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Chapter 378 Mad Dog Pursuit Team, the possibility of cyclically spawning monsters!

 The sky is twilight.

After getting out of the simple shack built by the fish people, I checked around the sleeping fish people who took the food containing psionic water yesterday. At this time, they were in a period of rapid IQ+physical transformation.

Holding the three-pointed two-edged sword, Somo moved towards the top of the mountain in high spirits.

Unlike the fish-men who were still in deep sleep, as his physical condition became more and more abnormal, Somo's sleeping time became shorter and shorter every day.

Especially after taking food containing psionic water, as long as there is no battle, it only takes three or four hours for Soma to restore his energy to its optimal level.

On the way to the top, Somo knocked down a beet coconut and drank the coconut juice while eating the crispy beet coconut meat.

Although the current beet coconut meat is brittle, like sugar cane, after chewing it for a few times, the rough plant fibers lose moisture, and it becomes a bit like chewing wood.

Considering that you have to swallow this piece of wood, the experience is extremely poor.

"If the sweetness and taste of this kind of coconut can be slightly improved, it will feel good, and it can be sold as a cash crop!"

After thinking about it, after Somo finished drinking the sweet coconut juice in the beet coconut and eating half of the coconut meat, the big rock on the peak appeared in his field of vision.

With the help of the knife handle, Somo climbed onto the big rock smoothly.

Different from the rush yesterday, the sky was gradually getting brighter.

Sitting on the stone, Somo did not rush to summon the command order to check, but carefully looked at this territory that belonged to him.

The reason why this island is called White Sand Island is because the beaches surrounding the island are white and pure, without a trace of impurities. They look like mutton-fat white jade spread on the ground, which is pleasing to the eye.

On the west side of the island, a small sailboat was moored in the harbor, swaying from side to side under the sea breeze.

The entire island is covered by about 75% of the area with vegetation. Except for 35% of the beet palm trees, the remaining 40% are common broad-leaved plants in the tropics.

"The west side of the island is currently the only place where boats can park, but that doesn't matter. I can artificially dig a bay to park boats."

"Most of the east and north sides of the island are useless broad-leaved forests, which take up space and are of no practical use. Once there are more people under my command, we can open this area up and use it as the facade of Baisha Island."

"Wait, what the hell is this??"

With a look of relief, when Somo had just scanned three sides of the island and turned his gaze to the south, his face instantly turned ugly.

The entire south of the island is the direction where the Marine Guardsmen appeared and were killed yesterday.

At a time when the morning sun had not yet risen, with Soma's powerful eyesight, he could see at a glance that there was a black spot emerging at the end of this direction.

Intuition told Somo that this was a ship, a ship that seemed familiar to him.

"Did a merchant ship come to our door? Or are these crazy dogs here again?"

With unspeakable anxiety, Sumo thought, took out a 15x optical telescope from the storage space, and lowered his eyes.

But the next second, after seeing clearly the sailboat currently at the end of the horizon, flying the flag of the Ocean Guard...

Su Mo was stunned, and the fist hanging down on his waist suddenly became hard!

"Fuck, what the hell are you doing? Why is there another Ocean Guard ship coming?"

"Is this a spawning of monsters? Is there one coming every day?"


"Chief, we have wiped out all forty scumbags like the Ocean Guard, and we have also captured their ship and most of the ship's supplies. We are rich!"

"Chief, do we want to dock their ships in our bay?"

"Chief, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly!"

As the sun rises, the beach is already covered with all kinds of creatures.

There are fishmen, shrimp soldiers, and even a man with a human head but crab claws for his hands.

Without exception, all lying creatures have a precise chrysanthemum-shaped opening on their head.

Blood of different colors flows out from the chrysanthemum-shaped openings and mixes on the white sandy beach, like a naughty child painting and graffiti, outlining abstract patterns.

Nine fishmen belonging to White Sand Island were currently surrounding the beach, jumping happily, celebrating another failure of the Ocean Guard.

Yes, the enemy was wiped out without any injuries and a bunch of supplies were captured. This should have been a moment worth celebrating.

But at this time, seeing the ugliness written all over Somo's face, the murlocs seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem and became silent.

"Damn it, after killing these forty people, the wanted order has finally been upgraded to three stars."

"But that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that a ship like this comes every day, carrying a ship of ocean guards."

"Two-star is 40 people per day, and three-star is directly 100 people per day, and there will also be a strong squad leader."

"What are you doing? Are you playing a game?"

With a rare swear word, and after waving and instructing the murlocs to clean up the battlefield, Somo went directly to a place where the murlocs could not see him, took off his mermaid suit, and quickly ran to the top of the mountain where the command order was stored.

After just killing these forty people, with the wanted level rising to three stars, the commander also rarely sent a message on his own initiative.

There is only one message, about the star rating of the wanted order and its meaning.

A one-star wanted warrant means that unless you meet the Ocean Guard and let them see you, they will not take the initiative to find you, nor will they come all the way to arrest you.

The two-star wanted order already has some cards. No matter where you are, the official organization closest to you will get your location information on time after 12 o'clock every day.

Then, they will send a escort sailboat, carrying 40 escort soldiers, to arrest you.

The strength of these miscellaneous soldiers is very average. Even if they are one-on-one, under the right conditions, the murlocs strengthened by psionic water can fight to a draw with them.

But the trouble is, as long as you dare to kill these soldiers, your wanted star number will continue to increase until

Samsung Wanted!

"Wanted order, check my wanted value, and the time when the next ocean clearance escort team will arrive at my location."

