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Chapter 340 Got it, human attack plan! (Thanks to Xiuzhenづ

 Yuan tip!)

"Are you hungry? Eat quickly, eat quickly. You said you were hungry, but you didn't know how to go to the village to get something to eat."

"Don't get so involved, otherwise Master, I will be under a lot of pressure!"

I walked all the way back to the second floor of the shelter and sat at the dining table, looking at the four little ones who were wolfing down their food and making only a sound, and looking at Connie who was trying to restrain herself but still eating unscrupulously.

Sitting on the sofa next to the dining table, Sumo joked with an aunt's smile on his face.

"Moore, Moore wants to be a qualified captain, no, Moore wants to be the most powerful captain! Woohoo!"

Although he was slurring his mouth when he ate, Moore still did not forget to shout two slogans, which made Oreo next to him look contemptuous.

Connie on the side also nodded quickly, fearing that if she ordered slowly, Somo would be classified as a "bad student".

Seeing the performance of the first and fourth children, Sumo realized that this little meat was not enough, so he waved his hand and asked the cook to bring more.

As a reward, after pouring a glass of psionic water to the children and the children, Somo leisurely returned to the third floor along the stairs.

Sitting in front of the workbench, he poured himself a glass of psionic water. Taking advantage of the time to digest his food, Somo opened the game panel and browsed it carefully.

After a day of brewing and fermentation, everyone was more panicked and helpless than when the disaster information was first announced in the morning.

At this meeting, those "crazy critics" have used up their number of comments, and the remaining people who can still talk and discuss are basically a group of sensible people.

"Chen Shen, this guy has a pretty good mind when it comes to business. For making so much money, everyone in the channel actually praises him."

"It seems that Chen Shen won't be able to do leadership work in the future. It would be good to assign him to be the trading director!"

Seeing the burst of admiration that appeared in the world chat from time to time, Sumo nodded happily.

On the eve of this time when everyone needed energy-absorbing glue to tide over the disaster, as the only group with supplies to tide over the disaster, Chen Shen did not claim to be under Su Shen's command, nor did he make any miscellaneous gimmicks.

After opening the market with free trial packs early on, Chen Shen has not forgotten his original intention and the current difficult living conditions of human beings in the wasteland.

Fishing in the lake (×)

Sustainable development(√)

You must know that for such a best-selling product, no matter how much inventory is on the shelves, it will be sold out in a matter of seconds.

If it were a cruel person, I'm afraid the reason for not increasing the price by 100%-150% is because of this person's generous conscience.

But this time, what Chen Shen and others did was an exception!

In addition to miscellaneous expenses such as purchasing raw materials, configuring chemicals, labor costs, and site fees, from beginning to end, although the price of energy-absorbing adhesive sold by Hope Village has increased, it has only increased by 10%-15%.

Moreover, at this time when Hope Village’s current shipment volume is only 20%, Chen Shen also made the last move in the combo:

Revealing the recipe!

From how to prepare chemicals, to the dosage ratio of white liquor tree colloids, and finally the specific methods and precautions when using colloids and chemicals to react.

Chen Shen published the formula of the energy-absorbing glue in detail, and naturally received praise from many people during this important period of time.

Hope Chamber of Commerce, these four ordinary words, are also imprinted in the minds of countless wastelanders.

In addition to this, the current wave of actions taken by the Chinese official and some large-scale shelters in China can be regarded as making all Chinese people living in the wasteland feel unprecedented warmth.

Because the white sap tree is not a rare tree in the wasteland.

On the plains, if you look around, you can see many white sap trees that grow extremely well.

Therefore, under the appeal, all shelters related to the government devoted their labor to collecting colloids today.

Just wait until tomorrow, and the colloid production will increase dozens of times at a terrifying speed.

By then, every Chinese person will be able to get a colloid that can be used by one person to survive the disaster after passing the official review.

Even without thinking about this wave, Sumo could imagine how terrifying the cost behind it was.

But official.

Still did it!

And this approach not only brought refugees from other countries and countless envious speeches, but also brought the cohesion of the Chinese people, which increased at a terrifying speed in this wasteland!

