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Chapter 569 New atmosphere, we all have a bright future!

The end of the calendar is April 14th.

The 103rd day when humans came to the wasteland.

There are only three days left before the heavy snowfall disaster.

Last night, when the last villager rushed back to the depression, it was already around 2:40 p.m.

After a tiring day and the hard work of traveling back and forth, most people just hurriedly washed themselves, climbed into bed, and fell asleep.

But the worst thing is that when transporting coal at night, there will be the roar of engines and the rumble of coal dumped on the ground from time to time.

Everyone was unable to sleep well and soundly, and every time they were stuck at the point of falling asleep and were suddenly awakened!

Sumo was also helpless about this.

Like the villagers, he didn't sleep well last night. He also listened to this vague noise and was half asleep and half awake the whole night!

As for the reason, it is not because the thick stone walls of the underground shelter have lost their function and have lost their sound insulation and anti-vibration functions.

Instead, he suddenly got a vacation that spanned more than half a month, which made him a little excited, and grand ideas for the future kept flashing through his mind.

"Hey, Sumo, aren't you on vacation? Why did you wake up so early today?"

Just after seven o'clock in the morning, after washing up.

After glancing at Su Chan, who was still sleeping soundly in bed, Su Mo "quietly" walked up the stairs to the first floor.

Here, I happened to bump into Lu Kuan who was busy in the experimental area.

"Haha, I really can't do it now. I can no longer find the state where I didn't get enough sleep when I was in school. Now that I'm on vacation, I have more things to do."

"Look at you, don't you wake up so early every day?"

After opening the freezer on the first floor, which was specially used to store fruits, and taking out an apple, Somo started to gnaw on it.

During this period, seeing Lu Kuan staring at the screen intently, he also walked over curiously.

"How's it going? Can you get the power on in the next two days?"

"We are running the model. Once the model passes, we can manufacture it and conduct a small-scale pressure test first. If the test is passed, we will consider the range of installation."

A new type of energy utilization device.

The significance of its birth is just like the first time mankind invented the internal combustion engine.

As long as it succeeds, it can greatly improve the progress of social civilization and promote leapfrog progress in human productivity!

In modern times, if there is such an opportunity, the whole country will definitely be used for research, design and experiment in the most standard and scientific way.

But in the wasteland, everything can only be simplified.

The only thing you can rely on is a few computers and a few souls that are unyielding to fate.

Sit aside and stare at the flowing data on the screen and the progress bar at the bottom.

Sumo's mind was filled with thoughts.

However, the reality is cruel. This time, the progress bar has not even reached 40% before it is announced to be over and an alarm beeps.

"It failed, as expected. It can only be said that we all underestimated the difficulty of manufacturing this thing."

"This time I tried to improve the convectors, stack them from two to four, and then try to reduce the power by 15%!"

Although he was a little annoyed, Lu Kuan maintained a good attitude.

Seeing his confident look, Sumo thought for a moment and temporarily resisted the idea of ​​directly using survival points to try to improve.

"Okay, there are still two or three days left. As long as it succeeds, we won't have many places to install it in the first batch!"

"Not in a hurry!"

I left Lu Kuan alone and continued to work hard in front of the computer.

Somo gently opened the door of the shelter and nimbly got out.

Disaster is approaching.

The humidity in the air is still increasing continuously.

The sun in the sky was also blocked by clouds formed by condensation of water vapor.

A few weak rays of light penetrated the gaps between the clouds and cast towards the earth, barely bringing some light.

It was obviously close to eight o'clock, but at first glance, it looked like five or six o'clock.

Step onto the high slope of the shelter and look around.

I hope the village is still quiet.

Except for a few necessary personnel standing guard, they yawned and leaned lazily on the pillars, looking at the small coal mountain in the distance and giggling.

Even the canteen used to be steaming hot.

Now there is no movement.

"All prosperity is just an illusion"

"These buildings, materials, and technology are just appendages of life."

"In the end, people and popularity are the most precious things in the apocalypse!"

Looking at the desolate scene below, Sumo felt some strange feelings in his heart, including sadness and emotion.

The messy village roads have been repaired several times over time and are paved with fine cobblestones, reflecting the white light.

The villagers did not let go of the road leading to the shelter, and carefully arranged the best materials.

Like a flowing stream, it spreads forward and runs through the interior of the village.

On the signboard in front of the village, the three characters "Hope Village" written by Sumo himself have been hung up.

There is a circle of colorful light strips surrounding it.

In modern times, this kind of design might be a little ridiculous, making people laugh or cry.

But in the wasteland where human civilization is almost about to return, it is telling everyone living here all the time:

You are human beings!

