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Chapter 525 A surprising glimpse! The world behind the wall!

 "Subject: Soma"

"Physique test value, 39.27, three times that of normal humans"

"Cell activity is 0.594, six times that of normal humans. Cell division speed is slow, and aging time is slightly delayed."

"The energy element in the body is more than 99% similar to humans, and the remaining values ​​are not included in the error by default."

"The bone age line analysis value is 35-41 years old. The lower body bones have more wear and tear, and the upper body bones have a slight oxidation state."

"Blood component analysis. Blood type. Type B, blood oxygen content exceeds 135%, is in a highly supersaturated state, and has excellent blood activity components."

"In Vivo Conditioned Radiography"

Compared with Moore's physical condition.

Despite the long-term nourishment of psionic water, Soma's various attributes are still within the scope of human understanding in terms of physical quality.

The physique is three times higher than that of normal human beings, and the cell activity is six times higher than that of human beings. This is the positive effect brought about by the highly supersaturated oxygen content.

The bone age has greatly exceeded Somo's original age, reaching a gap of more than ten years, which is a side effect of oxygen content.

Every minute, Soma's body is like an atomic furnace operating at full power, undergoing chemical reactions at a rapid rate, outputting terrifying energy to the whole body.

Likewise, during this chemical combination process, too much oxygen also brings unbearable pressure and oxidation to the bones.

According to this range, during the aging process of bones, Soma will reach the level of ordinary humans.

Fifteen times!

"The oxygen content of your blood is too high. This is a double-edged sword. When you use strength frequently, the pressure on your bones will increase."

"The muscles that grow in your back are built with high oxygen content, so they can withstand the tear when you exert force."

"But there is nothing you can do about these bones. They have already been set when you are an adult. The oxygen content in the back will only cause harm to them, not help."

After testing all the data, look at the values ​​of each item that are still being tested.

After first calling up the scan of the entire skeleton and staining it, Yan Xiaqing stretched out her hand and pushed the screen to appear in front of Su Mo, who was lying on the examination bed.

Different from the bright red muscle lines that represent vitality, starting from the neck, all the bones have a layer of grayish white, which represents extremely poor condition.

On the bones of his lower body, Somo could even clearly see cracks that looked like cracked earth.

Calculated based on bone age, the bones of the lower body have indeed reached the state of forty years old.

"You can no longer fight. Your strength is simply unbearable for an individual human being."

"Although we humans are very adaptable, we are actually limited by our bones, which are as weak as paper. That is to say, your cells are now very active, maintaining the metabolism and nutrient delivery inside."

"Once you improve your physical fitness and exert your full strength, you may be paralyzed in just a few times!"

Seeing that Su Mo was in a daze, Yan Xiaqing did not hide it and directly issued an ultimatum.

On earth, all living things that can achieve several times or even dozens of times the power of ourselves are basically invertebrates.

Without the limitations of bones, relying on the workmanship of muscles and instantaneous energy output, they can lift objects hundreds or thousands of times higher than their own weight in an instant!

As for any creature with bones, its strength will basically be maintained at a limit.

It’s not that it can’t be exceeded, but that it will have unimaginable side effects on the body.

Therefore, those athletes who exercise regularly will have their bodies age at a faster rate and the probability of injury will be dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people.

"Sister Yan, can't your bones be strengthened, my brother?"


After interrupting Su Chan's words, Yan Xiaqing shook her head in disbelief.

"His current state is not bone loss as we understand it, nor is it normal bone aging, but aging caused by a lot of work!"

"The recovery rate of bones is constant, but when its recovery rate is far lower than the consumption rate, more and more obvious symptoms will occur."

"As long as he doesn't use his power and acts as a normal person, his bones will still have a chance."

The further he went on, the more frequently Yan Xiaqing shook his head.

Obviously, she also understands what it means to a lord like Sumo once she is unable to take action.

"Okay, I know my status clearly, don't worry about this issue."

"Once our experiment is successful, the wear and tear on the bones will be nothing."

Reacting from his daze, Sumo smiled when he heard Yan Xiaqing's almost overflowing pessimism and ended the topic directly.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Compared with the increase in body cell activity, the aging of small bones is nothing.

If only everyone in the wasteland world were given a choice.

Either choose a physique that can increase your strength infinitely, but the price is that your bones will age several times faster than now.

Or choose to continue to be an ordinary person and live a life of fear.

I believe that more than 90% of people will not hesitate at all and will definitely choose the former option directly.

"You are right, now we have one more reason for the experiment!"

