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Chapter 654 A difficult choice, a test about human nature!

Sun Bahu's imagination of a scene where everyone holds a bowl of hot broth and chants his name loudly could not come true in the end.

Although he planned well and thought well.

But when it comes to actual implementation, the rotten foundation of the origin territory still shows its huge destructive power.

At early ten o'clock at night, under the urging of the curfew.

Sumo stood by the window and saw countless ordinary people who were cursing and hungry, but dared to be angry and dare not speak out, walking away from the center of the territory and towards the mountains where they lived.

Obviously, not only did these people not receive tonight's broth, but the so-called distributed materials were probably just a pitiful "origin coin".

In a sense, this day's hard work is equal to...

All for nothing!

"It's going to be bad. There's such a drama tonight. I'm afraid Sun Bahu himself will feel a little cold."

"If I guess correctly, he will probably run away directly the day after tomorrow at the latest and leave the origin territory with a large amount of supplies."

Sumo closed the window and looked unusually serious.

The interrogation during the day had given him a thorough understanding of how much material the group had moved.

Not surprisingly, those placed in the warehouse can only account for 30% of all supplies at most, and the remaining 70% were taken to the secret trading realm and secretly transferred by this group of people.

Judging from the base of 30,000 people, this is not a small sum.

Even if all the supplies in one's own territory are added up, it can be enough to make up for the loopholes this time.

Judging from Sun Bahu's reaction during the day, after wiping out this wave of people, he still didn't want to give up his origin territory and run away directly.

There is a high probability that he has some "private money" in his hand and can try to make up for 70% of the loss and persist through this major cooling disaster.

But after tonight, it was such a heartbreaking scene.

As long as Sun Bahu is not a fool, I am afraid that the only choice left to him is to take the remaining supplies and leave first.

After this disaster is over, those who survived will be recruited into another identity in order to make a comeback.

As for the ordinary people who lack supplies and the ordinary refugees who work strictly according to the rules in this process.

They can only be forcibly sacrificed!

"Director, why don't we withdraw first? If Sun Bahu runs away directly, I'm afraid this place will soon become a lawless place."

"We stay here. Although we are not afraid of these people coming to rob us, at any rate," Sumo thought carefully, and Feng Tianmin behind him suddenly said.

"Withdraw?" Sumo turned his head.

"The resources of thirty thousand people disappeared overnight, the Origin coins in their hands turned into ordinary pieces of iron, and soon there was another horrific cooling disaster."

"With all the nests in the house, how can there be any eggs?"

"I'm afraid those beasts who are still occupying ordinary people tonight don't know that in a day or two, the butcher's knife will fall directly on their heads!"

"But on the other hand, those of us travelers who are still staying in the territory may become fat sheep in the eyes of some people. If we stay here, there will still be danger!"

Opening his mouth, Feng Tianmin wanted to say directly that with the current strength of everyone, even if he continued to stay here, he would only be a witness to a disaster and tragedy, and would not be able to make any effective response at all.

But in the end, he stopped thinking about saying that and instead used more euphemistic language to express his thoughts.

The shortfall of thirty thousand people is not three thousand or three hundred.

When it comes to the number of 10,000, even if each person only consumes one kilogram of grain per day, 30,000 kilograms will be needed to satisfy it.

The duration of ultra-low temperature is a total of 120 hours, as many as five days.

In these five days, according to the minimum standards, at least 150,000 kilograms of food need to be provided.

This number, even if placed in the Tianyuan territory and in the Hope Village in the depression, is also a terrifying number that wipes out the family's wealth.

No one will bear it, and no one can bear it, not even the human Su Shen!

"Director, let's go. Those people tonight are not worth saving at all!"

"This kind of beast who is still thinking about seeking personal gain and oppressing ordinary people in the wasteland of the apocalypse will be a disaster if he is brought back to our territory!"

Seeing Somo's thoughtful expression, Feng Long also advised him.

Immediately, Guan Yu settled down behind him, and also tried to persuade him. He probably meant that it was useless to stay here. It was better to go back to Shanyue Territory and wait until the disaster was over, then come here to gather the survivors.

In this way, it can be regarded as a good thing done, and it is completely justified psychologically.

