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Chapter 541: Take grain from the fire and become rich overnight!

 In the case where the ownership rights do not belong to him, Sumo is temporarily unable to use the system to identify the attributes of these imported products that are often sold for tens of thousands of points.

But this does not affect the value displayed behind it.

When I think about the possibility that these technological items, like those brought out of Liangfang Town, possess special abilities that are difficult to explain with modern science.

Even though the risks were extremely high, Sumo still couldn't help but be tempted!

"Turner, let the mercenaries move the valuable materials into the basement. The rest, including our courtyard, will be burned!"


After winning a victory, Turner was proud to stick his head out of the back door a second ago and observe the chaotic situation outside.

But the next second, after hearing the meaning conveyed in Sumo's words, he was shocked and quickly retracted his head.

"I want to go out and see what's going on in the inner city. There can't be any risks here at home."

"Under this kind of chaos, our true combat effectiveness must be concealed in some way so that we can achieve the same effect as now."

"Once the other party, or potential enemies, know our true strength, it will be really troublesome!"

After giving a seemingly very reasonable reason, and seeing Turner nodding thoughtfully, Somo turned around and without any words, directly smashed the heads of the four prisoners.

In troubled times, the benefits of hiding strength are obvious.

Of course, there was one sentence that Sumo didn't say.

Burning down the courtyard and continuing to choose to hide your strength will not only pave the way for the future development of the Xinhuo Exchange, but also provide a cover for the next actions.

It would be better if after tonight, the Demon Soul Clan is severely injured, their vitality is severely damaged, and they are unable to compete with the Empire of Light.

Otherwise, once the Demon Soul Clan is allowed to fight at home and send out means to reverse the situation, the next liquidation will begin.

If there is no serious problem with Xinhuo Exchange, it will definitely be suppressed and suspected!

By then, it would be fine if no one thought of Somo going out to catch the autumn breeze, but if others saw him, he would be unable to wash himself away by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Okay, I'll take them to move the materials right away!"

Once he thought about the pros and cons, Turner did not hesitate and immediately led the mercenaries to the storage room to get valuable materials.

About ten minutes later.

A fire broke out at the front door of the Xinhuo Exchange, and then spread to the courtyard in just a minute or two, with explosions everywhere.

The thick smoke emitted by countless materials burning in the flames shot straight into the sky without any obstruction, destroying the already choking air wantonly.

Accompanied by the crackling explosions of a few items, and the screams that came out dozens of minutes ago.

For a moment, other neighbors on the street who were still struggling to support themselves fell silent.

On weekdays, everyone is envious of the Xinhuo Exchange's trading volume and would like to replace it. A small number of people even wish that Haltner would die.

But at this moment, they felt a sense of sadness that the rabbit was dead and the fox was dead!

Of course, if they stand at the door and observe carefully, or carefully think about the logic inside, they will find that the fire in the Xinhuo Exchange is extremely strange.

People from the Bright Empire came here to seek wealth. How could they choose to burn down the exchange they had worked so hard to capture?

And even if it were to burn, it would be impossible to ignite it at almost the same time and cause such a raging fire.

However, in this chaotic situation, it is destined that no one will focus on the fire to observe it.

This fire will eventually become a mystery, covering up everything that happens inside.

"I'm leaving. In this situation, it is estimated that no one will come in again, but it is not ruled out that some people still want to come in and enjoy the autumn breeze."

“Everything is about safety!”

Standing in front of the iron door leading to the basement, after quickly arranging the things to pay attention to for the rest of the night, Somo pressed the door, then pulled the cabinet over and covered it.


A torch was dropped, and the dry wood ignited upon contact. In just a few minutes, the house with the entrance to the basement was transformed into a raging fire that shot into the sky.

Rely on high-quality insulated doors and ventilation ducts set in hidden areas of the street.

Even if an enemy were to come now, they would never expect that there would be nine people and a large amount of precious materials hidden under this fire.

After carefully observing the surroundings and making sure that no one was peeping and watching, Somo was slightly shaken. The template of Dwarf Hal naturally dispersed, revealing the muscular body of a demigod with a strong visual impact.

In this form, once the true combat power breaks out, it will definitely belong to the top level of the fifth level, and can ignore any existence below the sixth level.

