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Chapter 357 The 'Fertile Era' disappeared in time!

 "That war that year? The opportunity to spy on the ascension?"

Hearing some new terms that he had never heard of before come out of Connie's mouth, Sumo was a little confused.

The Lion Tribe has had thirty opportunities to enter, and once even bet on nearly 200 shares, with twenty to thirty thousand people, yet not one Lion Tribe has the individual strength to reach a rating of 3.

As for all the alien races in the entire wasteland, only 10,000 of them could reach a rating of 3 in these thirty issues.

What does this mean?

The mysterious side of the individual is a dead end!

If the income chain can be listed on paper, list the total number of people in these thirty periods and the number of people whose strength exceeds 3, and list an arithmetic division formula.

With such a pitiful ratio and such a disappointing rate of return, even a sane person would not stick to this path.

"Yes, after I accepted the status of the God's Sacrifice, more and more things hidden in the inherited memories of the Lion Tribe began to emerge. These secrets were definitely not accessible to me with my previous status.

, but now I don’t know what happened to cause the lock to be unlocked!”

"I could see some other things before. Although I couldn't see them in a specific way, after going to sea last night, the whole story of this war became clearer."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Connie's face.

Looking at the racial memory instillation recorded in the mind is like experiencing the events that happened in the first person. It can be said that there is a hint of reality in the illusion.

"My memory says that this continent was not a wasteland, but a fertile land protected by countless gods. Humans, aliens, fish, animals, all living creatures have their own territory, as long as they do not cross the boundary and are controlled by the gods.

Next, even if there are occasional frictions between everyone, they still maintain their own rationality and do not go too far."

"And in that era, whether they were humans or aliens, all creatures had the opportunity to spy on their ascension."

Element detection!

Seeing that Connie could actually obtain such important information through a bug through the person of God's Sacrifice, Somo immediately felt happy.

It seemed that not only was this move the right move, but the hidden benefits it brought were beyond imagination. However, Connie would not share the credit with him, so he himself did not know it.

"All living things? Are you sure humans are included in all of this?"

"Yes, but the times and capabilities may be different from what you imagine. Human beings do not rely on force to ascend if they want to ascend. They can rely on reading, they can rely on gods to hang curtains, they can rely on making achievements in a certain field, and even

You can also ascend by doing something helpful to the mainland."

"In that era, there was no need to become a god. As long as you had talent, worked hard, and succeeded, you could ascend to become gods of various positions and become a new generation of guardians in the long and long years of gods.

"Emissary from the Mainland"

There was a hint of "longing" on Sumo's face: "It sounds like it's not bad!"

"More than that, every god can exist for a long time of 1.2 million years in that peaceful era. In other words, as long as you ascend, you will become immortal to a certain extent and still control

The kind with great authority”

"In normal leisure days, gods can incarnate into various forms and come to the mainland. They may be humans, aliens, or they may be a wisp of wind, a ball of fire, or even the cup you use to drink water. Their happiness

It’s unimaginable”


Sumo smiled slightly: "But if peace lasts for a long time, everyone will be invaded after they lose their determination to make progress, right?"

Connie nodded: "Yes, this ascension model is too conservative and too stable. Before encountering foreign enemies, it seems that there will be no problems in the entire continent. But once an enemy invades, let alone ordinary

Even the true gods did not have enough time to react. They could only watch the enemy invade this land and turn a paradise that could support countless creatures into the wasteland it is today."

"And after that war, when the road to ascension was completely cut off, it was already a fool's errand for individuals to reach the realm of gods through their own efforts."

"Only by obtaining the objects that become gods can one become a new god and regain the authority that belongs to gods."

Sumo: "What about that battle? Can you remember it?"

Connie shook her head: "I can't remember. No, it should be said that there is no storage in the memory at all. I only used a brief description of a battle that shook the wasteland."

Seeing that Connie's face did not seem to be fake, Sumo nodded and asked several detailed questions one after another.

And Connie didn't hide anything and answered everything she knew.

After a while, he dismissed Connie and went to wash dishes and pots with Moore. With a faint thought, Somo returned to the main deck after putting on the Simba suit.

The night on the wasteland ocean is very comfortable with the sea breeze blowing without any disasters.

The setting sun on the horizon had completely set at this time, and the moon that replaced it quietly climbed into the corner.

The sea surface is shimmering and dreamlike, as if we have really returned to the "fertile soil era" that Connie said!

"If you really go by what Connie said, the arrival of so many generations of humans is more like"

"An invasion?"

Propping his elbows on the protective railing, Sumo quietly thought about the explosive information Connie provided tonight.

