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Chapter 59 Repair! Praise the Machinery

 "Praise the machinery!"

Walking quickly to the front of the bouncing car and stroking the shiny metallic roll cage, Sumo felt filled with emotion.

It's just that he hasn't seen it for almost two days, and this car seems to tickle his heart, making it appear as a shadow in his sleep.

In the absence of roads in the wasteland, such a small car with certain off-road capabilities is simply much easier to drive than a sedan.

Fewer mechanical parts means better maintenance.

The simpler the structure, the better it can be repaired.

Stroking from the front hood to the engine, the more Sumo looked at it, the more he liked it. He forced himself to calm down and concentrate on looking at this bouncy car that he missed last time.

A blue light curtain appeared next to the car body, which was obviously the attribute of a bouncing car.

[Small rear-wheel drive off-road desert racing (excellent) (damaged)]

Description: The desert racing car manufactured by the quasi-intermediate manufacturer "Ma Gu" has good off-road capabilities, strong power, beautiful overall shape, and solid materials. It is one of the excellent vehicles for traveling in the wasteland.

Damage: At present, the car body has been hit by external forces and has many dents. The battery is slightly damaged and a few parts of the engine are damaged. It has extremely high repair value.

Horsepower: 212 horses

Torque: 400 Nm

Fuel consumption: 14 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers (it will increase or decrease to varying degrees depending on the terrain)

Upgrade direction one: Repair the car, enhance the two basic attributes of the car, increase the protection of the car, increase the chassis height, have stronger off-road capabilities, and need survival points (1750)

Upgrade direction two: Reconstruct the car, change the structure of the car, increase the all-round attribute value of the car, increase the weapon window, add the navigation system, have more powerful combat capabilities, and need survival points (4800)

Introduction: Please repair it, turn on its radio, and you will make great discoveries!


"This is the first time that the system's evaluation is so solemn. Is there really any shocking secret in racing?"

Sumo looked intently, and with the help of a flashlight, he saw the small black box located under the steering wheel of the racing car.

Next to the play button, there is a black-painted part that was abruptly cut off, a piece the size of a fingernail.

On weekdays, if there is no reminder, no one will think it is a reminder.

But now, with a systematic evaluation in mind, Somo's heart couldn't help but beat loudly after looking at it again.

"I definitely can't afford 1,750 points. Even if I survive the disaster this time, I probably won't be able to save so much. I can only look at another way."

As soon as I thought about it, I came up with a detailed upgrade direction this time.

[Small rear-wheel drive off-road desert racing (excellent)]

Description: A desert racing car built by the quasi-intermediate builder "Magu".

Upgrade direction: Repair (410), improve horsepower (200), improve torque (200), reduce fuel consumption (150), install protective glass (270)...

"Hiss, even a detailed repair will cost 410 points, but I only have 159 points now. This is really difficult."

The more time you spend on survival points, the less regret you will have!

After all, time is too short, otherwise according to the fixed daily addition, this number can be estimated to be completed in two or three days.

But now...

"We can only try to put in materials to reduce demand."

After checking the required materials, since it was a large-scale overall repair, the system did not give specific requirements, so Sumo had to try it out one by one.

First, put in iron blocks. After placing three units, the survival points required for repair are reduced by 18 points. After placing one unit again, there is no change.

Take out a unit of wood and nothing will change.

I took out 35 screws, 10 of them were shiny, and the demand was reduced by 10 points.

Take out a bottle of nether energy water...

I opened a pack of spicy chips that I couldn’t bear to eat...

A sand wolf still smelling of blood...

A pink bear hood…wait for it…

Why is this thing still in the storage space? Throw it away!

One item after another in the storage space was taken out and put back by Somo.

Until a damaged circuit board was taken out, the repaired survival points dropped sharply by 44 points again, leaving a gap of 189 points.

"This is really difficult to handle. It's really impossible. We have no choice but to go explore tomorrow!"

Frowning, Somo took out one thing after another to try his luck. However, until everything was taken away, it still did not drop.

"Hey, what is this?"

Using his mind, he controlled a small object from the corner of the storage space to float out. Holding it in his hand, Somo looked at it carefully.