Without the constraints of the mermaid suit, Somo ran extremely fast, and it would have taken him 20 minutes to move the distance.

On the run, it only took about three minutes!

Grabbing the command order floating in the air, Sumo asked directly, panting.

[Dear Ocean Commander Sumo, based on your current wanted star number, it is detected that your wanted value is: 528]

[It is detected that the dispatch time of the next marine clearance escort team is: 16 hours and 2 minutes, and the arrival time is: 28 hours and 11 minutes]

Two numbers, one for 16 hours and one for 28 hours.

After a simple subtraction and division operation in his mind, Sumo got the ship speed of the three-star escort team.

The current marine escort team chasing Baisha Island should have an accurate departure time in the early morning of the next day.

In other words, they braved headwinds for two nights and sailed for 32 hours before arriving at Baisha Island. Their perseverance was amazing!

But this three-star clearance team only needed 12 hours, including sailing against the wind, and the speed was nearly three times faster.

As long as the number of stars remains unchanged, every day at noon, a boatload of mad dogs will rush to Baisha Island and deliver a boatload of supplies and thousands of points.

Based on the current ammunition reserve, if these trash fish are killed, Somo's ammunition will not be exhausted even after a hundred days.

But the problem is, the star level will change, and the more you kill, the faster it will become!

If a four-star wanted order is reached, what awaits Sumo will be an encirclement and suppression team of up to a thousand people!

This encirclement and suppression team will embark on standard warships of the Ocean Guard.

The warship is led by a powerful captain with rich experience in suppressing bandits. The ship carries 800 elite soldiers and 200 war beasts.

With such a luxurious bandit-suppression team, Soma will be able to repel the first few waves even with guns.

But there will always be a day when the ammunition is used up. If you just think about resisting, there will always be a time when you can't resist.

At that time, there will be only one way left for Soma.

Exit the trial!

"It shouldn't be. If you look at it this way, wouldn't it mean that if you carry a wanted warrant, you can only be arrested without mercy?"

"But according to the current level goals given by the command order, if I choose to execute them, the star number of the wanted order will only get higher and higher. How can I play this!"

Sitting on the big rock, after running fast and his heartbeat speeding up, Somo's mind actually calmed down.

The current problem before us is that we cannot solve the problem of increasing the star rating and the wanted value.

The star rating determines the intensity of the pursuit team, and the wanted value determines the level of the star rating.

Of these two, as long as you can find a suitable way to control one.

These mad dogs that rush over at regular intervals every day, instead of becoming obstacles, will actually become "wealth-giving boys"!

"Where is the key to breaking the situation?"

"After I escaped from prison and chose to escape, my wanted order has reached two stars, which means that there must be a backdoor in the trial, and I started to escape later, and then"

"Wait a minute, that territory transformation card!"

Go down one by one.

When his thoughts came to yesterday's harvest, Sumo was suddenly shocked and directly pulled out the transformation card placed in the storage space.

According to normal game design ideas, the design of levels and rewards will definitely take into account subsequent continuity.

And since the level encourages the tester to become a lawless lord, there must be a way to break the situation.

"Fortunately, I didn't rush to use it yesterday. Now it seems that the way to break the situation is here."

"Function 4 on!"

Before going to bed yesterday, Sumo was still hesitating whether to choose the transformation of function 2 to complete the initial construction of Baisha Island, or to take a gamble on the special ability of function 4.

But now, looking at the flashing card in his hand, Sumo breathed a sigh of relief and crushed it directly.

"I choose to use function 4 to add special abilities!"

[Dear Ocean Commander Sumo, it has been detected that you have chosen to carry out the primary territory transformation function four, and the following three options are now automatically provided for you to choose from]

[Choice 1: Land of plenty (after selecting this special ability, the territory’s crop yield will be +50%, the probability of attracting a crop master will be +10%, the territory’s crop resistance will be +25%, and the territory’s crop growth speed will be +15%; while planting crops

When, there is a certain probability of improving the grade of the crop)】

[Choice 2: Sailor’s hometown (after selecting this special ability, the territory’s passenger flow +50%, territory consumption satisfaction +25%, probability of attracting legendary captains to visit +10%, territory security +15%; in the recruitment

When you are a guest, there is a certain probability of recruiting people above the elite level)]

[Choice 3: Lawless Land (After selecting this special ability, the territory’s passenger volume will be +75%, the probability of attracting pirates will be +100%, the territory’s chaos will be +100%, and the territory’s crop yield will be -100%; if you are in the territory

, the Ocean Guard will not be able to know your coordinates, and the wanted star level and wanted value in the territory are fixed)]

"Damn it, there really is a way to break the situation!"

Suddenly, after scanning the first two items and seeing the helpless place of the last item, Sumo stood up in shock.

If you are a normal defector, carrying a two-star arrest warrant, you will definitely hesitate when you see these three options.

Although the Lawless Land seems to be able to solve urgent needs, the 100% chaos degree and -100% food production basically block the early development of a territory.

If you are new here and have not developed any force, choose this option.

If chaos breaks out in the territory and the supplies are gone, it is easy to say that there is still a chance to make a comeback, but if the people disappear in the chaos, then it is really gone.


"Damn it, I was originally thinking about where to go and rob these pirates, but now in this lawless place, I can actually let these pirates deliver it directly to my door!"

"Moreover, as long as I wander outside the island at 12 o'clock every night and let these escorts get my coordinates, and wait until 12 o'clock at noon, stand on the island and clean up these people, I can harvest a lot of things effortlessly.

A sailboat, and a whole shipload of supplies, this is too outrageous!"

This chapter has been completed!
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