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Chapter 387 Starts the legendary promotion mission!

 In a sense, the scene in front of him was the most "magical" scene that Sumo had encountered during his time in the wasteland.

Even before that, the entire sky was occupied by the pseudo-god Tengu. If you looked up, you could see a dog's face that was extremely frightening.

But it is far from the horror of this moment when the Hope dives into the water!

It is not big news on earth that a ship enters the sea water and moves forward.

As early as the 16th century, shipbuilders at that time had this concept and built the first concept submarine.

By the time of the American Civil War in the 17th century, submarines had already begun to be used in ocean warfare!

"With the blessing given by Poseidon, all the entries of Hope have not only been upgraded by one level, but also have two legendary levels of ability."

"With just this one hand of diving, if I want to escape, who else in this wasteland can leave me here!"

Touching the golden film that wrapped the entire Hope, Sumo felt a touch like a dark void space on this film.

Although he knew in his heart that the defense power between the two was definitely not equal, relying on this thin film, Sumo was confident:

There is absolutely no one in the wasteland that can break it now!

In terms of strength, this membrane currently represents invincibility!

And this kind of invincibility represents this stage. If you encounter danger, you can dive into the water.

The entire Hope can have a full three hours of "invincibility" every day!

"It is indeed the most outrageous of the rewards left by Poseidon, this choice."

“Making huge profits!”

After trying this magical diving experience again, Somo waved his hand and directed the Hope to slowly surface.

At this time, the sea surface outside has also entered a calm period that will be reincarnated every half hour.

There was no rush to collect the remaining rewards, and after retracting the eye-catching flag on the bow of the Hope, Sumo gently clicked on the legendary mission under the properties of the Hope's vehicle.

Previously, this mission was not enabled due to limited potential.

But now, with the emergence of two truly legendary abilities, Hope has finally reached the first step of welcoming its own "promotion"!

[Legendary Promotion: The mission has been started, do you want to check it? 】


[The current legendary tasks are divided into 3 rounds, and the first round of tasks is being randomly selected. 】

【Extraction successful.】

[Task ①: Collect awe]

[Task description: Obtain at least three billion creatures and be in awe of the Hope]

[Task progress: 2366/30E]


"It is indeed a legendary mission. Just the first one requires more than three billion creatures to be in awe of the Hope."

"It seems that if you want to complete this project, you must quickly save enough progress to start the live broadcast!"

Looking at the manifested task, Somo nodded slightly and clicked "Accept" without hesitation.

This task would be really difficult to complete without live broadcast. Just letting three billion people know about the Hope is a big project.

But as long as the conditions for the live broadcast are met and stuck at a suitable point, let alone three billion, even four billion soma can be achieved with confidence!

As for the 12% progress of the Hope that was still close to 50%, Sumo didn't worry about the remaining rewards. After a little comfort for four hours, he quickly walked down to the warehouse.

Except for the two big ones, the title and Poseidon's blessing, all the remaining items have been carefully selected by Soma.

For the third item of advanced design drawings, Sumo didn’t hesitate at all and directly gave him the machine tool drawings!

Although small and medium-sized machine tools can manufacture the R-1 rocket pao required for the vertical ship-based missile launch module, plus the main naval gun, it is completely sufficient for the current situation.

But for medium-sized machine tools that can manufacture R-3 short-range ballistic missiles, no one can refuse this temptation.

Naturally, Sumo didn't let it go either.

There was a burst of light, and the small and medium-sized machine tool drawings placed on the workbench received the baptism from the game.

Although the appearance has not changed, the attribute description has solidly changed to medium size!

"Tsk, tsk, the supplies required for medium-sized machine tools are really scary. With the things I brought before going to sea, it's still far from enough. What a pity!"

"Who gave me a happy console!"

I took a look at the several rare minerals and more than a dozen basic materials required for medium-sized machine tools, but the level is limited to sophisticated and above.

Sumo didn't panic at all and even wanted to laugh.

The next second, facing the currently slightly empty damage control warehouse, resource rewards that seemed to be the most inconspicuous but the most practical among all rewards began to pour out.

At the beginning, when choosing rewards, Sumo was not so foolish as to choose all special items with different levels.

Instead, I very rationally chose basic materials that can account for about 20% of the quota.

These materials can not only meet the requirements for the construction of medium-sized machine tools, but can also provide the most important raw materials for the R-3 short-range ballistic missile that has not yet been launched.

From the warhead, to the missile body, to the missile-borne engine at the tail.

After utilizing these materials to the extreme, five ballistic missiles with cruise guidance can be made.