"Okay, I will think about it, so you three can go back first. You have been busy all day yesterday and didn't sleep until today."

"Let's all have a good sleep tonight and stop thinking about these troublesome things."

He forced a smile and looked at the expressions of the three people who wanted to say something. He waved his hands and lay on the bed.

With such a performance, the three of them could not say much, so they had to stand up and quietly leave with the mechanics on the ground.


The door was opened and then closed gently, and for a while the room became quiet again.

On the branches of the moon, the clouds parted.

For most of the refugees in the territory of origin, tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

The extremely high air humidity was injected into the bedding, exuding waves of dampness.

The exhaustion of energy brought about by strenuous physical exertion during the day meant that although tonight's night was not extremely cold, it felt biting to the body.

Coupled with the psychological pressure caused by the impending horror of the great cooling disaster.

Even if many people lie down with their bodies aching, their minds are constantly replaying the difficult situations they faced during past disasters.

The more this territory, where tens of thousands of people gather, develops, the more it seems to deviate from their original imagination.

At first, during the union, the place was prosperous.

House addition, territory construction, mountain repair, land construction.

I watched as patches of farmland were opened up from the valley with both hands, and some cold-resistant wild vegetables were planted and began to grow vigorously.

I also saw groups of immigrants settling here with unimaginable supplies, trading, food, food and accommodation, which greatly promoted the flow of resources.

Everyone dreams that in the next year, they will be able to accumulate enough food for at least half a year and have an extremely strong safe house.


The duration of this fantasy was too short, just like watching a movie and ending in the blink of an eye.

Starting from the original dozen or so main peak lords, they began to die, disappeared, and were wanted.

Later, Sun Bahu came to power and implemented various policies.

Finally, the heavy snowfall that we experienced just a few days ago ended.

The great prospects before have been almost completely destroyed in just a short time.

Corruption, corruption, oppression, deception.

There were originally blooming flowers, but at this time, these ugliness have surfaced more and more.

Just because of the uneven distribution of a bowl of broth, it was like detonating a dynamite keg in people's hearts, causing all the resentment and resentment that had been accumulated in their hearts to come out.

Many people have even started planning to leave here with supplies when this disaster is over and rejoin other territories.

In this atmosphere, I came out at three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Sumo, who was staying in Sanyuan Hotel, suddenly opened his eyes.

I didn't sleep all night yesterday, and the fatigue caused by a busy day during the day, without any other accidents, had recovered in just over four hours.

In this case, you can still sleep if you want to continue sleeping.


"Oh, so sad!"

He sat up and picked up the water bottle placed on the edge of the bed. Somo raised his head and drank half of the bottle of psionic water with a sad look on his face.

Strictly speaking, he is not the Virgin who must save anyone she sees, nor is he a cold-blooded executioner.

Just like most young Chinese people.

Although everyone talks about this and that, when the time comes to save people, they will basically lend a helping hand to those who can be saved.

There are indeed many hateful things in the origin territory.

But using these people to cover up all the ordinary people who work hard and work hard, how can we talk about fairness?

If you really don't do anything, wait until this disaster is over.

Even if there are still many people alive in the origin territory, these people are not the ones at the bottom and the most willing to give.

Bringing these surviving people back to their own territory, let alone other things, is just a possible follow-up risk that is difficult to accept!

"Now there are only the last three days left, and there is no time for me to screen out what kind of people these people are."

"Furthermore, the supplies I have in hand are not enough for 3,000 people, let alone 3,000 people. I can only maintain a scale of about 1,000 people until I die."

"Any more, I'm afraid we will have to ask for help from Feng Mengyue's Shanyue Territory."

Sumo had also expected this worst-case scenario before, where it would be difficult to take care of both ends, but it was only after this happened that he felt troubled.

The distance between the origin territory and my own territory is really too far.

Even if everyone has gone through it now and gained experience, if they want to go back from here, it will take at least ten days.

Back and forth, this is half a month.

Where can I find time for half a month now?

Thinking of this, Sumo shook his head and completely eliminated the idea of ​​bringing resources from the territory.

If you don't want to ask for a system, let's see if the extremely mysterious system can open up that unique perspective and ingest a batch of materials from the air like before?

Thinking of this, Sumo tried to exhale the system interface and whispered softly.

