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Chapter 313 Horrible natural disaster! The road to legend!

 [Record]: There are still five seconds until the fourth disaster "Poseidon Awakens", please all humans be prepared for disasters

[Record]: Countdown to disaster. 4 seconds.

[Record]: Countdown to disaster. 3 seconds.

In the Talisman World, in addition to the basic information that can be viewed on the game panel, other panels such as world chat, manufacturing, trading, storage space, etc. will be blocked.

Only every time before a disaster strikes, a countdown game panel will pop up, and this time it is still there.

I don’t know where this ocean sweeping across the entire land will come from.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Sumo had no choice but to pull on the protective railing and look around nervously.

As for the process of the formation of oceans on the earth, before time travel, there are two theories in total, and because both of them have a lot of evidence, they have won the support of many people.

The first one is a relatively niche one, the exogenous theory, which states that most of the water on Earth comes from dense asteroids that bombarded the Earth around 3.9 billion years ago.

Through the large amount of water brought by asteroids, oceans gradually formed on the earth.

It sounds reasonable at first, but with the increasing amount of research data in modern times, this statement has too many paradoxes, and gradually, like the "flat earth theory", it has become a statement believed by a small number of people.

The second type is the famous one. He said that water "grows" from the ground!

But what this long refers to is that minerals containing water formed asteroids, and the asteroids collided with each other to form the earth. In the continuous collisions, kinetic energy was converted into heat energy.

Radioactive elements in the rocks are also enriched and release heat, which makes the earth hotter and hotter, eventually forming magma balls.

In the magma ball, various chemical reactions cause the water in the minerals to be analyzed, and after forming the crust on the surface, it reaches the ground in the form of rainwater and collects into the ocean.

To sum up, the ocean gradually formed through the long rainy season.

"This ocean coming and the last world-destroying flood did not land in the wasteland in the same way."

"Could it be."

Seeing that the countdown was over and the land was still peaceful, Sumo instinctively felt something was wrong.

It would be better if these oceans, like the last punishing disaster flood, surged directly from the end of the horizon and quickly formed sea levels.

All humans need to do is to avoid the impact of the first wave, and then they can drive their homemade boats and float slowly on the sea until the sea level slowly rises.

But if we change it to another way, it would be a heavy rainstorm like in the plot of Noah's Ark.

I am afraid that all living things think that the "Poseidon Awakening" is a transitional disaster and will become a catastrophe!

"Oops, if it rains, how much rainfall will it take to do it?"

"And let's not talk about the drainage problem of the Hope. If it rains, the formation of sea level on the ground will be affected by the terrain."

"That's when."

Seeing the black clouds gathering quickly and densely above his head, and the blood moon churning in the black clouds, the hairs all over Somo's body suddenly stood up.

The fourth disaster of mankind, the ocean is coming.

If we really want to use rain, we can create a sea that can cover 80% of the wasteland area.

So what Li Bai wrote in his poem:

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way will fall into the sky, and it will become a reality!

"No, disaster and games should be two separate things!"

"Games cannot control disasters, nor can they affect disasters."

"The purpose of the disaster is always to destroy all living things in this wasteland!"

Suddenly coming to this conclusion, even though he was in the talisman world of Stealing Heaven's Secret, Soma still shuddered involuntarily.

Looking at it now, it only takes a thought to calmly exit this terrifying world.

But if you want to withdraw, you can only withdraw for seven days.

Seven days later, all humans and all creatures in the wasteland will face this horrific disaster that will destroy the world!

At that time, a huge amount of rain will pour down from high in the sky like a waterfall, mixed with terrifying energy.

Those who stay on board and want to take advantage of the first opportunity to go to sea.

Those who have no shelter and stand on the wasteland waiting for disaster to come!

Just like the target, it will be directly turned into mud by the rain.

"Hey, how could I forget! My radar and the buildings above the deck of the Hope have no protection measures against bombardment."

"Once the rain is really that heavy, we won't just turn on the floodgates!"

In less than a minute, the black clouds in the sky above the wasteland had become so rich that they were almost pure black.

Without thinking, Sumo turned around and ran directly to the cockpit.

Now, the problem facing the Hope is no longer how to go to sea, but how to preserve the core of the ship under this terrifying heavy rain.

