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Chapter 316 New bugs, seven thoughts

 The last time I entered the world of rune paper, I entered after being knocked unconscious. When I went back, I also returned to the real world while sleeping.

So this time, after silently exiting in his mind, Somo widened his eyes and wanted to carefully observe what kind of technology was used to allow the consciousness to travel between the two worlds.

However, the magical talisman was destined to disappoint Somo.

As the words of exit fell, a golden light rose directly in the sky, striking down squarely.

The bright light was dazzling. When Somo closed his eyes involuntarily, he opened them again after the light disappeared. He was shocked to find that he had returned to the Hope!

It's still a familiar location, and it's still a familiar view.

Just this time.

In the world of talisman paper, the fire control radar was smashed to pieces, the captain's cabin was crushed by the huge force, the main deck was smashed with holes, and all kinds of damaged wiring.

These destroyed things have returned to their original appearance again!

In the main world, everything was still so peaceful, so peaceful that even Soma felt a little dazed.

"I used to think that this sky-stealing machine was just high-tech, but now it seems that I'm afraid it has something to do with authority."

"Nine times out of ten, there is a big secret hidden behind this ordinary talisman."

After returning to the main world, the hemiplegic body in the talisman world had long since disappeared.

Feeling the energy constantly pouring out of his limbs, Sumo stood up, caught the sky-stealing machine that was still dancing in the air, and looked at it carefully.

It can simulate what will happen in the next disaster, and it can be so real. In addition, only the conscious body is put into it, even if it dies, the energy will be cleared.

This magical technology has completely exceeded Somo's imagination.

Judging from the available information, only the power of magical authority can explain all of this.

Moreover, in the process of thinking carefully, Sumo also found a chance to fix the bug!

"If the talisman will only cleanse the creatures within a hundred kilometers from me, then I only need to ask any villager to wait for me a hundred kilometers away."

"When I enter the talisman world, as long as I have a simple radio, I will be able to know whether this is the real world or a simulated world."

"And, through the villagers' records, I can even know what major events happened in the days before the disaster, which is equivalent to me being able to predict many days in the future!"

"For example, before I go in, I tell Chen Shen to go explore the Grand Canyon in two days, and then after entering the talisman to contact this person, I can know the results of Chen Shen's exploration in advance."

"But wouldn't a paradox arise in this case?"

Leaning on the protective railing, looking at the 7 cells of energy left on the talisman paper, Somo thought again and again and put away this dangerous idea of ​​a bug.

Without him!

The current strength is simply too weak. One trip out to sea almost killed him. Even if he could analyze the true identity of the talisman paper or get stuck with this bug, it would not play a key role.

And if any rules are violated, causing the energy to be cleared and subsequent tests unable to be carried out, it would be tragic.

"Write it down first. If you don't want to explore it now, you can leave it for later!"

To be on the safe side, after putting the Thieving Secret Talisman Paper back into the storage space, Sumo immediately put his worries about the Talisman Paper into the back of his mind. By the way, the idea of ​​improving the Hope came up again.

come out.

"First of all, we must build a strong enough defense circle to ensure that the first round of Hope will not be damaged by the heavy rain."

"Second, the Gonggong system still needs to be optimized. The current logic is too rigid. Once the underlying data conflicts, it becomes stupid and has no practicality at all. If it doesn't work, we have to spend money to improve it."

"Third, the retrograde pit must be repaired immediately. According to the simulated data, I must ensure that I go to sea without any injuries next time."

"Fourth, I need to add more rigid and stable structures to the hull to maximize the performance of the steel plate. It cannot be the same as the simulation this time. The steel plate was obviously not broken, but the seams were penetrated."

"Fifth, I must build a fire control radar, otherwise if it breaks down, the Hope will be blinded and the system will be completely paralyzed!"

"Sixth, for all errors that occurred when the simulation was started before, the cause of the conflict must be found as soon as possible, recorded, archived and repaired to ensure that this will not happen again."

In one test, six improvement directions for the Hope were discovered, which can be said to be a fruitful experience.

But beyond these six lines, look at the Iron Rock Mountain in the distance and the "bright lights" two kilometers away from the Hope.

Sumo's eyes were dark and he ranked the seventh improvement.

"Although Hope Village is built on Iron Rock Mountain, there will be no danger of landslides."

"But because everyone has hollowed out the mountain and is living in it, we must build defense measures quickly."

"The current pavilion alone will probably be washed away in the 13th minute. Not to mention the heavy rain at the waterfall in the 15th minute. Even the water poured in within two minutes will kill everyone in the cave."

"And other humans"

When he thought about the coming disaster and the blindly optimistic ordinary humans under the current general situation, Sumo had a headache.

Even with the sub-legendary Hope, Sumo always had a sense of vigilance and awe regarding the coming disasters and battles on the ocean, striving to be more cautious.

But now in the human collective, not to mention most, at least 30% of the people have completely lost their fear of disasters after becoming rich through welfare disasters!

As long as you open the chat channel, you can see their nonsense in the chat channel anytime, anywhere, at any time.

What about annihilating all the bullshit alien races? The New World belongs to humans.

How else can human beings gather together and directly crush all living things with billions, and become rich in a wave?

