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Chapter 409 Queen, the decisive battle begins!


The moment Lu Yongyi's voice came out, everyone was stunned, as if they thought they were hearing hallucinations.

But after they turned their heads and saw the same confusion on the faces of the people around them, they realized that Lu Yongyi had indeed said the word "breakout."

Half a day ago, they proposed the counterattack and breakout.

However, before their breakout plan could be finalized, Lu Yongyi, the captain, severely rejected their idea and asked Zhang Long to explain the reason.

At that time, Zhang Long's reasons convinced everyone and made them give up the idea and focus on defense.

But after fighting for a long time, losing more than 200,000 people, and emptying out hundreds of thousands of ammunition, Lu Yongyi now said that he would counterattack and break through the encirclement?

Is this being possessed by a foreigner?

"No, I don't agree. If we charge now, doesn't it mean that we are driving ourselves to a dead end?"

"It's so dark. Once we rush out, we can't even distinguish our own people, how can we fight?"

"Lu Yongyi, don't be too selfish. There are hundreds of thousands of people below watching you. I firmly disagree with the counterattack."

"Even if I die, I will die in the defensive circle, otherwise I will not be reconciled!"

Now that ammunition support has been obtained and a defense circle has been established, no matter from which point of view, a counter-charge breakout is the stupidest choice.

All the captains were excited, shouting and angrily rushing to the temporary command room.

They wanted to question Lu Yongyi's choice, and by the way, they wanted to see if Lu Yongyi was really possessed by some alien method.

But when they opened the door and walked in, they saw Lu Yongyi and the drawing board hanging on the wall of the command room behind him.

In an instant, the words they had just prepared disappeared, and even why they came in was forgotten.

"This is Lu Suo."

Hearing the shocked gasps from everyone behind him, Lu Yongyi did not turn his head.

His eyes were still fixed on the drawing board, staring at the alien cloud that was half the size of the tundra fleet cloud, and murmuring in his mouth.

Just ten minutes after the game entered the update, under Lu Yongyi's gaze, the cloud had expanded by 35% at an incomprehensible speed!

Based on the current fleet's 180,000 people, the number of aliens currently surrounding the fleet is close to 90,000.

Moreover, there are countless red dots gathering around the drawing board.

According to this trend, just wait until the tsunami wave ends in twenty minutes, and the number of aliens will directly recover, even exceeding the number during the previous general attack.

By then, there would not be as generous a quantity of ammunition as before, nor a resistance force of nearly 400,000 people.

The surge in number of aliens will destroy the current defense line, which is only 40% of its peak effectiveness.

By then, even if I want to leave, I won’t be able to leave!

"Let's go! Let's go to the rear and let the people out of the way of the raft go first!"

"If we keep dawdling, everyone will die!"

This time, it was not Lu Yongyi who spoke, but Zhang Long, who had been controlling the data from beginning to end.

Before anyone else could figure out why things suddenly reached such an irreversible step, Zhang Long was the first to react.

If the reinforcements mentioned by Lu Yongyi are true, and the physical strength and energy of all the survivors below are at their peak, then it will be difficult for humans to fight against a hundred thousand aliens, but there is still a good chance of delaying them.

But that’s exactly the problem!

The war had just ended, and all the people on the raft had basically reached the limit of their physical strength.

In the past, three people could beat an alien race to a draw, but now it takes at least five, or even six, people to barely defeat an alien race.

Under this situation, unless the current number of survivors quadruples to 700,000, there is absolutely no chance of winning this battle!

But if, as Lu Yongyi said, everyone counterattacks and flees, the number of 180,000 people present will definitely survive much more than the number of people defending here.

"Let's go, you should follow them, the target of the alien race is me, the Tundra!"

"I'll come to the rear, Zhang Long, Liu Neng, go and break the chains, and you can go with the raft fleet!"

"As long as you hold on until the bell turns and our reinforcements arrive, you can all survive!"

Before the remaining captain could panic, Lu Yongyi, who had been sitting upright and staring at the drawing board, shook his head and turned around as if he had figured something out.

His eyes were calm and there was no hint of panic.

His expression was as usual, without any fear of life or death.

Apart from the unconcealed regret in his eyes, his momentum was even stronger than it was a day ago.

"If you don't want to leave, right? If you don't want to leave, stay with me and die!"

Looking at the stunned captains below, Lu Yongyi emphasized the word "death" while showing a "relaxed" smile on his face.

Following his faint tone, the captains present shuddered one after another, feeling as if they were being targeted by venomous snakes.

If we say that in the past, Lu Yongyi was a qualified fleet captain and a benevolent leader.

So now, in the eyes of all the captains, Lu Yongyi has become a hungry wolf.

A hungry wolf that hadn't eaten for three days and was cornered.

Even though he was skinny and skinny, it looked like he could be defeated with just one blow.

But everyone believes that anyone who dares to attack him at this time will be bitten by him with his last strength.

perish together!

In the end, Lu Yongyi still did not force others in the command room.

He stood up and staggered outside. He wanted to face the biggest fear in his heart since he came to the wasteland until now.

But he never expected that as soon as he took a step, he would be stopped.

"Let's go? Lu Suo, this boat is so big and the sea is so big, where are you going?"

"It's great that you sacrificed for these people. If you let me run away, this reputation will be reserved for you alone. I, Liu Neng, don't agree!"

"Hahaha, isn't it just death? Die early and die late. What's the difference between dying somewhere else and dying here? Are you looking down on my brother?"

