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Chapter 547 Chai Men hears dogs barking and returns home on a snowy night

 The snowy scenery all over the mountains and plains is like a "cold fairy" who is out of this world. It is very beautiful.

With low temperatures, it is very deadly to rob any snow scene that is exposed to the biological life in the wilderness.

After running for nearly 80 kilometers, Sumo came to two seemingly opposite conclusions, but in fact they were not in conflict.

After leaving the convoy, he transformed into a swift road lizard and hurriedly traveled the first thirty kilometers.

While running in the wind and snow, he still had the time to look here and there, and from time to time he was struck by the greatness and magic of nature.

But after more than 30 kilometers, my body temperature dropped rapidly, and the snowflakes "blade" hit my body while running fast.

Even though Sumo is mentally strong now, he still feels like his scalp is numb!

In fact, in terms of human body's ability to withstand low temperatures alone, it is not bad among the biological world.

Although it cannot be compared with some creatures with hair.

However, the fat, muscles, adrenaline and other powerful weapons inside the human body will quickly function to stabilize the body temperature when the body reaches the warning line.

Even through methods such as winter swimming and cold baths, humans can train their ability to withstand low temperatures to reach a higher level.

Therefore, most of the time when encountering low temperatures, what needs to be solved more than the physical condition is actually the

Mental state!

When the body feels low temperature, the brain will continue to enter a warning state and adjust the internal energy supply environment.

It's okay for a short time, but over time, this kind of mental loss seems silent, but in fact it is extremely fatal.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, when you really feel that you can't hold on any longer and can only hold on for thirty minutes at most, the time left for you is actually less than ten minutes!

And this is exactly the principle of hypothermia, a deadly weapon!

Facing low temperatures, people's thinking will become so slow that they don't even realize that they are going to die soon!

Without any thought of showing off, I arrived at the corresponding location on the map.

When he felt that the muscles all over his body had begun to twitch and his mood was a little low, Somo stopped quickly, found a low-lying area and started a fire.

On a cold night, a bonfire may not seem to be of much use, but it can perfectly curb the drop in body temperature in the early stages.

Then, Somo took out the small pot that had been prepared behind him and added a few handfuls of snow and two slices of bacon into it.

In a moment, the water in the pot began to boil.

The campfire suppresses the drop in body temperature and the boiling water vapor stimulates mental recovery.

After watching the bacon in the small pot begin to roll up and down with the water waves, regardless of the fact that the soup base was still a little hot, Somo squatted by the campfire and happily picked up the soup and began to take a sip.

After the hot broth enters the throat, the first feeling is that it is hot, but the next second it enters the stomach, it quickly converts into rich heat.

With a mouthful of bacon with fat edges, the coldness all over Somo's body began to dissipate visibly to the naked eye.

From the soles of the feet, to the thighs, and finally to the upper body, after just finishing a small pot of salty broth, the heat has already recovered and started a new cycle to fight against the low temperature outside.

"Hoo ho!"

"It's so great to have such a meal in this ice and snow!"

He drained two pieces of bacon again, grabbed a few handfuls of snow and put it into the pot. After cooking it in the second pot, Somo let out a long breath of hot air and sat comfortably in the snow.

This time, before the water in the pot boiled again, in front of Sumo's sight, the team he had been waiting for appeared on the horizon.

Like the previous convoy heading to the depression, the group of frogmen coming now are also other caravans on this "route" and also have corresponding accompanying services.

Accompanied by the lizard pulling the cart, after quickly traveling to the corresponding location, Somo stood up, gently patted the snowflakes on his body and walked forward.

"Hey, Master Hal is so fast. I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

Sumo waved his hand: "It's okay, I just arrived, sorry to bother you!"

Unlike the mighty bear-man Aval's convoy of nine large vehicles, the frogman's convoy only has six vehicles, and they are all large vehicles filled with people.

The frogman bowed respectfully and left, heading for the cart behind.

After a while, Sumo got the "goods" he wanted.

"Master Hal, this is the human being you are responsible for transporting. This is your receipt. Thank you for trusting our Frog Team."

“Looking forward to opportunities to cooperate in the future!”

He pushed the middle-aged man with a numb face like a gentleman and handed over a piece of paper with words written on it. The frogman smiled with utmost humility.

"Very good, the efficiency of the Frog Racing Team is indeed very high."

"I have already transferred the balance of this shipment, please check it!"

With the same smile, he pulled the middle-aged man to his side. After a brief inspection, Sumo opened the seal with satisfaction and turned the five hundred contribution points to the frogman.

Money can make all the difference. If you contribute a little, you can do anything in Liberty City. There is nothing you can't think of but nothing you can't do.

After only using a thousand points, Sumo got the "result" he wanted.

"Hahaha, Lord Hal's reputation is naturally trustworthy. There is no need to check."

"By the way, it's freezing cold now, do you want us to give you a ride?"

Like the bear-man Avar, the frogman also understood the direction and destination of Lord Hal's trip when he arrived here.

