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Chapter 382 Kneel down, kneel down in front of my gun!

 "Brother, do you really want to leave? Maybe if we delay in this deep sea world, it will be safe to go back after the seven days of the disaster!"

Deep sea world.

It’s half past nine in the morning on the sixty-fifth day.

After eating her last "luxury" breakfast, Su Chan watched Su Mo stand up. After thinking about it, Su Chan couldn't hold back the words stuck in her throat.

Yesterday, after watching Su Mo issue nearly a hundred instructions in succession, the smart Su Chan had already guessed what Su Mo was going to do!

Somo wants to go back, to the wasteland where natural disasters are breaking out.

Even Su Chan knew that all this was for herself!

Compared with the terrifying wasteland, here in the deep sea world, where there are no tests, it is obviously a paradise for people to enjoy and relax.

Here, you can soak in the hot springs in the mansion and feel refreshed.

Here, hundreds of loyal shrimp soldiers and crabs will serve you every day.

Here, you can eat all kinds of delicacies until you feel sick.

Here, Soma is the king of the deep sea world. In one word, hundreds of millions of deep sea creatures will bow their heads.

Even though he returned to the wasteland, Su Mo was still the almighty "God Su" in everyone's hearts, but Su Chan knew that it was different from the deep sea world.

There is no wasteland

Error tolerance!

If you fail once, you will die. If you cannot survive the tsunami, you will lie in the deep sea world forever.

Last night, the brother and sister slept in the same room.

From coming to the wasteland, to seeing the first pot of gold brought by the chameleon, from opening Magu's refuge by accident, to the subsequent love-hate relationship with the kobold and lion-man.

From the first murder to the slaying of gods, from the first planting of food to the warehouse full of food.

In addition to attributing the help brought by the system to games and luck, Sumo worked on every detail day by day.

Like an old mother, and like a child waiting for praise from his family, Sumo talked a lot, and even turned the gloomy night into daylight that was about to usher in the dawn.

But the legend of "Su Shen" still only talks about the villagers of Hope Village moving to Tieshi Mountain.

Su Chan listened to stories all night, and listened to Somo Shu's personal biography all night.

When she hears danger, she will scream twice, and she will clutch the quilt tightly in fear.

When she hears the harvest, she turns into a happy little bee and makes a pleasant "buzzing" sound.

But from what she heard at night and during the day, the only thing Su Chan knew for sure was...

My brother is under tremendous pressure!

"Hahaha, don't dream. In seven days, the deep sea world is close to a year. How can this fictional world withstand such a long simulation?"

"And don't think too much. I won't go back right away. There will be a few days before I can clear out all the enemies in this deep sea world before I leave."

"At that time, you can feel free to stay here until you can't stay any longer. Maybe when you leave the deep sea world, my brother's ship will be there to pick you up!"

He touched Su Chan's little round head lovingly, and what he said was that Su Chan was extremely confident.

And these are not Sumo's own comforts.

Before powerful data, Tsunami would never be Hope's opponent, but would instead become a helping hand.

After calculating that it was very possible to reach the area around the Tundra in four or five days, Somo decided to return.

But before that, sweeping away the remaining dregs of this world and taking away the final prize of the deep sea world will be the last flutter of Soma, the butterfly, in this world.

Su Chan was comforted for a while, and after agreeing to several conditions, Somo turned around and left.

Family love is a strange thing.

When you don't get it, it will become your motivation to move forward, forcing you to be brave and vigorous all the way.

Sometimes, it will produce another strange power that makes you full of energy.

But given this premise, you can't indulge in it.

Somo left because he knew that the current meeting between the two people was just a moon in the water.

The wasteland is the real home ground!

The next day, Sumo entered a busy state.

You can bring things in to the wasteland. Similarly, after asking for the command order in this world, Soma also got permission to bring things in the storage space and finally take them out.

Of course, the things you bring out cannot be higher than rare grade.

However, from the very beginning, Soma had no intention of taking out these things that the commander considered important.

Stepping down the mountain, Somo's first stop was the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, located under a towering building on Baisha Island.

Here, more than 60% of the agricultural masters in the entire deep-sea world are gathered, and their tasks are also very simple:

Collect and cultivate various high-quality seeds.

After some selection, Somo took away hundreds of improved and enriched seeds such as wheat, rice, potatoes, pumpkins, fast vegetables, cabbage, carrots, cotton, and peanuts.

