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Chapter 599 Lets go! Charge towards the mountains thousands of miles away!

At the end of the calendar, April 26th is the sixth day of heavy snowfall.

Although the disaster was not completely over, starting from five o'clock in the morning, the small canteen in the village was the first to get busy.

This time when he went into the mountains, Somo had to take hundreds of people with him, and the trip would take at least half a month.

If the whole situation was dispersed before, I could still find a way to find a reason to hide one or two things.

But now, both the ordinary villagers and the militiamen of the escort team live together in the village.

If you want to tell a lie and hide it, it’s too difficult!


Chen Shen also gave up on this idea. After the meeting last night, he started to promote it with great fanfare.

After his beautification, this time Sumo led the team into the mountains, no longer looking for Marshal Wang and his party who were missing in the mountains without any news.

Instead, I received some news and wanted to rescue the refugees in the mountains.

By the way, let's see if we can bring a group of people back to the territory, expand the size of the village, and together contribute to the recovery of mankind in the New World.

When I heard that we were going to bring our compatriots back, there seemed to be a lot of people there.


The enthusiasm of the villagers suddenly soared, completely diluting the worries that had not yet arisen. Many people even had the rare insomnia for half a night.

I don’t know if I’m thinking that if there are too many people, I can find a wife.

Or the refugees came in and relied on the first-mover advantage to convert the resources in their hands into more valuable things, thereby gradually gaining a certain status in the small society of the territory and living a better life.

In short.

Sumo was looking forward to going into the mountains this time, and the villagers were looking forward to it even more.

As soon as the six o'clock bell passed, the whole village stood up spontaneously and began to prepare for the farewell party.

"Chan'er, I'm going to take Oreo out this time. I'm not worried without her watching you. You must pay more attention these days."

"I will ask Moore to stay and protect you. Once the situation outside changes, remember not to run around. Follow Moore closely. He will take you to a safe place."

"By the way, after I leave, you have to eat on time, get dressed and don't catch a cold. You have to learn to take care of yourself when my brother is not here."

"My parents will be here next time. By then, I will feel more at ease when I go out again."

"Also, remember to collect the nether energy water on time every day and store it. Remember to give the chicken food to the big and small sparks. Don't starve them both. These are the elders of our family."

"There is a hidden compartment near my bed. If you push it open, you can get the gun I left for you. But there is a high probability that you won't be able to use it. Moore's current power is much more powerful than this small gun.



Sitting in the large rough living room on the third floor of the shelter, Sumo personally combed his hair and tied braids, and also gave repeated instructions tirelessly.

In terms of safety, the dangers of traveling thousands of miles into the mountains are much higher than those in the territory.

Even though Somo boasted that he now had many means and was extremely capable of saving lives, he was still not very sure that he could bring all the people he brought into the mountains back to his territory intact.

Naturally, it was the best choice for Su Chan to stay in the shelter and take care of all the supplies at home.

In addition, after a long period of moisturizing with psionic water.

Now Moore's strength has risen to several levels again.

We haven't yet figured out how much Soma has risen, but one thing is certain, even if we cut out a second body that is close to that of an interstellar human, we can compete with the strength of the heyday.

Moore can also defeat ten enemies at once, relying only on his agility that is not suitable for his size and superhuman strength, and can easily defend against airtight with one hand.

As for guarding Moore's offense?

After thinking about it, he punched out a large bear fist with a force of three tons and could break boulders. While Somo shuddered, a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

"Brother, don't worry. I've asked Oreo to do it for me. She said that I haven't been in any danger recently and I'm very safe."

"That's right, the test shows that you are not in serious danger, so don't be so nervous here!"

Sitting on the stool, listening to Sumo's instructions on what to say as he thought.

Su Chan smiled.

If any other goddess came to tell fortunes like this, she would naturally not believe it, and would become even more anxious.

But let’s consider Oreo, a ‘god’ who combines various magical abilities.

She was very relieved.

"Just think of it as a trip for you. If you become familiar with the route in the future, I would also like to go to the mountains and have a good look."

"Okay, when the mountains are brought under my rule, you can go anywhere in the world, and you must respect us everywhere!"

Su Chan didn't take the joke-like promise seriously, and continued to chat happily. From time to time, she would tell a few interesting things about the territory, making Oreo who was lying next to her moan.

But Sumo, after finishing his words, repeated it in his mind several times.

This is a commitment and an ambition.

If you want ultimate security, you can't get it by hiding deep underground.

