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Chapter 553 KF Power Stone, the beginning of vigorous development!


As the blue-green mineral vein attribute panel appeared, Sumo immediately began to pay attention.

Compared with the brief introduction of the game, the description identified by the system is extremely detailed and also involves the definition of civilization levels.

"Is this Kadarshov's theory?"

After reading the sentences in the description completely and thinking about it for a while, a ray of thought floated into Somo's mind.

According to the theory of this Soviet astronomer and the additions of later generations, the level of civilization is temporarily divided into seven levels.

Among them, level zero is the lowest. They can only use natural energy sources on the planet such as coal, oil, natural gas, trees, etc. to obtain energy.

Level Zero is an infant stage in the civilization hierarchy. It can only crawl but cannot walk. It is like a civilization imprisoned on its mother planet.

Moreover, another notable feature of level zero civilization is that any rocket needs to rely on chemical fuel for propulsion.

And if you want to go beyond level zero and reach level one, you have to skillfully control the energy output of the entire planet.

It is still the rocket fuel theory, and the standard for measuring first-level civilization is the elimination of chemical fuels.

Because chemical fuel rockets have a speed limit, without the help of a gravitational slingshot, it may not even be able to break through the third cosmic speed, and it is absolutely impossible to break out of the solar system.

If you want to carry out interstellar travel, you must use a more powerful energy source with lithium-ion thrusters, positron catalytic fusion thrusters, photon rocket engines and other energy utilization equipment to achieve it.

But I want to take another step forward and reach the second level

When I think of the legendary faster-than-light flight, space jumping technology, super life forms, and the Dyson sphere that has always been extremely popular on the earth.

"Can this thing touch the border of secondary civilization?"

Playing with the black ore in his hand in disbelief, Somo continued to look down with deep concentration.

However, at this sight, a violent dizziness rushed to his forehead, and then his whole body began to tremble involuntarily!

This is not because he is not satisfied with the properties of the ore, but this sudden surprise is so unexpected that he is not mentally prepared at all!


“I’m really going to post it this time!”

In order to facilitate understanding, systematic identification will give the most acceptable explanation every time.

Just like now, knowing that the depression is in urgent need of electricity, various properties of the ore are expressed in kilowatt-hours.

Based on the calculation that 500g of ore can store 25 kilowatt-hours of electricity, 30 tons of ore can directly store a terrifying 1.5 million kilowatt-hours!

Although this number is still not as good as the large thermal power plants on earth that often generate millions of kilowatt hours of electricity a day.

But as long as you see the solar energy absorption below, you will know how buggy this thing is!

One hundred grams of ore can absorb 0.28 kilowatt-hours of electricity 24 hours a day, and one kilogram is close to three kilowatt-hours.

If one ton can be developed and left to bask in the sun without doing anything, absorbing the most natural solar energy and natural heat energy, then the amount of electricity provided every day will be as high as 100,000 tons.

More than two thousand five hundred degrees!

Evenly distributed to everyone in the depression, it means that the average person has a share of two kilowatt hours of electricity per day!

Of course, since solar energy can only be absorbed for less than 12 hours a day, and the heat energy in winter is extremely stretched, this number will definitely be greatly reduced.

But even so, it cannot conceal its exaggerated value and reusability.

Hearing Su Mo's murmur, Lu Kuan and Ai Jianfeng, who were standing nearby, moved their heads over curiously: "What, what happened!"

"A single kilogram of ore can store 25 kilowatt-hours of electricity, and 100g can absorb 0.28 kilowatt-hours of solar energy every day. It can absorb"

Start completely reciting all the data identified by the system.

As Somo read more and more words from his mouth, the two people, who were originally full of joy and were about to complete the experiment, only felt a breath of anger rushing to their foreheads.

"Is he really that strong?"

"This is much better than our previous data. This is simply not the same thing!"

Shivering, he took out the paper recording the previous data from his arms. After comparing it for a while, Lu Kuan's complexion, which was originally a bit pale because of the cold weather, suddenly turned rosy.

In terms of energy storage data, although hot stone mines have not made leapfrog progress compared to before.

But in terms of absorbing energy, it has been horribly improved dozens of times, or even nearly a hundred times!

"It used to take ten tons to restore the power in the village and provide full energy supply, but now it only takes two tons. Two tons is completely enough for our daily use and production!"

Three times five times two times, after returning to the wooden hut built next to the mine, Ai Jianfeng gave an updated plan.

In the model conceived by the two based on the previous data, hot stone mines are only energy transporters, responsible for storing energy such as heat, firepower, or electricity, and then converting and providing it.

As for producers, they still have to rely on burning fossil energy to provide it.

But now, after the hot stone mine has been updated and has good production performance, you can directly skip the initial producer and directly take care of the two steps of production and transportation!

What everyone has to do now, or in other words, overcome.

All that remains is how to extract the energy inside evenly and to a certain extent, and then convert it into the required electrical energy and other energy!