After shrugging his shoulders and trying to understand what Su Mo meant, Yan Xiaqing paused and began to click quickly on the screen with his fingers.

The next second, all the data began to disappear slowly, and an interface marked with percentages popped up.

At the same time, on the side of the machine, a gear handle that could be pulled downwards stretched out, exuding a strong metallic luster.

"During your exploration, we will set up two safe words, one for entry and one for exit."

"As long as the silent chant in your heart increases, we will continue to increase the frequency. But when you feel that you are in danger, just keep silently chanting "Quit" in your heart.

"In this way, we can pull you out directly through the awakening device."

"Everything, safety comes first!"

Pointing to the gear handle in her hand, and seeing Su Mo nodding, Yan Xiaqing's eyes narrowed and she pushed forward suddenly.


In an instant, a huge current passed through, the storage underneath the machine began to spiral, and the numbers on the instrument began to increase visibly to the naked eye.

It has been increased to 30%. Looking at Sumo who still had his eyes open, Yan Xiaqing exerted force on his hands again and continued to output the current.

At 50%, a numb feeling finally invaded Soma's body and began to gradually take away every part of the nerve touch.

As if a part of his body had disappeared, feeling more and more incompleteness all over his body, Somo slowly closed his eyes and began to sink into his mind, trying to recall the scene when he saw the frosted glass.

The current is 65%, and the body below the neck has completely become a state of nothingness.

The current is 75%, there is no feedback below the eyes, and the surrounding smell has disappeared without a trace.

The current was 80%. Even though Sumo had his eyes closed now, he still felt that his eyes suddenly went black and he completely lost control of his eyeballs.

As a person, one consciousness has many causes.

After losing his eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, and body consciousness, Soma's consciousness gradually became active after his brain was completely numb.

Without the encumbrance-like "five senses" dragging down, the sea of ​​consciousness composed of quantum clouds began to churn up and down continuously, communicating with nothingness.

Invisible radio waves also burst out from Somo's mind, like radio frequency modulation, patiently testing the picture receiving end one channel at a time.

But it's a pity that it's like the antenna on the radio is not pulled up. Every signal received is intermittent and cannot connect to any picture at all.

"Increase, increase, increase."

Looking at the many fragmented pictures that kept flashing by, Sumo couldn't help but think silently in his heart and began to search for them with concentration.

The method of finding a controller is difficult to say and easy to say.

After high-intensity micro-current stimulation, Somo's entire muscle surface has fallen into a state of "anesthesia."

But it is different from general anesthesia with drug injection.

This type of anesthesia does not affect the nerves wrapped underneath the muscles.

At the same time, similar to the principle that when people are about to die, previous memory images will flash through their minds quickly, creating a message that deceives the brain.

As long as Soma can find the controller and trigger the fusion mark during this process, then based on the reaction of the nerves, he can easily find the so-called "trigger point" and copy it.

"Actually, the word controller is not accurate. To be precise, it is the location where permissions are stored."

"And this location is probably on that piece of frosted glass."

After the signal was strengthened, Sumo laughed silently as he looked at the many familiar scenes passing by.

Then, according to the order of memory, he quickly moved it to the vicinity of the expedition base.

The context becomes clear!

Enter the base, pass the test, repair the rocket, and prepare for launch

When he saw himself in the picture finally leaning against the wall to use his divine authority, Soma became highly nervous.

Then, the purple light of authority exploded.

When the screen changed, the familiar frosted glass scene finally appeared!

"Stop, stop right here!"

There was a loud shout, and the scene slowly stopped, finally stopping at Somo standing in front of the frosted glass in a daze.

But this time, with the help of the third-person perspective, Sumo really saw something that he had never noticed before!

The entire wall is not a whole in the strict sense.

Instead, it is composed of transparent objects of different shapes and sizes.

Because of the difference in volume, the refracted light is very confusing.

Viewed from the front, the entire transparent wall creates a sense of "frosted glass".

"Wait, is this the permission I have?"

Examining each piece of alien body with different shapes, Somo was startled when he scanned the sixth one in the fourth row.

Compared with the larger piece, the length of this alien body is only about 1 centimeter, and the width is only 0.5 centimeters, which looks insignificant.

But on its surface, there is a small blue water droplet that is extremely difficult to detect looming.

Try to control your consciousness and stick it on this alien body to take a look.

The next moment, Sumo's whole body "felt like being struck by lightning"!

Unprecedented clarity brings an extremely impressive field of vision.

