Turn off the lights
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Chapter 397: In place! On the eve of counterattack!

"What do you want to eat tonight? It's your last chance. Starting tomorrow, we will be in a state of combat readiness."

"At that time, before the battle is over, the most hungry people will eat instant noodles, and forget about other good things!"

At half past seven in the wasteland, after making sure that everything was on track, Somo sat on the open deck on the second floor and had a rare moment of leisure.

At present, all plans have been completed, and humans are also making urgent preparations, just waiting for the horn of the war between the three clans to sound on the last day of the tsunami.

On the other side, the alien races on land and the alien races on sea also temporarily stopped today because of yesterday's conflicts.

Although there were occasional minor frictions, on the surface nothing major happened.

Of course, Sumo knew.

This kind of tranquility cannot last long. It is very likely that when the alien race realizes the human plan,

The storm will come early.

But before that, at least tonight, humans will spend the last peaceful night and completely recover their energy and physical strength.

"Moore. Moore wants to eat hot pot!"

During the day, Moore was still unhappy because a large number of artillery shells were dismantled. After hearing about eating, his eyes instantly turned into stars, and the snarl at the corner of his mouth also remained.

This useless look naturally caused Oreo next to him to sneer disdainfully.

But surprisingly, Oreo didn't object. After thinking about it, he nodded his head.

After watching the remaining Connie and Big Spark also vote in favor, Sumo immediately stood up and strode toward the kitchen below the deck.

After about half an hour of preparation, Somo chose the main deck for the last meal.

The foreign soldiers who had been busy all afternoon also took advantage of it.

Although what they were given were only leftovers of some ingredients, the bottom of the pot was so fragrant that it was delicious even when dipped in shoe mats.

As a result, after Sumo announced that the meal was ready, these aliens ate like a storm, and you could even hear the whining and shouting of many aliens biting their tongues.

Sitting at the main table, watching the four children together with Connie enjoying their meal, Somo raised his hand, picked up a bottle of sake by the table and stood up.

"It's okay, you can eat, I don't have much appetite today!"

Waving his hand, Soma climbed up the stairs to the fourth level on the main deck, where the Fire King was, and sat down slowly.

This place is the highest place on the Hope and the most "quiet" place.

Sitting here, you can see the sparkling sea in the distance, and you can also see the bright moon floating on the sea.

"I don't know what the people in the village are doing today. Tieshi Mountain is offshore, so there shouldn't be many aliens attacking without opening their eyes!"

"The tundra fleet is currently in a more difficult situation due to the large number of people, but the weapons I support should be enough to last me through, so don't worry!"

"However, what exactly is the winning weapon in the hands of these large human refuges?"

Sipping the sake in his hand, Somo's thoughts gradually dispersed and "flowed" along the sea water to the distance.

Marine Theater 308.

This is the current location of the Tundra Fleet.

After several days of crossing the ocean, although the fleet's progress was delayed a lot, driven by the sea breeze, it still slowly wandered into the edge of the No. 3 theater.

Contrary to Sumo's imagination, the Tundra Fleet, which had been lifeless for the past three days, turned on the lights and started a feast like the Hope tonight.

"Lu Suo, I salute you with this cup. I didn't expect our fleet to have such good things!"

"If we had known before, we would have made a fool of ourselves and gone straight to confront these aliens and defeat them quite well!"

"It's just that you don't know. When these aliens saw our machine gun fire, they were frightened. As a result, our crossbows scattered behind, and they didn't react at all."

"It's a pity that there are still 3,000 marine aliens who escaped quickly and were not caught, otherwise they would have been wiped out in this wave!"

On the main deck of the Tundra, a large table was set up.

Sitting around the table were the captains of the large ships of the tundra fleet.

At this time, although the dishes on the plates in front of everyone were not very rich, what they were holding in their hands was weak tea brewed with hot water.

But as time went by, the tea tasted a little like celebratory wine.

After deciding to fight this battle at seven o'clock in the morning, all the captains were decisive and made a complete attack plan at twelve noon.

And after four hours of brewing, the battle officially started at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Before this battle, Zhang Long, as a data manager, presented a data model.

According to model calculations, even if the tundra fleet can win, the damage rate will be around 25%.

In other words, according to the current number of people in the fleet, after this battle, at least 15,000 people will die and there will be no escape.

Compared with the 10,000 aliens, being able to win this battle with 1.5 times the number of people is definitely a rare victory in the wasteland.

But it turns out.

All captains are still "naive"!

When Lu Yongyi first asked the Tundra to rush to the front in the plan, everyone thought he just wanted to take the lead and take the lead.

As for the actual attack methods, in everyone's mind, every big ship is basically the same.

In addition to shooting with bows and crossbows, you can also throw heavy objects and use height to hit them downwards, or even worse, throw some homemade explosives.

Even if there are fire weapons on the Tundra, they won't be too many. If you really want to cause damage, you still have to fight face to face and engage in close combat.

