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Chapter 354 Opening! Oscar night!

 In Hong Kong movies on earth, you can often see that gangsters will uniformly wear a mask when committing crimes.

Sumo once thought that these people wore masks just to hide their faces and make it easier to act.

But now, after putting on this Lion King Simba suit, and with more and more "unrestrained" playing styles and plans pouring out of his mind, Sumo finally understood:

Masks and costumes, until you put on these things, you are still you, you are still a human being.

As a person, under the constraints of morality and rules, you must suppress the animal nature in your heart.

But after putting on this suit, everything changed!

The darkness and violence in the heart will be stimulated by this disguise that seems to be only separated by a layer of "skin"!

Those animalistic desires hidden in the body of "animals" will erupt unbridled like Coke with Mentos!

"During Pei Shao's previous investigation"

"The activity range of each alien race is approximately within 80 kilometers of the gathering point. Now, after the arrival of the sea, all alien races have still maintained this good "habit"!"

The voice changer on the cos server works in a strange way. It will uncontrollably convert a meaningless syllable into a roar to enhance the immersive effect.

After getting used to the roar that would rise from time to time, Somo's heart sank and he began to quickly figure out how to carry out the entire plan.

The radar map on the screen showed that the nearest Unit 3 spy was 27 kilometers away from the current Hope.

When fireworks were released at this location, Sumo was not sure whether these stupid aliens could see them, so Sumo had to wait.

Wait until four o'clock, wait until evening!

Wait for the moment when the fireworks can bloom in this sea area!

Wait until you can see this signal that means "death" even from dozens of kilometers away!

And before that.

"First mate Moore, second mate Oreo, third mate Connie, ho, ho, please come to the conference room quickly, I have a mission to give you!"

Picking up the small square box on the driving panel that was used to communicate with the loudspeaker, after pressing the button, Sumo gave the command while roaring in a low voice.

At the same time, all the combat agents who were recharging on the bottom floor, as well as the all-round mechanics, also received Gonggong's orders and went up to the deck through the lower stairs neatly, lining up in a queue to wait for orders.

There is no one on the Hope, which is both a disadvantage and an advantage!

The disadvantage is that if a fight really breaks out, before the vertical missile silos are put into use, the face-to-face coverage firepower of the Hope will not be as fast as that of a deck full of people with one machine gun per person.

But this disadvantage, if compared with the advantages, will be fully covered.

Having no people means that there is no need to bear the material pressure of hundreds of people, and there is no need to worry about any betrayers exposing the Hope.

Mechanics and agents will unconditionally execute Soma's orders, and because of the machine's programming, they will be more reliable and efficient than humans when there is sufficient energy.

In terms of firepower, Moore's heavy artillery coverage can also make up for the lack of lethality on the Hope.

Plus Oreo's investigation and Connie's "alien" disguise.

No matter how you look at it, this Hope can be considered a "hexagonal ship"!

All they need is a suitable fighting position and relying on the speed of the Hope, these incoming alien races will fully understand what human beings are truly capable of!

"Director. It's not good. The roar just now seemed like..."

Among the primary and secondary schools, Connie came the fastest.

And because of her running, in Somo's sight, Connie almost rolled over and rushed over, obviously suffering from some "fright".

But the next second, when Connie rushed around the corner and was about to climb up the stairs to the conference room, she suddenly saw someone sitting inside.

A lion?


In an instant, Connie realized that she was "wet".

This is not the animal's estrus, but the natural fear reaction of a low-level female lion when facing a powerful male lion.

"His" eyes were full of aggression and violence.

"He" sits there, even if he doesn't move, as if he will suddenly pounce on him the next moment and "eat" him!

The lion-man sitting inside was very powerful, so powerful that Connie's whole body was involuntarily moving back, trying to defend against the pressure of this aura.

This kind of coercion only exists among animals, and it is a "suppression" that is difficult for humans to understand!

But in the end, as a humanoid creature, Connie still resisted the feeling of aggression. Considering that she still had Somo as her thigh, she tried to yell.


With this roar, Connie's original intention was to call Sumo who was on the second floor of the conference room and the two children who were about to arrive.

But what she didn't expect was that the powerful lion man opposite him actually replied in the same way.


Compared to Connie's lion's roar, Somo's voice was obviously louder.

Although he didn't know what his unconscious roar meant, when he saw Connie across the way looking confused, with a hint of shyness and fear on her face, Sumo nodded with satisfaction.

If even Connie couldn't quickly detect that she was in disguise at such a close distance, then for the idiots watching the live broadcast, it would be even less likely for them to detect it from a fixed anchor's perspective.