Then Somo went to the side yard and took away dozens of fruit seeds such as watermelon, melon, peach, mango, grape, apple...etc.

For some crops that could only grow in certain environments, Sumo didn't give up. He ordered some of them and took them away.

And these seeds only take up one-third of the empty storage space.

After installing these, Sumo kept walking and came to a group of buildings covering an extremely large area.

This is the key to Somo's ability to start the industrial revolution so quickly, and it is also the place he values ​​most in the entire deep-sea world.

Looking at the three Chinese Academy of Sciences characters written by himself on the top, Sumo puffed up his chest and walked in.

After a while, Sumo looked at the various documents and development and maintenance manuals that were almost filling up the remaining space in the storage space. Sumo ended the acquisition trip with satisfaction.

These documents record about 7% of the complete "lighting methods" of the basic technology tree!

Don’t underestimate the fact that it’s only 7%!

You know, this is compared to the science that has been developed on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, although these developed technologies already exist on the earth, they are the most sought-after information for the wasteland that is full of waste.

After studying these materials, version 2.0 of Hope Village in the New World will no longer be a problem.

By then, every villager will have access to electricity, drinking tap water, live in a clean and tidy village, and enjoy conveniences that are no less than those in modern towns!

The weapon chain that lacks the most critical technology tree will also fill a large gap. After a little research, it can promote the rapid development of the weapon technology tree.

All of this is Soma's real plan over the past sixty days.

Although the real opponent of this world war has not yet been investigated, Sumo felt comfortable after sorting it out and seeing everything filed away.

Day sixty-six.

With the expectations of hundreds of millions of creatures in the deep sea world, the invincible king of the deep sea world, spokesperson of Poseidon, and leader of the Iron Bloodline announced an attack plan.

When they heard this war madman's bold statement that he would defeat the last enemy within 20 days, no one dared to express an opinion or question it.

Even his enemy, the church that has controlled the deep sea world for thousands of years, has begun emergency war preparations.

In the absence of Poseidon, the high priest of the church can only use the small Poseidon authority once per week and the medium authority once per month.

You can only have unlimited authority once per year.

Now, he no longer has any authority in his hands, but Sumo still has four middle and two small ones in stock!

Day sixty-seven.

The fleet belonging to Somo officially set off from Baisha Island, carrying all war weapons and leaving this place of origin of all things destined to be written into the history books of the deep sea world.

Day seventy-one.

When Sumo directly used the small authority of Poseidon to speed up the voyage, 20 top-level naval ships carrying nearly 100,000 elite combat forces arrived at the front-line battlefield.

Day seventy-four.

Another shot with small authority and one with medium authority were used. Soma's maritime power was all in place.

The total strength is 160W. In terms of ships, there are: 105 top-level ships, 220 sub-top-level ships, and nearly a thousand basic ships with different functions.

If it were in the Middle Ages on Earth, if one wanted to assemble such a war with an exaggerated force and a terrifying number of ships, the preparation stage alone would be calculated in years.

But given the authority, which is even more egregious than cheating, even the high priest of the opposite church felt:

Very reasonable!

Day seventy-seven.

On the tenth day after Somo's bold announcement to capture the rebels, the first battle finally began.

But this battle was not a general attack by Somo, but a sneak attack by the Poseidon Church.

On the vast and stretching battlefield on the sea, the Poseidon Church mobilized nearly 80,000 people at once, and more than 30 ships came quietly.

In the middle of the night, the two teams fought vigorously, and the battle lasted for nearly ten hours before the winner was determined.

This sneak attack team was completely wiped out, and Sumo also suffered heavy losses.

But the problem is not big. With the two uses of neutral authority, a full 95% of the expeditionary force that died in this battle was resurrected, and all the ships were restored to their original state instantly.

This miraculous performance was cheered by millions of expedition troops.

The enemy's mentality is crazy!

Damn it, if we are really dead, we are really dead!

The one on the opposite side can also be resurrected, which is a joke!

Day seventy-nine.

After a day of repairs, the battle started again.

This time it was an expeditionary force, a war in which Sumo took the initiative to direct the attack.

No one could have imagined that the Poseidon Guards, the most powerful force in the deep sea world, had suppressed the deep sea world for thousands of years and killed countless vicious rebels.