"There is no love for natural disasters. Now, it is time to figure out what this wave of human plans are."

"If these ordinary refugees have to be sacrificed, then no matter what, I will stop it this time!"

Knocking on the edge of the table, Sumo meditated while switching to the friends panel, and clicked directly on Shen Ke's profile picture.

After turning off the overhead spotlights in the workroom and turning on the slightly dim desk lamp, Somo gently made the last call before the disaster.



Familiar beeps appeared along with noises. After passing through the initial period, the relationship between the two shelters, Tundra Shelter, and Shen Ke, has evolved to the point where

Honeymoon period!

Sumo had no resistance to the video call that he had previously resisted, and was waiting expectantly for Shen Ke on the other side to get through.

As usual, the call was picked up on time after the fourth beep.

In his sight, Shen Ke, whose clothes were stained with white liquid, was standing under a tree, scraping the bark of the tree with a knife, causing more liquid to pass through the wound into the wooden barrel below.

And around Shen Ke, there were countless searchlights on.

Seeing that Shen Ke was very busy, after saying hello and indicating that Shen Ke should continue to be busy, Sumo pulled the camera angle and started shopping by himself.

Taking Shen Ke as the origin, as you pull around, you can clearly see that this is still the moss-covered plain.

The size of the white sap trees distributed on this plain is not small. A rough estimate is that there are at least a thousand trees.

Of course, such spectacular forests are very rare near depressions, but on this wide plain, they appear extremely normal.

"Oh, there are quite a lot of people in your tundra now. With so many people, can you supply supplies?"

After watching Shen Ke finish cutting his tree and handing the bucket to the porter to take away, Sumo got up and saw clearly how many refugees were busy in the forest.

Compared to the entire mobilization of Hope Village, the Tundra Refuge is more spectacular.

Wherever searchlights can reach, refugees can be seen prostrate in front of trees, hurriedly cutting bark and soaking up the white liquid. From beginning to end, the entire front is more than a kilometer long.

Next to this front line, every ten meters or so, there is a fully armed soldier standing, either holding a gun or a spear, to provide good safety guarantee for the refugees working inside.

Shen Ke stepped forward, walked sideways to the field ridge, and sighed: "Yesterday, another migration team of 40 people came and joined us. Now there are over 800 people in the Tundra Refuge!"

"As for supplies, we still have enough for now. If everyone saves some food, there should be no problem in supplying it for three to five months."

This time, even Sumo, who had long been confident in the development of the tundra refuge, was taken aback.

"Eight hundred people, so many? Can your ship hold it?"

Shen Ke scratched his head: "It's easy to pretend. Even after pretending, there are still nearly a hundred seats left for these people. Why, is our Su Shen coming to join the wave?"

I heard Shen Ke hinting again, and it was more "explicit" than before.

This time, Sumo smiled. He didn't just talk about him and make fun of him like before.

"Okay, if you invite me like this, then you must join in!"

"I knew it. Huh?" Shen Ke, with his habitual thinking, thought that Somo was trying to fool him again. Halfway through the words, he realized something was wrong and was immediately startled.

Then, in the video, her eyes widened with a touch of surprise on her face:

"Really, do you really want to come? If you want to come, I will go and tell the director right away. Our seats will be reserved for you from now on. 100, no, we can still make room for the people around you. There are at least 120 seats available. We can also free up some space for you to pack the supplies you want to bring."

"Hey, if you join us, the captain can do it for you!"

While talking and walking, seeing the smile on Sumo's face growing more and more in the video, Shen Ke stamped his feet angrily and continued unwillingly;

"What do you think? Think about it, Sumo. Our director has admired you for a long time. If you want to join, the director has said so."

"I can abdicate in favor of you. You will be the director of our Tundra Sanctuary. You can use official channels as you like!"

Hearing this, Sumo wanted to say, you think so highly of me that you let me take care of such a large shelter.

But before he spoke, Somo waved his hand in relief, considering that he had caused such a big disturbance in the wasteland when he showed his sword today.

"No, I'm not joking. I can join you this time. I happen to be quite interested in this human project."

