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Chapter 511 Law Enforcer, Hal’s mysterious identity!


As soon as those three arrogant sentences were finished, there was an inevitable commotion among the crowd.

Go up to the fourth level and go down to the first level.

When everyone looked at the shocked expressions on other people's faces, they confirmed that what they heard was not an auditory hallucination.

The crowd's attention immediately focused.

However, the one who was focused this time was not Somo, who was already "trembling all over" with excitement.

But Alec, a mountain giant as tall as a hill!

"Hal, Hal, you are going to die, you are really going to die, do you know?"

"Kneel down now, kneel down at my feet and repent, and I can still bypass your frivolity for the sake of your dead father."

"Quick! Quick! Come and kneel down for me!"

The black-grey, granite-like body has been tinged with blood red.

His face, which could have remained calm, now took on a cannibalistic look.

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Alec entered "rage mode" and looked furious.

But at the corner of Sumo's mouth, there was a hint of disdain.

Able to run ahead of others and shamelessly occupy other people's inheritance, Alec is not a fool whose muscles include his brain.

On the contrary, he is very smart.

Until now, he still maintains the persona of his uncle, still acts like a compassionate man, and wants to occupy the moral high ground.

And if it were the same Hal who came here, he would give in at this juncture.

This is tantamount to acknowledging the identity of "uncle" again in disguise, allowing Alec to continue to deepen his impression in the minds of others.

At that time, there was really no way to save the situation, and there was no way to solve the situation.

"Alec, why do you, an old dog like you, have such a thick skin?"

"Who gave you the courage to say that you are my uncle? For a waste like you, who in this city is not better than you?"

"Hurry up, choose a way, let your grandpa and I see how much you bastard really weighs!"

Like a lunatic who has lost his mind, Somo suddenly started acting up after seeing Alec's poor acting skills.

In fact, after the advent of automated weapons, even Sumo himself did not have a full understanding of what his current level of melee strength was.

Against ordinary humans, they rely on strong physical fitness and excellent neurological reactions.

At close range, even if the opponent is holding a gun, he still has a kind of honeyed confidence to complete the counterattack.

And if the opponent is a cold weapon, let alone it. The huge force alone is beyond the range that humans can bear.

If you really want to count, the last time he took action with all his strength was two months ago.

Under the tense situation, after seeing that the "arrogance" on Somo's face did not seem to be fake, Alec's eyes had a hint of gloom.


He had been completely thrown into the fire pit by Soma.

Once challenged.

If he wins, he will bear the reputation of unreasonably occupying other people's inheritance, and then killing them all to wipe them out.

By then, even if this poisonous resource exchange can continue to operate, its reputation will plummet and it will become a joke in this city.

And he, Alec, will also lose his potential for improvement in the eyes of the big shots.

Throughout his life, he was reduced to the bottom.

As for losing.

Well, as a mountain giant in the middle of the fourth level, if we play a third level auxiliary dwarf craftsman, we can still lose.

There is no need to continue living, so just wipe your neck.

"Very good, Hal. I'll treat you with admiration after three days of separation. I went out once. It seems that you have gained a lot."

"Uncle is really pleased with your transformation. I believe that if your parents could see what you are like now, they wouldn't have any regrets."

"In this way, since you are willing to come back, then I can give you 10% of the proceeds from the poisonous resource exchange. The other uncles will keep it for you first. When your strength reaches the fifth level, I will give it to you."

"Do you think this will work?"



On the crowded long street, when I saw Alec, he unexpectedly began to give in.

Everyone is confused!

On such an ordinary day, it was already shocking enough that a third-level dwarf craftsman dared to clamor for a death battle with a fourth-level mountain giant.

But I didn't expect that these fourth-level people didn't dare to fight, they were as cowardly as cowards.

For a time, most people’s cognition was confused!

And a small number of people with relatively low levels, at this moment, had an extremely favorable impression of Somo standing in front of the door frame.

This kind of following crime is a manifestation of weak pressure against strong force.

Let their blood suddenly boil!

"What are you yelling about? Open up the road and don't block the main road."

"Everyone, please calm down. Those who want to watch the show should stand on both sides of the road. I am among the twenty. Anyone who blocks the road will be punished for violating the law!"

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

When the atmosphere at the scene was about to reach its climax, Alec's face had turned red to the color of pig liver.

The belated rescuers finally arrived belatedly.

Two teams of fourteen people, law enforcement officers wearing silver armor and fully enclosed masks, quietly emerged from the corner of the street.

Then, the captain at the head raised his voice and started yelling and swearing.

As a law enforcement officer in the main city of the Demon Soul Clan.