Fear is human nature.

But when humans can face fear, it means nothing.

Seeing Liu Neng stop him, Lu Yongyi smiled unabated and nodded.

Except for their different appearance, height and injuries, the two of them were like mirrors, and even their smiles seemed to come from the same mold.

Lu Yongyi figured out his fear, and Liu Neng also figured out his fear.

Turning around, this time Liu Neng was in front and walked out.

But just as he blocked Lu Yongyi, he was also blocked.

It's just that this time, it's no longer just one person or a few people who stops him, but everyone else!

"Why, you two are pretending to be here, right? Liu Neng, your own boat has sunk, so why are you pretending?"

"I, Li Hu, have learned many words since I was born, but I have never learned the words fear and escape!"

"Isn't it just death? More than 200,000 people died just now, including me!"

"Hahaha, are you still waiting for reinforcements? But if Lu Suo doesn't say anything else, you are really lucky. What do you think about me being your reinforcements?"

"The person I'm following is Lu Yongyi. If Lu Yongyi doesn't leave, how can I leave? The country I was born in is China, and the people here don't even get up, so how can they kneel down!"

You said something to me, it was clear that a disaster was coming, it was clear that I was going to die generously, it was clear that I would not even be able to see the sun tomorrow.

But in this small command room, no matter how you look or listen, you can only hear hearty laughter and relieved faces.

Human beings in peaceful times always wonder why so many generous ancestors died calmly in war years.

They have put themselves into it more than once, but they still can't figure out why they choose the one that seems the most difficult to understand among all the roads.

Is it a mission? Is it a sense of responsibility? Is it an impulse?

Looking at the relieved smiles on the faces of the people around them, no one could tell the reason, but they all had their own answers.

"Lu Suo, I'm going to direct the people below to evacuate. By the way, can you give me an explosive pack? My hands are numb every time I climb up and down the Tundra's escalator. I'll be too lazy to climb it later!"


"Lu Suo, give me one too. These damn sailors always fail to get to their seats. It makes me anxious. This time I'll do it myself. I won't be able to raise my head to see you!"


"Lu Suo, I want it too! This alien race will perform such a single-handed decapitation operation on us, so we can't lag behind. Wait a minute and see if I give them a... Suprerise!"


"Lu Suo"


Listening to the "unreasonable" demands of the captains under his command, Lu Yongyi did not reprimand him like he did in the past. Instead, he said hello with a smile and squinted his eyes while nodding.

In less than five minutes, as Lu Yongyi said hello 39 times, the 39 captains still alive on the scene all looked up to the sky and laughed, and filed out of the command room with a completely different relaxed mood than when they came in before.

To disembark, to disembark, to command, to prepare weapons, to prepare weapons.

There are still nearly forty minutes left before the tsunami ends at half past nine, and the time left for the captains is still up.

Very abundant!

At 9:03, the raft warriors who received the order seemed to understand something.

However, even if they understood, not many people chose to refute, but began to silently carry out the fleet's final order.

Sacrifice is not terrible.

The terrible thing is that the sacrifice was wasted. If they don't leave, the more than 10,000 people who stayed behind will die in vain!

The remaining twenty-two rafts, carrying a total of 150,000 people, began to gather supplies and prepare for evacuation.

In terms of the evacuation strategy, all the rafts dispersed in a rush.

There are a total of fourteen directions. Even if the aliens want to encircle and chase them, they can only pursue the directions that can be counted with one hand at best.

At nine eleven, the sea suddenly shook several times.

Inside the tight foreign lines on the opposite side of the tundra fleet's defense circle, there were actually three rays of fire, rushing toward the sky along with shock waves, regardless of front or rear.

Because it exploded internally, after the explosion, everyone could hear the screams of the alien race even from a distance.

Needless to say, this blow must have caught the aliens off guard and made them feel "pain"!

But unlike before, no one is shocked or surprised now when the waves are so huge.

Everyone just raised their heads, spent three seconds silently saluting in the direction of the explosion, and then devoted themselves to their tasks again.

At 9:19, under the cover of the tsunami, the first raft gradually sailed away from the large army and headed towards the completely opposite position of the alien race.

Then, at a rate of one per minute, the eleven raft ferries disappeared within the defense circle before the tsunami ended at 9:30.

At nine thirty-one, we saw that the alien race did not attack immediately, but continued to gather strength in the distance.

The evacuation of the raft ferries did not stop, and the remaining eleven boats were evacuated one by one at the same frequency as before.

At 9:45, all rafts and ferries were evacuated, and 150,000 people from 14 directions were completely derailed with the large troops.

The originally shaky defense line, not only did not get worse because of the departure of the raft, but it became miraculously streamlined and comprehensive.

Even judging from the current defense line, if there were previous ammunition reserves, even one hundred thousand aliens would not be able to think of overstepping the limit.

But it's a pity. An estimate is an estimate. Before the fight actually starts, all regrets can only be regrets about the achievements made in the past.

At nine fifty-nine, a full forty minutes had passed since the first raft was evacuated.

The red dots on the drawing board also stopped gathering, and finally the number remained at around 120,000.

This number is much less than what many captains expected, but it is still an "astronomical number" for today's defense personnel, who only have more than 10,000.

At 10:03, looking at each other from a distance, the alien race seemed to have discovered the current emptiness of the tundra fleet, and seemed to have finally accumulated enough strength.

They wait no longer.

The real decisive battle has begun!

This chapter has been completed!
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