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Chapter 652 The broken secret realm has its origin!

[Record]: Dear player "Suma", it has been detected that your "Tianyuan Territory" has successfully survived the first disaster from the New World: 'Heavy Snowfall' without any casualties. Within seven natural days, it will be

Automatically obtain the "gold level" disaster relief benefits issued by the game based on the territory's disaster relief performance. Please select the welfare reward content as soon as possible within 24 hours to avoid missing the selection time.

[Record]: Dear player "Suma", there is only one hour left before you select the disaster relief reward. Please select it as soon as possible, otherwise the game will automatically draw the reward after expiration.

[Record]: Dear player "Suma", it is detected that you still failed to choose disaster relief benefits after expiration. The content of this benefit will be automatically drawn and distributed by the game.

【Record】: Extracting in progress.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo, the first gold-level disaster relief reward has been drawn. Congratulations on getting: a special building in your territory (danger: high; resource richness: high). The reward will be in three natural

Will be distributed within a few days, please wait patiently

【Record】: Extracting in progress.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo, the second gold-level disaster relief reward has been drawn. Congratulations on getting: Intermediate professional population (25 people) in your territory.

[Record]: Players please note that the intermediate professional population is not a cloned human being fabricated out of thin air by the game, nor is it taken from other regions. The reward population devolved this time is the player’s hometown earth, because it was compared with the first time it was released.

Normal people have many physical defects, so they are taken in by the game and repaired from other dimensions before being released again. (Note: During the repair process, there will be certain side effects, including but not limited to: memory confusion, drastic changes in temperament,

Cognitive disability, etc., this side effect will not last for a long time, the game will slowly repair it when loading the panel, please ask the lord to guide you in time, you can greatly reduce the side effect retention time)

【Record】: Extracting in progress.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo, the third gold-level disaster relief reward has been drawn. Congratulations on getting: Ordinary population (750 people) for your territory.

[Record]: This general population will be randomly selected based on the bond of the player "Suma". The deeper the bond with you, the greater the chance of being drawn.

[Record]: Note 1: The bonded population is not limited to the source earth. After players set foot in special ruins, they will automatically form bonds with the creatures in the ruins. The higher the bond score, the greater the possibility of drawing.

[Record]: Note 2: The deeper the bond between the bonded population and you, the more supplies it will carry when it first arrives;

The specific arrival rules are as follows:

Zero-level fetters, the population will not carry anything and will come directly;

For wooden-level second-level bonds, the population will carry about three days of food rations to the territory;

For iron level three bonds, the population will come to the territory carrying a week's rations, as well as simple protective gear and weapons;

Bronze level three bonds, for every 300 people who arrive, they will randomly bring a building and two weeks of rations to the territory;

For silver-level fourth-level bonds, every time the population exceeds 200, a building will be randomly brought to the territory, as well as one month's rations, ordinary protective equipment and weapons;

For gold-level fifth-level bonds, every time the population exceeds 100, they will randomly bring two buildings, two months of rations, sophisticated protective gear and weapons, and a small amount of other materials to the territory;

[Record]: Testing your bond level.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo. Based on your bond, the game has automatically selected the White Sand Ruins (bond degree: 99.37%) with the highest bond level for you to draw.

【Record】: Extracting.

[Record]: Error error, error detected


[Record]: The draw is over. Congratulations to the player "Soma" for reaching the legendary level nine bond with the original name of the Baisha Ruins. Your reward will be automatically upgraded and is expected to be distributed within three natural days.

[Record]: All your territory rewards have been distributed, please pay attention to check them in time.

It took me half a month to leave the territory for the first time, and I couldn't open the game panel for a long time to receive the messages inside.

At this time, after the game panel was completely unfolded, the information flow flooded Sumo's entire field of vision almost instantly.

Among them, there are light green messages from game prompts, dark red warning messages due to insufficient time, and several bright yellow messages when drawing rewards.

Combined with ordinary light white information, several colors are brought together.