Despite the fact that these law enforcers are not very strong, their appearance is not magical, and their strength is only in the fourth level.

But if it really comes to a fight, the members of the law enforcement team can fight across levels, level four versus level five.

They have the template that best suits them, extremely sharp standard weapons, and the law enforcement agencies they back.

They belong to the most powerful group of people in this city!

As soon as I started shouting, before the 20 count was finished, when 11 rang, the street had already given way to a long road with an end visible.

In response, the law enforcement captain nodded with satisfaction and led the people forward along the separate roads.

Finally, it stopped in the middle of the confrontation between Somo and Alec.

The captain first looked at the "unruly" look on Sumo's face, and then looked at Alec's continuous embarrassment. He nodded imperceptibly and said loudly:

"Private grudges cannot occupy public resources and cannot gather people to cause large-scale riots. Otherwise, they will be punished and detained for disturbing public order."

"But considering that both of you are first-time offenders, and there are indeed irreconcilable conflicts, I can exempt you from this punishment."


Having said this, after taking another deep look at Somo, the captain continued:

"This conflict between you two is the first of its kind in the main city of our Demon Soul Clan. As the first such conflict, I have been given sufficient authority to deal with it. From now on, your personal conflicts will be under the full authority of our city's protection guards.

Intervene and be supervised by all Demon Soul Clan members."

"In the process of handling conflicts, we will be transparent, open and fair. We will not favor any party, nor will we use rights to violently resolve any conflict."

"Are you willing to accept this solution?"

The law enforcement captain seemed to be unintentionally fiddling with the weapons hanging on his waist, but his eyes were extremely sharp, scanning up and down.

Sumo didn't feel any discomfort with this look. Instead, he gave it a smile and nodded slowly.

As for Alec on the other side, he was trembling all over, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Even his body, which had been swollen red during performances, lost control and quickly turned a pale pale white.

Seeing that the latter still didn't respond, the captain pressed his weapon with one hand and said in a deep voice: "Alec, Hal has decided that we will mediate. Judging from your current performance, are you unwilling?"

It's like the blade of a knife passing over the surface of a stone.

It was obvious that both of them were at the fourth level, but when meeting the eyes of the law enforcement captain, Alec could only tremble and nod repeatedly.

"I do, I do!"

"Very good. Since both parties involved are willing, from now on, the law enforcement team will formally intervene in the conflict and begin to mediate."

“Please ask both parties to start stating their conflicting demands!”

Glancing at Somo, the law enforcement captain stretched out his hand and pressed the air. The street, which had been a little noisy just a moment ago, suddenly became quiet.

"Hello Hal, I am the black-level law enforcement team, captain, Xing Wen!"

"Under the protection of our law enforcement team, you can fully state the conflict between you and Alec and make your demands."

Everyone present was not surprised that the law enforcement captain had two completely different attitudes towards Alec and towards Somo.

After all, as long as you are a discerning person, you will have descendants.

You wouldn't like a villain like Alec who uses his shameless offspring to occupy other people's inheritance.

In addition, it is said that the death of Hal and Turner's parents seems to have something to do with the law enforcement team, and this difference in attitudes makes more sense.

Without any stage fright, Somo straightened his back and walked forward with his hammer in hand:

"Hello, Captain Xingwen, I am Hal. The conflict between me and Alec is very simple."

"This person used shameless means to occupy all the inheritance left by my parents, and when I still had 100% control over these inheritances, he forcibly kicked me out and embezzled my subsequent profits."

"My request is also very simple. Either Alec will compensate me ten times for my losses and contribute 300,000 points, or he and I will fight to the death. The loser will get nothing and the winner will take all!"

It’s still the same statement as before.

Hearing that Su Mo was still so tough both inside and outside his words, insisting on a fair fight in the death arena, Xing Wen nodded and glanced at Alec's face.

"I had a life-long relationship with Hal's parents. Before they died, they entrusted me to take care of Hal and Turner. I am by no means such a shameless person."

"My request is that before Hal reaches the fifth level, continue to help him keep these inheritances to prevent people with bad intentions from deceiving him."

"During this process, I will only charge a certain management fee. Once the strength is achieved, I will hand over all the inheritance to Hal for handling!"

Sly Alec.

It only took a minute to adjust my mentality and I reacted well.

Seeing that he still maintained such a villainous face, most people on the street couldn't hold it back and began to spit on him.

The law does not punish the public. In this case, even some first-level ordinary template loaders dared to raise their voices and curse Alec in extremely vicious language.

The street that had just calmed down suddenly turned into a sea of ​​shouts and curses.