"By the way, there is another news"

“Our hot stone mine has derived several new properties”

Tell the special attributes on the panel again.

Still having the foreshadowing of the previous data, the two of them were just slightly excited this time and quickly started thinking about its use.

"You said this thing is ground into powder and added to other items. How does it work internally? It can't be said to be a quark-level movement, right?"

"If this is really possible, we don't need to prepare our own wires. We can fix a protective shell on the outside and fill it with ore powder on the inside to directly conduct energy."

Ai Jianfeng nodded: "That's a good idea. Let's do a range experiment first to see what the results are like before deciding how to use it. Furthermore, since it has ductility, we can also try adding it to other things to see if it works.

What a different effect”

"But since this thing has so many new attributes, it feels weird to call it a hot stone mine. How about changing it to a more appropriate name?"

After saying that, the two of them turned their heads in unison and cast their gaze over.

Everyone wants to be famous and leave a name in history, and scientific researchers are no exception.

In the long history of science, there are too many scientific terms or new materials formed from the names of big names.

Even the periodic table of elements does not lack elements composed of the names of their discoverers.

The two of them failed to catch up with the new elements and new substances before, leaving their own names behind.

But now, with this ore that can almost represent the upgrading of civilization, even though the two of them have long been indifferent to fame and fortune, they are still thinking carefully.

"That's right. Today's ores have long since gotten rid of the disadvantage of only absorbing heat energy. They really should change their names."

"Tell me, let me hear your opinions."

He crossed his legs with interest and looked out the window at the villagers who were still busy digging the ground. A faint smile appeared on Somo's lips.

"I think it would be good to call this ore New Kuan Neng Stone. New means we discovered it in the New World, Kuan means the discovery of the leader, and Neng Stone represents his basic attributes."

"No, no, no, it sounds better to be called Feng Nengshi. These four words of yours are neither fish nor fowl. Besides, how come the discoverer is a bad old man like you?"

Lu Kuan immediately blushed and stood up: "Why not me? You Ai Jianfeng, if I hadn't discovered the properties of this thing, you would still be teaching people about room temperature superconductors. Are you ashamed?"

Ai Jianfeng also stood up and said: "Who said I didn't discover it? I'm just teaching students. Give me some time and I can detect what it is, okay?"

Lu Kuan: "Wow, you are so shameless!"

Ai Jianfeng: "You are shameless, why don't you just call it a big bowl of wide noodles?"

It was like children quarreling. At first, the two of them could sit at the table calmly and express their opinions.

But in the end, the two of them wanted to stand on the table, point at each other's noses and curse.

It stands to reason that the discovery of a new substance would have no chance of causing such a quarrel between the two giant Buddhas.

But if you take into account the properties of the upgraded hot stone, as well as its future potential and value, the current scene can be considered a matter of course.

"Okay, okay, your combined age is over 100, don't let people outside see the joke!"

Pointing at the villagers who were working but peeking in this direction from time to time, Somo stood up and helplessly persuaded the two of them to sit back on the stool.

"Since the names you two gave to the ore both have the word "energy stone" in them, then we will take this "energy stone" as the last two characters."

"As for the front, let's take out Lu Kuan's K and Jianfeng's F."

"The scientific name of this thing from now on will be called KF Nengshi, and how about we call it the last two words in daily life?"

In the process of discovering new substances, if we really want to judge the degree of participation, then Sumo himself can account for at least 40%.

But in the current naming, he was happy as a bachelor and did not choose to get involved.

First, he really couldn't take care of the subsequent development of this thing. He had to leave it to two professionals, Lu Kuan and Ai Jianfeng, to conduct a lot of research and experiments before finally making the finished product.

Second, once the territory develops better and better, his halo will inevitably increase. The discovery of one more new substance or one less will not affect his status at all.

On the contrary, only by giving these relatively fictitious things to people who value him can the best effect be achieved.

"KF Nengshi, this is not bad, my Lao Lu's name is still ranked first!"

After happily accepting Sumo's opinion, Lu Kuan raised his head like a winning rooster.

On the other hand, Ai Jianfeng curled his lips and did not refute Lu Kuan. After all, if the name was reversed and turned into Fk, people would misunderstand the original intention of the name and turn it into a dark history between the two.

"By the way, our goal is to mine about five tons first. Don't feel bad. The earlier we put up the frame in the early stage, the more opportunities there will be for adjustments later. Besides, the reserves may still be restored, so don't worry too much.


"When I get back later, I'll ask Chen Shen to send people over. It's best to initially set up the power when the heavy snow arrives, so that everyone can stay in the house and have something to do."

"In addition, I have to do some experiments with the energy stone in the boiler room. When it is mined, I will have about 500 kilograms left. Don't let me use up all of it?"

Seeing that everything was on the right track and realizing that there was no point in staying, Sumo turned around and began to explain his goals.