On the contrary, Soma only thinks.

As long as there is an enemy, danger will come at any time.

I want to solve it once and for all.

It is only safe to uproot the entire New World and even the wasteland world into a backyard!

"Okay, let's go see how it goes!"

Doing two things at once, thinking about something at the same time, put on the last rubber band, and two beautiful braids are ready to take shape.

"Tsk, that's really good~"

"Brother, your skills are much more skillful than before. It seems that my future sister-in-law will be blessed!"

The comprehensively upgraded physical fitness is not only useful in battle, but also makes Soma almost omnipotent in daily life.

The more skillful you are in controlling the subtleties of your body, the less likely you are to make mistakes.

After looking in the mirror for a while, Su Chan's face was filled with satisfaction.

If it weren't for the lack of internet and mobile phones, she would definitely start taking selfies on the spot and upload them to WeChat Moments to show off.

"Let's go, the sound of gongs and drums outside has already started."

"After this last meal, I'm leaving!"

Walking to the two-meter-high floor-length mirror, Sumo adjusted his combat uniform.

Sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

The posture is upright.

There is a vague aura flowing out of the whole body, and he is completely different from when he first crossed over.

"Don't call me an ordinary person"

"Even those elites in the past may not live as wonderfully as I do these days."

Staring at the person in the mirror again and again.

Comparing the cautious image in his memory, Sumo was filled with emotion.

Changes in mentality bring too many external changes to people.

Change to before.

This mysterious team is hidden in the mountains. Sumo will never put himself in danger and take people into the mountains to check it out.

But now.

However, Sumo was ready to make a move and wanted to go into the mountains right away to show off his skills!

Wait until the upper and lower instruments are sorted out.

Take Su Chan, Oreo, and Moore with you, open the door of the shelter, and the two adults and two children walk out with their heads held high.

The disaster has not completely passed. The morning sun is only hidden in the faint black clouds, emitting a faint light.

A ray of breeze blew slowly from the ground.

Bringing snowflakes that have not completely condensed in the distance.

It also brings the delicious aroma of rice to the village.

"There are many hard dishes, and everyone is lucky again today!"

One meal for three days.

One meal for seven days.

This is an apocalyptic wasteland filled with death and desolation.

But here are the seeds brewing, waiting for the hope of spring.

With abundant supplies in hand and channels for continuous output, Somo not only didn't feel bad about the squandering of supplies, he was even happy to see such a festive scene.

Half past seven.

The farewell party was held on time, and a total of 1,329 people from the village, except those who were on duty, attended.

There were 16 people per table, and 83 tables were filled.

The queued heads even reached outside the huge canteen.

After the whole session, Sumo worked on the meal as usual. He neither stood up to speak nor held a meeting to encourage people. He only talked about interesting things with other management members sitting at the table from time to time and smiled.

But after eating the meal, all the villagers who looked over from time to time felt at ease.

In Somo's performance, they only saw a kind of self-confidence called "powerful".

It’s exactly the same as what I saw in the disaster relief live broadcast twice before!

"Okay, this fried fish-flavored shredded pork dish is pretty good. Load it up for me and I'll eat it on the road."

"Just don't send me away. It's as if I won't come back!"

After eating, Sumo pointed to the shredded fish-flavored pork on the table that had not been touched with a few chopsticks, and smiled.

Outside the door of the cafeteria, they quickly finished their meal and followed the escorts. They had already packed their bags and equipment and set off immediately when Somo came out and gave the order.

It has the convenience of game storage space.

When the disaster points are still sufficient, the team of 100 people does not need supporting logistics work to serve, and everyone goes into battle lightly.

Of the one hundred people, thirty were responsible for carrying food, grass and luggage, and most of them were fast food prepared overnight by the depression logistics team in cooperation with the canteen after Somo said he was going into the mountains.

Among them, there are not only hand-compressed biscuits, brown bread, dehydrated vegetables and other convenience foods.

There are also quick-frozen dumplings, handmade noodles, large pots of kimchi, sealed toppings and other portable foods that can be enjoyed.

There are so many of them.

Even if a team of 100 people is trapped in the mountains for two or three months, it can ensure that everyone has a sufficient calorie surplus every day.

In addition to these thirty people, among the remaining seventy people, there are forty people who are responsible for carrying equipment and thirty people who are responsible for carrying weapons.