And if you add in the perfect marksmanship that you have practiced day and night, Sumo is confident that he will not be at a disadvantage in close combat, even in a real sixth-level confrontation.

And this is also the fundamental reason why Sumo dares to take advantage of the situation!

Su Mo picked up the handkerchief that he had prepared and covered his face. After taking out the mirror and looking at his current appearance, Su Mo felt relieved.

Judging from his appearance, he is dressed in black, with a square scarf on his face, and holding a big gun that was removed from the body of a modified person. He does not look like a member of the Demon Soul Clan from any angle.

And if you think of the attacking enemy, even if someone sees it, they will instantly associate him with the Empire of Light.

"Hehe, I have never had any real contact with people from the Bright Empire, and I never expected that during our first meeting, I would ask them to take the blame for me!"

After taking out the map and determining the direction, Somo trembled at his feet, pressed one hand on the wall, and flew out, heading straight into the distance like a big bird.

Different from the noisy fighting on the main street, many shops on the remote road at the back door were also invaded.

But looking at Somo who was moving extremely fast, and the token that was glowing slightly around his waist.

These intruders did not dare to come up to ask, they just touched their heads with admiration and envy and watched Somo go away.

The abilities of the Demon Soul Clan are not difficult to understand, but as an enemy, if they invade, there are two pain points that are difficult to solve.

One is the camouflage ability of the Demon Soul Clan!

There are also many demon souls in Liberty City who hold the cyborg template.

Moreover, after the people from the Light Empire invaded, a large number of people would change their templates to look like transformed humans in order to save their lives.

On the battlefield, if you are anxious about the situation and don't bother to inquire carefully about the situation, you will often be frightened by these people and let the enemy go in vain.

The second is the temporary reverse ability of the Demon Soul Clan

In the past, after two parties fought, the Demon Soul Clan would often scan information on the spot and make templates to blend into the team.

Once you are infiltrated by these people, at least the information will be revealed and you will return without success, or at worst, you will be secretly attacked from behind, leading to the bombing of the camp.

In response to these two points, the people of the Bright Empire did not come up with any good methods to deal with them, and could only use a stupid method that was somewhat effective!

Unable to effectively identify the enemy, they made identifications of their own people.

Each captain can implant a chip somewhere in his body, and then rely on a sensor, or token, as a terminal to receive signals.

Each captain will arrange this position in different places based on their own preferences.

For the team that had just invaded the Xinhuo Exchange, the captain happened to place the chip in the modified gun.

Of course, Sumo, who was flying forward, did not know that these invaders from the Empire of Light had already regarded him as one of their own.

On the way to the first exotic goods exchange, Somo did not choose the nearest road, but kept wandering among the remote roads.

Of course, until we entered within one kilometer of our destination, we didn't encounter any blind enemies coming to stop us.

"Good guy, these people are very fast. I didn't expect that I was not the only one to set the target here!"

On the map, the first exotic goods exchange that Somo chose was not the closest, but it was the smallest in the outer city.

As a place with the same level of danger, Sumo originally thought that these Demon Soul Clan people would target big stores first, and then focus on small stores.

However, these intruders don't know if they have inside information, so they are being picky.

Among the four exchanges, the first one to be attacked became the smallest one.

Speeding all the way to the nearby place, through the dim firelight and moonlight, Sumo saw at a glance the interior of the exchange, which was heavily guarded during the day, but now it was transformed into a sea of ​​​​reformers celebrating.

It is different from the imported products that are displayed on the counter and have a price tag of tens of thousands, and they look like high-end products.

A large number of technological items, as well as some strange-looking goods, were placed haphazardly on the ground, being picked and put into different bags by the modified people.

As a large exchange with profound heritage, four bags have been packed in the corner, but there are still a large number of items that are still being quickly packaged.

It is enough to show how terrifying the benefits from capturing such an exchange are!

"It's a pity. If the battle is not completely over now, I can step in and see if I can disrupt the situation and get something out of the fire!"

"But now, the battle is over. Without knowing the true strength of the enemy, once I rush in, I will inevitably be besieged by all the reformers."

"The risk is still too great and the goal must be changed!"

After reluctantly looking at it for a few times and re-identifying the direction, Sumo set his sights directly on the second largest store this time.

This place is located in a prosperous area near the city gate on the left.

Judging from the current intensity of the fire and the shouts of killing, the noise here is the smallest. It is very likely that the Exotic Products Exchange has not been breached yet.