For a moment, Sumo was dazzled, unable to distinguish what was important and what was nonsense.

"Sure enough, that mysterious black building, and later the murlocs, were all drawn from game rewards."

"It's just because I was not in the territory at the time and the game panel could not be expanded, so I did not receive these messages."

Looking from top to bottom, after the first disaster in the New World is over, the game actually distributes benefits.

Sumo finally got the answer to the strange changes in the territory.

At the same time, when looking down to extract the ordinary population of 750, there were more than a dozen error warnings left in the information column, as well as the time behind them.

Sumo even touched his head in surprise.

The time when the game sent out the prompt happened to be around twelve o'clock at night, and at that time, it happened to be when Somo fell asleep.

Maybe it was because of that strange dream that an error occurred during the extraction of the game, and finally a group of murlocs with a bond level reaching the legendary ninth level descended.

As for why he had that strange dream, at this time, Sumo put it aside for the time being and didn't think about it. He just continued reading.

After the triple rewards are distributed, there is a long series of receiving information.

Since he, the lord, is not in the territory, these decentralized rewards cannot be placed within the time limit and can only be randomly placed by the game.

Fortunately, the mysterious building and the village where the fishmen descended were not placed directly in the village or above the underground shelter, crushing the original buildings.

It is not directly placed on the border of the territory. There is a distance of hundreds of kilometers in between, making communication difficult.

The location of the mysterious building and the fishman village is actually quite good.

The former is located a few kilometers away from Hope Village. After the village was expanded into a town, this building would be included in the jurisdiction.

The latter is on a plain sixty kilometers away from Hope Village. The straight-line distance is not too close under the snowy sky, which just allows both parties to avoid the risk of someone suddenly stealing their home at the beginning.

After browsing these recent prompts about the territory, and putting them one by one in the mailbox to save them, Soma clicked with his mind, and the interface began to scroll down.

This time, what the game interface displays is the properties of the space he is in.

[Record]: Player "Suma", you have entered the gold-level trading secret realm (broken). Due to the damage, this secret realm will be somewhat different from the normal trading secret realm. Please read the rules on the game interface before conducting transactions.


[Record]: The duration of this transaction secret realm is until two hours before the next disaster.

[Record]: Player "Suma" please note that before the end of the transaction secret realm, you will be automatically sent out of the secret realm, but please make sure that no supplies are left out before that, otherwise the secret realm will collapse.

, the game is not responsible for any losses

[Record]: Player "Suma" please note that the trading secret realm is not a transfer place for people. After you find a fixed entrance and enter, you will only be able to return or enter twice through this entrance. You cannot enter other entrances to leave.

[Record]: The secret realm does not charge any fees and does not set any master. After expiration and collapse, it will only be reopened through??. Please be sure not to try to go beyond the scope of the transaction secret realm, otherwise you will be responsible for all consequences.

"Damn! It's actually a secret trading realm?"

As someone who helped mankind open up the secret realm of trading for the first time and maximize benefits from welfare disasters.

Seeing these four words, Sumo was not unfamiliar at all. It could even be said that he was extremely familiar with them!

Because of this secret realm, he successfully obtained his first pot of gold and converted those useless things into much-needed resources.

At the same time, including the blueprints of the Hope, they were also exchanged through this secret trading realm, which brought incomparable help in times of maritime disasters.

It can be said that without the Secret Realm of Trading, there would most likely not be the great development situation of human beings today, nor would there be such large and small human territories in the New World.

But no one could have imagined it.

After such a long time, even Sumo himself had forgotten about this secret realm of trading when he suddenly entered it magically.

"The broken secret realm has lost the protection of the rules. It is basically equivalent to providing such a place in the void. The rest is no different from the outside world."

"The duration of the secret realm is before the next disaster. If the interval is large, the longest is 504 hours, that is, twenty-one days!"

"The secret realm cannot be regarded as a time and space tunnel. In other words, I came in from the snow-capped mountains and cliffs. If I go out, I can only come out from this place!"

