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Chapter 359 Sorry, I’ve surrounded you all!

 There is no doubt that after the gods fell and all the alien races were forced to enter the wasteland to find the objects that became gods, the alien race's strength development chain was not only completely broken, but even their fighting consciousness was "simple" and terrifying.


At 4:55 in the morning, after hearing Gonggong's message that the last large force was finally in place, Somo jumped into the sea and washed all the alien blood stains on Simba's suit into the sea.

The alien race is too weak.

In other words, even Sumo himself did not expect that his strength was already so powerful.

From the initial one-on-one, to one-on-two, one-on-three.

After discovering that all the aliens saw him and had no power to fight back, Somo's fighting style became extremely unrestrained.

Even five minutes ago, he single-handedly faced off against a sixteen-member alien investigation team, and almost without any resistance, he killed all the aliens with his sword!

Flexibility turned into clumsiness, and range AOE became constrained for fear of hurting friendly forces.

On the sea, these landlubber alien races have no way of exerting their own advantages except relying on their strange special abilities.

The large foreign troops at the rear were not timid because of the loss of this little spy. On the contrary,

They are brave!

The unknown is always terrifying. After Sumo deliberately let go of the two aliens who were watching from a distance, the large army already got the news they wanted to know most.

When the mysterious lion warrior faded away from his uncertainty.

In their eyes, this "Lion King" has become something in their pocket!

"Gonggong, prepare to put away the anchor and enter the first level of combat readiness. Everyone checks weapons and equipment."


Quickly sliding the lifeboat, Sumo successfully climbed up the escalator to the Hope and closed the hatch of the escape tunnel. The large alien force also accelerated to a distance of thirty kilometers from the Hope.

Moreover, these greedy aliens did not march over after meeting, but adopted a flanking approach.

Directly south of the rear, there are still 8,500 miscellaneous soldiers who have been gathered together.

Directly to the north of the Hope, as many as 13,000 powerful aliens have circled around, tightly covering the possible direction of the Hope like a pocket.

"Director, they are already in place, do you want to start the live broadcast?"

"Turn on, why don't you turn on, wait until everyone comes, then turn off the live broadcast and beat me hard!"

Seeing Connie nervously greet her, Sumo waved his hand nonchalantly and strode into the cab.

Currently, the imaging map scanned by the fire control radar is covered with dense red dots.

At first glance, the green dot represented by the Hope looks like a "Little Red Riding Hood" surrounded by hungry wolves.

But only Somo knows.

"This time, I'm sorry, it's not you who surrounded me, but I surrounded you all!"

After some manipulation and using the captain's authority, Sumo directly activated the special combat readiness written at the bottom of the Gonggong system.

In this state, Gonggong will directly start running at full capacity, and all data will be prepared for the upcoming war.

In the first second, the air-cooling and water-cooling of the chassis, which can be said to be the top personal configuration on the planet, began to operate simultaneously, making a buzzing sound.

"In Gonggong's trajectory judgment, if I attack the powerful aliens in front, the probability that I can kill them all is about 67%."

"But if I turn around and attack the miscellaneous troops in the rear first, the total annihilation rate can actually reach over 95%!"

In an instant, after sorting from high to low, looking at Gonggong gave me countless possibilities.

As the creator of the system, Sumo understood Gonggong's plan almost instantly even without clicking in.

The insects at the rear are the fastest moving. If they cannot be dealt with right away, once the Hope shows its bloody fangs, the chances of them escaping are very high.

Moreover, these miscellaneous troops have no loyalty at all. Once they are defeated, they will not stay in the rear. I am afraid that they will immediately abandon the powerful troops and flee directly.

"Connie, go to the stern of the ship to start the live broadcast. We will not use any weapons for the first round of alien attacks."

"I want them to see it"


He picked up the three-pointed two-edged knife and looked at a small whirlwind appearing on his hand. Under his hood, Somo had a sneer on his lips. He closed the door of the cockpit and strode towards the stern of the ship.

After receiving the lion's wind, Soma fantasized more than once about how to use this wind to fend off enemies if they broke into the shelter.

But at this moment, Sumo had no idea that before it could be used in the shelter, the lion-man wind would have its moment to shine on this sea!

"After today, I will make the Austrian clan famous all over the world!"

Staring at the calm sea, Sumo seemed to have a storm gathering in his eyes.

At the same time, a horn with a simple and strange shape also appeared on Somo's big furry hand under Simba's suit, along with the extraction of his thoughts.

In his alien form, Soma did not intend to expose any of the power of human technology.

But this does not mean that after such a long period of accumulation, Soma does not have any methods that are close to "magic".

This rare wave horn from the gold airdrop is the best thing Sumo gave to these invading alien races.


Take off the hood, put the horn on your chest, and put it back on again.

Seeing Connie standing at the stern of the ship already starting to "classic chant", Sumo thought, hid around the corner, connected to the alien core, and started the live broadcast.