The first time the hot stone mine was upgraded to the energy stone, it only consumed 10 territory points, and its function has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But the equivalent price is that the next upgrade requires 200 points.

In the future, when you are rich, you will definitely continue to invest in this item until the level of the energy stone reaches the limit of the second-level civilization.

But now, at least in the next six months, or even within a year, this item will be locked.

"Okay, although our detection equipment has not been completely built yet, it is difficult to detect the weak reactions in small areas like before, but the current energy level reactions are much stronger than before, so there is no need to debug anymore, it will be available soon

Put into use"

"As soon as the manpower arrives, we can mine a batch today!"

"Lu Kuan and I made a military order. Within five days, the first batch of energy stones will be in place and charging will begin! Within a week, the first light in the village will be turned on!"

He stood up and sent Somo out of the house. The two of them signed a military order in unison.

At this point in the project, the most difficult stage has been passed, and the rest is just work.

After obtaining the naming rights, the two reciprocated the favor with an extremely determined attitude.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news!"

All the way back to the cutworm parked outside the fence, and after starting the engine, Sumo stuck his head out and shook his hand cheerfully.

Then, with everyone's congratulations, Dihu wandered away from the vicinity of the mine.

There was no rush to go back, and while there was still time, Somo simply wandered towards the freshwater lake.

The straight-line distance from the village to Tamsui Lake is about twenty kilometers.

Compared with the dirt road that was in poor condition before, now after basic construction, a small gravel road has finally been opened up, which is about enough for five people to walk together.

In the past, there were many villagers going to collect water on this road.

But after the snow fell and water resources were within reach, the road became deserted. Only a few villagers who came out to do tasks could be seen occasionally in the wilderness.

Driving forward in a pleasant way, it felt like returning to the unexplored rural village of his childhood. Somo looked here and there, feeling very emotional in his heart.

Suddenly, when the tiger crossed a small slope again, the freshwater lake hidden in the valley was exposed.

Like tear stains dotting the corners of beautiful women's eyes, the light blue freshwater lake on the pure white snow is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Tsk, if this place were on Earth, it would be possible to develop a 5A-level scenic spot with little effort!"

Stop the car and walk on the soft snow.

With just a close look, Sumo could see the changes that had taken place in Tamsui Lake after it was upgraded.

The self-purification ability has caused the previous impurities in the lake water to be completely diluted.

The sublimation ability drives the microorganisms and plants in the lake water to obtain an excellent nutritional environment.

Now, looking down through the ice on the lake, one can clearly see green grass floating inside, mixed with looming carp, and it looks full of life.

"It looks like the carp is indeed bigger than before. It seems to be a positive effect of this fight."

Taking out the chisel from behind the cutworm, Somo dug a hole in the ice, and several lively carps poked their heads out of it very affectionately, showing their astonishing boldness.

I grabbed two or three of them, weighed them, and calculated the changes.

Sumo did not choose to put it back, but instead threw it on the ice with his backhand until he fainted, then threw it into the large frame of the Dihu trunk.

With no natural predators, carp can be considered an invasive species with extraordinary reproductive capabilities in a sense.

In terms of weight, the previous carp weighed two to three kilograms for small ones and four or five kilograms for large ones.

Now after a period of growth, the smaller one weighs nearly four pounds, and the larger one has exceeded the upper limit and reached six pounds.

At this speed, by the end of winter, the big carp will be able to break through the ten kilogram limit, and its speed will far exceed that of ordinary farmed animals.

After continuing to observe for a while, he failed to find the king of the carp group. Somo was not upset and continued to get in the car to inspect other resources.

Small but complete.

Although the area of ​​​​the depression is small compared to other alien territories, it has already made initial improvements due to the previous release of resources and the passage of time.

After inspecting several mine resource points that have been planned and are currently studying plans, we followed the snowy road and ended up at Guoshu Mountain.

Walking up the mountain along the closed and protected mountain road, under the protection of a few small trees, the vigorously growing rice leaves appeared in front of you.

Compared with a few days ago, today's rice leaves are moistened by the nether energy water. They have suddenly grown taller and their branches and leaves have bloomed slightly.

Judging from its appearance, it will take up to fifteen days for it to fully mature and harvest the first crop!

"Compared with the Demon Soul Clan's Free City, although my depression is still in its infancy, its potential is now beginning to show!"

"Hey, wait until I conquer the origin territory and get the population."

"When the time comes, no one can stop my development!"

Through the gap behind the rice leaves, Somo's gaze cast far away, and finally settled on the direction of the mountains.

In the past, the lowlands had insufficient resources and could not recruit enough people.

But now that sufficient electricity and abundant food resources are about to be available, the depression will flourish when the time comes.

under such circumstances

"It would be fine if these remnants of the Yan Kingdom knew the truth, but if they must stop me"

"It's time for me to take care of these remnants of the old era."

"Cleaned up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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