After verifying this, in a good mood, he stretched out his furry hands and took off the mighty hood on his head, revealing Somo's harmless face with a toothy smile.

"It's me, this is my new equipment, isn't it good?"

Wearing a hood, Somo's overall temperament is like that of a fierce warrior in the Lion Tribe, not afraid of life or death.

But after taking off the hood, Somo's smile was as warm as the spring breeze. Even across the race, Connie could feel Somo's vague "charm".

"Oh my God, is this true?"

He looked at Somo's face and then at the hood in Somo's hand.

Connie was stunned for a moment!

Then, when she saw Oreo rushing towards her with a scrutinizing and teasing look on her face, Connie took two steps back on the spot and her face turned rosy.


She was caught.

When I thought about it, I had just been looked at with such aggressive eyes by Somo in the lion-man form, and was "oppressed" by Somo again with the unabashed roar of the lion-man.

Connie first had goosebumps all over her body, and then she felt a sense of joy for no apparent reason.

But before she could continue to think about it, Sumo, who was sitting on the chair, stood up directly and went straight to the second floor with the hood in hand.

"It must be true. Okay, come to the conference room. I have arrangements for the afternoon activities. Everyone must make sure not to make any mistakes!"

Regardless of Connie's strange behavior, after seeing Moore arrive, Sumo immediately walked out and took the first and second children to the open-air meeting room.

Similar to the first meeting on board the ship in Hope Village, there were mechanics and agents lined up neatly on the main deck.

In the open-air meeting room, Sumo sat in the main seat without hesitation, took out a map and gave instructions.

"Come and see, here is our current location. Here is the location of the three alien races. What we have to do is very simple, attract this nearest point and let them pass the message to the other two farther points."

"Then, we hoist the nearest point and drive all the way to this location, and then when the three alien teams merge, we will kill them all!"

Unlike humans, even though the people here are all animals with superior IQs compared to the same kind, Somo still didn't use any professional terminology or arrogance when it came to wording.

The most straightforward language and the most straightforward plan. After seeing the adults and children nodding, Sumo began to arrange the tasks with confidence.

"Olio, I have a disguise for this operation, but for you, I don't have the right clothes to wear."

"Considering that during our last operation in the Kobold Castle, you might have been exposed, so this time we plan that you will be responsible for guarding below the main deck. Remember not to go to the main deck before I notify you."

He took out a walkie-talkie for communication, tied it around Oreo's neck, watched Oreo nod, and continued to give instructions.

"Moore, once our plan is successful, your place will become our most critical firepower point. But before the plan is launched, you must not have any urge to fire while sitting in the main gun room. Before I give the order to fire, even if

Even if the enemy is on our deck, you can't fire, do you understand?"

"Master, First Officer Moore understands and will definitely complete the mission!"

"Okay! I will send enough mechanics to help you complete the auxiliary work. You only need to shoot with peace of mind in the gun room."

"Don't worry about the rest of the work, leave it all to me and Connie!"

He also took out a walkie-talkie and handed it to Moore. Watching the dog and the bear follow the orders and retreat, Sumo looked at the remaining Connie with a serious look.

"Connie, the success of our plan today depends entirely on your performance!"

"I have only one task for you. You just need to make these aliens believe that this ship was found from the ruins by you after all the hard work. It belongs to you, no, it belongs to us! It is our lion-human race that is about to be revived.

, become the best weapon for the five royal families!"

"As long as you can do this well, you can do whatever you want with the rest. I will cooperate with you throughout the entire process to complete this performance!"

"By the way, if anyone asks about the firepower of our ships, just keep silent and ignore the topic!"

After watching Connie nod solemnly and express that she was ready.

Without stopping, after ordering all the mechanics' agents to lurk, Sumo went directly to the bow of the ship and pulled down the flag of the Hope.

This golden-red flag with the word "Hope" on the front and the word "Su" on the back is too conspicuous and is the most likely thing on the Hope to be exposed.

He hid the flag under the deck, took out a piece of yellow cloth, and directed Connie, a crooked battle flag was hung up again.

Letter to:

The Lion King!

The workmanship of the yellow cloth is extremely rough, and Connie's handwriting is so sloppy that it makes people upset just to look at it. It is paired with a broken wooden pole.

There is a clear contrast between the two of Hope's Man of Steel.

And this kind of contrast is exactly what Sumo wants to see the most!

The time had come to half past three. Taking advantage of the last moment, Sumo put on the lion-man hood again and carefully checked whether there were any exposed places on the Hope.