After another round of compliments without missing a trace, and hearing Somo's rejection, the frogman nodded very wisely, jumped on the lizard car and left again.

"Let's go, my Grand Marshal, are you still waiting for me to invite you?"

Watching the frogman convoy disappear from sight, Somo glanced at the dumbfounded middle-aged man next to him with a look of disbelief on his face. Sumo shrugged without being polite at all.

In terms of behavior alone, this middle-aged man named Marshal Wang fell into the hands of a foreign race and betrayed information about his own people in order to survive. This is not a heinous crime.

After all, he only stayed in the so-called super large human gathering place for five days. If he said he had any feelings, he was lying to himself.

But the reason why Somo is so shameless is that this man was not caught by the Demon Soul Clan because of bad luck.

But he committed suicide himself!

According to the information from the Stone Ninja interrogation, the man took the initiative to contact the Demon Soul Clan and wanted to exchange information about the gathering place for weapons and supplies from the beginning.

But unfortunately, Marshal Wang ignored the difference in strength between the two parties.

As he demanded a high price, the Demon Soul Clan walking outside was naturally not a good person. They tied him up and sold him as goods in the city.

At first, most of the demon souls were quite interested in the gathering place, and the prices offered were not low.

But as more and more information was revealed, and when these people knew that the gathering place was in the mountains of thousands of miles away, the number of people who came to inquire instantly decreased by 99%.

If Hao Qiang hadn't bumped into him, according to the tense situation of the Demon Soul Clan in the past two days, this person would definitely have died.

Seeing Somo walking straight forward without any worry about running away, Marshal Wang bit his chapped lips and finally suppressed the idea of ​​giving it a try.

They followed Somo step by step, and after about a hundred meters, they returned to the place where the bonfire was lit.

Seeing Somo sitting down skillfully, picking up the boiling pot and starting to enjoy the soup and meat, Marshal Wang licked his mouth, a trace of desire flashed in his eyes.

"Hal, can you give me a few bites?"

Before being given as a gift, Shi Nin had told him a lot of things.

From the Fire Exchange, to Hal Turner, to the Su Shen behind the two, and the idea that Hal might borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

In order to obtain Soma's greatest goodwill, the stone ninja spent a lot of time training him.

Naturally, Marshal Wang knows a lot.

For example, before sending him out of the city, he guessed that his destination was most likely Somo's territory.

He was excited about this for several hours.

For another example, he knows his "importance" to Hal.

So much so that when he said this now, there was even a hint of command in his tone, and there was no plea from a subordinate to a superior.

"Hmm? Dwarf Hal, I said, can you give me a drink?"

"If I die, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to explain to Sumo, the strongest human being, right?"

Seeing that Su Mo was indifferent and continued to sip the soup with a happy look on his face, Marshal Wang was stunned, a hint of gloom flashed across his face, and his tone was a bit tougher.

Facing groups of demon souls who were about the same size as himself, he felt that he was definitely no match. Even if he could replace one of them, he would still have to pay the price with his life, which would definitely be a blood loss.

But facing a dwarf who is so short that he can only stand at his waist and has no weapons around him.

Unconsciously, his courage began to grow.

He was confident that even if Hal didn't consider his own significance, even if he really took action, he could subdue the opponent in a short period of time and escape!

"Are you sure you're talking to me?"

Seeing Somo finally put down the soup bowl and turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Marshal Wang unconsciously shifted from sitting to crouching, arching his body into a fighting posture.

Temperature will affect the bestiality in animals!

When the temperature is high, animals will unconsciously become lazy and their desire to hunt is greatly reduced.

However, under low temperatures, animals' desire to attack will not decrease, but will increase even more. Even humans who are advanced animals cannot escape this law.

Especially considering that Marshal Wang had just jumped off the warm car and was suddenly excited when he came to the ice and snow.

It is reasonable to do what you do now.

The next second, seeing the dwarf Hal still sitting on the ground indifferently, Marshal Wang immediately became angry and rushed forward with a low roar.

I have been criticized by the Demon Soul Clan for such a long time, and I have been watched as a monkey for less than half a month.

At this moment, when he stepped on the snow, his fists were hardened again under the stimulation of anger and blood, and his knuckles crackled.

He firmly believed that if his punch hit him hard, even if the dwarf had strong resistance, he would not be able to escape subsequent attacks.

And once he seizes the opportunity, after today, he, Marshal Wang, will become a free "hero" again!


Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and in the end, his punch hit him as solidly as expected.


With joy in his heart, regardless of where the punch hit, Marshal Wang immediately wanted to withdraw his fist and use his waist strength to continue his next attack.

But the difference was that as he twitched, he didn't take his fist back.


The next second, a huge force came from his fist.

Before he could react, he seemed to be flying, drawing a graceful arc in the air and crashing into the snow.


Instead of drinking the hot broth, he fell down and ate the snow. For a moment, Marshal Wang's head started to buzz.

Even though this was not hard ground but soft snow, the impact took him three to five minutes to catch his breath.

