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Chapter 469: Depression, I'm...back!

Chapter 469: Depression, I’m back!

Wasteland time, March 24th.

The twenty-sixth day of Soma's voyage.

The eighty-fourth day when humans came to this land.

Just like any other day.

The weather in the wasteland today is not good either. It started pouring rain in the middle of the night.

Without the control of the game, it would rain for most of the night.

Accompanied by thunder and lightning, the survivors in the wasteland felt like the end was coming.

But fortunately, as the sun rose in the morning, the rain became much lighter and gradually turned into a light drizzle, which felt very comfortable on my body.

Bathed in such rain, the group in Hope Village got up early.

Just after six o'clock, Chen Shen, Qi Qin, Pei Shao and others tacitly got up and greeted everyone with umbrellas.

As expected.

When Chen Shen said the words that the director was about to return, Tieshishan's cheers instantly erupted, causing the water on the top of the mountain to tremble.

Come within 1,500 kilometers of Hope Village.

The radio stations obtained previously can already be used.

A day ago, Sumo's contact was sent.

The content inside is very simple.

There is only one:


came back!

"Hey, Village Chief Chen, you woke up very early today."

"Damn it, meat bun!"

"Hey, what happy event do we have today? Is it so grand?"

Different from before, the number of people stationed at the foot of Tieshi Mountain now exceeds 150.

And these one hundred and fifty people, except for the retired soldiers who stayed at the beginning.

In the past few days, Chen Shen has been strictly scrutinizing, and lone wolves of about seventy or eighty have been gathered one after another.

Different from ordinary lone wolf players, the lone wolves who are incorporated into Hope Village basically have one skill.

And Chen Shen also relied on excellent treatment to retain these people.

But today, meat buns are obviously not considered the best treatment.

This is simply more grand than the Chinese New Year!

"Haha, Brother Hu, this meat bun is not something we, Village Chief Chen, have the right to approve. You can eat this because of our director's blessing!"

Qi Qin, who was standing nearby and handing out steamed buns to the refugees, raised his head and said happily.

Li Hu.

A man with a Chinese character face, about forty-five years old, and a weathered face.

It doesn't match the tiger in his name.

He was not huge and muscular, but extremely thin.

He is clearly over 1.8 meters tall, but he looks like a normal 1.7 meters tall, with a hunched back.

But he is the leader of all retired soldiers and the temporary manager of all refugees under Iron Stone Mountain.

"Director? Our director is coming back! Real or fake!"

Qi Qin pouted: "It must be true, otherwise you think we all eat these buns!"


At this time, not only Li Hu gasped, but even the refugees who were receiving the buns had a look of surprise on their faces.

Hope Village has its strengths.

This is the highest level of information everyone knows on the first day after joining the village.

In fact, among the regulations they are required to memorize on the first day they join the village, this is the first one.

In everything you do, you must unconditionally follow the director’s instructions!

But in the following days, when the director Chen Shen mentioned did not appear for a long time, these refugees also had various thoughts.

Some people even doubted the authenticity of the "director".

But now.

After Chen Shen nodded in confirmation.

All the villagers were eating steamed buns and raising their hands, excited!

"By the way, everyone has prepared their belongings today. When the director comes back, we will set off!"

"Set off?"

"Where to go?"

"Would you like to go to the deep sea? It's great there. We can enjoy 80% disaster relief!"

"By the way, our boats haven't been built yet. Can the boat the director drives can hold so many of us?"

"Village Chief Chen, Chief Chen! I know how to build boats. I even participated in the manufacture of the sand boat that was built at the Dian Niang Sanctuary!"

"I heard them say that the raft ferry is quite powerful. How about we also build a large raft ferry?"

One by one.

All the refugees expressed their own questions.

As non-staff members of Hope Village, the information they know is very limited given that all the villagers are very strict with themselves.

And the reason why they were allowed to stay even though they didn’t know anything was also very simple.

Food and accommodation included!

This sounds like the worst possible treatment in a civilized era.

In the wasteland, it has become the meat and potatoes that everyone pursues.

After more than ten days, it can be seen from their suggestions at this time:

Everyone who has enjoyed this treatment has no idea of ​​leaving.

The first step of the heart-centering plan has been a perfect success.

As the creator of the entire plan, after looking around at all the refugees with puzzled, excited, excited, and expectant faces on their faces.

Chen Shen stood up, took out his trumpet and said softly:


"Our destination is the New World!"


Like a bolt from the blue.

Although it is raining lightly now, the most violent rainstorm still falls in the hearts of all the refugees.

Each of them rubbed their ears, thinking they had heard wrongly, and even forgot to eat the meat buns in their hands.

"Yes, you heard it right, our destination is exactly that!"

"New World!"

Repeating the sentence again, regardless of the performance of the refugees below, Chen Shen turned around and walked back.

Even though he could see a lot of doubts on Li Hu's face, he didn't want to explain on the eve of Sumo's return.

he knows.

When the ship named "Hope" returned to the place of its birth.

All doubts.

All will become a thing of the past!

A new era is coming!

"Come on, come on, now we have the director of Suzhou University to give his homecoming speech!"

"Bring the microphone, lights, and speakers up for me!"

"The world's biggest stage, come if you dare, we're just going to play awkwardly!"