Considering that this ship was originally a human heritage obtained by Connie in the setting, Soma did not cover all the exposed devices with human characters.

Between true and false, if you enter here without knowing.

After calculating the probability and finding that the probability of being discovered was basically negligible, Sumo returned to the cab with confidence and began to prepare.

At 3:55 in the afternoon, the sun in the wasteland had already broken through the center line and began to fall far into the sky.

The golden light hits the ocean from a side angle, not only turning the color of the ocean into a breathtaking bright blue, but also adding a solemn "opening" to the upcoming drama!

At fifty-seven minutes, he summoned his game panel on time. After connecting to Connie's core, looking at the alien panel that was the same color as the sunlight outside, Sumo gently clicked on the world channel.

After awakening the class conflict between ordinary aliens and the five royal families, this grand scene was far more exaggerated than Sumo imagined.

Dozens of times!

[Xiao Feng Lietan Orangutan: Come on, come on, good brothers, it’s four o’clock in three minutes. Do you think the Golden Retriever Lion King will show up? The fight between the Lion King and the Thunder Monkey King last night kept me awake most of the night.

My blood is boiling, and I haven’t slept all night. I didn’t expect that among our ordinary alien races, there are such warriors who dare to stand up and speak!]

[Tianjisu Fighting Python: Gorilla, what are you talking about? I bet 500 pounds of meat. According to the character of the Golden Retriever Lion King, he will definitely not be a coward. Last night, he vowed to kill the Thunder Monkey King’s face. No, it’s the five big ones.

The face of the royal family will be swollen, this makes no sense, right?]

[Yunzhou Fudie: Good guy, the Thunder Monkey King is not moving in the live broadcast now. I am just waiting for the Golden Retriever Lion King to start the live broadcast. This time, whether the Golden Retriever Lion King comes out or not, he has offended the five royal families.

It’s so cruel, if we encounter it at sea, it will definitely be a disaster.]

[Ze Fengbing Wanghe: Brothers, put your protection on the public screen and protect the best Golden Retriever Lion King in the world. What are the five royal families? The Golden Retriever Lion King is our hope. It is we who suppress Old Demon Su.

The only chance for me!]

[Curse Tiger: Everyone wants to die, right? Even the royal family dares to provoke me. Do you also want to follow the Golden Retriever Lion King and go to my belly to repent? 】

[Xue Xiangxiong: Oh, Cursed Tiger is in a hurry, eh? I am just waiting for you here. I am a golden lion king, can you still eat me? 】


Seeing the Snow Xiang Bear jumping out again to "fight" with the Cursed Tiger, after looking at the time of 3.59 in the upper right corner, Somo slowed down, let out a long breath, and switched to the disaster relief channel.

After using the shelter to connect to the core, for these functions of Connie, except for chatting and sending messages, Sumo has the permission to "take care of" other functions.

Seeing the familiar list notification sound, Sumo did not choose to reject them all this time. Instead, he clicked OK on all items except for the power list.

Defense first, 100 points!

First in speed, 100 points!

First in space, 100 points!

And the most hate-inducing comfort level, 100 points!

Four first places, a total of 400 points, completely beating the Thunder Monkey King's 330 points, and successfully qualified for the live broadcast with the huge name of being the first of the alien race!

"Connie, you can start planning!"

Pressing the headset in his ear, after hearing Connie's sweet hum, with a hint of joking, Sumo did not directly join the live broadcast room, but quietly waited outside the interface.

In the first second of the broadcast, the live broadcast room popularity of Golden Retriever Lion King was 8300.

The fifth second of broadcast, 95080

Fifteen seconds,.168500!

Thirty seconds, popularity.663560!

"Perhaps before Connie met me, she would never have dreamed that her live broadcast would become the most popular among foreigners."

"It only took thirty seconds!"

"With so many viewers, my best actor, your acting skills must be top-notch, haha!"

Listening to Connie's voice coming from the headset.

Looking at these fools who have regarded "Golden Retriever Lion King" as a "new star of the alien race" and "the last hope of the ordinary alien race", the popularity has been pushed to 95W or higher.

Under the mask, with an almost unsuppressible laughter, Somo gently clicked on the live broadcast page and joined in instantly!

Stupid, people are stupid. Yesterday there were less than 1,500. After asking for votes, the monthly votes increased by 600 in one day, directly breaking through the 2,000 mark. Every time I open the backend, I see familiar names voting and giving rewards, three pounds.

I’m so moved! Thanks to my good brothers for your support all the way, thank you!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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