Under the expeditionary force's fully automatic firearms team, it only took half a day to capture the seemingly natural chasm of Zadu Strait.

As for the material distribution points in the rear, the fishing port of Zfigas could not escape the brazen attack that dropped explosives.

During a fireworks show that could be seen hundreds of kilometers away, the logistics of Poseidon Church completely collapsed.

This battle only lasted three days, and Sumo could already smell victory.

Day 80.

The Zadu Strait was completely occupied, and all the Poseidon Guards and church members retreated to the Daya Islands to fight to the death.

But what they didn't expect was that some people in the church would rise up under Somo's instigation.

Day 82.

On the fifteenth day before the expedition slogan was shouted, all the Poseidon Guards were wiped out, and everyone died simply and swiftly.

During their dinner, they drank the poison prepared by their own people and embarked on the road to death easily.

Day 84.

The expeditionary force surrounded the Daya Islands, and all the remnants of the Poseidon Church have become turtles in the jar.

Relying on magical creatures like the sound-transmitting snail, all marine creatures paying attention to this war were shocked to find that this battle was about to come to a perfect end after only 17 days.

The expeditionary force only lost less than 100,000 people and successfully unified the entire deep sea world.

At this time, countless people rushed to tell each other, and countless people cried with joy.

The ideological confinement belonging to Poseidon will eventually pass, and the days of thousands of years of high taxes belonging to Poseidon Church will be gone forever!

Under this leader, they will enter a new era!

Day eighty-seven.

On the last day when the legendary warrior promised to end the war in twenty days, an invisible curtain of light flashed over all the big cities in the deep sea world.

This is the magical scene produced by Sumo after using the last intermediate authority.

The function of this light curtain is also very simple, to transmit images.

After seeing the picture clearly, all the creatures in the deep sea world were shocked!

In this picture, the high priest who once appeared once a year and spread miracles once a year, Aaron.

At this time, he was like a dead dog, being held up by four abnormally strong fishmen.

In the near part of the picture, there are bursts of water left by the sea water lapping on the shore, while in the distance after the picture is raised, there is an endless plain.

This is land, this is where the deep sea world and the land world meet.

The high priest wanted to escape, but unfortunately...

He was caught!

"Commander, commander, I can give you everything. Spare my life and I will give it all to you!"

The high priest Aaron, who was dressed in luxurious gold clothing, had nine gold rims on his head, and a crown studded with precious sea gems, screamed tremblingly.

Seeing that Somo was untouched, he quickly signaled to the fish-man to let go of him, stepped forward, took off the crown on his head, took off his golden clothes, and placed them on the ground.

He even took out the scepter that symbolized the sacrifice of Poseidon from his arms, and with a complex expression of fear mixed with piety, he handed it over and placed it next to the crown.

Only those who hold Poseidon's Scepter can obtain fixed-issued permissions.

Being able to take out this scepter means that he has surrendered wholeheartedly.

"Kneel before the muzzle of my gun!"

He lowered his head, and while High Priest Aaron was still thinking about what chips he could use to get the legendary iron-blooded leader to let him go, this sentence came to his ears.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel before the muzzle of my gun!"


Thunderous gunshots rang out in his ears, and he watched as the Poseidon's scepter on the ground was directly cut in half by bullets, losing the light of its divine power.

Mixed with disbelief, the high priest Aaron quickly raised his head in shock.

But the next second, when he saw the eyes with endless murderous intent hidden under the solid black armor, High Priest Allen's knees softened and he couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

Day eighty-nine.

News of the death of High Priest Aaron spread throughout the deep sea world.

Interestingly, he did not die in the hands of the commander who is now the Lord of the Deep Sea, but in the hands of a farmer on land.

After being released by Somo, Aaron was on the run for two days and was very hungry.

Disgraced and disgraced, he ran into a farmer's house in a panic and wanted to steal some food. However, he was caught by the farmer who happened to be returning home and was directly treated as a melon thief, giving him a terrible shock.

Day ninety.

A simple enthronement ceremony was held on the ship.

Then, driven by the sound snail, there were 248 basic laws and regulations, and 108 production incentive policies.

In an instant, it spread throughout the entire deep sea world.

In these complicated laws and policies, people saw science, mechanical power, and how they would live in the future world for the first time.

It was also on this day that the era of divine power finally came to an end.

The industrial revolution has begun!

This chapter has been completed!
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