Although the power of this homemade ship-based missile is far less intuitive than that of Dongfeng, for the current wasteland.

The guided bombing range of thousands of kilometers is a proper strategic weapon, which can change the situation of the war at critical moments.

Sumo made very clear calculations about this kind of transaction that was sure to make a profit without losing any money, and that could leverage leverage.

After waiting until all the resources were distributed, I rubbed the medium-sized design drawings for a while, spent 500 disaster points, and the blueprint of the medium-sized machine tool also appeared on the game manufacturing page.

After putting in the required materials in the blueprint one by one, and paying another 2,000 manufacturing points, Sumo nodded with satisfaction when looking at the six hours of manufacturing time given by the game.

At this point, the majority of this time’s rewards have basically been distributed.

Among the remaining item rewards, a four-star random resource card, after being released, can generate a new four-star resource in the territory, which can be regarded as a weapon for development.

A two-day Poseidon Envoy experience card, as a trump card, can also be used to obtain some news about Poseidon at critical moments.

As for the random item upgrade as a bonus, I don't know if it is because the previous characters have been exhausted.

The three-pointed two-edged sword that Sumo most wanted to give him could not be advanced. Instead, he was given an everlasting lamp that had been lying in a corner of the warehouse and had not been put into use yet.

This ever-burning lamp came as a gift from the Zeus Sanctuary. According to the original plan, Soma originally wanted to install it on the Hope for use in night battles.

But later, in the battle with 20,000 aliens, there was no need for lighting because of the presence of naval guns.

When sailing on the sea, what the Hope wants is concealment.

Therefore, this thing is left alone for many days.

If he hadn't advanced now, even Somo would have forgotten that he had obtained such a thing before.

Following the location in his memory, he came to the warehouse where sundries were stored. After searching around the corner for a while, the upgraded ever-burning lantern appeared in Somo's hand.

I thought silently in my mind, spent some disaster points, and under the detection of the game, the properties of the ever-burning lamp began to slowly appear.

[Eternal Light (Epic Level-)]

[Description]: This is a strange tool made by a dwarf master. It was originally used to provide long-term lighting in dark caves. However, for some reason, this thing fell into the wasteland, and

It has been infused with epic-level abilities, but because there is no epic story engraved in it, the epic-level abilities cannot be fully displayed. It needs to be bound and placed by the user, and only after a great epic story is engraved into it can it become truly epic.

【special power】:

Energy storage (after binding, the ever-light lamp will automatically absorb light energy and store electrical energy for the energy device inside it when it is not turned on. The efficiency will be determined based on the intensity of the light energy)

Lighting (when the energy of the permanent lamp is 100%, the lighting can be turned on continuously for more than three hours, intensity: one million lumens)

Adjustment (the permanent light will automatically make certain adjustments according to the scene, and will also make certain changes according to the needs of the binder to find the best irradiation intensity and direction)

Invigorate (friendly creatures that receive light will have a certain level of fighting excitement and have a temporary positive bonus. There are many application scenarios, please explore by yourself)

Fear (enemy creatures that accept the light will unconsciously develop fear, and may have many negative psychological effects such as fear of fighting, avoidance of fighting, and running away; Note: The maximum acceptance time is five minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of counterproductive effects.

, causing the enemy creature to fall into a state of unrelenting fighting)


[Restriction ①]: The ever-light lamp must be bound before it can be used.

[Restriction ②]: If you need to move the ever-light lamp after binding, you need to pay 3000 disaster points.

[Recycling value]: High

[Recycling points]: 1500 disaster points

"Hey, the effect is surprisingly good. The three hundred thousand lumens before were really useless, but now one million lumens may become a weapon."

"And this thing can actually affect the status of living things, not bad!"

Seeing that this thing needed to be bound before it could be used, Sumo didn't think too much and directly took the materials and various tools back to the main deck.

As for the installation location of the ever-burning lantern, Sumo chose it directly above the Fire King, which is the center of the Hope.

Placing the lights here will not only provide sufficient lighting, but also expand the range to the surrounding area of ​​Hope as much as possible.

After a lot of knocking, after the iron frame was fixed, Sumo picked up the everlasting lamp and directly chose to bind it.

Like some kind of indescribable creature, Sumo curiously opened the attribute panel of the Hope as he watched the ever-burning lamp gradually merge with the iron plate.

But just by looking at it, Sumo couldn't help but burst out in surprise.

"Damn it, this everlasting lamp is really a good thing, it actually increased the progress by a full 8%."

"As long as you save 4% of the progress, the completion rate of Hope will exceed 50%!"

This chapter has been completed!
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