However, when the battle horn sounded, the raft warriors in the front row and the ocean aliens were about to come into contact.

In the "horrified" eyes of all the captains, there was a "ring" on the main deck of the Tundra!

After several days of boarding and disembarking the Tundra, everyone was no stranger to it, and they thought they had a very clear idea of ​​the Tundra's combat effectiveness.

But at this moment, after looking at the modern weapons spouting fire like crazy on both sides of the Tundra's main deck, they were dumbfounded!

The same goes for the ocean aliens below.


This is a massacre, a frontal massacre due to a mismatch in combat effectiveness!


Our side was armed with wooden sticks, long knives, and even many people were bare-handed, while the other side was condescendingly shooting with machine guns, firing with rifles, and finishing with pistols, which had plenty of bullets.

What price does it cost to break through this fire defense line composed of steel weapons?

This is a question full of "sacrifice" both inside and outside.

For the answer to this question, the ocean alien race paid a heavy price. In just two and a half minutes, more than 1,800 people were lost in battle.

Real firepower weapons are not like those in the drama. After a person has been hit by four or five bullets, he can still stagger around like a normal person, and even use a bayonet to give the person holding the gun a chill.


These large-caliber bullets will hurt those who hit them, and those who hit them will die.

In extremely dense situations, there is no need to even aim. The Type 80 general-purpose machine gun can just hold down the trigger and fire.

In just two and a half minutes, nearly 2,000 battle losses directly destroyed the morale of the ocean aliens. Just like the turbulence when they came, they escaped not too slowly.

At this time, even a fool knows that the opportunity has come!

Instead of using machine guns and rifles, and relying on small pistols to hit the target from time to time, the fleet chased the ocean aliens for four to five nautical miles, eventually killing more than 7,000 of them!

"I think we should not be careless. Their numbers are far less than ours now, and we had the information advantage in the first wave, allowing them to fight us on the front line. This is why heavy firepower weapons have achieved such exaggerated results."

"And once they react, they will lurk under the water, rush into our crowd, and then emerge to attack."

"At that time, we will definitely not be able to shoot as much as we do now. The threat to them will be much less, and if there are more of them than this time, it will be even more troublesome!"

While everyone was celebrating, there was a sudden pessimistic voice, which sounded very inconsistent.

But after carefully considering the captain's speech, the other people celebrating the victory also calmed down and nodded in agreement.

"Liu Neng is right, we still need to be vigilant."

"This battle is a protracted one. We have to fight all the way to the New World. No matter how much ammunition we have here, we can't support the consumption all the way."

"So it is very important to train the ordinary survivors below, form a tactical circle, and build the defense line of our fleet."

As Zhang Long added, others also put down their congratulations and began brainstorming to provide suggestions for the fleet's combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yongyi, who was sitting in the main seat, nodded frequently.

However, even until the end of the dinner, Lu Yongyi did not make a single statement.

For him who has been trained in the earth's army and learned complete combat knowledge, unlike the armchair captains below, Lu Yongyi has his own considerations.

Two hours ago, the official sent a message to all fleet bosses.

This message is not complicated, it just shows that the large-scale human refuge ships will be in place at night, and when the time comes, they will start taking action immediately.

Apart from these, the only requirement in the message is for all fleets to be on high alert and to be ready for combat at any time.

There is nothing wrong with understanding this information literally, but there is a feeling in the dark that makes Lu Yongyi uneasy.

In just two months, no one knows what methods humans have, except the real perpetrators.

Whether these means can work or not, and whether the effect is good or not, will not be revealed until it is truly revealed.

No one in the know will feel relieved.

"There are still two days left. We will be able to meet Somo in two days."

"We must hold on for these two days!"

I once again looked at the message conveyed above, as well as the meeting time sent by Sumo.

Holding back the uneasiness in his heart, Lu Yongyi quickly returned to the cabin, took out the drawing board he had used for detection before, and started the operation again.

Ocean Theater 001.

This is the most remote point in the entire war zone, and it is also the safest point currently.

No survivors have set foot here, and not even the ocean aliens and land aliens have deployed any troops here.

It seems like this is an excellent hiding place, but once the war between the three clans begins, I want to go to the New World from here.

The difficulty will be no less than that of rushing all the way from Guimen Pass to Nantianmen!

But tonight, shortly after the clock struck zero, under the caress of the moonlight, four large ships quietly sailed into this sea area.

Although the specific shapes of these four ships cannot be seen clearly in the night, judging from their lengths, the smallest one is over 60 meters!

The largest one is even larger than the Hope, reaching over a hundred meters!

Although they are still wooden ships, if the combat effectiveness can be quantified, any one of these four large ships will completely destroy the Tundra.

At this time, even though it was almost one o'clock at night.

Inside the largest ship at the head of the fleet, the lights are still bright!

This chapter has been completed!
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