Running fast all the way, after Somo passed through most of the city while panting.

The destination finally appeared at the end of the line of sight.

As expected, the streets here are uneven, making the environment a bit complicated, and they haven't been invaded by the people of the Light Empire yet.

Except there are many teams at the corner attacking the store.

The exotic goods exchange located in the middle of the street looks like a giant beast, making it unclear what kind of terrifying defense is waiting for intruders inside.

Seeing such a formation, Somo immediately felt happy. He found a crooked-neck tree and jumped up to hide himself.

Liberty City is neither too big nor too small.

Walking from the west end to the east end, the distance on both sides is at least five kilometers.

As for whether people from the Bright Empire would attack this exotic goods exchange, Sumo might still have doubts if he hadn't seen the tragic situation in the smallest place.

But after seeing the other party happily collecting the spoils of war, Sumo felt relieved.

Obviously, people in the Bright Empire also know their stuff.

These imported products whose properties are unknown but whose craftsmanship is extremely exquisite are almost made of one piece and one piece is missing. They are good things that "cannot be copied".

Compared with other ordinary materials, such things are worth a sky-high price even if they are brought back inside!

With this thought in mind, and after making sure that there would be no fighting here for a while, Somo simply leaned against the tree trunk, closed his eyes, and began to take a quick rest to regain his energy.

Now, it is close to twelve o'clock at night.

The dark clouds that had been brewing for a long time had reached their limit, and together with the thick smoke rising from the ground, they seemed even deeper.

The temperature in the air also began to drop violently during this period.

But fortunately, with the firelight covering half of the city, it is not too cold for the people fighting inside, and is within an acceptable range.

After waiting like this for about half an hour, as the shouts of death in the distance got closer and closer, Somo opened his eyes again.

"Hiss, it's snowing as expected!"

As soon as twelve o'clock passed, snowflakes the size of a baby's fist fell from the sky just like last time.

Compared with the last time, the snow this time was more intense and it looked glorious.

Some fires that had burned to the end were doused in this way, making a sizzling sound, and then went out.

But some of the flames that were still gaining momentum, stimulated by this trace of water vapor, not only did not go out, but became a little more fierce, and directly made a crackling sound.

Jumping off the tree, standing on the already slightly silvery ground, patting the snow on his body, Somo began to move quickly to warm up.

According to the current offensive, the large forces of the Bright Empire will advance here in more than half an hour.

As the hardest nut to crack on this street, the offensive against this exotic goods exchange will also be fully launched.

After five minutes of activity, making sure that all the muscles and bones in his body were completely stretched, Somo turned around, found a random courtyard that had been breached, and jumped into it.

Unfortunately, the cyborg inside who was collecting the loot hadn't left yet.

With his eyes focused, Sumo immediately wanted to step forward and leave behind these small teams of cyborgs whose strength was only about two or three levels.

But before he could take action, the leader of the steel-headed cyborgs greeted him respectfully:

"Sir, our team has taken over the mission here, please find another place!"

"If you are willing, we can pay 40% of the supplies to hire you as our support staff, and you will enjoy all the places we conquer for free!"


Seeing that the reformer was not humble and silent, Sumo's thoughts were running around and he guessed several possibilities in an instant.

After hesitating for two or three seconds, Sumo coughed lightly: "No, I'm just waiting here. My team hasn't arrived yet. You can pack yours and don't worry about me!"


Nodding again, feeling the dangerous aura emanating from Sumo's body, the cyborg retreated respectfully.

After a while, even though Sumo did not join, the small team still quietly left a small pile of loot as a thank you when they gathered their belongings and left.

"Interesting, could it be possible that they really regard me as one of their own?"

Hearing the shouts of killing getting closer and closer, Sumo looked at the pile of basic materials on the ground and put them aside in a daze, and continued to wait patiently.

But this time, when the entire land was almost completely covered by the heavy snow, Somo became energetic again.

Putting his hand on the wall, Sumo skillfully flew up to the top of the wall in a few leaps, then continued to climb higher and stood on the roof of the second floor.

With the help of his commanding view, Sumo immediately saw the lively scene in front of the exotic goods exchange.

Just like before, those who came to attack this place were not the experts from the Empire of Light, but groups of high-level teams.