When he opened his eyes again, Somo, who had been sitting in front of the campfire, drank the last sip from the small pot with satisfaction.

"Ah, thief!"

With a shout in his mouth, Marshal Wang reflexively wanted to jump up and attack again, but as his body froze and the sole of his foot moved, he fell down again.

"Hey, can't I tell you're not a coward? You're actually quite energetic?"

"You have been living in the wasteland for so many days, with this body. It seems that you are doing well on earth. You said that you are a strange person. Isn't it good to live with hands and feet? You have to seek your own death!"

He filled the small pot with snow again and heated up hot water. Seeing Marshal Wang lying on the ground with a desperate look on his face, Sumo rubbed his hands in surprise.

The moment the fists and palms met, Sumo initially judged the physical fitness of Marshal Wang through the opponent's strength.

It’s not as low as expected, or it can even be said to be a bit high!

Take the physical fitness of the residents in the depression as an example. Currently, even if most people eat enough every day, only 4% have a physical fitness of over 70 points!

And this Marshal Wang can only eat three to four cents full every day in Liberty City, but now, his physical fitness is still above 70, which is enough to show how strong his body was before!

On earth, it is absolutely impossible to maintain the current values ​​without a few years of exercise and a good diet.

It's hard to believe that a strong person among ordinary people would sell out information about human gathering places to other alien races for some resources.

"Earth? You, a dwarf, actually know about the earth?"

With a look of disbelief on his face, Marshal Wang raised his head.

Then, seeing the surprise and reverie on Somo's face, he immediately reacted with a look of shock: "No, you are not a dwarf. No, you are not from the Demon Soul Clan at all. Who are you!"

"Who am I? Does it matter who I am?"

Their eyes met, and Sumo was even more curious when he saw that Marshal Wang could react so quickly without looking like a fool.

It is the same as mastering a technology in the civilized era and learning it to an extremely profound level.

In the last days, if you have a body and a mind, you are the "guy" who eats!

As long as it is not a matter of divine luck, in a gathering place with tens of thousands of people, based on Marshal Wang's current performance, it shouldn't be a big problem to survive without worrying about food and clothing.

"Tell me, why did you choose to betray the news!"

After a moment of silence, Marshal Wang's eyes dimmed.

After putting the boiling water into the water bag, Somo repeated the previous operation and boiled the last pot of water.

"Can you give me some hot water? I'm so cold!"

"Yes, as long as you answer my question, this pot of hot water will be yours!"

In many cases, not denying it means affirming it.

Different from the previous arrogance, after realizing that the dwarf Hal is not a demon soul clan, but he can reach such a status in the demon soul clan.

There was a hint of trembling in Marshal Wang's tone, and he lowered his head involuntarily.

Then, upon hearing Sumo's happy consent, he licked his lips: "I want them to die!"

"Oh why?"

"They are not human beings. They do not deserve to be called human beings at all. They killed my wife and children and they ate them. I want them to die. I must let them die!"

Speaking incoherently, Marshal Wang had an undisguised hatred in his eyes.

Although he did not say the word completely, Somo fell silent for the first time in connection with the previous words.

Four or five minutes later, the water in the small pot began to gurgling, breaking the stalemate on the snowy night.


"You have to go on the road after drinking. Don't blame me if it's freezing on the road!"

He took off the pot and poured it into another water bag. Seeing that Marshal Wang reacted instantly and went to drink, but then jumped to the point of being burned, Somo silently put away the fire.

More than four months have passed in the apocalyptic wasteland, and humans have survived for more than a hundred days.

Although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, Sumo never expected that it would come so early.

This time, it is no longer a collapse of order.

But the true fall of human nature and the release of bestiality!

Ten minutes later, after packing up the fire and taking Marshal Wang with them, the two began their long journey.

From this place to the border of the depression, it is only less than twenty kilometers, but from the border to the foot of Tieshi Mountain, it is nearly a hundred kilometers.

Fortunately, as the night gradually recedes, the wind and snow in the sky finally stopped, and the temperature began to rise slightly, which means that the seven-day warning period has officially ended.

Transforming into the swift lizard form along the way, Soma walked easily.

Marshal Wang on the other side was not stupid. After finding a small tree, he easily made a simple sled for himself.

Take a rest when you are tired and drink water when you are thirsty.

When the hour hand turned to six o'clock in the morning, and a touch of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, two familiar mountains appeared in the field of vision.

The next moment, I saw the extremely surprised Oreo running through the snow, yelling and shouting all the way, and a dozen people in disheveled clothes behind him.

Along the way, a lot of the depression in Sumo's heart was finally relieved!

"Hal, Lord Hal, they. They are?"

Seeing his own kind and the enthusiastic look of the other person again, Marshal Wang took a half step back a little unconfidently, with a look of loneliness on his face as if he had lived in another world.

But the next second, as he turned to look at "Master Hal" beside him, his mouth that had not yet been closed suddenly stopped.

A touch of panic flashed across his face, and a touch of disbelief overflowed from his eyes!

"You you are"


This chapter has been completed!
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