"But when I join, I come here in my own boat. When the time comes, we will meet together, instead of you driving a boat to pick me up!"

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Shen Ke was a little depressed, but after listening to the two complete sentences, she laughed happily again.

"Suma, you really have a boat. During this time, you haven't told me what you have built. How many of you are going to go to sea with you this time!"

Sumo smiled slightly: "Not many. Counting my pets, there are a total of six people, which should be enough!"

Shen Ke was confused and said: "Huh?"

She subconsciously felt that Sumo was joking again.

What can six people do? Not to mention large ships, even small sand boats can't be driven. Isn't this funny?

Then she thought of the transactions between Sumo and the official side during this period. Shen Ke came back to her senses and asked uncertainly:

"Hey, is that a modern ship over there that can run very fast and is not weak in power?"

When Shen Ke was hesitating whether to say the words speedboat or power sailing boat, Shen Ke thought about it again. Taking into account the director's repeated emphasis on euphemism, she changed her words.

Running fast = small boat.

The power is not weak = a compliment for high emotional intelligence.

After thinking for a while, and taking into account the Hope's 45-yard limit speed and its destructive main gun that could fire hundreds of rounds a minute, Sumo nodded.

The Hope is running fast and its power is not weak, so there is nothing wrong with that!

"Don't think too much about me. There will definitely be no problem on my side. You will know when the time comes. I am calling you today to discuss the meeting. This is one thing. There is another thing. What is the human attack plan? , I’m so busy these days that I didn’t even bother to inquire.”

"Seeing that the time is almost here, I'm thinking about it. If there's any profit, I'll go and have a look. Otherwise, if I miss it, I won't be able to see such a grand scene in the future!"

After getting acquainted, the relationship between the two became more like friends.

Regarding Shen Ke, Sumo didn't show off as before.

But after asking this question, Shen Ke nodded first, and then shook his head: "In this way, the director has received a complete plan. If you want it, it will definitely be given to you. I will give it to you first. Go apply, and I will forward it to you directly once the application is received.”

Sumo: "Okay, don't worry, just send it to me tonight. Then you can send me your coordinates. The sea is coming, and I will meet you quickly."

He tried his best to resist the idea of ​​letting Shen Ke go around the refugee group to see if his sister was inside.

After the agreed time, the brief call ended.

"It seems that the strength development of Tundra Refuge was still misjudged!"

"And judging from this, the real official side will definitely not be weak this time."

"And why do I feel that our Chinese officials seem to be very friendly towards me?"

After every conversation with others, slowly analyzing and extracting information from the conversation is what Somo is best at and what he likes to do the most.

Shen Ke's words may be mentioned casually through official channels, but when he said these words, Sumo could find out by analyzing Shen Ke's expression.

This is not a joke!

The official is really willing to recruit An, and is willing to give the utmost sincerity to recruit such an ordinary person who is regarded as a nobody on earth.

The profound meaning behind this attitude is worth grasping.

"Looking at it this way, China is not a participant in humanity's attack plan?"

Knocking on the desktop, looking at the words recorded on paper after taking the diary out of the game's private messages during this period, Sumo analyzed it carefully.

On the other side, Shen Ke was not slow in his movements and quickly forwarded the human attack plan issued by the Chinese official.

From the solemn warning to all mankind at the beginning, it can be seen that this plan is indeed the uncut version.

Clicking on the entire main body of the plan and putting the diary aside, Somo began to carefully browse this plan that could determine four billion human beings.

For a moment, with a solemn expression, after re-reading the 8,500-word plan, Sumo closed the game panel and returned his attention.

Turning to a blank piece of paper, Somo wrote four headlines on four separate pages.

[Phase One: Arrival at the Front]

[The second stage: battlefield division]

[The third stage: each fights]

[The fourth stage: mainly anti-customer]

These four headings can basically sum up all the meaning of this long and troublesome plan.

Thanks to Heixin Wuming, Mo Senyuhai, Dongzi’s Yuanyuan, Xiuzhen Yuyuan, and thanks to my brothers for the rewards, I love you all!

This chapter has been completed!
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