But it's a pity that the system failed to respond to the previous requests to go back and take a look. Now, how can the system respond to this request to directly ingest supplies?

No matter how many times Somo called, only water waves floated on the light blue interface, and no other response came out.

have to!

This road is also blocked!

Close the panel.

After pondering for a moment and unable to think of any other good solutions, Sumo simply walked to the window, gently opened the window and looked outside.

One day's heavy rain finally washed away the stench caused by not cleaning up in time in the origin territory.

Apart from a little mud, there is very little trace of garbage on the entire street.

The dim light of the fire spread from far to near, and from time to time, several trembling guards holding torches and weapons walked by, taking away the deserted streets.

After a busy day, on this cold night, the guard enforcing the curfew was obviously extremely tired and completely lost his usual energy.

Under such lax guarding, Sumo thought for a while, then jumped from the window and landed lightly on the mud, leaving two deep footprints.

Use the tip of your shoe to wipe it randomly a few times to eliminate traces of your departure.

Soma easily followed the guard who had just left, and in just a moment he arrived at the west gate of the Origin Territory.

Last night, after leaving the east gate where Huang soldiers were on duty, there was a wilderness covered with snow.

But going up from the west gate, you can see the peaks in the origin territory where people of all sizes live.

Because he has a lot of information in his hands, even if it is the first time for Sumo to set foot here, he is not unfamiliar at all.

Familiarly, he went out from the side and bypassed the guard at the gate. Following the first mountain peak that was very close at hand, Soma touched it gently like a ghost in the dark night.

On the way, after judging some terrain and features, Somo learned the name of this mountain peak.

The seventh peak of the Origin Territory, the Turning Peak.

The top of the mountain is 370 meters high. There are 279 small residential buildings on it, with a total population of 2,170.

Compared with snow-capped mountains, climbing such a mountain is as easy as eating and drinking for Somo.

In less than an hour, Soma went up from bottom to top and back from top to bottom.

At this time, the time has reached around five o'clock, and a faint light has lit up in the sky, which means that dawn is coming.

In a hurry, we found the fourth peak before Marshal Wang, Jiuqu Peak.

Sumo climbed up with ease, and based on his experience in exploring the Turning Peak, he carefully checked the status of everyone on the Jiuqu Peak.

This time, Sumo saw very carefully.

It was not until early six-thirty, when the sun was already on the edge of rising, that he returned to the foot of Jiuqu Peak and followed the old road back to the Sanyuan territory.

He sat down at the table again, poured out a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp.

This night, although it was only a few hours, the scenes he saw brought great shock and touch to him.

Standing outside the window of a house.

He saw countless middle-aged men who were so hungry that they couldn't sleep and had to put tree bark in their mouths to deceive their senses of taste and smell.

I saw a young man who only had one set of clothes, which were soaked by the rain during the day, and could only hide naked under a thin spring quilt at night, shivering, and his face was ashen.

He saw the young girl who should have been enjoying her youth in college, but now she could only huddle in the corner with her mother, looking forward to the arrival of the day.

He has also seen too many ordinary people who were driven to the point of collapse because of this disaster, because of this sudden game.

at the same time.

Along the way, Sumo also heard too much about human suffering.

Many people were lying in bed because they couldn't sleep. They whispered with the people around them and planned to wait until the temperature cooled down to take out all their current belongings and spend all their money to buy seeds to plant and wait for the harvest time.

There are also many people who are too hungry and imagine that Lord Sun Bahu will be kind tomorrow and give out another broth to those who haven't drunk it yet.

But if they were to know, more than 70% of the supplies they had in their territory would have been emptied by now.

The remaining 30% will most likely be taken away by Sun Bahu.

I'm afraid that before the damage caused by this disaster has completely come to these people, this early psychological shock can take away half of their lives!

"Save or not?"

Looking at the ray of sunshine scattered in front of his desk, Sumo laughed the moment this idea came up.

Sometimes, there are problems that really don’t need to be said.

Because the moment I asked the question, I actually already had the answer in my heart.

Sumo doesn't expect to be able to save everyone.

But as long as one more person survives, there may be one more loyal citizen in his territory in the future.

The rewards of such efforts are completely worth it!

This chapter has been completed!
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