Otherwise, once all the facilities on the main deck are destroyed, even if the ship can successfully float under the influence of rising sea levels and buoyancy, it will be meaningless.

Run wildly.

Breathing in and out, Sumo looked at the cab in front of him and ran with all his strength!

But just when Somo ran into the cab and the door hadn't been closed.

Its daybreak!

A bolt of lightning that was powerful enough to penetrate the entire wasteland suddenly extended from the far south to the far north, illuminating the entire wasteland.

Then, with a thunderous sound that could make one’s eardrums burst, suddenly, the rain came!

This rain, when it fell in the first second, was not heavy. It was just like ordinary light rain. At most, it was overwhelming and dense.

But only for three seconds!

In three seconds, the light rain suddenly increased to a new level, both in intensity and frequency.

"Gonggong, turn on all the lights on the ship, adjust the engine to preheat mode, and turn on the radar at full power for scanning. The range is one kilometer. I need to get all the terrain change data within one kilometer."

"The whole ship picture analysis is started, and the picture analysis and transmission are carried out in real time, giving me the current image of the Hope from every angle!"

"Record the deck impact force and rainfall and drainage analysis, calculate the data model in real time, and return it to me!"

The level of heavy rain outside continued to increase. Sitting in the cockpit, because it was a simulation, Sumo did not panic and quickly controlled the system.

As several orders were issued, the fire control radar on the third floor began to rotate rapidly.

Radio waves, which are difficult to observe with the naked eye, are being continuously emitted and recycled like convulsions.

A total of eight spotlights on the front, rear, left and right sides of the Hope have also started working, illuminating all areas of the ship included in the camera!

At the same time, while Sumo was waiting anxiously, the picture analysis cameras at the bow and stern of the ship had already started, transmitting the first wave of pictures back through the line.

In just two minutes, compared to the initial heavy rain, the current rainfall has begun to become terrifying, and is gradually developing in a direction that humans cannot understand.

But fortunately, in such a harsh environment, the Gonggong system will not be affected in any way.

After data transmission and calculation, it is based on the degree of impact on the deck per unit time and the water flow rate of the drainage system.

A straight rising line model similar to a quadratic equation was conveyed on the monitor.

The increase was very stable, as stable as if someone was controlling it, but after seeing the calculation model, Sumo's expression finally relaxed.

"Every three seconds, the rain will increase in intensity. If it increases at this frequency,"

"It is expected that at the fifteenth minute, the rain will reach the level of a waterfall and last for 10 seconds. If the rain can stop falling by then, according to the current impact model calculation, the fire control radar without protection will definitely not be able to withstand it.


"But there is a high chance that the cab can still be saved!"

The impact of the waterfall is certainly terrifying, but the captain's cabin on the third floor of the Hope and the conference room on the second floor are not vegetarian either.

With various steel plates that are fully one meter thick, and a cleverly designed force-relieving transmission structure, it should not be a problem to withstand the continuous bombardment of the waterfall for ten seconds!

Moreover, in the picture analysis, Sumo has already seen the hope that mankind can overcome the disaster this time.

The arrival of the sea is not just through rain. At this time, in the high-definition camera on the bow, as Soma pulls in, it can be seen with the naked eye that water is also seeping out of the ground.

Although the speed of water seepage seems slow now, it changes every three seconds just like the force of rain.

With a two-pronged approach, as long as the "waterfall" above the head can stop, half an hour later, according to the terrain of the depression, the sea level will rise sharply to more than five meters!

By then, the Hope will have hope of going to sea, and other humans will have the possibility of survival!

"It's different from what I expected, but it also showed me a way to go to the sea."

"We only need to go back this time and successfully dig a deep pit toward the stern of the ship. Then the deep pit will create perfect conditions for the reverse maneuver."

"Even if there is no system assistance, just relying on me to manually enter the sea is not a problem!"

After understanding how the fourth disaster unfolded and the direction of improvement for the Hope, this simulation has already met Somo's expectations.

The next thing to do is to try to drive the Hope out in such an environment!

If it can be driven out, this simulation will be considered a great success, and even if it cannot be driven out, it can still provide a valuable practical experience.

Based on this idea, Sumo's mentality gradually changed, and he carefully controlled the posture of the entire ship with an optimistic attitude.