Hearing these sounds, Alec ignored them. He looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and pretended to turn a deaf ear.


He did not suppress the curse immediately, but waited until the "people" cursed for more than a minute before Xing Wen shouted loudly and ended the quarrel.

"Very good, both parties have put forward their own demands, which meets the conditions for our law enforcement team to intervene."

"Then from now on, before the demands of both parties are reasonably resolved, I will make an announcement."

"Entering the suspended trial stage, the ownership of Turner's estate will be transferred to the law enforcement team, and the right to use it will be exercised by Hal. Alec may not interfere, occupy, or damage by any means."

The final word.

Upon hearing the unquestionable voice of the law enforcement captain, cheers instantly broke out among the crowd.

Rules are in the heart of the people.

Reasonable punishment is an important step in safeguarding legal principles.

Before the two parties reach an agreement on their demands, it can be said that it is the most reasonable choice to award the use rights of the inheritance to Hal and include the ownership rights in the law enforcement team.

As for the previous "owner", Alec.

Sorry, who are you?

You say you are a lifelong friend or a brother, so what?

Do you have a reasonable suicide note, or should it be registered with the law enforcement team first?

When you have nothing, and you just say that this thing is yours, then I say that the main city of the Demon Soul Clan is mine, and you are not allowed to move it out for me?

"Alec, in terms of inheritance distribution priority, because your relationship is not as high as Hal's priority, your appeal will be put aside for resolution."

"Now, you have two paths to choose from."

"First, accept Hal's demand 1 and compensate for 300,000 contribution points."

"Second, accept Hal's request for a fight to the death. The loser gets nothing and the winner takes all."

"You have three New World natural days to consider. Once this time is exceeded, we will postpone the ownership of Hal's inheritance, and the conflict will be automatically lifted and closed."

"In the future, you are not allowed to use any means to interfere with the inheritance. Once reported and verified, the law enforcement team"

"Kill without mercy!"

This time, I didn't force everyone to calm down.

But as all the members of the law enforcement team lined up, took out their weapons and stood in an attack formation.

The crowd naturally fell silent.

"A black-level law enforcement team, one team can defeat the top level five experts, and two teams can defeat any level six powerhouse within twenty seconds."

"This time, Alec will be in trouble!"

Yang Ning, a rare fourth-level cyborg who had been quite arrogant before, couldn't help but murmur in fear when he saw the law enforcement team putting on a posture.

Although the momentum was not directed at him, the aftermath was still frightening.

As for Alec, who was pushed to the center by the momentum, he could only hold on for less than three seconds before he fell to the ground like a golden mountain toppling a jade pillar.

"I promise"

After uttering three words with difficulty, the law enforcement team suddenly lost their momentum, as if they had never appeared before.

The security guards who were still standing in the exchange before quickly sprang out like bereaved dogs, helped Alec up and fled away.

Come in force and leave in despair.

It's different from when the law enforcement team comes and the crowd moves out of the way.

By the time Alec left, the onlookers were no longer so polite and easy-going.

Hit the drowned dog with a stick.

Before he reached the end of the street, Alec's body was already covered in spit, and there were even some unknown crushed fruits.

The security guards supporting him all looked like drowned rats, with their heads covered in red and white, and they looked so miserable.

"Okay, okay, it's all gone, it's gone"

"Those who want to supervise the resolution of disputes can come to the law enforcement team's public notice office in three days to watch. Now hurry up and trade and become stronger as soon as possible. Don't let this happen again."

Looking at Xing Wen, he waved his hand. All the theatergoers felt the same way and nodded and left.

Suddenly, the streets that had been frozen for more than half an hour became crowded again.

Except that the door of the Fierce Poison Resource Exchange still had a big hole in it and the building was empty, the entire street had returned to its usual bustle.

A group of law enforcement teams did not stay long.

Except for captain Xing Wen secretly sending a message using his mark, the entire team left as quickly as it appeared.

"Hal, did we win?"

He stared blankly at the empty room, filled with various things that he had not yet taken away.

Turner, who had been standing beside him in confusion, finally reacted and sat on the ground as if all his strength had been drained from his body.

Instantly, hot tears welled up from his eyes.

There is three points of disbelief and seven points of excitement.


"No, this is just a temporary victory!"

"Interesting, it's really interesting this time!"

He lifted up Turner who was sitting on the ground and read the words he left behind before leaving.

Sumo's eyes sparkled.

Before this, he had never thought of using Hal's identity to complete some bold "ideas" in the city.

But if what Xing Wen said is true, then this Hal's identity.

I’m afraid this is the biggest gain from this trip!

This chapter has been completed!
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