Like the Earth, this wasteland was also a suitable place for survival before.

But for some reason, this place, which is far more advanced and developed than human civilization on earth, has been "invaded".

All the gods, those who died, those who fled, those who slept, most of their shares were taken back and controlled by the game.

And the role that humans play in this process is...


Like endless leeks, every time the humans who are dropped die, the game will grab a batch and continue to drop them, and continue to persecute them.

Although human beings may live a miserable life, and they may not even know that they are the aggressors, but in the nature of the game:

Humans = the fourth natural disaster!

What a coincidence. Although Connie didn't know the origin of the game or its purpose, due to some strange combination of circumstances, Somo knew more things because he became the God of Cookery.

"Three possibilities."

"First, the game is a "program" that is set in four dimensions on the three-dimensional level. It is like the anti-virus software built into the computer by humans, specifically used to clean up the world that may be promoted."

"Since there were gods in this wasteland before and they controlled the authority, it is very likely that they have reached the edge of success. As sweepers, they were naturally included in the cleaning targets by the game and carried out strikes."

"All the gods have fallen, and even this continent has suffered an unprecedented blow!"

"Second, the law of the dark jungle. The gods in this wasteland have exposed their coordinates and are being watched by enemies who are also three-dimensional, but are far more powerful than them."

"Because it was profitable, after the enemy came and a chaos broke out, the gods in the wasteland died, were injured, and fled. This enemy did not have the absolute strength to suppress everything, but in order to get all the authority

, I can only leave the intelligent program of the game, which constantly captures three-dimensional creatures and comes to force the remaining gods to obtain the remaining permissions."

"Third. Raise pigs!"

"The pigs are fat, so they should be killed. It's just that something happened while killing the pigs, which led to the current situation."

After staying with Zhong Qingshu for a long time, after absorbing her position and consequentialism and improving his own thinking model, Sumo had a clear understanding of the situation's inference.

Based on the currently known information, we can only infer these three possibilities for the time being.

If you want to know more about the truth about this wasteland that has disappeared in time.

Without getting the details of that war from start to finish, there is no way to start.

And these three existing inferences, no matter which one they are, are a severe test for the humans living in the wasteland now, and even for Soma himself!

The enemy is hidden in the unknown, and the game is just a program left behind by them.

And even this program, after so many generations and trillions of human beings, have not been able to successfully overturn it.

It even allowed it to continue to capture new humans and continue to reset the wasteland to complete its set goals.

Defeating the game may not necessarily eliminate the enemy.

But if there is no way to clamp down on the game, in the event of an intensifying disaster in the future, everyone will have absolutely no chance of survival!

"We must find a way to get more than 51% of the equity as soon as possible and have the qualifications to compete head-on with the game. Otherwise, the real enemies behind the game will appear. I am afraid that I will be killed by them as soon as possible!"

"At that time, even if the mysterious system can save me, these ordinary humans from the earth, my sister, my parents, I am afraid they will all be destroyed!"

Knocking on the steel railing and listening to the thumping sound, Sumo felt a little anxious about the future.

Ordinary humans are still thinking about how to resist seasickness, how to make ends meet, and how to reach the New World safely.

The high-level humans are also secretly planning how to attack the alien races and how to restore their former dominance on the earth.

I rashly tell these people that our enemy is the game and the people behind the game.

For humans whose technology is still in the medieval era, there is no other possibility except exposing Soma.

The greater the ability, the greater the power, and the person who controls the authority has greater responsibility!

Soma has to shoulder everything by himself!

"Tonight, all alien races must stay. None of these treasure chests can escape!"

Having discovered a new enemy, Sumo did not panic, but instead felt a surge of motivation in his heart!

Putting away all his miscellaneous thoughts and listening to the radar scanning results in his earphones that were recorded every two minutes, Sumo's eyes narrowed and he strode into the cockpit.

Connie's performance during the day was so effective that even Sumo could not imagine that these "enemies" would be so successful.

Although there are about 5,500 people in the Zayu Unit 3 hanging behind the Hope.

But with the control of the five royal families, they did not rush over rashly. Instead, like experienced hunters, they just followed behind to ensure that they would not lose the location information of the Hope.

They are waiting for the support of the other two teams. They plan to swarm more than 20,000 aliens and capture the Hope and the Golden Lion King without any surprises!

But what they don't know is that Somo is waiting for them too!

According to the previous distance of Unit 1 and their vehicles, it would be at least around four o'clock in the middle of the night to get here.

Considering that they still need to recover and regain their strength, the attack is likely to be launched at six o'clock tomorrow.

This time is the time when dawn is about to come.


Harvest time is about to begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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