At this time, about forty or fifty people had already stood in front of the exchange and started to gather. It looked like a huge momentum.

Facing the still silent interior, these people did not launch an attack immediately, but continued to wait patiently.

When the number of people gathered around eighty, with the leader dropping one hand, the attack finally began!

In the first round, the cyborg used the conventional method of throwing torches, trying to force out the demon souls inside through fire attacks.

But unfortunately, as an invisible light shield flashed by, the torches were blocked from the outside world and failed to produce any effect.

Without any anxiety, the Cyborg immediately launched a second round of attack.

The eighty people were evenly divided into four large teams, one team of twenty people, and began to advance from the front, back, left, and right of the exchange, like bulldozers.

Seeing the courtyard wall being knocked down, there were enemies on all sides.

At this time, the people hiding in the exchange finally couldn't bear it anymore.

As a sixth-level demon soul clan radiating flames rushed out with dozens of people, a battle broke out directly on the street!

"The good opportunity is now!"

The people of the Light Empire who attacked the store did not want to destroy the items in the exchange, and the high-level template owners of the Demon Soul Clan who guarded the store also did not want to destroy them.

This time, the two wanted to decide the winner directly on the street, but the guard force inside the store was incomparably empty.

Of course, with dozens or hundreds of people surrounding it outside, they were also confident that no one would take away the contents under their noses!



The strength of the sixth-level Demonic Soul Clan should not be underestimated. With every blow carrying huge power, the earth began to tremble slightly.

When a violent sound erupted from the hard fight between the two sides, the others were stunned for a moment.

Soma, who had been waiting on the side, exerted force with his feet and effortlessly slammed into a closed window.


The sound of smashing wooden boards was quite loud, but fortunately it was covered up by the explosion sound from outside and did not attract the attention of the reformers watching the battle outside.

At this time, there were still about ten people patrolling nervously with steel knives in the exchange.

Seeing Somo breaking in, these people were stunned and thought they wanted to come up and kill him.

However, before they could make any move, Sumo suddenly stepped forward, and his peak fifth-level strength exploded.

With just a few swift blasts of gunfire, a group of weak demon souls were sent to heaven in an instant.

"Hey, these people are really big-hearted, just pile things in the hall like this."

In the outside world, it is a fair duel with even strength and overwhelming momentum.

The interior was empty, except for the treasures that Somo chose at will.

Looking at the imported goods piled up like a mountain in the hall,

Sumo could not hold back the excitement in his heart. He immediately stepped forward, switched the template, opened the storage space, and folded it up.

A laptop with a price tag of 68,888? Take it away for zero yuan!

Fully automatic washing machine priced at 39,999? Take away for zero yuan!

A ps5 with a price tag of 18,888? Damn, we have all this stuff, take it away, take it away!

Good guy, there is a mobile phone with a price tag of 48,888 during the day. There are also three more. Take away all for zero yuan!

The crazy selling price corresponds to the crazy value of the items!

In just ten seconds of storage, less than half of the storage space was filled. Adding up the contribution points, its value actually exceeded two million!

And after forty seconds passed, as the storage space was declared exhausted, there were still about half a cubic meter of stuff on the ground.

There was no other way, so he quickly walked to the window. After taking a look at the heated situation outside, Somo could only start to go out and get the things he had before.

"Underwear that has only been worn four times? What a pity, I have to throw it away!"

"From getting started with Java to being buried in the earth? Damn, this lousy book is still taking up space. Throw it away!"

"Two sets of mahjong? Oh, what a pity. I originally planned to go back to play mahjong in the winter, but now it seems I can only reluctantly give up!"

"Damn, these cooking pots really take up space, throw them all away!"


After some selection and throwing away some daily necessities and waste products that occupied the space, the space vacated will finally be able to accommodate the imported items on the ground.

As the suction force of the storage space exploded, when the last item on the ground disappeared, my mind changed and my body switched again.

Feeling the returning strength and powerfulness, he followed the window he came from and found a spot that no one had noticed. Somo jumped lightly and instantly joined the crowd again.

Everything is so harmonious.

Except for the big hole in the window that witnessed Somo's entry and exit, everyone present did not know that the place they were fighting for had turned into an "empty city"!

The writing is somewhat detailed, and I will give you a thousand words as a gift (no charge). Thank you for your support~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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