There is no blur or obstruction on this alien body.

Some are just scenes that scare people and make them want to scream.

Just like a fish living on the bottom of the sea, it jumps out of the water for the first time and sees the intricate outside world.

The ant, which works all day long, climbed out of the pit for the first time and came to the earth.

For the first time, Sumo saw it clearly.

The world behind the wall!

"Really, this is actually true. There really is another world behind the wall, and there is another dimension behind the dimension!"

The size of the alien body is very small, even if Soma has his eyes "widened" as much as possible.

Only a golden wall with dense patterns can be seen.

When high-dimensional creatures see low-dimensional objects, they will not be too surprised or shocked by their consciousness.

But once low-dimensional creatures come into contact with high dimensions, they will undergo immeasurable changes!

Staring at the patterns on the wall blankly, at this moment, Somo's eyes seemed to be imprisoned, and his consciousness stopped thinking.

But fortunately, I am looking at the scene in my memory, not looking at it directly.

After his daze ended and he came to his senses, Somo quickly turned his attention away and began to search frantically on the wall.

"In my authority group, the most people come from the ocean. The ocean"

"it's here!"

Lowering his head, Sumo saw the alien figure representing the authority of the ocean in the second row of the second cell from the bottom.

Compared with the previous rain, the volume of the ocean is three times larger, and the length reaches just over four centimeters!

And after posting it here, Sumo really saw a different picture again.

"This is not a wall, but a door?"

Looking diagonally from bottom to top, you can see the general shape of the object on the opposite side.

Except for the endless dazzling light, the "wall" in the field of vision is indeed a door.

With thought, he removed the alien body and found other permissions he had, and Sumo began to look at them one by one.

"It's amazing. Behind the wall formed by authority, there is actually a door."

"Is it possible that if I gather all the permissions, I can break this wall and enter the world behind through this door?"

After observing from several angles, I realized that there was only this door in my field of vision.

Sumo's mind became active.

From the sight, the gate looks extremely majestic, with natural patterns carved from top to bottom.

No matter which angle it is from, whoever sees this door will feel a sincere feeling of appreciating art.

On the door, the imaginary door handle did not appear.

Instead, there was only a solitary keyhole located in the center of the door, emitting a pitch-black light.

He tried to touch the alien body composed of permissions with his hands. After no touch was returned, Soma quietly put down his hand.

The images in memory can only be viewed from a third-party perspective, recreating the trigger points of the external body.

It cannot be directly manipulated as it is now, like turning back time to change the scene in the memory.

If you want to touch these alien bodies, you must use your permission again, enter this magical world, and touch them.

As for the current situation, when more than 51% of the authority is not obtained.

Every time you use permissions, you must pay tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of survival points as a price.

This is a price that Somo cannot afford at this stage!

"We are getting closer and closer to the truth!"

"It seems that the controller, program, and incubator theory that Jiang Chu guessed are not necessarily completely correct."

"The real secret of this world is probably only understood by the game and the people behind it!"

Seeing this door, Sumo suddenly had countless conjectures in his mind.

But unfortunately, whether the guess can be successfully verified still lacks some key information.

At the very least, you have to physically enter here again to truly feel the feedback brought by the alien body.

"I don't know if humans like Jiang Chu who have obtained permission before know about this door, but since Jiang Chu didn't say it, there is a high probability that they have never been to this place and seen what is behind it through the alien body.


"I don't know the controller, who told them the theory of the incubator."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, and based on the information provided by the system, I'm afraid it's not what it is called at all."

"I have to be more careful!"

Suddenly, thinking of what Jiang Chu had said, combined with what he saw and heard now, Sumo's vigilance instantly rose.

As it stands, there is only one keyhole on the door and only one key.

On the way forward, there will only be one winner who can hold this key.

Whoever gets all the permissions has the right to access the door.

No matter what is behind this door is the "world outside the box" or a mysterious higher dimension.

In the only winner mode, at the critical moment, those humans who survived before are very likely to become opponents!

Thinking like this, Sumo suddenly had no intention of staying any longer.

The next second, following Soma's inner call, fusion was triggered.

In the external machine, the imprints already stored in the solution began to be slowly injected.

At the same time, on the illusory glass wall, the alien body located first in the fourth row also began to shine faintly.

Touching this ray of light with a gentle thought, before Somo could feel any changes, the world began to spin.

A surprised voice came into Sumo's hearing, which had not yet fully recovered.

"Suma, Rong. He... we succeeded!"

This chapter has been completed!
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