At five o'clock in the morning, the morning sun is far from reaching the horizon, and the moon is still hanging in the sky, emitting moonlight.

Although there were too many alien leaders still sleeping, Connie's live broadcast room still reached a terrifying level in just three minutes.

68W heat!

Even if the calculation is based on the fact that there are only 100 members of an alien race, it means that there are currently more than 680W alien races that will be affected by Connie's live broadcast!

And surprisingly, after Sumo entered the live broadcast room, not only the five royal families immediately joined the live broadcast room, but also the aliens with a strength of 8 or above were not absent.

Everyone seems to have received certain news in unison, and there seems to be an unintentional "tacit understanding".

No one chooses to tell the Golden Retriever Lion King that the five royal families are going to hunt you.

Even the good eldest brother Xue Xiangxiong remained silent.

Before the sixth royal family received the promise of the five royal families, the Golden Retriever Lion King was the "gun" in the hands of these aliens.

But with the approval of Thunder Monkey, even if Connie has not changed, and the Austrian clan has not become a royal family in the true sense, in the hearts of these people

Classes are different!

They will not prevent the emergence of the Sixth Royal Family of the exploiting class, but they will also not help!

Only the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Austrian clan will be recognized by them if they can pass this level.

Can't make it through?

Then just pretend nothing happened!

The cruel animal world is much more real than the tortuous world of humans.

"After yesterday's live broadcast, I thought that we ordinary alien brothers and sisters could unite to resist the five royal families and hold up the wasteland together, but tonight, I am very sad."

"Before we solved the serious problem of human beings and the old demon Su, there were actually quite a few alien brothers who were eyeing us."

"In just one night, before dawn, the most powerful warrior of our lion tribe, Simba, had already killed no less than eighty of his fellow tribesmen with evil intentions."

"Is this good? This is not good!"

"Foreign races should value peace, practice martial ethics, and unite, and should not fight among themselves!"

Connie's "performance" was so vigorous that even from a distance, Sumo could see her "heartbroken" expression in the picture!

Sumo knew that this time, Connie might really take it seriously!

Some of these words are false, but some are true to her heart.

Compared with united human beings, if aliens engage in such internal fighting before gaining absolute advantage, it is tantamount to declaring "failure" in advance.

In other words, from the beginning, no one wanted to succeed.

After all, everyone's mission and goal has never been to annihilate mankind, but to

A godlike thing!

Everyone is an object that can be united, and everyone is an enemy, including two familiar alien races. It is absolutely impossible to unite together sincerely.

And the barrage reflected this thought vividly at this moment!

"Damn it, someone actually dares to dream of the Lion King. Are they crazy??"

"The mysterious lion-man warrior's name is Simba. He sounds like a king when he hears it. Are these people really brave?"

"Have you noticed that at night, the five major alien races are actually watching in the live broadcast room, and you feel there is something wrong?"

"Breaking news, the Lion King is going to suffer! This Austrian clan is about to finish!"

"Really? That's great. No, come on, sister Golden Retriever Lion King!"


With just a verbal class change, the ordinary aliens on the barrage clearly exposed their low IQ.

Faced with this, Connie slowly shook her head.

"I know that there is a foreign team targeting us now."

"Although we don't know why they are here and why they are coming after us, what do you think?"

"Can you really take us down?"

After the Hope turned around, it became a pursuit problem with the powerful troops in the rear, and an encounter problem with the miscellaneous fish troops in the front.

Even if they maintained a speed of 5 knots, after about ten minutes, the distance between the two was less than ten kilometers.

and the strength troops in the rear remained at just over 25 kilometers.

According to this speed, even if the rear force troops perform miracles with great strength and use a speed faster than rowing a dragon boat, it will still take at least half an hour to reach the front battlefield.

In this half-hour, Soma was absolutely fine on the frontal battlefield.

Do whatever you want!

Seeing the discussion on the barrage, the five royal families and the powerful foreign races remained silent, as if this matter had nothing to do with them.

Sumo immediately stopped hiding, turned off the live broadcast and walked out.

Compared with the afternoon, without the imaginary enemy deliberately increasing his momentum, Somo's momentum was much calmer.

But none of the aliens watching the live broadcast dared to look down upon this lion man who was almost as tall as them.

"Connie, get ready, we need to teach these enemies an unforgettable lesson!"

Because at present, all alien leaders have basically learned human language, and everyone does not have to endure the game's poor translation when communicating.

So in most cases, if you can use human language, everyone will not use their own mother tongue.

At this time, after hearing the mysterious warrior Simba speak out, not only were everyone not surprised, but they thought it was Simba taking care of the audience and silently nodded their heads.

"Okay, I'll help you!"

Fixing her perspective on the top of the Hope, Connie stepped forward in two steps and stood in a row with Somo.

The next second, under the witness of millions of alien leaders approaching in the wasteland

A slight breeze began to blow.

And in an instant, it turned into


This chapter has been completed!
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