Like Chen Shen, Qi Qin and others, Sumo, who had been traveling for nearly ten days, also had some insomnia last night.

Even the word "go home" is extremely luxurious in the wasteland.

But for Soma, the depression is still his home and the place where his roots lie.

There are also people waiting for him there!

"Brother, brother, what's going on? You're not really hiding a sister-in-law for me at home, are you?"

Seeing Somo standing on the bow of the ship looking into the distance, he fell into a daze after listening to everyone's words.

The dozens of people below who had been making noises before, as well as Lu Kuan, who was controlling the robot at this time, laughed again.

After more than ten days, we got to know each other closely.

Everyone's attitude towards Soma has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In their eyes.

Soma may not be a successful, qualified leader in modern times.

But in this wasteland.

Soma is a good lord who is unique among ten thousand and everyone will respect him!

It has nothing to do with the great things we have done before.

Just look at your character and behavior!

Who could imagine that a person who has become a god in the eyes of humans in the wasteland would be so arrogant.

Eat and drink with everyone, and never use your status to pressure others when discussing issues.

Even when someone points out some wrong ideas on the spot, he won't get angry at all, but accepts them humbly.

Who can better imagine that such a powerful person has the happiest time every day?

Just sitting on the beach chair on the bow of the boat, blowing the sea breeze in front of me, flipping through various thick books, and absorbing the knowledge crazily.

In everyone's eyes.

Soma's life was completely unlike what they imagined Sushen would be like.

It's not like all the people in the wasteland imagined.

But it is exactly this kind of Soma.

As a result, everyone lost a trace of "respect" with a sense of distance.

A little more affectionate "love"!

"Aha? Haha, what are you talking about!"

When someone called him, Sumo suddenly came back to his senses.

Now the Hope has sailed into the Grand Canyon that was only explored in the talisman paper before.

Just like when we left, the place is still peaceful and full of beautiful mountains and rivers.

But arriving here means that the Hope is only one hour away from the village.

"I said, you don't know how to hide a sister-in-law for me!"

She raised her hand like a trumpet and shouted again.

But this time, what she got was a brain-shattering one that made everyone laugh!

"If you still hit someone, I'm going to file a complaint with my sister-in-law!"

"Go! Go! Go!"

Waving his hands as if to dismiss her, Su Mo laughed loudly when he saw the "angry" expression on Su Chan's face and walked off the bow.

"Zhang Long!"


"Go down and ask everyone to get ready. We'll get home in about an hour. We need to pack up and everyone can get off the boat and do some activities!"

Zhang Long nodded happily: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

During the more than ten days of sailing, the Hope almost never stopped.

It was okay a few days ago, everyone could endure this loneliness.

But in the next two or three days, I no longer had the game panel as a recreational tool.

Everyone had nowhere to vent their energy. Even Zhang Long himself felt a little tormented and wished he could go for a swim in the water.

At this time, as he walked quickly down the deck, after an announcement, thunderous cheers began to ring out from the crew level!

"Liu Neng, you can take a few people to the Sun Chaser later. I will slow down a bit. You guys go to make an outpost first to see if there are any problems!"

Liu Neng stood up and pulled down his clothes: "Okay, Director, I'll take Moore with me, otherwise if I meet one of my own, I won't be able to explain for a while."

Sumo nodded.

Although we are almost home, our safety is almost 100%.

But at this moment, Sumo still did not get carried away and chose the safest operation.

One by one, as the people on the deck began to receive their tasks, they dispersed.

In the end, only Lu Kuan was left controlling the robot.

"Suma, the starch material conversion technology you mentioned has been discussed internally. The idea of ​​skipping photosynthesis in plants and using carbon dioxide to produce starch is indeed feasible. It is also very operable and can be easily obtained.


"But this thing is the kind of thing that is easy to produce results in the laboratory but difficult to operate in reality. You see, just like what you said before, now that we have reached this stage, shouldn't we focus more on controllable nuclear weapons?

In terms of fusion, can we develop unlimited energy?"

"With energy, we won't have to worry about anything. Not to mention starch, even switching to meat won't be a problem!"

Since more than ten days.

No fewer than twenty brainstorming sessions were held on the Little Hope.

In these meetings, as the host, from being passive at the beginning to taking the initiative later, it represents Somo's terrifying learning speed.

Even now, Su Mo can help Lu Kuan and others when they are doing research.

"Don't panic, controllable nuclear fusion must be put aside. The pressure we have to face is not only how to find this magical element, but more from"

Pointing to the sky, looking at Lu Kuan's expression, Sumo continued:

"Let's study starch synthesis first. I have a hunch that food will become a major constraint for us in the future. If we want to develop, we must first control the food problem!"


Knowing the inside story, Lu Kuan didn't talk nonsense and began to control the robot to retreat slowly.

Gradually, only Somo was left on the deck.

But this time, it was different from the past. After arriving at the bow of the ship, I watched the Sun Chaser quickly set off from the right side of the Hope.

A smile appeared on Somo's face, and he began to let a green light appear to test his body.

On this trip, Sumo thought that his gains were enough.

But the next second.

As an attribute panel that was countless times more luxurious than before slowly emerged!

Sumo still couldn't keep his smile, and gradually turned into an "arrogant" laugh.


"I've become stronger!"

"I, Somo."

"Finally home!"

This chapter has been completed!
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