You are from Earth!

Look down.

The neatly arranged prefabricated house made of colored steel plates exudes the most extreme geometric aesthetics.

The windows that were ordered to be opened before are now ten meters wide, with eight windows in each large square.

At this time, hot steam was steaming around several open windows for ventilation, and you could tell at a glance that the temperature inside was much higher than outside.

When we reached the right side of the village, the boiler, which had plenty of coal, was already on full fire.

Thick smoke from coal burning, mixed with slight impurities, rises into the sky along the pipe.

If this kind of high-power emission without regard to the environment was placed in modern times, you would definitely be fined with your underwear confiscated.

But put it here, in the cold winter when heavy snowfall is coming.

But it only makes people feel at ease!

As for the marvelous building built behind the village.

The construction has now reached the final extreme, and capping and shaping has begun.

At this time, Sumo finally saw clearly the true appearance of the first sculpture wonder in the depression.


In other words, it's Oreo's form after transforming into a giant wolf!

Streamlined spine, scattered hair, four thick branches, and a whip-like tail.

Finally, add the iconic head tilt.

Although most of the details have not yet been filled in, Sumo found a sense of familiarity in it as soon as he looked at it!

"After Oreo transforms, he controls the ability of ice and snow."

"Now that winter is coming, it makes sense for this first wonder building to be built like him!"

After observing the depression, the changes were almost earth-shaking.

Sumo's heart moved slightly, and he moved his steps, drifting out along the path where the ice and snow dissipated.

Soon, we arrived at the foot of Guoshu Mountain.

He followed the path up the mountain and climbed to the top of the mountain skillfully.

Five days have passed now.

The rice leaves that are bathed in nether energy water every day are completely different from when they were first planted.

A trunk that is as thick as an adult's waist is trembling slightly under the caress of the breeze on the top of the mountain.

There are arms-thick branches spread out in all directions, swaying gently up and down in the wind.

On the branches, buds have emerged.

After careful comparison, it is actually the size of a baby's hand, and it is growing at an alarmingly fast rate.


"As a necessary food for the tree people, rice leaves have indeed been stripped of their delicate attributes."

"Not afraid of severe cold, nor afraid of sun, rain, wind and rain"

"It seems that I made the right move by placing the planting land on this high mountain!"

It’s the same idea as humans’ food development.

For some enjoyable fruits and plants, we naturally try our best to improve their taste in order to make the taste richer and attract more people to pay for it.

As for the difficulty of planting, as long as someone pays for it, it is not a problem at all.

For some life-sustaining crops, such as rice, wheat, and potatoes, yield per mu and solid skin are their first attributes.

However, while sighing with joy, Sumo was not careless.

He first lowered his body and carefully checked the soil around the rice leaves to ensure that there were sufficient nutrients.

Then, he carefully checked the branches and details of the rice leaves again.

After there were no problems with either of them, he stood up, concentrated a little, and called the system for identification.

A long green light flashed, and the properties of the rice leaves appeared naturally.

【Iaba Plant (Epic Level)】

[Description]: An epic plant that has been bathed in sufficient sunlight and absorbed overflowing high-quality energy. Its fruit possesses various energies that can satisfy the survival of living things. However, due to the particularity of energy and other hidden factors, the plant's internal

There were some unexpected changes.

【Current status】: Growth stage

[Progress]: 62% (according to yesterday’s progress, it will take 6 days to enter the mature harvest period)

[Yield]: 64 pieces (reference value, if nutrition is provided to the tribe in the future, the yield will automatically decrease)

[Health]: 90% (a large number of excess leaves put nutritional pressure on the trunk and require certain pruning)

[Special ability]: Light green rice leaf (single leaf/thirty days/any creature, top food.)

【??】: gestating

[Evaluation]: Who would have thought that even plants are rolled up now?

"Hey, it only takes six days to enter the harvest period!"

"This is ten days shorter than expected!"

At first glance, when he saw the 62% progress and the hint of maturity later, Sumo couldn't help but add it up in his mind.

The earlier the rice leaves mature, it means the scale is expanded, and the sooner the time can come for mass planting.

It is calculated based on the fact that a person needs ten rice leaves per month and one rice leaf plant can produce twenty rice leaves.

The current population of the village is 1,400,

Only 700 plants are needed to meet the demand.

"That is to say, when this plant matures, if we continue to cultivate all the rice leaves, the third wave of supply can begin!"

Calculate horizontally and vertically.

After finding out the relationship between output and consumption, Sumo was filled with joy.

"But after pouring the nether energy water, Ianya is actually in the gestation period."

"This gestation"

"Could it be that the soul is being conceived?"