Among them, there are not only weapons used for combat such as guns, ammunition, and explosive bags, but also high-consumer materials such as tents, ropes, gas masks, bunker sandbags, spare clothing, shoes, gloves, and sled boards.

It is said to be traveling thousands of miles across the mountains.

In fact, with these equipment alone, a team of about a thousand people can be armed!

"Suma, you must be careful when traveling. If these unknown people in the mountains are really acquaintances of ours, or the ones Jianfeng mentioned to you."

"You have to be careful, you can't make any mistakes, and you have to be wary of their strange methods."

"By the way, in some cases, you don't even need to treat them as human beings, because the bottom line of these people is not what you and I can imagine."

Following everyone, Lu Kuan chased Sumo all the way to the entrance of the cafeteria. Lu Kuan stepped forward and said a few more words worriedly.

The remnants of the expeditionary force are ruthless in their methods and will not hesitate to commit evil deeds that violate the bottom line of humanity before achieving their goals.

The conspirators of the Yan Kingdom only seek power, regard human life as trivial, and dare to bury the entire human race in the New World with taboo means.

Plus there are humans from other time and space who may appear.

"Don't worry, I understand this"

"If they really intend to be immoral, I won't be merciful. If they really want to confront them head-on, I don't know who will be cowardly!"

After softly comforting Lu Kuan, Su Mo turned his head and raised his hand to straighten the messy collar of the other party.

"I'm gone, but the advancement of technology cannot slow down."

"These are the foundation for us to settle down and live in the wasteland. Without him, our current development is just a castle in the air!"

Lu Kuan promised softly: "Okay, have a nice trip!"

The instructions that should be given.

Orders that need to be ordered.

After confirming that everything had been arranged, Sumo had no intention of staying any longer.

There are no loud gongs and drums, and there is no great momentum.

With a team of a hundred people, Sumo walked quietly, and the route he chose was completely opposite to the direction in which the villagers were shoveling snow.

Thousands of miles of snow falling.

Thousands of miles of ice.

'Hiding' near the village, there is still a trace of popularity that still exists, bringing some vitality.

When you leave the village, you will be greeted by a blanket of white snow, making it difficult to see where the sky is and where the earth is.

The snow layer with an average thickness of more than 13 meters has completely covered 99% of the ground vegetation obstacles.

And because the air is cold, the temperature is extremely low, and the humidity is extremely high.

The middle of the snow layer has completely condensed.

If you miss a step while walking outside, you may easily fall into a terrifying snow cave and lose your life and fortune.

Fortunately, an all-terrain climbing vehicle was built in advance to serve as a guide, and three adventure mechanics set out in advance last night to explore the terrain.

On the mountain road heading southeast.

Even with snowflakes the size of a baby's fist above their heads, the team was still able to maintain its forward formation intact.

Half a moment.

Waiting until the end of the line of sight, a team of ten people appeared. The marching team began to slow down and then brake slowly.

Lifting the car door, Sumo stepped out of the car and met the group in front.

"How about it? Is the entrance to the mountain accessible?"

When Sumo called him, someone walked out of the team and responded respectfully:

"I can walk, and it is easier than before after being covered with snow. Many of the obstacles below have been filled in, and climbing vehicles can also pass."

The vanguard exploration team is a team that sets out at four o'clock in the night.

Among them, Li Hu's fellow villager Feng Tianmin is the captain. He has outstanding abilities and tough methods. Apart from being a bit too honest and rigid, his kung fu is not weaker than Li Hu's at all.

At the same time, Feng Tianmin also served as the captain of the entire escort team, and was responsible for controlling the team's speed and direction throughout the entire process without Sumo's orders.

Everyone thought it was very simple to set this person up as the vice-captain.

With Sumo leading the team, Feng Tianmin is not expected to be the upper limit of the team, but only the lower limit.

In case Soma travels alone or disappears temporarily.

He can lead his team through the mountains and stabilize the situation, that’s all!

"Can I enter the mountain?"

"That's great, then we don't have to take a detour and try to camp at Donglong Mountain tonight!"

A hint of joy appeared on Sumo's face.

The map for entering the mountain was based solely on Marshal Wang's memory and imagination, and there were many errors and omissions in it.

But nevertheless.

Compared with other places, taking the road drawn by Marshal Wang can still avoid most risks and reduce the possibility of damage due to accidents during the journey.

And this Donglong Mountain is the first mountain you will encounter with traces of human habitation after entering the mountains of thousands of miles!

This chapter has been completed!
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