The rain is getting heavier!

More and more water is seeping out of the ground!

The drain outlet on the main deck of the Hope has gradually reached its maximum capacity, and every time it is drained, it will make a terrifying whirring sound.

Sitting in the cab, Sumo unconsciously had water up to his ankles at his feet.

But fortunately, the host is installed on a shelf three meters above the ground, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

Every second, Sumo was extremely focused.

While recording these precious experimental data in a notebook with a pen, I nervously observed the changes in the outside world and the model diagrams calculated by Gonggong.

At the 9th minute, the heavy rain outside began to completely exceed human cognition.

Calculated based on the current rainfall, it will definitely exceed 3,000 millimeters in 24 hours!

Not to mention that the rainfall is still doubling like crazy!

At the 12th minute, before the most terrifying waterfall came, under the impact of the rain, the fire control radar completed its mission first. After sending the last wave of data to Gonggong, it collapsed!

After the huge impact of the rain destroyed the fire control radar, it continued unabated and hit the main deck with the radar, making a heart-wrenching rumble.

At 13 minutes and 40 seconds, except for the two module cameras at the bow and stern that were removed from the shipyard, the other four cameras purchased from the market all failed. I don’t know whether they were washed away by the rain or the lines were burned out.

At 14 minutes and 25 seconds, the water in the cockpit had reached Somo's thighs.

In desperation, Sumo could only put away the record book, stand on the steel plate of the dashboard, hold up the monitor used to display Gonggong's analysis data, and continue to stare at the data and memorize it in his mind.

At 14 minutes and 39 seconds, the cameras on the bow and stern of the ship announced the completion of their missions after a burst of roar, ending the final picture transmission.

At this time, Sumo had no intention of observing what was going on outside, because...

The water in the cockpit is already nearly two meters high!

The meter box responsible for the entire hull is located just over two meters away. As expected, it only takes ten seconds. Because of the protection set up earlier, the entire ship will immediately start to lose power.

At 14 minutes and 51 seconds, the power disappeared. Amidst a gritty creaking sound, all the lights on the Hope disappeared. The Gonggong system, which had no power reserve, also chose to exit silently after the host hung up.

Taking advantage of the last second when the power disappeared, Sumo jumped hard and almost threw the monitor onto a high platform three meters above the ground.

At 14 minutes and 57 seconds, Sumo was silently counting the time until the most terrifying impact would arrive. He grabbed the handle next to him that was used to fix his body and was ready to withdraw at any time.

"If I quit now, I will only lose an hour of my time."

"But if I choose to quit, I will still have to face such a shock next time, so I might as well give it a try!"

No power, no radar, no data, no systematic control!

The entire Hope has become a dead thing. Even the sub-legendary class has become insignificant under such a natural disaster.

Open the attribute map of the Hope in the game panel and count silently. When the 15th minute comes, even Somo is fully prepared.

But under this bombardment, he almost fainted!




Every second, the sound from around the Hope is like a drum, rumbling in the eardrums.

In the attribute map, the durability of the Nozomi is also dropping rapidly at a value of nearly 1,000 per second.

In just five seconds, the water that was only around Somo's waist rose instantly and reached his chest.

Clenching his teeth, even if it was used to stabilize his body, and the hand holding on to the iron frame was already bleeding due to friction, Somo still clung firmly to the iron frame, trying to keep his body as stable as possible.

At the sixth second, with an obvious collapse sound, the captain's cabin on the third floor was "sacrificed"!

Fortunately, there is a conference room above the cab, which can still be blocked!

"Hope, charge for me, hold on for me!"

Feeling the hope slowly shaking due to the rising sea level and the buoyancy, Sumo roared silently in his heart!

The reason why legends can be remembered!

It's because after it was born, everything it experienced was terrifying and unimaginable to ordinary people!

From now on!

Even now!

The boat is!

So does the captain!

Carrying the soul of the entire ship, when the last second passed and the 15th minute and 10th second came, Soma, who was already bleeding from his seven orifices due to the huge shock, still did not give up his hand holding the iron rod!

The disaster was just as Gonggong predicted. When the time entered the 11th minute of the 15th minute, it finally reached the point of exhaustion. After the last impact of "incompetent rage"...



This chapter has been completed!
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