Before that, Somo had made up his mind to irrigate the first rice plant with psionic water.

For subsequent waves, use diluted psionic water.

When mass production occurs, all the nether energy water will be directly replaced and only the most common water source will be used.

But now, seeing this unusual change, he began to think.

"It seems that phantom water can not only shorten the maturity time of plants, but also produce such magical changes."

"I originally planned to use Jiguo to conduct experiments and study what is going on with the soul of plants."

"It seems that Iiba is a good research subject!"

Plants can give birth to souls and have the same thinking ability as humans.

If this were placed on Earth, it would definitely be big news that would shock the world.

After all, if you can decipher the mystery inside, copy it.

Let alone an autobot, it's not a machine that can do its own work.

Even if it's artificial humans, it's not a big problem.

"After all, you have to be careful with this research. I always feel that it involves more than just what it looks like!"

After standing up and counting sixty-two buds, Soma removed the remaining buds with his hands while secretly alerting himself.

Any secrets involving higher-order civilizations.

These are all taboos at this stage.

Before you have absolute control over the wasteland and the ability to counter the game, you must be cautious in your research!

Otherwise, it will be censored just like the previous Golden Light.

With the protection of the survival point, although the inspection of this thing is temporarily worthwhile, every time it comes, a large amount of inventory will be consumed, which is really uncomfortable.

“Yes, you still have to make money”

"There are too few survival points, and you won't be able to do anything you want!"

Finished processing the rice leaves.

After standing on the top of the mountain and seeing finally some movement in the village below, Somo stretched himself and opened the daily newspaper.

[Last calendar April 13th - Wednesday]


[Territory status]: A self-sufficient small territory. The buildings and productivity within it can accommodate two thousand to three thousand people. And because of the increase in potential value, there are opportunities for resources to be born within the territory. Please continue to maintain it!

[Territorial area]: 150 square kilometers

[Resources in the territory]: Iron ore

[Territorial potential]: 22.11 (current continental average 9.19, highest value 1666.85)

[Weather Forecast]: Tomorrow it will be cloudy in the territory, with a temperature of -16~-4 degrees and no wind (the weather is cold and the air humidity is high, long-term outdoor sports and labor are not recommended)

【Residents】: 1405 people (expand+)

[Loyalty of Territory Citizens]: 1381 (100%), 24 (102%) (Congratulations, a few diehards have been born in your territory. They are willing to abandon everything including life, faith, and future for your order;

This is the greatest reward for your leadership, and it is also the most fundamental key value for whether a territory can become stronger.)

[Attitude of the Territory People]: Fanaticism (in the apocalyptic wasteland, group collaboration and individual heroism are equally important)

[Health of the subjects]: Poor (71% of the subjects have a health degree of 40~50, 19% of the subjects have a health of 50~60, 5% of the subjects have a health of 60~70, 5%>70; short-term nutritional satisfaction,

The body has made up for the shortcomings of a few citizens and has improved their physical fitness. Please continue to work hard to maintain it)

[Citizen work efficiency]: 91% (victory in the war can greatly increase productivity in a short period of time)

[Needs of residents]: Independent residence, family, stable job

[Tips for Territory Citizens]: Providing individuals with independent residences as soon as possible can increase the possibility of marriage and childbirth in the territory and the number of families formed. Only when there are enough families in the territory can people's hearts be united to a large extent.

[Economy]: Basic trade (you have a simple trading environment inside your territory, and there are corresponding trading allies outside, but because no suitable transportation routes have been established, current transportation can only rely on human communication and transportation)

[Technology]: Energy (main), machinery (deputy), medical (deputy), planting (newly added)

[Medical]: Basic Surgery (the medical level of the territory will increase with other factors, such as appropriate drugs, improvement of medical skills, increase of tools and equipment, etc.)

[Code]: Excellent (your personal heroism has overshadowed the code, which will temporarily maintain the enforcement of the code; Tips: long-term focus on one thing and the other, once faith is generated, the unique binding force of the code will be greatly reduced, please establish the code in time


[Buildings]: Basic village, heating boiler, basic energy excavation site, dilapidated "Cradle of Mechanical Master"

[Special attributes of the territory]: Little Blessed Land

[Civilization level]: Primitive era (promotion conditions: not met; progress: 97%)

[The sound brought by the wind]:

"It's so cold, so cold, I need a warm environment (coordinates: 11356.35132)"

"I've become stronger! (Coordinates: 27041.11098)"

"Xinhuo Exchange's promotional method has finally succeeded. It's a pity that we can't tell the director to share the joy at this time!"

[Points to obtain rating]: Excellent (expand +)

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