There was a flash of light, and the required survival points suddenly dropped by 210 points!

"This is...the excellent quality rotor I collected before?!"

Seeing the sharp drop in demand for survival points, Sumo was surprised and happy.

He had forgotten when he received this little thing, but that didn't affect its usefulness at this moment!

"It appears there is damage in the engine that requires the rotor to be repaired...it's really...luck!"

I went to Shelter No. 2 late at night and the results were really gratifying.

Surprised, Sumo placed the rotor on the ground and called out the upgrade panel. With a thought, all the materials were locked, and the survival point requirement was also reduced to 128 points.

The current 159 points are completely enough!

"The emperor pays off his hard work!"

"The ability to repair this Bengbeng is all due to my own efforts, Somo, in collecting items, and now it finally pays off."

When he thought that the trampoline was about to be reborn, Sumo could not hold back his excitement and shouted:

"System, fix it for me!"

As soon as the words fell, a pleasant green light began to scatter, directed towards the materials on the ground and the car body.

The small silver-white rotor began to dance on the ground, the circuit board began to melt, and the iron block began to change color.

Green light is like super radiation, forcibly attaching subordinate relationships to several completely unrelated items.



A sound like a tide surged beneath the garage of Vault 2.

The roll cage that was originally bent began to make a rattling sound. Visible to the naked eye, the bends began to disappear and became straight and flat.

The engine coated with waterproof paint began to shake slowly, as if an invisible hand was fiddling with the bearings inside.

The damaged battery also began to roar quietly, and everything was on track.

After three to five seconds, the green light retracted.

All the strange images disappeared, and Sumo began to look at the repaired Bengbeng through the light.

This time, there are no defects from the chassis to the engine, and even the small dents and scratches on the front cover have disappeared thanks to systematic repairs.

Even if it is placed in a 4S store, it can be said to be: Brand new from the factory!

After some searching, Sumo found the location of the engine oil tank.

After unscrewing the fuel tank cap and confirming by flashlight that there were no remaining impurities inside, Sumo thought, the storage space automatically opened, and a barrel of diesel flew out.

After half of the original 100 kilogram diesel barrel was added to the generator, there was still about 50 kilograms left.

Unscrewing the cap of the diesel barrel, using his big arms to grab the handle of the oil barrel, Somo took a deep breath for two seconds, lifted the oil barrel, and placed it on the mouth of the engine oil tank.



The oil in the fuel tank burst out and flowed into the inside of the tank.

"It seems that my exercise has taken effect, and my strength has indeed increased a lot."

Using two hands to grab a diesel barrel weighing about 50kg, Sumo only felt a little strenuous, and did not feel as if he could not lift it at all.

The veins on the biceps popped out, and the blood pumped vigorously, transmitting the force to the hands.

The bouncing fuel tank is bottomless.

In a moment, after adding all 50L of diesel, it was only two-thirds full, and there was still a long way to go before it was full.

This kind of fuel storage capacity completely surpasses that of small cars and is even comparable to some medium-sized cars.

After putting the empty oil drum back into the storage space, carefully close the fuel tank cap.

Sumo came to the front of the tram and sat in with his body tilted.

"I don't know where Ma Gu got the leather seats. They are really comfortable to sit on."

After pulling the mechanical handle to adjust the seat to a comfortable position, Sumo was amazed.

The bucket seat, which looks like it is made of unknown leather, just wraps the sides of the person's buttocks, providing excellent support.

The roll cage around the body is firmly fixed, making it very safe.

Press the ignition switch on the bungalow.

Toot toot! Poof!

After a dull sound, the engine ignited successfully and began to deliver power to the battery.

Without trying to control the trampoline, Sumo simply clicked on the play button of the radio.

He is very curious now about the secrets mentioned by the system.

The empty battery was converted into electricity by the engine and sent to the radio in front again. A sound was heard again and again, and then stabilized.

The next moment, a clear cough sounded!


"Well, it's a human voice??!"

Although I have already guessed Magu’s identity...

At this time, when he heard the coughing sound coming from the radio, Sumo was still a little excited!

These are the same kind!

This chapter has been completed!
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