There are even those who can directly enjoy the reclamation of the New World!

Instigated by some people with ulterior motives, if Somo kept the news of the disaster in his arms and did not tell these people, then six days later.

In just 15 minutes, all these people will go to "heaven" to enjoy the beauty of the future!

More than 70% of human beings will follow these people and return to nothingness.

"Forget it, this matter needs to be considered in the long run. After I get more information during the second simulation test, I will consider how to tell these people!"

Record all the information in the notebook and throw it into the storage space.

Entering the world of runes this time, a total of two hours of share energy was spent. When converted, only two minutes should have passed in the main world.

But due to the previous review, after taking out the elderly machine to compare the time, Sumo came up with the time spent entering this time:

49 minutes!

Putting aside the two-hour simulation, the review and departure took a total of 47 minutes. Although it was not much time, it still gave Sumo a reminder.

The time in the world of talisman paper will change, so you need to be absolutely careful every time you enter!

Keeping this in mind, Somo headed down the stairs and left the Hope in large strides, heading towards the bottom of the ship, which was currently under martial law.

After nearly an hour of deliberation, the chaotic scene before the Hope disembarked has returned to normal.

The third minute after the Hope arrived at the sub-legendary level and began to shine, that is, the moment Sumo bound the Hope, the light of the entire ship began to slowly gather.

Finally, it focused on the flag on the bow!

At this time, even though everyone was still curious, under the urging of Qi Qin who came back to his senses, they still returned to their posts and continued the martial law.

Within the two-kilometer radius, when the martial law circle was reopened, order returned to normal.

Therefore, after getting off the ship, Sumo saw Chen Shen and Zhong Qingshu at a glance, walking anxiously under the Hope plaque.

"Brother Wosu is down, testing.?"

Since the light erupted and then calmed down, the Hope has been in a dark state, and several spotlights have not been turned on.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs, Chen Shen didn't know where Sumo was testing, so he could only walk around anxiously to relieve the pressure in his heart.

When he suddenly looked up and saw Sumo coming down, Chen Shen was naturally startled.

"Is this a success?!"

Compared to Chen Shen, Zhong Qingshu is more "savvy".

After seeing the smile on Sumo's face, she cleverly guessed the result of this test.

Not wanting to whet his appetite, he looked around at the villagers surrounding the Hope. Sumo felt warm in his heart and spoke directly:

"Let's have a meeting, all management, in twenty minutes, in the shipyard conference room!"


"I'll go notify you right away!"

Watching Chen Shen hurried away, Sumo took Zhong Qingshu and walked to the shipyard first.

There are a lot of things that have been tested this time. Considering Zhong Qingshu's intelligence, as long as she reveals a little bit, she will definitely be able to guess deeper and even be close to the truth.

Therefore, on the way to the shipyard, Sumo recounted the upcoming disaster without any mincing words.

From the waterfall rainstorm that can destroy more than 90% of living things, to the ground water seepage rate rising along an increasingly shaking straight line.

Except for the process of the Hope fighting in such an environment, Sumo knew everything about the disaster.

And Zhong Qingshu, after getting over the shock of the previous minute, was smart enough not to ask Somo how he knew about these disasters, and just lowered her head and began to think deeply.

Seeing Zhong Qingshu's appearance, Sumo was not in a hurry. He opened the door of the shipyard, turned on the power, sat down, and patiently waited for the other management of Hope Village to arrive.

All things considered, mankind has only faced three disasters so far.

Among these three disasters, there is another welfare disaster, which is equivalent to nothing.

Compared to the dozens of disasters in the Yan Kingdom, it took several years to arrive at the ocean and head to the New World. This time, due to Somo's interference, the disadvantages have become more and more serious.

Although the disaster has detected that all humans have sufficient supplies, the key point is that these supplies cannot be converted into combat effectiveness in the short term!

Except for the underground shelter and the sheltered Hope Village, it can barely keep up with the pace of the disaster.

Most human beings, including aliens, have become cannon fodder in natural disasters!

Almost every lone wolf now needs to format his shelter and turn it into a raft to float across the sea.

Many large-scale shelters have had a miserable life. Not to mention modern steel ships, even wooden ships are all stumbling and have various problems every day.

Even the alien races on land are all learning to swim, trying every possible means to imitate humans and build boats to cross the ocean.

Of course, if the timeline can be stretched to one year later, judging from the current accumulation of human resources, not to mention large-scale shelters, even lone wolves can develop certain steel technology capabilities.

At that time, even if such a natural disaster was terrifying, it was still possible to survive it.

but now.

Seeing every manager who entered the shelter with excited expressions, Sumo nodded gently, and the anxiety in his heart eased a lot.

From birth to the present, every step of humankind has been struggling in the mud, crawling slowly in the darkness, and there is always the danger of total annihilation.

It might be a larger meteorite, a super pulse from the universe, or an ancient virus lurking under the glacier.

Any "ordinary" disaster will wipe out humanity on earth.

This time the game is the same, if it cannot be passed, the human race on earth will become extinct.

But it flows through

That's like a life level jump like transforming into a butterfly!

This chapter has been completed!
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