"The portal opened by the secret realm is completely random. It may be in the deep mountains and old forests, or it may be in the territory, or it may be under the lake. There are no rules under the snow layer!"

Read the prompt messages displayed by the game.

After reading it, Sumo couldn't help but sigh and sat down on the ground.

Although there are a lot of restrictive rules in the trading secret realm that was previously opened, these rules just protect all the ordinary people who are trying to survive in the wasteland.

In today's gold-level trading secret realm, all rules have disappeared, and no one knows where the other party comes in and where they leave.

If nothing else, those materials were stolen from the origin territory.

Either they were transferred to another distant place by these insiders through trading secret realms.

Or they sold it at a low price and exchanged it for something else.

No matter which of these two situations occurs, it is too difficult to track them in the remaining four days before the disaster strikes!

Even if we interrogate these moths, we now know which faction took away the supplies and where their territory is.

As long as the other party no longer enters this secret trading area and no longer transports materials through this space, then there is no way he can pursue it and take it back.

under certain circumstances.

Now, it has become a dead end!

"Now, I can only pray that these people don't steal too many supplies, so that everyone can survive this major cooling disaster."

"Otherwise, even if some of the 30,000 people can survive the low temperature of minus 40 degrees without supplies, it will be impossible for them to survive!"

After looking through the telescope at the place where these people were trading for a while, Sumo shook his head, showing no interest at all.

The transaction volume of thousands of people is not small, and the throughput is very high.

But right now, these supplies, even if they are all brought back to the territory of origin, are not enough to feed 30,000 people for a day.

What's more, considering that many of them came in with their own supplies to sell, they were not obtained by bandits.

It is unjustifiable to confiscate their supplies and use them to fill holes in the territory of origin.

"One general was so incompetent that he killed the three armies!"

Sumo cursed bitterly, thinking of the Sun Bahu he saw yesterday, Sumo was quite speechless.

He finally understood how these idiots with no brains managed to smuggle supplies out of the city for trade without being discovered.

It is obvious that just designing a few inspection procedures or checkpoints can avoid the problems that occur, so why can they still happen so easily?

Now he understands.

This Sun Bahu is indeed forcibly pretending to be a tall and glorious lord.

But this disguise is not a forced disguise because he was coerced by others, but it is something he did because he wanted to show such an image to others.

Sumo had doubts in his mind before.

Why did this group of remnants of the Yan Kingdom not immediately clear out the foreign enemies after coming out of the ruins to kill, but instead hurried to the origin territory to seize power without even cleaning the battlefield.

Why after seizing control of the territory, they did not implement other policy measures, but the first thing they did was to arrest the lords of the various territories, which is extremely strange.

Even after becoming the lords of everyone, even though they had the experience of surviving in the wasteland and the foundation of the Yan Kingdom, they did not change the entire Origin Territory for the better. Instead, they implemented the stupid idea of ​​Origin Currency.


Later, materials in the territory were stolen and traded.

All of this would be too self-contradictory if you imagine the protagonists to be those old antiques from Yan Kingdom who can seal themselves away until the next round of the game.

But if the protagonist were replaced by Sun Bahu, an ordinary person who most likely got the weapons and equipment due to good luck.

"Same as Tianmin said, this time, it seems that I really preconceived the idea and thought too much!"

"The group of people who came out of the ruins are most likely not the remnants of the Yan Kingdom, but Sun Bahu and his party who have obtained weapons and equipment."

"Only in this way can all the stupid behavior that happened behind this be explained!"

Think of this.

Somo slammed his right fist onto the ground, and murderous intent surged out.

It's like a child taking an adult's mobile phone and recharging hundreds of thousands in mobile games without any restraint.

Without any growth in character, undergoing painful training, but suddenly gaining strength, ordinary people simply cannot suppress the desires in their hearts.

At the same time, catalyzed by the apocalyptic environment, these desires may just be a small sign at the beginning.

But as time goes by, it may develop to an extremely terrifying level in a short period of time!

This chapter has been completed!
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