of manpower can be saved.

As for the Big and Small Sparks, their tasks are much simpler.

As the ship's supply officer, you are responsible for taking care of the crops transplanted on the ship to ensure that the plants can grow and provide sufficient sources of fresh food.

The whole family has their own missions. In the days when the disaster is about to come, the underground shelter that contains Somo's original dream is completely quiet.

The gym that used to be extremely busy at this time has now fallen into a layer of dust.

The stove used for cooking has not been turned on for more than ten days, and even the large crop culture medium in the breeding room has not been put in by Sumo for the next batch of crops.

Before disaster strikes, all enjoyable activities and all extravagant wastes of time are put on hold.

On the second floor, apart from the gurgling sounds that would come from the nether energy well from time to time, there was only the sound of whirring from time to time and the sound of books being turned.

In the outside world, after receiving the news from Somo, under the arrangement of Chen Shen, the first batch of supplies on board was also counted.

These days, steel plates are manufactured regardless of cost, coupled with the consumption of the third phase of the Hope Village project, there is a huge demand for basic materials.

Therefore, after weighing the loading capacity of the Ichiban Hope and thinking that basic materials would be extremely needed for subsequent trips to the New World.

Sumo simply waved his hand and purchased a large number of basic materials from the market, greatly enriching his family fortune.

Among them, copper and iron are naturally the main materials.

But other debris, such as wood, stone, aluminum, steel, grease, electronic components, etc., were not left behind either.

The prices of these things are extremely cheap now, so there is no disadvantage in buying them in advance.

After bringing it to the New World, there is no need to worry about the shortage of materials in the early development of the refuge territory.

Soon, when all the first batch of things that needed to be brought were loaded in by the villagers.

Sumo, who was sitting on the third floor, had reached the final step of his work.

At present, all the codes have been sorted and modified, and the compilation software does not prompt any errors. It can be loaded into the simulator at any time for debug testing.

Once you get here, as long as you can run it completely and there are no logical abnormalities according to the given data, you can go directly on board for testing.

With the secret of stealing the sky, Sumo had all the capital to make mistakes, and he didn't need to be as careful as modern tests.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

After watching the entire program package complete, import it into the simulator, and start a new round of testing.

Sitting in front of the stool, Somo also began to take a nap to recover the mental energy lost due to continuous programming.

The first test mainly focused on the ship launching into the sea and its navigation status in the sea.

According to the model simulation in the computer, there will be no major problems in this step, but unexpected situations will inevitably occur.

And because it is a world simulated by talisman paper, except for the variable Somo that can enter it, others such as the fourth child and villagers will be isolated and blocked and cannot enter.

Once you encounter any situation in the world of talisman paper, Soma needs to adjust and record it himself, so the mental state is also extremely important.

Fortunately, the test is not very fast and takes a full hour and a half.

After such a long time, with the mental recovery help of the psionic water, when the beeping sound of the test being completed sounded,

Lying on the stool, Soma's spirit has returned to its peak!

"That's it! Passed all three simulation tests"

"The actual test of the sky-stealing machine on board the ship will begin tonight!"

This chapter has been completed!
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